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Democrat Rashida Tlaib Dances with Palestinian Flag at Victory Party

Video of Democrat Rashida Tlaib dancing wearing the Palestinian flag at a victory party emerged Tuesday evening, after she won a largely uncontested race for the open seat in Michigan’s heavily Democratic 13th congressional district.

Tlaib is one of two Muslim women elected to Congress on Tuesday, along with Ilhan Omar, who replaced outgoing Rep. Keith Ellison in Minnesota’s 5th congressional district. Ellison was the first Muslim elected to Congress. Both Tlaib and Omar have extreme anti-Israel views. Tlaib is the first Palestinian-American elected to Congress.In the video, Tlaib delivered a victory speech in which she acknowledged her family watching from abroad in the Palestinian Authority-administered West Bank. She dedicated her victory, in part, to the Palestinian cause: “A lot of my strength comes from being Palestinian,” she said.

After Tlaib won her primary race in August, she published several anti-Israel tweets, and re-tweeted a fan who declared that Tlaib’s “first fight was for Palestine, always Palestine.”

Tlaib explicitly supports the destruction of the Jewish state of Israel and its replacement of a unitary Palestinian state. That position caused her to lose the endorsement of the far-left group J Street — which, while often adopting anti-Israel positions, nominally supports a two-state solution.

One other Palestinian-American was on the ballot on Tuesday: Ammar Campa-Najjar, the grandson of a Palestinian terrorist who was Yasser Arafat’s deputy and was involved in the murder of 11 Israeli athletes at the 1972 Olympics in Munich, Germany, lost in California’s 50th congressional district.

Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News. He is a winner of the 2018 Robert Novak Journalism Alumni Fellowship. He is also the co-author of How Trump Won: The Inside Story of a Revolution, which is available from Regnery. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.

Still the Smartest Guy in the Room By Joan Swirsky *****


Well, whaddaya know? In the midterm elections of November 6, 2018, the American people rewarded the president—for only the third time in almost a hundred years—with a net gain of three and possibly four Senate seats, lost half the House seats that his predecessor lost, and left the radical leftwing Democrats not rejoicing at their meager gains, but still chomping at the bit to bring down the president who has effectively destroyed everything they believed in, worked for, and thought they achieved over the past 75 years.

The Blue Wave that the leftist media has been predicting for a year now turned out to be a blue puddle, with even their most aggressive spokesperson, former House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, making nice and wanting to make deals with the man who sits in the Oval Office. And Republicans still control the Senate and can still boast that President Trump is solely responsible for:

Two rock-ribbed conservative justices on the Supreme Court (for the next 40 years!),
A booming economy,
Sky-high employment of women, blacks, Hispanics, and young people,
A significantly strengthened military,
Equitable foreign-trade deals,
And the beginning of The Wall, which promises to stop the rising tide of illegal aliens and sanctuary cities and the punishing price they cost hard-working Americans.


After President Trump’s annihilating defeat of Hillary Clinton in the November 2016 election—306 decisive Electoral votes to Hillary’s paltry 232—Americans witnessed an unprecedented reaction from what used to be called the loyal opposition. It was not the requisite graciousness of the disappointed loser. Nor was it the anticipated anger and frustration of those who knew their political philosophy and programs were about to be overturned.

Instead, when the new president was elected—and even before that, on the very day in June of 2015 that he announced his candidacy—the Grand Poobahs of D.C. who always considered themselves the smartest guys in the room by virtue of their educations, lofty positions, fancy credentials, grandiose senses of entitlement, and vaunted self-regard, got together and decided that:

They reviled the results of the election and the loss of the prestigious jobs they believed they’d maintain under a Democrat chief executive,
They feared that a Trump administration would discover the vast corruption of the previous Obama regime and act to prosecute the criminals involved,
They believed it was the job of these far-left socialists, communists, and jihadist sympathizers from Obama’s Federal Bureau of Investigation, Obama’s Department of Justice, Obama’s Central Intelligence Agency, Obama’s National Security Council, et al, to destroy the Trump candidacy and, failing that, his presidency.
They resolved to put their brain trust together, their collective professional experiences, and do anything and everything in their power to depose or criminalize or impeach a duly elected President Trump.

And they fervently believed in their ability to actualize this plan because they had already successfully executed a coup d’√©tat only eight years before, ferreting Barack Obama—of dubious American citizenship and the paltriest of credentials—into the core of America’s body politic, concealing his past history, enlisting their reliable media whores to savage anyone who questioned his eligibility and even his very competence, and counting on their Hollywood stooges to use their vaseline camera trick to give the Obama persona a gorgeous glow.

