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With FL, IA Races in Play, Ryan’s PAC Ponies Up . By Adele Malpass –


House Speaker Paul Ryan’s super PAC, the Congressional Leadership Fund, announced Tuesday that it reserved $1 million in television ads in Cedar Rapids, Iowa for two-term incumbent Rep. Rod Blum and a mid-six-figure amount for Maria Salazar, who is running against former Health and Human Services Secretary Donna Shalala in South Florida’s 27th Congressional District. Just a few months ago, these seats had been written off as flipping from red to blue; however, the combination of strengthening poll results in both districts and a narrowing of the overall enthusiasm gap has put them back into play.

Miami-based FL-27 was supposed to be an easy pickup for the Democrats after 15-term Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen announced her retirement. This is a district that Hillary Clinton won by almost 20 percentage points and is nearly 57 percent Hispanic. Throughout the campaign, Shalala, 77, has been criticized for her low-energy campaign style — with even Democrats complaining that she was in “sleep-mode.” Salazar, 56, is a well-known Spanish-language TV newswoman and a native of the district. She’s effectively landed punches on her opponent as being a carpetbagger who doesn’t speak Spanish and who won’t be effective in Washington. In an Oct. 6 Mason-Dixon Telemundo 51 poll, Salazar had a two-point lead, which is well within the survey’s four-point margin of error. RealClearPolitics rates the race as a toss-up.


She is running against Clinton clone Donna Shalala….rsk

After graduating the University of Miami with a B.A. in Communications, Maria Elvira acquired a Master’s in Public Administration from Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government. Maria Elvira’s passion for promoting news transparency and communicating salient national affairs continued as she served as Miami’s local reporter for Univision Network’s flagship station, Channel 23. With 35 years of experience of breaking-news coverage under her belt, Maria Elvira has now become one of the nation’s most recognized Latin American political affairs journalists for the U.S. Hispanic community. Her established reputation as a leading television news reporter comes from a culmination of accomplishments and awards throughout her career, including:

Winner of 5 Emmy Awards in broadcast journalism
News Anchor – MEGA TV, Telemundo, CNN español
Host – Maria Elvira Live TV Show
Senior Political Correspondent – Telemundo
Central American Bureau Chief – Univision
White House and Pentagon Correspondent – Univision
First and only U.S. Spanish-language T.V. journalist to interview Fidel Castro one-on-one
Bestselling Author – “If God is With You, Who Could be Against You?”


Kyrsten Sinema Promoted a Terrorist Lawyer By Andrew C. McCarthy


Don’t buy the Arizona Senate candidate’s excuses.

Last week it emerged that, in 2003, Democratic Senate hopeful Kyrsten Sinema had promoted campus appearances by Lynne Stewart, a radical lawyer, while Stewart was being prosecuted for providing material support to terrorism. Having been called out on this, Sinema has distorted basic facts of the case.

Sinema represents Arizona’s 9th district in the House and is locked in a tight race against Martha McSally, who represents the state’s 2nd district, for the Senate seat being vacated by Republican Jeff Flake.

As it happens, Ms. Stewart, who died in 2017, was my main adversary in the 1995 terrorism prosecution of her client, Omar Abdel Rahman, better known as the “Blind Sheikh.” Abdel Rahman (who also died in 2017, just a few weeks before Stewart) was the jihadist whom Stewart was convicted of abetting; she helped him communicate with his murderous Egyptian terrorist organization from the American prison where he was serving a life sentence.

I am thus in a position to counter Representative Sinema’s misrepresentations about her advocacy on Stewart’s behalf.

A leading light of the notoriously jihadist-friendly lawyer left, Sinema now portrays herself as a moderate progressive. To the contrary, her political activism began when she co-founded a “social justice” organization, Local to Global Justice, while studying law at Arizona State University. In that connection, Sinema urged people in what Fox News describes as a “now-closed Yahoo group” to attend two 2003 events at which Stewart was the featured speaker.

