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Rep. Ilhan Omar, Venezuelan Government Propagandist By Rick Moran

✔ @IlhanMN
A US backed coup in Venezuela is not a solution to the dire issues they face. Trump’s efforts to install a far right opposition will only incite violence and further destabilize the region. We must support Mexico, Uruguay & the Vatican’s efforts to facilitate a peaceful dialogue.

Guaido is “far right”? I suppose when you see anyone to the right of Lenin as “far right” it might seem so.

But Omar, whose connections to the new Somali president would almost certainly disqualify her from getting a security clearance, showed unusual loyalty to the thuggish, socialist regime in Caracas, by accusing Trump of doing the bidding of “multinational corporations.”

Washington Examiner:

“We cannot hand pick leaders for other countries on behalf of multinational corporate interests. The legislature cannot seize power from the President, and Venezuela’s Supreme Court has declared their actions unconstitutional,” the congresswoman tweeted one day later, still referring to the U.S. backing the head of the opposition-controlled Venezuelan congress.

She added: “We can’t afford to get involved in costly interventions abroad when tens of millions struggle to access housing, healthcare, and clean water right here at home. U.S. meddling abroad always ends badly for us, and the people we claim to be ‘liberating.’”

That’s to say nothing of the Venezuelans who struggle to access housing, healthcare, and clean water right now thanks to Maduro.

“If we really want to support the Venezuelan people, we can lift the economic sanctions that are inflicting suffering on innocent families, making it harder for them to access food and medicines, and deepening the economic crisis. We should support dialogue, not a coup!” Omar added. She was referring to sanctions narrowly targeted at specific people in Maduro’s regime.

As the author of the Examiner piece, Beckett Adams, points out, Omar supports the BDS movement. Did she bother to notice that the word “sanctions” is part of the name?

This kind of stupidity is notable because Ilhan Omar is the future of the Democratic party. She is in the vanguard of a new generation of Democrats, schooled in politics by radicals, and possessed of a burning passion for “social justice.”

Texas finds 95,000 non-citizen registrations and 58,000 illegal votes. Imagine California… By Monica Showalter


Democrats and their press allies are always yelling about voter fraud being a miniscule “actually very rare,” practically non-existent thing, a figment of fevered conservative imaginations. But state election officials in Texas have uncovered a whopping 95,000 illegal voter registrations from non-citizens, with more than half – 58,000 – actually casting ballots. Seems the problem is bigger than was imagined, even — on the right. The story is being covered by the mainstream press. WFAA, a big Texas radio station, had this:

About 95,000 non-citizens are registered to vote in Texas, and more than half of those have cast ballots in at least one election, Texas Secretary of State David Whitley announced on Friday.

Whitley’s office, along with the Texas Department of Public Safety, had been investigating possible voter fraud for the last year, according to a news release.

Of the 95,000 non-citizens registered, 58,000 have voted in one or more elections since 1996.

The Secretary of State’s office found those numbers by collecting current DPS data of people who have applied for a driver’s license or state identification card in the last five years with a green card of visa. The investigators then cross-referenced that data with people who are registered to vote.

The Weird Sisters of Congress Edward Cline


The second witch chants :By the pricking of my thumbs, Something wicked this way comes. (Macbeth, Act One, Scene One)

Wikipedia writes:

The Three Witches, also known as the Weird Sisters …are characters in William Shakespeare’s play Macbeth (c. 1603–1607). They hold a striking resemblance to the three Fates of classical mythology, and are, perhaps, intended as a twisted version of the white-robed incarnations of destiny. The witches eventually lead Macbeth to his demise.

Hecate, the Greek goddess of witch craft, is the sponsor or “role model” for the weird sisters. Nancy Pelosi is her 21st century embodiment. What goes on the House of Representatives:

Fair is foul, and foul is fair;
Hover through the fog and filthy air. (Act One, Scene One.

Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn, and cauldron bubble. (Act One, Scene One)

Substitute cauldron with MSM.

The first weird sister, an unrepentant Muslim and “Palestinian”, is the most vociferous and foul-mouthed of the new representatives in the House:

Rashida Harbi Tlaib Is the loudest dog whistler, together with IIlan Omar (D-Mich), and chief spokeswoman for anti-Semitism. She is rapidly anti-Israel. On Thursday vowed to take on President Trump hours after she was sworn in to office, saying before a crowd of supporters, “We’re going to go in and impeach the mothef—er.” The comments from Tlaib came hours after she was sworn in to Congress and on the same day she had an op-ed published in the Detroit Free Press calling for Trump’s impeachment.

Ilhan Omar (D-Minnesota) The hijab-wearing Representative owns an unbridgled record of anti-Semitism.

Commentary remarked:

Freshman Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar trades in a primitive brand of anti-Semitism that’s almost unknown in this country, let alone in Congress. To recap, in 2012, she tweeted, “Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel.” Only last week, the Somali-born Omar defended her tweet during a CNN interview. That’s six years of remorseless bigotry.

