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Ocasio-Cortez Declines to Denounce Maduro By Mairead McArdle


Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Monday declined to denounce socialist Venezuelan dictator Nicolás Maduro, calling the country’s current crisis a “complex issue.”

At a press conference to mark the opening of her first congressional office in Queens, the freshman Democrat was asked about the “Venezuelan crisis” and her willingness to “denounce the Maduro regime.”

“Yeah, so I think that this is absolutely a complex issue,” Ocasio-Cortez began. “I think it’s important that we approach this very carefully.”

The congresswoman said she is “absolutely concerned with the humanitarian crisis that’s happening,” adding that it is important that “any solution that we have centers [on] the Venezuelan people and centers [on] the democracy of Venezuelan people first.”

“I am very concerned about U.S. interventionism in Venezuela and I oppose it,” she said, explaining that she particularly opposes the leadership of U.S. Special Envoy to Venezuela Elliott Abrams, who is known for pleading guilty to two misdemeanor counts of withholding information from Congress during the Reagan administration’s Iran-Contra scandal. President George H.W. Bush pardoned Abrams in 1992.

7 Reasons 2019 Is Already A Terrible Year For Trump’s Opponents In spite of a seemingly unstoppable alliance among media, bureaucrats, the House, and Never-Trumper Republicans, the left appears destined to extract defeat from jaws of victory by Adam Mill


January seems so long ago. Back then, the air crackled with the excitement and buzz as Democrats took the House with sassy exclamations of imminent impeachment. Politico published “The Only Impeachment Guide You’ll Ever Need.”

Yet, in spite of a seemingly unstoppable alliance among the media, the House of Representatives, a network of sympathetic judges, embedded bureaucrats, and Never-Trumper Republicans, the left appears destined to surgically extract defeat from the wide-open jaws of victory. Bombshell after bombshell fizzled.

2019 is shaping up to be a horrible year for the Democrats, and the hits just keep coming. Let’s take a closer look at the bad news for Democrats.
1. Trump Got Himself More Slats in the Wall

Remember when George H. W. Bush shut down the government to avoid reneging on his promise, “Read my lips, NO NEW TAXES”? Me neither. After House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was spotted prematurely celebrating what, at the time, appeared to be a reprise of Bush 41’s humiliating acceptance of a deal to break his signature campaign pledge, it turned out that the 45th president was not such an easy touch.

President Donald Trump baited the Democrats into a shutdown fight over the wall and emerged with enough funding to demonstrate a tangible victory over Pelosi’s insistence on no more than $1.

Kamala Harris gains momentum among Democrats with proposal to legalize prostitution By Seth McLaughlin


Decriminalizing prostitution — an idea gaining momentum among some Democrats, including at least one 2020 presidential contender — may one day be traced back to the hookers plying their trade under the elevated train along New York City’s Roosevelt Avenue.

That open-air market of prostitutes and johns in Queens, undeterred by the constant threat of arrest and incarceration, has been cited by New York state lawmakers mulling whether it’s time to wave the white flag in the war on the world’s oldest profession.

The decriminalization debate among Democrats spilled into the 2020 presidential race last month when Sen. Kamala D. Harris of California said she was supportive of the idea — although the legalization crowd complained that she was still too timid.

It was less than a decade ago that the Democratic Party embraced same-sex marriage and just three years ago that it formally adopted a platform plank to legalize marijuana. Rep. Raul M. Grijalva of Arizona, chairman emeritus of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, said decriminalizing sex work is on “that same trajectory.”

President Trump’s approval rating continues to climb William Cummings


President Donald Trump’s job approval numbers continue to climb, according to the RealClearPolitics average of polls.

After an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll published Monday put Trump’s approval rating at 46 percent among registered voters, his RCP average rose to 44.4 percent, his highest mark since October 2018 following the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

Trump’s highest RCP average of his presidency was 46 percent, just after his inauguration. Two months later, it dropped below 44 percent and stayed there, only briefly returning above that level in May, June and October of 2018.

Despite that improvement, the numbers still indicate the president is vulnerable heading into the 2020 election.

The NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll found that 41 percent of registered voters plan to vote for Trump while 48 percent said they plan to vote for whoever ends up becoming the Democratic candidate. By contrast, at about this point in former President Barack Obama’s presidency, 45 percent of voters said they planned to vote for Obama while 40 percent preferred a generic Republican candidate.

Biden Apologizes for Calling Mike Pence a “Decent Guy” There is no room for decency in the DNC. Daniel Greenfield


The Party of Hate will tolerate no decency.

Former Vice President Joe Biden on Thursday clarified that “there is nothing decent about being anti-LGBTQ” after he took fire from usually friendly sources over calling Vice President Pence a “decent guy.”

“There is nothing decent about being anti-LGBTQ rights, and that includes the vice president,” Biden tweeted.

The context was Cynthia Nixon, who has her own anti-Semitism problems, berating Biden for calling Pence a decent guy.

Cynthia Nixon: .@JoeBiden you’ve just called America’s most anti-LGBT elected leader “a decent guy.”

Please consider how this falls on the ears of our community.

Biden quickly rushed out to appease the DSA wing of the Dems.