Eric Holder ‘Thinking About’ Running Against Trump; ‘Time for Democrats to be Tough’ By Bridget Johnson see note

Will he run a “Fast and Furious” campaign?… Remember “The House Oversight Committee let loose with a scathing assessment of Eric Holder in a recent report, accusing the Barack Obama-era attorney general of outright misleading Congress on its investigation of the “Fast and Furious” gun-running scandal.” rsk

Former Attorney General Eric Holder said tonight that he’ll be making a decision next year on whether he’ll vie for the Democratic nomination in the 2020 presidential contest.

Since stepping down from the Justice Department during the Obama administration in 2015, Holder has led the National Democratic Redistricting Committee, a party-affiliated nonprofit advocating for reforms to redistricting that Holder argues rigs elections in favor of Republicans.

“I’m thinking about it. I’m going to decide next year. Right now I’m focused on Nov. 6 and making sure we have a good midterm election,” Holder told CNN, clarifying that he expected to have a decision by the “first quarter of next year.”

“It’d be interesting to see — two guys from Queens,” he added when asked if he could defeat President Trump. “I know how to talk to that guy. I know Donny Trump. I know that guy.”

Host Chris Cuomo asked Holder if Dems should meet Trump at his level of attacks, or go high when he goes low.

Dems Risk Losing Suburban Women with Kavanaugh Attacks By Julie Kelly


I am not a crier. One of my best friends teases me that Satan cries more than I do; my husband jokes about my “six-second cry” when I finally shed some tears.

But as I watched Brett Kavanaugh’s opening statement to the Senate Judiciary Committee last Thursday, I cried—and for more than six seconds. I wept for him, for his crushed wife seated behind him, for his young daughters, and for his friends. I cried for our country. It was an emotional release of sympathy, frustration and rage.

I wasn’t alone. Several of my friends admitted they had the same reaction. The Federalist’s Mollie Hemingway mirrored the feelings of millions of women when she choked up that evening during an interview with Tucker Carlson on Fox News: “I was sobbing when I was watching it,” Hemingway said. “I heard that a lot from people as well. It was hard just to watch those clips here.”

A bungled political assassination attempt on Brett Kavanaugh will cost the Democrats more than a seat on the Supreme Court: The party might also have killed its edge with suburban women just weeks before the pivotal midterm elections. The near-unanimous reaction to this travesty among my fellow suburban moms is unlike anything I’ve seen in the Trump era.

Until now, Democrats have been confident that women living in the suburbs would propel the much-vaunted “blue wave” this fall because President Trump remains unpopular with this traditionally Republican constituency. Polling conducted over the summer indicated suburban women had a strong preference for Democratic candidates over their Republican opponents. Several vulnerable Republican-held congressional districts are located in suburban areas.

But Democrats have overplayed their dirty hand, and women might exact their revenge in November. Republican women are outraged at Democrats and their media accomplices for what they’ve done to Brett Kavanaugh and his family. One poll taken right after Kavanaugh’s testimony showed 71 percent of Republican women believed Kavanaugh was telling the truth. In a Morning Consult poll released late Monday, 58 percent of Republican women described Dr. Christine Ford as “opportunistic.” Republican women are the only voters whose support for Kavanaugh’s nomination has increased post-hearing.

The majority of women voters in red states with vulnerable Democratic senators up for reelection next month support Kavanaugh’s confirmation; a Harvard/Harris poll shows identical voter enthusiasm between Republican and Democratic women for the midterm election.

Elizabeth Warren to consider a 2020 presidential run after midterms


A presidential run may soon be on the horizon for Sen. Elizabeth Warren.

The Massachusetts Democrat announced on Saturday that she will seriously consider running for the White House following the midterm elections in November.

“It’s time for women to go to Washington and fix our broken government and that includes a woman at the top. So here’s what I promise, after November 6 I will take a hard look at running for president,” she declared to a standing ovation as seen in an online video.