Ilhan Omar Endorsed Somalia’s New President. Four Days Later, Omar’s Brother-in-Law Had a Powerful Job in His Administration By David Steinberg

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) became the first Somali-American legislator in United States’ history when Minnesota’s House District 60B elected her on November 8, 2016. The distinction won Omar immediate fame and influence in Somalia, which was entering the final stretch of a critical presidential election of its own.

According to prominent federal security clearance defense attorney Sean Bigley (read below), Omar’s documented actions in the weeks that followed would almost certainly prevent any applicant with such a background from obtaining or keeping a U.S. security clearance.

Ilhan Omar is now a U.S. congresswoman, however. Elected federal officials are exempted from the arduous security clearance process; they hold de facto clearances once sworn in to office. Further, Omar will likely be privy to a significant amount of classified national security information this term. Speaker Nancy Pelosi has granted Omar’s request for a seat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee.


“Corruption … affects virtually every aspect of the Somali society: from public officials’ misuse of public goods for private gain and the solicitation of bribes in exchange for basic services to the clan-based patronage networks used to obtain employment and political appointments.” — Transparency International, 2018

The common hyperbole for describing government corruption — “rampant,” or “endemic” — does not help adequately illustrate Somalia’s recent administrations. “As bad as it gets” does the job, literally: Transparency International, the massive NGO dedicated to exposing public-sector corruption, has placed Somalia dead-last among all nations on Earth in its annual “Corruption Perceptions Index” — for 11 consecutive years. Somalia has occasionally managed to tie, though never outrank, North Korea.

Any significant involvement by a U.S. citizen in Somalia’s election process would likely raise eyebrows at America’s intelligence agencies.

IIhan Omar’s Rise Demonstrates What’s So Twisted About Identity Politics Elected to replace a far-left Democrat for nothing more than her ethnicity, ideology, and sex, Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar exemplifies how identity politics unfolds in real life. Nicole Russell


In the few short weeks she has represented Minnesota’s fifth district in the U.S. Congress, Democrat IIhan Omar has become a controversial figure. She smeared Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) over baseless accusations, garnered national recognition for wearing a hijab in Congress, and has already been placed in a leadership position on the Foreign Affairs Committee.

This inexperienced congresswoman has created a stir despite accomplishing little so far, and her win demonstrates the epitome of identity politics. A close look at her election and subsequent quick rise to fame exemplifies the cautions that accompany such a mistake.
Who is IIhan Omar?

Omar, 36, became an overnight sensation in Minnesota when she became the first Somali-American to serve in the state legislature. After one term, the fellow Muslim set her sights on former Rep. Keith Ellison’s congressional seat. The fifth district is in urban Minneapolis, where Somali-Americans number in the tens of thousands.

Ellison, himself renowned for long ties with anti-Semitism, has been somewhat of a mentor for Omar. Asking voters to replace him with her meant little practical political change in the district. Ellison won nearly 69 percent of votes cast during his 2016 race. In 2018, Omar won about 78 percent of votes, although in Ellison’s race there was an Independent and in Omar’s race there was not.

It’s easier to understand Omar’s ideology when one understands just how similar she is to Ellison. While he is far better known nationally than she is, she is no less liberal.
Ilhan Omar’s Record on the Issues Is Weak

At a candidate forum in August, Omar was asked to clarify her position on the anti-Israel boycott, divestment, sanctions movement. She said, “I believe right now with the BDS movement, it’s not helpful in getting that two-state solution.” After she was elected, however, Omar said she did support BDS.

The Making of Kamala Harris Willie Brown’s protégé is remaking herself as a progressive populist. By The Editorial Board


California Senator Kamala Harris dove into the race for President on Monday, as everyone who knows her expected. Though she’s been a Senator for only two years, the victories by Barack Obama and Donald Trump have shown that ambition beats national experience as a qualification to get to the White House, if not necessarily to succeed as President.

“I love my country and this is a moment in time where I feel a sense of responsibility to fight for who we are,” Ms. Harris declared on Good Morning America. So professes every Democratic aspirant #metoo. Though a longtime member of the Democratic elite, the 54-year-old seems ready to run as a progressive populist.

In her new memoir “The Truths We Hold,” Ms. Harris reminisces about her “close-knit neighborhood of working families who were focused on doing a good job, paying the bills, and being there for one another.” Her Indian grandmother, she notes, was a “skilled community organizer” who took in domestic violence victims and educated women about contraception.

But as progressives like to say, Ms. Harris grew up privileged. Her Indian-born mother was a breast cancer researcher at the University of California, Berkeley, and her Jamaican father was a Stanford economist. Amid the Democratic obsession with identity politics, Ms. Harris’s biracial background will be a selling point.

