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“Congress should not be a platform for Islamists.”


In this new video, Imam Mohammed Tawhidi delivers a short message from Auschwitz condemning anti-Semitism in the American government – specifically Reps. Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, whom he calls out as “absolute frauds and Islamists.”

“The US Congress should be focusing on serving the American people,” says Tawhidi. “It should not be a platform for Islamists members of the American government to preach their hate against the Jewish people… We should do everything we can to promote peace.”

Don’t miss it!

The Democrats’ Dangerous Gong Show The dire risks of absurdity in politics. Bruce Thornton


Democratically elected people’s assemblies historically have been known for their mediocrity, and the U.S. has been no different. The great champion of American democracy, Alexis de Tocqueville, in 1835 observed, “I was surprised to find so much distinguished talent among the citizens and so little among the heads of the government. It is a constant fact that at the present day the ablest men in the United States are rarely placed at the head of affairs,” a condition that worsens the more democratic the government becomes.

But over the last decade, the ineptitude of our Congressmen has increased dramatically, to the point that today Congress looks like the green room for the Gong Show. The last midterm especially brought to Washington some representatives whose abject ignorance of even basic math is astonishing, and whose embrace of ideas hostile to the American Constitutional order are frightening. More troubling, some of them have become the de facto leaders of the Democrat progressives, the mangy tail that today is wagging the already scrofulous dog. The possibilities for entertainment are many, but so are the dangers to our Republic.

The rising star of this dubious cohort is the toothy, goofy Representative from New York, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Her Mr. Ed grin and exophthalmic stare are ubiquitous on the internet and cable news. AOC–– she has already earned an honorific acronym­––has become the face of the millennial fad of socialism that was given legs by Bernie Sander’s insurgent presidential candidacy in 2016. For Dems obsessed with regaining power and smiting the hated Donald Trump, however, AOC, though too young to run for president, has better optics and publicity than yet another old white guy who has spent his years in the Senate comfortable with the establishment status quo.


De Blasio heads to New Hampshire as he contemplates run for president By SALLY GOLDENBERG

‘This Is My Space’: Kirsten Gillibrand’s Unabashedly Feminist Campaign

Klobuchar dismisses ‘moderate’ label, says she should be seen as ‘progressive’Joseph A. Wulfsohn | Fox News

Kamala Harris Backs Legalization: I Smoked Marijuana, “I Think It Gives A Lot Of People Joy”Posted By Ian Schwartz

Will Sherrod Brown Carry the Blue-Collar Torch in 2020? By Philip Wegmann


In El Paso, Beto O’Rourke Makes It Easy For Trump To Target ‘Extreme’ Democrats By John Daniel Davidson


With Beto O’Rourke as a perfect foil, Trump kicked off his 2020 reelection bid by painting Democrats as ‘outside the mainstream.’

EL PASO, Texas — It was altogether fitting that President Trump’s rally Monday night in El Paso was something of a circus. After all, it was the first official campaign event of his 2020 reelection bid.

The rally had all the trappings of any other Trump rally: itinerant Trump vendors hawking their wares outside the venue, supporters decked out in MAGA gear who traveled from several states away, a handful of angry protesters who managed to sneak signs into the stadium and disrupt things for a minute or two.

But it also had something extra. There were the theatrics of being right on the U.S.-Mexico border while another government shutdown looms over funding for Trump’s border wall. There was also the spectacle of a protest march and counter-rally a few hundred yards away featuring none other than Beto O’Rourke, a likely 2020 Democratic contender.

It was a perfect setting for Trump to draw out the contrasts between his GOP and the Democratic Party heading into the 2020 cycle. On everything from the border wall to abortion to the Mueller investigation to the booming economy and the Democrats’ Green New Deal, Trump presented himself as reasonable and Democrats as extreme.

Watchdog Group Files Fundraising Ethics Violation Complaint Against Gillibrand By Mairead McArdle


A watchdog group filed an ethics complaint on Monday against Democratic 2020 presidential contender Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, saying she violated Senate ethics rules by using improper fundraising methods.

The Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust (FACT) filed the complaint with the Senate Select Committee on Ethics, noting that the New York Democrat sent out a tweet during President Trump’s State of the Union speech inappropriately asking for campaign donations by using footage of herself on the House floor during the speech.

“Chip in $5 so we can put an end to this,” Gillibrand’s tweet said.

The watchdog requested that the committee “immediately investigate” Gillibrand, who announced her run for president last month and vowed to take on institutional racism, corruption and greed in Washington, and special interests.

“Presumably Senator Gillibrand is aware of her ethics violation because she later removed the tweet after raising funds in violation of ethics rules, all of which should be returned,” FACT wrote in its letter.

The Education of Ilhan Omar Democratic leaders rebuke their anti-Israel freshman colleague.


The Democratic Party’s support for Israel has been fraying for years, and some new Members of Congress seem willing to indulge in arguments that border on the anti-Semitic. So kudos to House Democratic leaders who slapped down one of their own, freshman Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar, for her ugly comments.

