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Beto Is a Hit and (Chances Are He’ll) Run By Jim Treacher

“But Dems love a Kennedy. Beto might not have the pedigree, but he has the requisite driving skills. And he doesn’t look like a drooling Conan O’Brien.”
Election 2020 is uncharted territory. Nobody in politics has ever known anything, but after 2016, we all know they don’t know anything. We all know there are no rules. These clowns are just making it up as they go along, hoping that enough people will believe their lies over the other tribe’s party’s lies. That’s always been the case, but never before have so many people been so wrong about what Americans want. In 2016 they tried to sell New Coke all over again, and two years later they’re still confused and angry that America didn’t just shut up and choke it down.*

So if the Democrats decide to nominate a guy who has only two notable accomplishments under his belt — getting away with fleeing the scene of a drunk-driving accident, and getting away with transforming himself from a white dude into a Latino — it wouldn’t surprise me. I’m not sure anything can surprise me anymore.**

That seems to be how the Dems are leaning. Alex Seitz-Wald, NBC News:

An early straw poll of members of the progressive group MoveOn.org shows a wide-open competition for liberal voters in the 2020 Democratic presidential contest, with Rep. Beto O’Rourke narrowly beating out former Vice President Joe Biden…

The most popular potential candidate was O’Rourke, D-Texas, who was selected by 15.6 percent of respondents, followed by Biden at 14.9 percent, and then Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., with 13.1 percent.

An elderly plagiarist and an elderly communist, narrowly beaten out by a relatively youthful blank slate upon which libs can project all their hopes and dreams. That might be why some have described Beto as “the white Obama.” Which is an insult. To Obama.

Kamala Harris only got 10 percent, by the way. Which just goes to show that Democrats are both sexist and racist. I will continue to root for her, though. It would be amazing to watch her become the first black woman to be rejected as president of the United States. And Elizabeth Warren only got 6.4 percent, which is just more evidence of the Dems’ prejudice against Native Americans.

But can Kamala or Fauxcahontas do this?

By the way, O’Rourke says he didn’t flee the scene of that 1998 drunk-driving accident, a claim that PolitiFact rated “Mostly False.” That’s a devastating ruling, considering it’s PolitiFact and he’s a Democrat. Their whole job is to twist the truth to benefit his political party, and that’s the best they could do.


Fighting Democrats’ Dirty Politics By Karin McQuillan


The midterms are in the rearview mirror and the chattering classes are back to debating fake collusion with Russia and a looming indictment of the president. Before the midterms, Republican voters were told this election was consequential. After the midterms, we’re told it is just one more split-government election, move along.

I’m not moving along so easily, and neither is my circle of patriotic MAGA friends.

Losing the House of Representatives was a crippling blow on immigration, the cornerstone of the Democrats’ drive to permanent domination. Any hopes of Democrats accepting Trump’s 2016 victory as normal politics is dead, and now they have Congress from which to harry and hobble the president.

Democrats have dehumanized Trump and all his supporters as white supremacists, in order to justify violence against our republican foundations. Since inauguration day they have undermined respect for the presidential election, the Supreme Court, the electoral college, freedom of speech and religion and the right to bear arms. Democrats claim these hallowed institutions are bringing on fascism.

Danger lights should be going off in every decent person’s mind. We are not in a terrain of politics as usual, but in a new and terrifying world of the hard Left.

Democrats justify their crossing every line of normal political behavior in America by manufacturing a Russian crisis out of thin air. The only “crisis” is that Republicans won an election, fair and square.

The Three Rules of Democrat Dirty Politics 101

Beto O’Rourke to Meet with Al Sharpton as He Mulls 2020 Bid By Jack Crowe…see note

A professional huckster’s support is ” integral to up-and-coming Democrats…” ????rsk

Representative Beto O’Rourke (D., Texas) spoke with liberal activist Al Sharpton on Friday to set up a meeting in the coming weeks as he considers mounting a 2020 presidential run, Buzzfeed News reported early Monday.