How the Clinton machine flooded the FBI with Trump-Russia dirt … until agents bit By John Solomon


When at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. That’s what Hillary Clinton’s machine did in 2016, eventually getting the FBI to bite on an uncorroborated narrative that Donald Trump and Russia were trying to hijack the presidential election.

Between July and October 2016, Clinton-connected lawyers, emissaries and apologists made more than a half-dozen overtures to U.S. officials, each tapping a political connection to get suspect evidence into FBI counterintelligence agents’ hands, according to internal documents and testimonies I reviewed and interviews I conducted.

In each situation, the overture was uninvited. And as the election drew closer, the point of contact moved higher up the FBI chain.

It was, as one of my own FBI sources called it, a “classic case of information saturation” designed to inject political opposition research into a counterintelligence machinery that should have suspected a political dirty trick was underway.

Ex-FBI general counsel James Baker, one of the more senior bureau executives to be targeted, gave a memorable answer when congressional investigators asked how attorney Michael Sussmann from the Perkins Coie law firm, which represented the Clinton campaign and Democratic Party, came to personally deliver him dirt on Trump.

Ocasio-Cortez, Tlaib Added to Oversight Committee Before Cohen Hearing By Bridget Johnson


WASHINGTON — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) added a trio of progressive freshmen lawmakers to the powerful House Oversight and Reform Committee, which plans on investigating the executive branch in a number of areas.

Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (N.Y.), Ayanna Pressley (Mass.), and Rashida Tlaib (Mich.) are joining the panel as Pelosi pitched the addition of “outstanding members” on “critical committees, where their fresh vision and powerful voices will be critical.”

Chairman Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) noted that the committee is “the primary investigative body in Congress, and we will address the issues that affect the American people every day while we root out waste, fraud, and abuse.”

“The American people voted for accountability and transparency this past election, and I’m eager to work in a bipartisan manner on behalf of all of our constituents to deliver on these goals,” he said. CONTINUE AT SITE

Teddy Roosevelt Schools Nancy Pelosi on Being American By Eileen F. Toplansky


In April 1894, Theodore Roosevelt, who later became the 26th president of the United States, cogently and with amazing prescience wrote about true patriotism and loyalty to America. To read his words is to understand what is happening to our country.

In the latest encounter with balkanized groups in America, at a March for Life event, Catholic students were beset by a number of people. The vitriol was evident, proving that the latter do not, as Roosevelt stated, “wish to be broadly American and national[.]” This unabated “unwholesome parochial spirit” comes “at the expense of the great nation.” It is clear that this “provincial patriotism” or “inability to take a view of broad adhesion to the whole nation” is the first step to the unraveling of a nation.

Roosevelt noted that the “patriotism of the village … is bad, but the lack of all patriotism is even worse.” He worried that “in the future, patriotism will be regarded not as a virtue at all, but merely as a mental stage in the journey toward a state of feeling when our patriotism will include the whole human race and all the world.”

This is no longer a prediction, but a reality as progressives demand that we eliminate any national pride. Vicious beatings on people who don hats that read “Make America Great Again” bare the stark truth that the left wants to dismantle America’s exceptional values. Then there is the International Court of Justice, or World Court, which ruled on an Iranian request to order Washington to suspend U.S. sanctions against Tehran. In the sports arena, football players who benefit from the largesse of America kneel when the anthem is played as they allege problems but offer no solutions. Clearly, “home” and “country” no longer mean much to these men who throw footballs for a living.

Democrats, Real and Fake By Karin McQuillan


Democrats live in a morality play in which Republicans are the Bad people led by the evil wizard, President Trump. Liberals are mesmerized by this fantasy of America divided into good versus evil, with themselves starring as the heroes. They can’t seem to get enough of it. They love the plotline, that minorities are threatened with being ‘erased’ by microaggressions, that the globe is being destroyed by poisonous CO2, that American democracy is threatened by the would-be dictator and Russian collaborator, President Trump, and his hordes of drooling idiots and Nazi wannabes.

Democrats on the ramparts are fighting for all that is kind and fair. They want to end masculinity, to make women and nonbinary people safe. They want to end capitalism, because, as Pelosi said this January, you cannot have democracy if you have rich people. They want open borders, because whiteness is racist. They want to add two hundred million new Americans, and fast, because that is only kind.

These new Americans will be the right colors (not white), and always vote Democratic, ushering in a new millennium of Democrat rule. The evil monsters will be silenced and cast out of all important professions, social media, and the Thanksgiving table.

It’s hard to believe regular Americans — and that includes blacks and Hispanics — want this destructive nonsense and I don’t believe it. The key to Democrat loyalty is a single, very powerful emotion: Republicans are not like us.

The not like us may be based on race, or for white Democrats, on group identity. Their team has all the decent, smart people in the country. Who would switch to the evil, stupid team? Who would consider their ideas? Who would hire them? Who would talk to them?

The Democrat formula of success with minorities is very simple, very human. It is this: “They don’t like you. Vote for me.”