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4 Democrat Conspiracy Theorists Who Should Be Denounced By Matt Margolis


At least 50 House Democrats have called for Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s expulsion from Congress for her alleged embracing of QAnon conspiracy theories. PJM’s Tyler O’Neil recently called on conservatives and Republicans “to condemn Greene’s previous statements on social media and demand an explanation for them.”

I’m not here to condone anything she has said in the past. The problem is that unless those calling for her to be removed from office apply the same standard amongst Democrats, you won’t get me to endorse any punitive action against her. Some of her allegedly violent rhetoric isn’t all that dissimilar to the rhetoric we’ve heard from Democrats about Trump. Congressman Bill Pascrell (D-N.J.)  accused Trump of committing “innumerable crimes against the United States,” including “treason.” Rep. Seth Moulton (D-Mass.) accused Trump of treason over the debunked Russian bounties story. Many other Democrats, including pundits, activists, and the media, have accused Trump of treason for various things. Death is, by federal law, an accepted punishment for treason.

But forget that, I could pick a Democrat in Congress at random and find something repulsive about him or her that has equal if not more justification for their removal. Rep. Ilhan Omar’s views on 9/11 and her blatant anti-Semitism, in particular, come to mind. And how many times was Ted Kennedy reelected to the U.S. Senate after killing a woman?

But I digress. Violent rhetoric from the left is a topic for another time. As for Marjorie Taylor Greene’s embrace of conspiracy theories, Democrat “outrage” aimed at her is the epitome of hypocrisy. Democrats have plenty of conspiracy theorists amongst their ranks that somehow never get called out by their own party or the media.

Ex-Bush Officials Flee the Party of Reagan and Trump They’re following the cult of the GOP establishment instead. Jeffrey Lord



And the GOP Establishment’s reaction to the idea of Reagan as a GOP presidential nominee? Not to mention the liberal media’s reaction? I described it here in The American Spectator in 2015, saying this:

New York Times: “Reagan’s candidacy is ‘patently ridiculous.’ ”
New York Times: “The astonishing thing is that this amusing but frivolous Reagan fantasy is taken so seriously by the news media and particularly by the President [Gerald Ford]. It makes a lot of news, but it doesn’t make much sense.”
New Republic: “Ronald Reagan to me is still the posturing, essentially mindless and totally unconvincing candy man that he’s been in my opinion ever since I watched his first try for the Republican nomination evaporate in Miami in 1968.”
New Republic: “Reagan is Goldwater revisited…. He is a divisive factor in the party.”
Harper’s magazine: “That he should be regarded as a serious candidate for President is a shame and an embarrassment for the country at large to swallow.”
Chicago Daily News: “The trouble with Reagan, of course, is that his positions on the major issues are cunningly phrased nonsense — irrationality conceived and hair-raising in their potential mischief…. Here comes Barry Goldwater again, only more so, and at this stage another such debacle could sink the GOP so deep it might never recover.”
Time: “Republicans now must decide whether he represents a conservative wave of the future or is just another Barry Goldwater calling on the party to mount a hopeless crusade against the twentieth century.”
Newsweek: Ronald Reagan is “a man whose mind and nerve and mediagenic style have never been tested in Presidential politics and may not be adequate to the trial.”
National Review (a conservative magazine): “Reagan’s image remains inchoate.… At the outset of his campaign, his image is largely that of the role-playing actor — pleasant on stage, but ill-equipped for the real world beyond the footlights. Reagan does not yet project the presidential image. He is not seen as a serious man.”
Manchester Union-Leader (a conservative New Hampshire paper): Reagan “lacks the charisma and conviction needed to win.”
Pravda, the official newspaper of the Soviet Union: Reagan is a “dinosaur from the ‘cold war.’… It is strange that there are still fish in the sea that are tempered by this putrid bait.”

That was just the Establishment media. Next up were the icons of the Establishment Republican Party of the day.

The Ripon Society: “The nomination of Ronald Reagan would McGovernize the Republican Party.”
Vice President Nelson Rockefeller: Reagan is “a minority of a minority” who “has been taking some extreme positions.”
New York’s Republican Sen. Jacob Javits: Reagan’s positions are “so extreme that they would alter our country’s very economic and social structure and our place in the world to such a degree as to make our country’s place at home and abroad, as we know it, a thing of the past.”
Illinois Republican Sen. Charles Percy said Reagan’s candidacy was “foolhardy” and would lead to a “crushing defeat” for the Republican Party. “It could signal the beginning of the end of our party as an effective force in American political life.”
Former President Gerald Ford: “I hear more and more often that we don’t want, can’t afford to have a replay of 1964.” If the Republican Party nominates Ronald Reagan “it would be an impossible situation” because Reagan “is perceived as a most conservative Republican. A very conservative Republican can’t win in a national election.” Asked if that meant Ford thought Reagan can’t win, Ford replied to the New York Times: “That’s right.” The Times story went on to observe that Ford thought “Mr. Reagan would be a sure-loser in November” and that Reagan held “extreme and too-simple views.”