The plot was hatched, and as Rudy Giuliani, one of the president’s lawyers, told TV host Sean Hannity in mid-August, ex-CIA director John Brennan was behind the entire bogus investigation into the alleged collusion of the Trump presidential campaign with Russian operatives.

At State Level, Democrats Are Still Lagging By Rick Moran

“Despite their House takeover, Democrats only picked up a paltry 6 state legislative chambers, leaving Republicans in control of 21 states. ”

Democrats may have taken over the House, but the party didn’t progress much in reversing the decade-long trend of Republican dominance at the state level.

Democrats gained complete control of only four state legislatures, while flipping six chambers. That leaves 61 chambers in Republican control while Democrats are in charge in only 37. (Note: Nebraska’s unicameral legislature is non-partisan.)

National Conference of State Legislatures:

In terms of overall legislative control (both House and Senate), Dems gained control of four on Tuesday. Republicans will control 30 versus the Democrats’ 18 when sessions convene in January. Minnesota is now the only state where legislative control is divided. It’s the lowest number of divided legislatures in more than 100 years, matching 1914 when Montana was the only state with a split legislature.

As for state control, which includes the governor along with the legislature, Democrats went from controlling eight to 14.

The GOP still completely controls 21 state governments with 13 now having divided government and Georgia still undecided.

More facts from NCSL:

No surprise. The party of the president lost seats (and chambers) in this midterm as usual. That’s par for the course—in 28 of the midterm elections held since 1900, that’s been true.
More than 330 seats nationwide shifted from Republican to Democrat. That is short of the typical losses suffered by the party in the White House. The average loss to the president’s party in midterms since 1902 is 424 legislative seats.
Among the six chambers won by Ds were the New Hampshire House, the Maine Senate and the Minnesota House. Those three chambers have been very volatile in recent years. They have all switched party control in four of the last five elections.
The Connecticut Senate went from tied to Democratic control. Since 1900, the Connecticut Senate has changed hands 23 times—more than any other state legislative body in the United States.
No chambers will be tied going into next year’s sessions. At least one legislative chamber was tied from 1966 until 2011, and then Connecticut wound up tied in 2016.
Two top legislative leaders lost their elections, North Dakota House Majority Leader Al Carlson and New Hampshire House Speaker Gene Chandler.
The Republican caucus in the Hawaii Senate took a huge leap forward, from zero members to one.
It is very likely that more women will serve in state legislatures come January than at any point in American history. The numbers are still being crunched.
In the Nevada Assembly, women will hold a majority of all seats—22 out of 42.
As occasionally happens, a legislative candidate passed away shortly before Election Day, but the name remained on the ballot. Nevada brothel owner Dennis Hof, who died Oct. 15, won his race on Tuesday, getting more than 17,000 votes. CONTINUE AT SITE

Exit Polls Show Suburbs as Likely 2020 Battlefield By Adele Malpass


The battleground for the 2020 presidential election may have been mapped out by Tuesday’s midterms and exit polling shows it lies smack dab in the middle of America’s suburbs.

Nearly 50 percent of the electorate is suburban, which this year was evenly split between Republicans and Democrats — at 49 percent each — according to the National Election Poll, the exit poll of almost 19,000 respondents often cited by the national media. For the last two decades, suburban voters have leaned slightly Republican, as was the case in 2016 when Donald Trump outpolled Hillary Clinton by four percentage points. In contrast, urban voters supported Democrats by a 33-point margin in this year’s midterms, while Republicans carried rural areas by 14 points.

“There’s an old adage in demographics that density equals Democrats, but the Democrats are starting to show significant strength in the less dense suburbs,” said Karlyn Bowman, a demographics expert at the American Enterprise Institute. She predicted that “the suburbs will continue to be a competitive area of focus” in 2020.

Sarah Chamberlain, president of Main Street Republican Partnership, noted that “Republicans won or lost by a little bit — it wasn’t a blow-out in the suburbs.”

One of the biggest shifts in suburban voting patterns involves married women. In 2016, for the first time since exit polling began in 1980, married women slightly supported the Democratic presidential candidate, 49 to 47 percent. That shift became more pronounced this year with married women supporting Democrats by 54 percent to 44 percent. “Trump’s temperament and demeanor has exacerbated the movement of married women towards the Democrats,” said Bowman.

The Nancy Pelosi Method She’ll try to lure Trump into bad deals. Hope for two years of gridlock.


Equity markets rallied Wednesday on the expectation, or maybe the hope, that divided power in Washington will mean two years of policy gridlock. That is probably the best possible outcome of a Democratic House, though on Wednesday President Trump opened the door to anti-growth policies.

