There are some 11 Jewish Democrats in the House. If they remain without vigorously and effectively protesting the filth that spews from Omar’s mouth, then they shall be forever condemned by history.Rabbi Meir Kahane – he was a great man and is deeply missed, although maligned by many – once wrote that. “Turning the other cheek has never worked.”
He was correct, and as Jews we were never meant to practice such a Christian belief, which ironically was nearly always absent during the centuries of internecine warfare which racked Europe’s Christian nation states. But too often, Israeli responses to Palestinian Arab aggression have been just that.
Bombing empty buildings in Gaza. Warning the hate-filled Arab terrorists, who call themselves Palestinians, to remove themselves to safety from buildings before bombing them. Enduring the most unspeakable and relentless Palestinian Arab terror and responding to it with velvet gloved hands. None of this works and must end. And so it is when dealing with anti-Semitism. If there is silence and weak response, Jew and Israel hatred grows with amazing speed.