Warren, an outspoken critic of President Donald Trump who has said he intends to seek re-election, shared her plans at a town hall meeting in western Massachusetts. She expressed concern about the nation’s general state of affairs and in particular decried Republicans’ handling of sexual assault accusations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

“I watched 11 men who were too chicken to ask a woman a single question,” she said of the GOP members of the Senate Judiciary Committee who relied on outside attorney to question Kavanaugh’s alleged victim, Christine Blasey Ford, at a hearing on Thursday. “I watched powerful men helping a powerful man make it to an even more powerful position.”

Of the president, Warren said, “Let’s face it, Donald Trump is taking this country in the wrong direction … I am worried, down to my bones, about what Donald Trump is doing to our democracy.”

Oops! Arizona Dem Senate candidate Kyrsten Sinema caught lying about her past By Thomas Lifson


The race to replace retiring Arizona senator Jeff Flake has been polling as a statistical tie. Until now, at least. Republican candidate Rep. Martha McSally has an incredible life story to tell, with 26 years of service in the Air Force and a historic milestone – the kind that actually means something:

She is the first female fighter pilot to fly in combat and first to command a fighter squadron in combat in United States history.

This is literally leadership under fire.

So her opponent, Krysten Sinema, faced a challenge in coming up with a compelling life story and settled on something that would appeal to Democrats. In place of accomplishment and heroism, she turned to victimhood. In a campaign video, she tugged at heartstrings, claiming (via the Daily Caller):

“First we lost our car, then we lost our home,” Sinema says in an ad. “For nearly three years, we lived in an old abandoned gas station without running water or electricity. Sometimes we didn’t have enough food to eat, but we got by, thanks to help from family, church and sometimes even the government. Those were tough times, but I knew it could be different. I never believed that being homeless was going to stop me from being who I wanted to be.”

Just one little problem, as the Daily Caller notes:

[C]ourt documents obtained by TheNYT reveal that Sinema’s mother and stepfather had provided a judge with records detailing monthly payments they made for electricity, phone and gas bills during that time.

Her response does not inspire confidence:

Sinema did not have an answer when asked by The NYT why her stepfather made payments for power and gas, nor did she address directly whether she had ever embellished details about her upbringing in the Florida gas station in the mid-1980s.

Kirsten Gillibrand won’t confirm Kavanaugh, but confirms that she is an idiot By Thomas Lifson


I confess that I have always found Senator Kirsten Gillibrand to be a vacuous politician, someone who blows with the wind, seeks shallow advantage, and lacks good judgment. But last night, speaking on MSNBC, where she has no reason to worry about being challenged for verbal excesses, she let slip a statement so appalling that it ranks with her colleague Mazie Hirono’s notorious injunction to the male half of the populace (and her constituency) that its members “shut up.”

On Chris Hayes’s program, these words actually left her mouth:

Every time you hear on Fox News, “assume you’re innocent,” “you have to have proof beyond a reasonable doubt,” they’re trying to confuse voters.

To this mental midget, the assumption of innocence before proven guilty is indeed “confusing.”

Don’t believe me? Watch for yourself:

Beto O’Rourke Will Not Get the Kavanaugh Treatment By Andrew C. McCarthy


The media are curiously uninterested in investigating the unanswered questions surrounding criminal misconduct in O’Rourke’s past.

I used to see the mainstream media as an adjunct of the Democratic party. That’s debatable; it could be that the party is the adjunct. Either way, the most brazenly overt aspect of the partnership is that the press no longer even feigns interest in allegations against nominees; it is interested only in allegations against Republican nominees.

We await the next shoe to drop in the Judge Kavanaugh saga. Rest assured that if there’s a rumor that, in third grade, young Brett yanked on the ponytails of the girl in the second row (war on women!), the New York Times, NBC News, and phalanxes of their journalistic colleagues will be all over it.