With a handful of House races undecided, Democrats appear to have won a 12 or so seat majority. While that’s narrow, Democrats under Speaker Nancy Pelosi have shown they march in unison. She doesn’t have a Freedom Caucus.

Democrats will start by unleashing multiple investigations into all things Trump to tarnish the President and his family as corrupt and impeach him if they come up with enough material. Expect two years of leaks about Mr. Trump’s tax returns, business dealings, and his Administration’s contacts with business. The GOP’s Senate gains after the political assault on Brett Kavanaugh would counsel restraint on impeachment. But the left and Democratic presidential candidates may insist on it.

As for policy, Mr. Trump will need Mrs. Pelosi to pass Nafta 2.0, raise the debt ceiling and negotiate a budget. She will try to extract policy concessions, such as a tax increase to pay for public works. At his Wednesday media circus, er, press conference, Mr. Trump opened the door to trading an “adjustment” on tax rates for Democratic support for a middle-class tax cut. Don’t be surprised if Mrs. Pelosi jumps on the offer, which would tar Mr. Trump as a tax raiser and hurt the economy.

Navy SEAL Dan Crenshaw — Mocked on SNL as ‘Porno Hitman’ — Wins House Seat By Tyler O’Neil


Dan Crenshaw, the former Navy SEAL who lost his eye on his third tour to Afghanistan and whom Saturday Night Live actor Pete Davidson disgustingly mocked as a “porno hitman,” had the last laugh on Tuesday night.

According to Politico, Crenshaw won a smashing victory over Democrat Todd Littleton, 53 percent to 44 percent, in Texas’s 2nd Congressional District.

“Texans are hard working, love their country and believe in the American ideal; the greatest set of ideas for a free people that the world has ever known. As a team that was the message we spread for the last year.
Thank you for your dedication and trust. See you in Washington!”

During a segment of “Weekend Update” this past Saturday, Davidson mocked Crenshaw for his black eyepatch. “You may be surprised to hear he’s a congressional candidate from Texas and not a hitman in a porno movie,” the actor quipped. “I’m sorry. I know he lost his eye in war or whatever.”

The remark drew widespread and bipartisan criticism, as Davidson had mocked a true American hero. Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.), who herself lost her logs in Iraq, demanded an apology from the SNL actor.

“No one should ever mock a Veteran for the wounds they received while defending our great nation, regardless of political party or what you think of their politics. Pete Davidson owes Dan Crenshaw an apology,” Duckworth declared.

On Monday, Crenshaw demanded a different kind of apology. He asked SNL to donate $1 million to veterans groups. “There’s a lot of veterans that really need help, and frankly, this kind of thing is offensive to them,” he told CNN’s Dan Camerota. “They feel laughed at.” CONTINUE AT SITE

Our New Muslim Representatives Sharia, corruption, and Jew-hatred come to the House. Robert Spencer


As expected, two Muslim women, Rashida Tlaib in Michigan and Ilhan Omar in Minnesota, have been overwhelmingly elected to Congress. The establishment media will celebrate these victories as triumphs of America’s “diversity”; unfortunately, in reality neither one is worth celebrating.

Tlaib is a vociferous foe of Israel. With the Democrats now regaining control of the House, Tlaib is likely to be an energetic proponent of the new majority’s vendetta against the Middle East’s only democracy. The House is likely to do all it can to roll back President Trump’s pro-Israel polices, with Tlaib as well as Omar as becoming the public faces of the effort.

According to the JTA, when Tlaib was asked if she would vote against military aid to Israel, Tlaib responded: “Absolutely, if it has something to do with inequality and not access to people having justice. For me, U.S. aid should be leverage. I will be using my position in Congress so that no country, not one, should be able to get aid from the U.S. when they still promote that kind of injustice.”

What kind of injustice? Tlaib, of course, had nothing to say about the genocidal incitement against Jews and Israel that regularly features on Palestinian television. She did say, however, that she favors a one-state, not two-state, “solution” to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: “One state. It has to be one state. Separate but equal does not work. I’m only 42 years old but my teachers were of that generation that marched with Martin Luther King. This whole idea of a two-state solution, it doesn’t work.”

Indeed it doesn’t. A Palestinian state would be a new base for renewed jihad attacks against Israel. But a “one-state solution” would be even worse, unless that state is the current State of Israel, but that is not the one state Tlaib has in mind. She is calling for an Israeli/Palestinian state that would not be a Jewish State or a homeland for the Jewish people, but a federation in which Palestinians would soon overwhelm Jews demographically. Progressive denial of their rights would soon follow: as I show in my book The History of Jihad From Muhammad to ISIS, there has never been a majority Muslim nation in which Jews enjoyed equality of rights with Muslims. Tlaib’s unitary state would be no different.


