The Arizona race for U.S. Senate pits the first woman pilot to fly in combat against a woman who partnered with anarchists and witches to lead anti-war rallies where she passed out flyers depicting American soldiers as terrorists. Yet Rep. Martha McSally (R-Ariz.) has taken flak for going negative against Rep. Krysten Sinema (D-Ariz.) — and The Arizona Republic cited this as the reason it could not support McSally in the race.
The editorial board of The Arizona Republic attacked both McSally and Sinema for “wearing false fronts.” It suggested that McSally is not “being herself,” and that the first woman combat pilot “looked like the smaller person” in the debate because she went after Sinema. The editors endorsed Sinema because she was slightly less vitriolic.
In an interview on Tuesday, McSally shot back against this characterization. “Look, it’s not true,” she told Fox News. Referring to The Arizona Republic, McSally said, “they endorsed Hillary Clinton. I am myself.” (The same newspaper ran a political cartoon showing Sinema shooting McSally out of the sky with a rocket launcher.)
“I have been serving our country with distinction. I flew 325 combat hours in the A-10, deployed six times,” the Republican explained. “Now I’m deployed to the House and I’m going to keep fighting for the things that matter to Arizonans.”
“I’m a little feisty — I’m a fighter pilot. I had to survive as a woman, I had three older brothers, so that’s who I am,” McSally argued.
The veteran launched into her opponent’s “radical extremist past: anti-military with her party, open borders, she voted against the tax cuts, you name it.”
“And tapes have been revealed in the last few weeks of her calling Arizona crazy and the ‘meth lab of democracy,’ and denigrating us, the very state she wants to represent,” McSally said.
Responding to the criticism that McSally has been too negative in her remarks about Sinema, the Republican emphasized that Sinema is responsible for her own radical history. CONTINUE AT SITE