Meanwhile, Representative Beto O’Rourke had a pair of felony arrests in his mid-to-late 20s, including a reckless drunk-driving incident in which he crashed into a car and allegedly tried to flee from the scene. The cases appear to have mysteriously disappeared without serious prosecution, notwithstanding that O’Rourke continues to deny basic facts outlined in at least one police report.

So, what really happened? We don’t know. See, Representative O’Rourke is a Democrat.

Not just that. O’Rourke is the Democrat running for a Senate seat against Ted Cruz, the Republican incumbent who is a favorite of grass-roots conservatives. Consequently, the press and Democrats have about as much interest in probing O’Rourke’s checkered past as they do in exploring allegations against Keith Ellison — the hard-Left Minnesota congressman, attorney-general candidate, and deputy chairman of the Democratic National Committee, who has been accused of physically abusing his longtime girlfriend.

O’Rourke appears to be quite the character, notwithstanding the media’s indifference.

Is Trump Creating New Republicans? Much of the media is trying to persuade Latinos to dislike the GOP but it’s a tougher sale than expected. By James Freeman


Current polls suggest that Republicans could be in for a rough November, but not as rough as one might expect among a key voting constituency.

Amy Walter of the Cook Political Report writes today that Democrats are confident about their support among suburban women, but enthusiasm among female Democratic voters “isn’t being replicated among another group of voters that theoretically should be as motivated — or more — to vote for Democrats: Latino voters.”

Ms. Walter explains:

Latino voter drop-off in midterm elections is nothing new, but the thinking was that President Trump’s rhetoric and policies around immigration, especially the issue of separating children from their parents at the border, would be a catalyst for higher Latino engagement in 2018. At this point, however, recent polling by New York Times Upshot/Siena College and Monmouth University, suggests that’s not the case.

In California’s 39th district — a racially diverse district that Hillary Clinton carried 52 to 43 percent — a Monmouth poll out this week found Republican Young Kim leading Democrat Gil Cisneros 46-42 percent.

Meanwhile on the right coast of the country, it seems that voters are also stubbornly refusing to play the roles they’ve been assigned in the conventional media narrative. Ms. Walter elaborates:

Republicans in Latino majority districts in South Florida are holding up better than their underlying infrastructure suggests they would. In a district Hillary Clinton carried with almost 57 percent, Republican Carlos Curbelo (FL-26) has a narrow lead over his Democratic opponent in the NY Times Upshot/Siena poll. And, in the 27th district, where moderate GOPer Ileana Ros-Lehtinen is retiring, private polls show former Clinton administration HHS Director Donna Shalala struggling to open a lead in a district Clinton carried by more than 58 percent.

In the sprawling southern Texas 23rd district — a district that is more than 70 percent Latino and voted narrowly for Clinton in 2016, Republican Rep. Will Hurd had a solid 51-43 percent lead over his Democratic opponent in the latest NY Times Upshot/Siena poll.

Finally, in the Los Angeles County 25th CD, a district that is majority minority and which Clinton won with 50 percent of the vote in 2016, the NY Times Upshot/Siena poll found Republican Steve Knight with a narrow lead over his Democratic opponent.

There’s another interesting campaign update, this one from the middle of the country. This week the Texas Monthly reports that expected Hispanic support for Democratic Senate candidate Beto O’Rourke and Democratic gubernatorial candidate Lupe Valdez, who’s running against Republican Gov. Greg Abbott, hasn’t met expectations. Notes the Texas Monthly:

First came news that Valdez’s lackluster campaign is delivering equally lackluster results. A new Quinnipiac University poll on Tuesday—the first this season to measure sentiment among likely voters in Texas instead of simply registered voters—shows that Hispanics actually prefer Abbott to Valdez. Hispanic respondents, in fact, preferred the incumbent Republican by a margin of 49 percent to 45 percent over Valdez. While the 4.1 percent margin of error tightens that race a bit, the fact that Abbott leads with his substantial war chest mostly intact, suggests an election night slaughter for that race that could extend to higher than normal Hispanic support for the governor and potential coattails for people like Cruz. CONTINUE AT SITE