Dan Crenshaw Is The Sexy Congressman America Needs By Ellie Bufkin
Dan Crenshaw is a former Navy SEAL and Republican candidate for U.S. Congress for Texas’s 2nd

Dan Crenshaw is not just a congressional candidate for Texas. He’s an American hero, a patriot, and a man compelled to serve his nation beyond the sacrifice he’s already given in military service.

He’s also quite handsome. “Saturday Night Live’s” Pete Davidson attempted to make fun of him on the show’s broadcast over the weekend, comparing a photo of an eyepatch-donning Crenshaw to a “hit man from a porno movie.” He admitted that he knew Crenshaw’s eye injury was the result of being wounded “in war or whatever,” but that didn’t stop the joke from amusing Davidson.

Jokes about wounded veterans have not been historically well-received, and this SNL snafu was no different. Backlash was immediate, with many on social media calling for the comedian to be fired, or for NBC to cancel the show.

It wasn’t until the following morning that Crenshaw learned he had been the butt of a tasteless attempt at political humor. The congressional hopeful took to the high road, telling T.M.Z. he would not be demanding any apologies or resignations over the gaffe. He said, “I want to get away from this culture where we demand an apology every time someone misspeaks.”

The Democrats Have Not Earned Your Vote By David French


If you like your Republican, you should keep your Republican.

Tens of millions of Americans have mailed in their ballots already. Tomorrow, tens of millions more will go to the polls. I’m not confident how they’ll vote, but I am absolutely certain of one thing: Not one of them will see the name “Donald Trump” on the ballot.

Instead, they will see different individuals with characters very different from Trump’s. They will see Republicans and Democrats with their own policy positions and their own rhetorical styles.

Yet now voices from the left, the center, and what can only be called the “former right” are calling on Republicans and conservatives to abandon any kind of individualized determination for the sake of opposing a man who isn’t on the ballot. They’re making that demand even as leading Democrats prove time and again that they will not moderate for the benefit of Republicans who change parties, will not compromise, and — crucially — will not even behave better than Trump himself.

In other words, they are asking for your political capitulation without earning your support.

Democrats claim that now is a critical time for public hygiene. It’s time to hold corrupt, self-aggrandizing politicians accountable. I agree.

Ask your Democratic candidate if he or she is willing to publicly condemn New Jersey senator Robert Menendez — tried for public corruption and admonished by the Senate Ethics Committee for doing favors for a wealthy contributor in exchange for lavish gifts — the way that so many conservatives condemned (and ultimately rejected) Roy Moore.

Democrats claim that now is the time to reject the politics of personal destruction. They look at a president who calls people names, who spins out wild conspiracy theories (Ted Cruz’s father participated in the Kennedy assassination? Really?), and they demand better. I agree.

Will Trump Convince Hoosiers to Dump Donnelly? By Julie Kelly


President Trump travels to Indiana again today—his second visit to the Hoosier State in three days. The president is pushing hard to make sure Mike Braun, the Republican candidate for U.S. Senate, wins on Tuesday. If Braun snatches away this critical seat from the Democrats, he could help widen the GOP’s majority in the Senate (if Democrats don’t add any seats) and turn this already-red state even redder.

But there could be a bigger reason why Trump wants Braun in the Senate: the desire to have a fellow political novice and successful business owner on his side.

“I believe Trump showed you can come from outside the political farm system and gain the most powerful spot in the world,” Braun told me Thursday morning on his way to a campaign stop in South Bend. “More and more people will enter politics from the business world, bringing a new dynamic. We can get rid of career politicians, at least I hope that’s the case.”

Braun, 64, is taking on Democratic incumbent Senator Joe Donnelly, who is finishing his first term. The race is considered a toss-up; recent polls suggest it’s a dead heat—and an expensive one. Outside groups have spent nearly $65 million in Indiana since May, compared to $45 million on the state’s 2016 Senate race between Evan Bayh and incumbent Republican Todd Young.

A two-term state legislator, Braun is the founder and chief executive officer of Meyer Distributing, an automotive parts distributor with locations across the country. “There are some feisty entrepreneurs in Congress,” Braun said. “We need some in the Senate, too. I turned a little company into a national one, and if I win and Rick Scott wins and Mitt Romney wins, we will double the number of businessmen in the Senate.”

Trump lauded Braun’s business background during a campaign event in Indianapolis on Friday night, where the president was joined by legendary former Indiana University basketball coach Bobby Knight.