“Legitimate criticism of Israel’s policies is protected by the values of free speech and democratic debate that the United States and Israel share,” said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other House Democratic leaders in a joint statement on Monday. “But Congresswoman Omar’s use of anti-Semitic tropes and prejudicial accusations about Israel’s supporters is deeply offensive. We condemn these remarks and we call upon Congresswoman Omar to immediately apologize for these hurtful comments.”

The leaders are trying to put out a firestorm that erupted after Ms. Omar claimed on Twitter that her colleagues defend Israel for the money, writing, “It’s all about the Benjamins baby.” When asked who she thinks is “paying American politicians to be pro-Israel,” Ms. Omar named the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, or Aipac, which doesn’t donate to political candidates, though it does urge U.S. support for Israel.

Report: Tlaib Once Wrote Op-Ed for Anti-Semitic Farrakhan Outlet By Jack Crowe


Representative Rashida Tlaib (D., Mich.) wrote an op-ed in 2006 for Louis Farrakhan’s digital publication Final Call, which routinely publishes anti-Semitic content, according to a new report from freelance journalist Jeryl Bier.

Tlaib argues in the op-ed, which is dated October 4, 2006 and was resurfaced by Bier, that illegal immigrants shouldn’t face criminal charges or be deported for violating immigration law.

Farrakhan, the leader of the Nation of Islam, has long been known as an outspoken anti-Semite. In February 2006, months before Tlaib’s piece was published, he accused Jews of promoting homosexuality in order to harm the African-American community.

“These false Jews promote the filth of Hollywood that is seeding the American people and the people of the world and bringing you down in moral strength. . . . It’s the wicked Jews, the false Jews, that are promoting lesbianism, homosexuality. It’s the wicked Jews, false Jews, that make it a crime for you to preach the word of God, then they call you homophobic,” he said during his Saviour’s Day speech on February 26, 2006.

Dem. Leaders Demand Omar Apologize for Endorsing ‘Anti-Semitic Tropes’ By Jack Crowe…..see note please


Update 3:04p.m.: Omar apologized for her comments in a Monday afternoon tweet.

House Democratic leaders issued a joint statement Monday calling on Representative Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.) to apologize for endorsing the “anti-Semitic trope” that Jewish donors leverage their wealth for nefarious political purposes.

“Legitimate criticism of Israel’s policies is protected by the values of free speech and democratic debate that the United States and Israel share,” read the statement, which was signed by Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, and other Democratic leaders. “But Congresswoman Omar’s use of anti-Semitic tropes and prejudicial accusations about Israel’s supporters is deeply offensive. We condemn these remarks and we call upon Congresswoman Omar to immediately apologize for these hurtful comments.”

Congresswoman Omar’s hatred for Jews now on daily display By Carol Brown


Congressman Ilhan Omar’s anti-Semitism is so virulent that it’s on full display just about every day. The Daily Wire reports:

On Sunday, after Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) displayed her blatant anti-Semitism by tweeting that GOP support for Israel was “all about the Benjamins,” and followed by accusing AIPAC of paying American politicians to support Israel, bipartisan condemnation of her remarks erupted, although no leading Democrats said a word about their colleague’s vile rhetoric.

(“All about the Benjamins” refers to Benjamin Franklin’s face on $100 bills.)

GOP voices expressed disgust, including former U.N. ambassador Nikki Haley, House minority leader Kevin McCarthy, Congressman Lee Zeldin, Senator Ted Cruz, and the Republican Jewish Coalition.

Democratic voices were few and far between. Chelsea Clinton, whose husband is Jewish, is the exception, though her parents remain silent as of this writing.

Democratic leadership remained silent, as they have for months as rampant anti-Semitism is spreading through the party like cancer.

I get the feeling Omar likes this attention and may feel empowered as a female Muslim member of Congress. That seemingly sweet smile isn’t so sweet.

Amy Klobuchar announces her presidential race in a snowstorm By Thomas Lifson


Senator Amy Klobuchar chose an outdoor rally — in Minneapolis in the middle of February — to announce her candidacy for president. Since there are plenty of indoor venues available, almost certainly, she wanted to stand out from the rest of the field and project an image of toughness, albeit leavened by the legendary “Minnesota nice” mode of personality on which she relies for image purposes. It does raise the question of if she knows enough to come inside out of the rain (or snow).

She certainly gets points for resistance to cold and snow — the white stuff visibly accumulated on her head, the podium, and the microphones as she spoke for 11 minutes:

She promises to rejoin the Paris Climate Accord that would impoverish Americans while allowing China and India to build huge numbers of coal-fired electricity generating stations for many years, and she came in for mockery from President Trump for the contrast between warmism and the facts on the ground in Minneapolis in February. In her response, she laid claim to a Minnesotan version of machismo, implying that others lack the strength to endure blizzards.