O’Rourke, who rose to national prominence via an ultimately unsuccessful but competitive midterm challenge to incumbent Republican senator Ted Cruz this year, maintained that he was not interested in the presidency while campaigning, but admitted during a recent town hall that he was open to the possibility of launching a 2020 campaign.

Sharpton — a veteran liberal activist whose support has proven integral to up-and-coming Democrats in recent years — “agreed to meet within the next couple of weeks” with O’Rourke during their Friday call, according to his spokeswoman.

O’Rourke met with President Obama in mid November and, two weeks later, received a glowing endorsement from Dan Pfeiffer, a former Obama aide and co-host of the liberal political podcast Pod Save America.

O’Rourke’s presidential prospects were bolstered last week when former Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick, who previously appeared likely to receive endorsements from Obama and his inner-circle, announced he would not run in 2020.

Too Soon for Democrats To Dump Elizabeth Warren? If lack of authenticity is the problem, 2020 primary voters may wish to consider their alternatives. By James Freeman


President Donald Trump has famously ridiculed Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s claims of Native American heritage. Perhaps more damaging to the Massachusetts leftist as she considers running for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, many natural allies aren’t buying her story either. But before Democrats reject her as a potential leader of their party, they ought to consider the alternatives. She is not the first and won’t be the last politician to make phony autobiographical claims.

In October the senator pretended to be vindicated by a DNA test which suggested a distant Native American ancestor but also left open the possibility that she has less Native American heritage than the average white person in the U.S. By the Warren standard, there are few people who couldn’t claim some connection to a historically oppressed group, which could render such questions meaningless. This column has therefore been doubtful that Ms. Warren can persuade Democratic primary voters to affirm the end of identity politics by selecting her as their presidential candidate.

For now, the political damage to a potential Warren candidacy appears to be significant. Astead Herndon writes in the New York Times:

… nearly two months after Ms. Warren released the test results and drew hostile reactions from prominent tribal leaders, the lingering cloud over her likely presidential campaign has only darkened. Conservatives have continued to ridicule her. More worrisome to supporters of Ms. Warren’s presidential ambitions, she has yet to allay criticism from grass-roots progressive groups, liberal political operatives and other potential 2020 allies who complain that she put too much emphasis on the controversial field of racial science — and, in doing so, played into Mr. Trump’s hands…

Three people close to senior members of Ms. Warren’s team, who were granted anonymity to speak freely on the issue, said they were “shocked” and “rattled” by the senator’s decision to take the DNA test, which they described as an unequivocal misstep that could have lasting consequences, even on 2020 staffing. One former adviser, who also asked not to be named, called it a “strategic failure” that was “depressing and unforgettable.”

Former Warren advisers aren’t the only ones who are not forgetting, according to the Times report:

Twila Barnes, a Cherokee genealogist who has thoroughly tracked Ms. Warren’s claims of native ancestry since it became national news in 2012, said her “jaw was on the floor” when she saw Ms. Warren’s decision to take the DNA test, and the slick video that accompanied the announcement of the results.

Ms. Barnes said Ms. Warren had an opportunity to teach the broader public about how genetic testing has historically been used as a weapon against Native communities, but instead she “helped perpetuate a very dangerous idea.”

What Mazie Knew: Democrats are Just too Darn Smart David Catron

Their agenda is beyond the ken of mere voters.

At the dawn of the information age, when dumb terminals began appearing on desks and the din of dot matrix printers deafened all and sundry, every enterprise of consequence employed a misanthrope charged with the care and feeding of these machines. Occasionally, this reclusive individual reluctantly submitted to questions about the output of the equipment. His response to such impertinent queries usually consisted of word salads heavily seasoned with jargon and topped off with a surly suggestion that it was just too complicated to explain to mere users. This is eerily similar to the way Democrats relate to the voters.