Sound familiar? Of course it does.

Manchin Rejects Harris’s TV Interview in West Virginia: ‘We Need to Work Together’


Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), a key swing vote in the Senate, said he was frustrated by Vice President Kamala Harris giving an interview in his home state of West Virginia, saying he was not notified by the Biden administration beforehand.

“I saw [the interview], I couldn’t believe it. No one called me [about it],” Manchin, considered perhaps the most conservative Democrat in the Senate, told WSAZ. “We’re going to try to find a bipartisan pathway forward, but we need to work together. That’s not a way of working together.”

Manchin was referring to a Senate impasse on the $1.9 trillion COVID-19 package, which includes expanded unemployment benefits and $1,400 stimulus payments.

Dems Press Pelosi to Smuggle Path to Citizenship Into COVID-19 Relief Bill By Rick Moran


Considering the fact that Democrats are abandoning all hope of getting any Republican support in the Senate for Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion pandemic relief package, there is a growing movement to throw all sorts of radical proposals into the bill, which is now almost certain to be rammed through Congress using the reconciliation process.

That means a simple majority in the Senate could mandate a $15-per-hour minimum wage, climate boondoggles, “social justice” schemes, and a host of other proposals the American people were never asked to vote on.

But the biggest outrage being proposed by Democrats is giving a pathway to citizenship for millions of illegal aliens. A hundred House Democrats led by the Hispanic Caucus signed a letter to the House leadership asking that “undocumented essential workers, Dreamers and temporary protected status recipients” be given a path to citizenship in the pandemic relief bill.


“As you continue to work on assembling a COVID-19 reconciliation package and begin work on an economic recovery and jobs package, we urge you to include a pathway to citizenship for essential immigrant workers, Dreamers, and TPS holders, as well as their families,” the group of Democrats wrote in a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Budget Committee Chairman John Yarmuth, shared first with POLITICO.

“The inclusion of these protections is not just a necessity for economic recovery, it is an issue of economic and racial justice for communities that have been the most vulnerable to the crisis and left out in previous relief packages,” they added.

Kamala Harris Sends Joe Manchin and Kirsten Sinema a Not-So-Subtle Message By Rick Moran,


Joe Biden is putting pressure on moderate Democrats in the Senate to follow his lead to enact his agenda. With no margin for error at all in the Senate, the president is sending a not-so-subtle message to West Virginia’s Joe Manchin and Arizona’s Kyrsten Sinema that they better toe the line or suffer the consequences.

The pressure came from Vice President Kamala Harris who made two appearances on local TV stations — one in Arizona and one in West Virginia — to deliver the message.

Fox News:

Whether the Harris interviews were designed to pressure Manchin and Sinema into backing the American Rescue Plan was not immediately clear. Following the TV appearances, White House press secretary Jen Psaki was asked why the vice president chose to address local media in the two states.

“We want to make the case to the American people across the country. … This is a way to do just that,” Psaki said. She added that Harris would likely do more regional interviews in other states.

In her TV remarks, Harris explained the “urgency” of the $1.9 trillion plan that would give out an additional $1,400 in stimulus checks to Americans, expand unemployment insurance, and increase the child tax credit.

The Conservative Purge Isn’t Over, It’s Just Getting Cranked Up


Not quite two weeks ago we noted that Big Tech was settling the family business with its suspensions, bans, and deletions of then-President Donald Trump and as many of his supporters as it could pull into its dragnet. It was only a start. The left wants to wipe the right from the political map as quickly and effectively as possible.

Playing the role this week of Michael Corleone, who in the first of “The Godfather” installments eliminated his families’ enemies, is the Democratic Party. Congressional Democrats are going forward, with the blessing of the new president, whose plea for unity is clearly a sham, with a domestic terrorism bill in both chambers of Congress.

The public is being told the legislation is needed to thwart “the potential threat of more terrorist attacks in Washington and around the country,” says Rep. Brad Schneider, an Illinois Democrat and co-sponsor of the House version. Among other co-sponsors is Rep. Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., who in July denied that Antifa, which was wrecking Portland at the time, even existed.

One lone Democrat stands out among this jihad, and, unfortunately, she’s no longer in Congress. Former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii told Fox News on Friday that should the bill become law, it would undermine “our civil liberties, our freedoms in our Constitution,” while “targeting of almost half of the country.” That half being a collection of Trump supporters, conservatives, Christians, and anyone who refuses to go along with the Democrats’ legislative agenda, surrender to Black Lives Matter intimidation, and yield to the dominant narrative.

Mitch McConnell Needs To Go The Senate Minority Leader no longer represents conservative voters. By David Marcus


Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has done very good service for the American people. His Merrick Garland gambit was one of the riskiest and best political plays in congressional history. He has seated an enormous amount of conservative judges. He deserves our thanks for that.