Tehran Joe could have said that while he disagrees with Pence on gay rights, he’s still a decent guy and the way to win over people you disagree with is through outreach. But that’s not an acceptable viewpoint in the Hate Party which believes in the absolute evil of everyone it disagrees with. And so Biden is forced to make the first of what will no doubt be many cringing apologies.

Because there is no room for decency in the DNC.

Who Is Paying for Sandy O? By James Lewis


So, a new star is born!

Not just a pop star, but a D.C. power pop star.


But if we have any political brains, we know perfectly well that miraculous new stars coming out of bartending in the Bronx represent Big Money somewhere. You don’t buy a hot new barrista from the Bronx without a lot of careful stage management, big investments, and payoffs to Nancy Pelosi to back off and let this freshling rise far beyond her actual achievements — and the media, let’s face it, are anti-American.

So we have to ask our own questions and guess at some reasonable answers.

In Hollywood, stars are launched, not “discovered” by magic. They represent huge studio investments. Launch the wrong star, and somebody loses a ton of money. Hollywood is not in biz to lose money.

So here is the puzzle.

Alexandria O-C, AKA Sandy O, is suddenly rising to high headline status, followed by a gazillion Twitter-heads, including some actual human beings, perhaps, and it all happened with amazing speed.

Is Dan Crenshaw (R-TX District 2)the Future of the GOP? The right’s newest young star in Congress offers a vision for the party somewhere between Trumpism and NeverTrumpism. But it’s not easy walking the line in Washington. By John McCormack


NATIONAL HARBOR, Maryland—It’s 4 p.m. on Wednesday, the first day of the 2019 Conservative Political Action Conference—not exactly a prime speaking slot—but a standing room-only crowd has gathered to hear from freshman Congressman Dan Crenshaw. While we wait for the 34-year-old Texan, who is running late due to a vote in the House, the first person I talk to at the back of the Eastern Shore meeting room is Jacob Foster, an 18-year-old high-school student at Gann Academy outside Boston, who is attending CPAC for the third time in his young life. Foster is something of an endangered species at the conference: a conservative who likes a lot of the policies advanced by President Donald Trump yet doesn’t intend to vote for him in 2020 because of Trump’s character. But Crenshaw gives Foster hope.

“The glaring difference is he’s not facing accusations of sexual assault, he hasn’t had three marriages, he didn’t dodge the Vietnam draft,” Foster says. “On policy issues, there are meaningful differences. On trade, he’s not as quick to use tariffs.”

When Crenshaw arrives, the former Navy SEAL speaks about how to inspire “people back home” to embrace conservative values—personal responsibility, limited government, virtue, liberty—over a culture of outrage.

Adding to Social Insecurity House Democrats propose to increase the entitlement burden.


Memo to young workers: The Democrats you recently elected want to raise Social Security benefits for retirees while taxing you more to pay for it. Too bad they didn’t tell you about this last year when they were running against Donald Trump. Among the many tax increases Democrats are now pushing is the Social Security 2100 Act sponsored by John Larson of House Ways and Means. The plan would raise average benefits by 2% and ties cost-of-living raises to a highly generous and experimental measure of inflation for the elderly known as CPI-E. The payroll tax rate for Social Security would rise steadily over two decades to 14.8% from 12.4% for all workers, and Democrats would also apply the tax to income above $400,000.

More than a million paid out in California state sex harassment suits, and Kamala Harris recalls nothingBy Monica Showalter


Kamala Harris, who’s running for president on a vehement #MeToo platform as a Democrat, sure has a lot of memory problems.

It’s not just the $400,000 the state had to shell out based on the disgusting sex harassment behavior of her top lieutenant, Larry Wallace, her handpicked director for the division of law enforcement at the state attorney general’s office, which is quite a whopper in itself. It’s the $700,000 in more California taxpayer payout money for the sex-harassing activities of her other lieutenants. The Los Angeles Times reports that it did a search of public records and found that the total payout tally was $1.1 million. I am going to assume that includes the $400,000 payout from Harris’s wingman Wallace, although the report doesn’t say. Here’s the L.A. Times opener:

The California Department of Justice paid more than $1.1 million to settle claims with employees who alleged they were sexually harassed or retaliated against by co-workers during the tenure of then-state Atty. Gen. Kamala Harris from 2011 to 2017, according to documents obtained by The Times.

Rep. Ilhan Omar: Anti-Semitic to the Bone By Rick Moran


Rep. Ilhan Omar is once again under fire for using an anti-Semitic trope about the “dual loyalty” of supporters of Israel.

It’s beginning to look like her anti-Semitism is embedded so deeply that she has no conscious thought about Israel and Jews that doesn’t drip with Jew-hatred.

She said this during a town hall meeting in Washington:

What I’m fearful of — because Rashida [Tlaib] and I are Muslim — that a lot of our Jewish colleagues, a lot of our constituents, a lot of our allies, go to thinking that everything we say about Israel to be anti-Semitic because we are Muslim.

Not everything. Just those things you say that are blatantly anti-Semitic.

To me, it’s something that becomes designed to end the debate because you get in this space of – yes, I know what intolerance looks like and I’m sensitive when someone says, “The words you used, Ilhan, are resemblance of intolerance.” And I am cautious of that and I feel pained by that. But it’s almost as if, every single time we say something regardless of what it is we say… we get to be labeled something. And that ends the discussion. Because we end up defending that and nobody ever gets to have the broader debate of what is happening with Palestine.