The latest example can be found in a conversation between Slate’s Dahlia Lithwick and Democrat Senator Mazie Hirono. The latter, you will recall, is the Senator from Hawaii who commanded men in general to “shut up” when many of us had the temerity to question the outrageous smear tactics that she and the other Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee deployed in their disastrous attempt to derail the Senate’s confirmation of now-Justice Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. Lithwick asked the Senator, “What is the thing the Democrats need to be saying about why the courts matter? Hirono responded to this as follows:

I wish I had the answer to that because one of the things that we, Democrats, have a really hard time is connecting to people’s hearts.… But we have a really hard time doing that and one of the reasons it was told to me at one of our retreats was that we Democrats know so much, that is true. And we have kind of have to tell everyone how smart we are and so we have a tendency to be very left brain.… That is not how people make decisions.

Before we get to the stunning hubris of that answer, consider the patronizing premise of the question. Lithwick assumes the electorate’s failure to rise up and demand that the Senate stop carrying out its constitutional function with regard to presidential appointments to the Supreme Court is due to its inability to “understand” why the courts matter. It has obviously never occurred to her that the voters actually have quite a firm grasp on the importance of the judiciary and that this is exactly why they want President Trump and a GOP-controlled Senate to determine which jurists will plant their posteriors on the federal bench.

Talking Millennials Out of Socialism Can a generation marked by privilege and arrogance be reasoned with? Bruce Thornton


Writing last week about the new affection for socialism on the part of Millellenials, electoral maven Karl Rove warned us not to ignore or dismiss this enthusiasm. Socialism’s long record of failure “doesn’t mean new forms of socialism can’t gain a following.” Rove’s solution is for Republicans to “do the hard work of updating old arguments,” and “hone their arguments” against socialist policies in preparation for the 2020 presidential race.

Welcome to 2500 years of dubious thinking about the power of rational persuasion and coherent argument to talk people out of bad ideas. It didn’t save Socrates from the hemlock, and it’s unlikely to change the minds of the worst-educated, most self-centered, and most pampered cohort in American history.

This stubborn belief in the power of rational thought and knowledge to improve human life lies at the heart of modern political ideologies like Marxism and progressivism. Both assume that the knowledge useful for politically organizing a state or society is “scientific,” comprising principles and techniques that are beyond ideology and universally true. Hence the need for enlightened technocratic elites to control social institutions and use power in order to rationally arrange human existence more justly and efficiently.

The flaw in this thinking was first identified by contemporaries of Plato, whose Republic imagined a utopia of elite Guardians educated to exercise totalitarian control over society. And the earliest critics of Plato’s flawed assumptions about human nature were likewise Greek writers such as Thucydides and Sophocles. Both argued that a human nature universally subject to irrational passions, free will, and a tragic world would always to some degree triumph over the rational mind.

Yet despite the subsequent millennia in which history has demonstrated that the road to utopia is lined with mountains of corpses, the dream of creating heaven on earth by applying rational techniques of control and improvement over human beings has not lost its allure. In modern times, the decline of faith and the belief in a transcendent reality has made us even more vulnerable to political religions, those delusional visions of human power and will alone able to eliminate the tragic limits of earthly life, such as inequality, suffering, injustice, and violence.

Sen. Hirono: Democrats Have a Hard Time “Connecting” With People Because Of “How Smart We Are” By Ian Schwartz


Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-HI) said Democrats have a difficult time “connecting” with voters because of “how smart we are” that “we know so much.” Hirono was interviewed by journalist Dahlia Lithwick at the ‘Bend Towards Justice’ conference in Washington, D.C. on Tuesday.

“We’re really good at shoving out all the information that touch people here (points to head) but not here (points to heart),” Hirono said of Democrats.

“I’ve been saying it at all of our Senate Democratic retreats that we need to speak to the heart not in a manipulative way, not in a way that brings forth everybody’s fears and resentments but truly to speak to the hearts so that people know that we’re actually on their side,” the Senator said.

“We have a really hard time doing that,” Hirono lamented, “and one of the reasons it was told to me at one of our retreats was that we Democrats know so much, that is true. And we have kind of have to tell everyone how smart we are and so we have a tendency to be very left brain.”

AT’s Richard Baehr explains what happened on November 6 VIDEO


I was not able to attend this year’s Restoration Weekend in Palm Beach, but I heard from a lot of people about the presentation that our chief political correspondent Richard Baehr was a real highlight. He had the unenviable task of following the speech kicking off the program given by Victor Davis Hanson, and did a smashing job of it. He was the lead speaker on what was called the “all-star panel” analyzing the election results.