But he also has to sit down now and let the conservative movement grow into its new form — a form he seems completely opposed to.

McConnell is playing a ridiculous game of footsie with the idea of convicting Donald Trump in his absurd impeachment. It’s a bridge too far and an obvious power play, and he lacks the power to pull it off.

American conservatives know that after Democrats all but cheered on violence and rioting for months, the idea that Trump incited an insurrection is pure nonsense. It’s a lie and McConnell’s parroting of it is disqualifying for leadership.

So why is McConnell playing along with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s charade of impeachment? He thinks he can get the conservative movement back on his and the Chamber of Commerce’s team.

He can’t. If he pushes this impeachment conviction, as he seems to be, he should have no place in Republican leadership. It is nothing short of a betrayal of Republican voters.

I don’t know who McConnell thinks he is appealing to here. It is obvious that conservative voters have not abandoned Trump, even if he has. He seems to think that we will just go back to the pro-war, pro-corporate party he came up in. We won’t. That party was destroyed by Trump and good riddance.

And why did Cocaine Mitch get the opportunity to fill all these judgeships? Why did his Garland gambit pay off? Only because of Trump. Maybe he forgot but Mitt Romney, his buddy in dragging Trump, lost his bid for the presidency in 2012. But luckily for conservatives, Trump won. And yeah, we have a lot of judges to show for it — because of Trump.

Two Wyoming Republicans Announce 2022 Primary Challenges Against Liz Cheney After Impeachment Vote By Debra Heine


Two Wyoming Republicans have filed papers to challenge House Republican Conference Chair Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wy.) in the 2022 primaries following her vote to impeach former President Donald Trump.

Wyoming State Sen. Anthony Bouchard and Rep. and business owner Marissa Selvig both filed statements of candidacy in the 2022 primary election on Wednesday.

Citing Cheney’s recent vote to impeach President Trump, Wyoming State Sen. Anthony Bouchard called her “out of touch” with Wyoming voters.

“Wyoming was President Trump’s best state both times he ran. That’s because Wyoming voters are strong conservatives who want their leaders to stand up for America, defend our freedoms, fight for our way of life, and always put working people first as President Trump did,” Bouchard said in a press release. “Liz Cheney’s long-time opposition to President Trump and her most recent vote for impeachment shows just how out-of-touch she is with Wyoming.”

Bouchard added that Wyoming needs “a voice in Congress” who will stand up to Speaker Pelosi and the radical Democrats in Congress.

Liz Cheney suffers impeachment vote blowback at home: ‘Couldn’t win a primary today for dog catcher’


By S.A. Miller – The Washington Times –

Rep. Liz Cheney’s vote to impeach President Trump put her political future in jeopardy back home in Wyoming, revealed a state GOP official.

Doubts quickly surfaced about her viability in the 2022 GOP primary after she announced her support of impeachment and then led nine other House Republicans on Wednesday in voting to impeach Mr. Trump for inciting the deadly Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol.

“She couldn’t win a primary today for dog catcher,” said Martin Kimmet, chairman of the Republican Party in Park County, Wyoming.

Ms. Cheney, the No. 3 House Republican leader and the daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney, went from a rising star into a political nosedive virtually overnight.

Never Forget These Ten Republican Turncoats Who Voted to Impeach Trump By Matt Margolis


The House of Representatives has voted to impeach President Trump a second time. This time over accusations that he incited an insurrection on the U.S. Capitol. Anyone who watched or read the words Trump spoke on the day can’t say with a shred of honesty that Trump ever incited violence upon the Capitol.

And yet ten Republicans joined with Democrats in their never-ending witch hunt of Trump. These Republicans have seen endless accusations being lobbed at Trump. From accusations of racism to colluding with Russia, or the bogus claim of a quid pro quo with Ukraine… yet they joined in the pile-on. For what? To make nice with the left? What good does being a pawn in their attacks on Trump do? The Senate will never convict him over these absurd allegations. The left will not be better to these Republicans once they’ve outlived their usefulness.

So, here they are. Here’s the list of Republicans who voted with Democrats to impeach Trump over bogus charges.

Rep. Liz Cheney (Wyo.) – GOP Conference Chair
Rep. Anthony Gonzalez (Ohio)
Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler (Wash.)
Rep. John Katko (N.Y.)
Rep. Adam Kinzinger (Ill.)
Rep. Peter Meijer (Mich.)
Rep. Dan Newhouse (Wash.)
Rep. Tom Rice (S.C.)
Rep. Fred Upton (Mich.)
Rep. David Valadao (Calif.)

Remember these names. Don’t give them any money. Support primary challengers in 2022. These people have no business being in the Republican Party when they knowingly go along with a party that has been desperate to impeach Trump and remove him from office since before he even took the oath.