The other participants, Pat Caddell, Chris Buskirk (editor of American Greatness) and Daniel Greenfield, are among the smartest political thinkers of our time.

Watch for yourself. Richard, as always, cites data in his analysis, and sees things escaping most people.

Early Christmas for Trump: Pelosi Nominated as Speaker Best case scenario for POTUS. By Stephen Kruiser


House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) claimed victory on Wednesday, saying she had won the Democratic nomination for Speaker amid an entrenched rebellion from insurgent lawmakers who pose the starkest threat to her long reign atop the party.

The outcome was no surprise. Pelosi was running uncontested and enjoys widespread support within the liberal-heavy caucus she’s led since 2003.

The much higher bar will come in the first week of January, when the full House meets to choose the Speaker in a public vote requiring a majority of the entire voting chamber. It’s there that the insurgents feel they can block Pelosi’s ascension, even as Pelosi and her allies have projected nothing but confidence that she’ll retake the gavel she lost following the red wave elections of 2010.

Pelosi was a very powerful and effective Speaker the last time she had the gavel. She did more to sell Obamacare than Barack Obama did. In what was surely a bitterly ironic outcome for her, President Obama’s “signature” legislative achievement sent her into minority party exile for eight years.

She was never more vulnerable in her leadership role than after the Republican midterm victories of 2010 and 2014, and she survived both of those. There will probably be a push for new blood in January but Pelosi has already been working overtime to take care of that.

The Obama people haven’t forgotten their debt to her and have already been helping her cause.

Since election night I and many others have said that having Pelosi do a second turn as Speaker may be the best thing for President Trump’s 2020 run. The Democrats are signalling that they won’t be relentlessly focused on badgering the president via investigations and threats of impeachment but is there any reason to believe that after the last two years? CONTINUE AT SITE

Conservatives, Don’t Quit Twitter By Julie Kelly


If you are someone on the political Right who might quit Twitter because it just banned Jesse Kelly, here’s my plea: Don’t.

After the shocking news spread Sunday night that Twitter had deplatormed the conservative influencer for unknown reasons, some conservatives are threatening to leave the social media site. Glenn Reynolds, a.k.a. Instapundit, a law professor and writer who runs a news aggregate site, deactivated his Twitter account hours after Kelly (no relation) was banned. Other critical voices on the Right, including Salena Zito and Mollie Hemingway, said they might follow suit.

I understand why Salena and Mollie would consider leaving Twitter. They’ve both been subjected to bullying and harassment on the platform—even by people who purport to be on the same political side as they are. Anonymous troll accounts quickly can spread vile and hurtful comments about you and your family. Twitter is not a place for the faint of heart.

There’s no doubt that taking a break from Twitter is good for the soul and disposition: Anyone who uses it regularly is aware of how much it can influence your mood. And one ill-advised tweet can not only ruin your day, but your career.

Post-2016 Twitter is a far more hostile place than it was before Donald Trump was elected. Republican lawmakers have been shadowbanned on Twitter, and the company even indulged a petition drive to banish President Trump from the site. Founder Jack Dorsey faced harsh questioning from congressional Republicans earlier this year about his company’s anti-conservative bias.

But, despite its flaws,the reality is that Twitter is ground zero in our ongoing political war. Having utterly failed to infiltrate the country’s one-sided media behemoth, or hold news organizations responsible in any way for their egregious political bias and dishonesty, the Right has no choice but to fight back on Twitter. And for now, there is no other serious alternative or legitimate replacement in the offing.

It is the only public forum where you can instantly call out a journalist for lousy news coverage or condemn a politician for bad behavior. In just the past week, Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) had to walk back his tweet threatening to use nuclear weapons against disobedient gun owners, and Sen. Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii) had to delete a tweet that suggested the use of tear gas at the southern border violated international laws on chemical weapons. Without Twitter, those ridiculous comments would have gone unanswered.