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Russian Collusion Perps Target Johnson Julie Kelly


With Republicans at risk of losing control of the Senate in November, Senator Ron Johnson (R.-Wisc.) needs to work fast. Fortunately, it appears for now that Johnson is undeterred by the Democrats’ attempted character assassination of him.

Still unpunished for the first go-around, Russian collusion perpetrators are taking aim at a new target this time: Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.

The news media and Democratic lawmakers are accusing the two-term senator of acting as an agent of Russia for continuing to pursue his investigation into the Biden family’s shady ties to Burisma, the troubled Ukranian energy company that paid Hunter Biden millions of dollars while his father was vice president and Obama’s designated “point person” in Ukraine.

The onslaught began last month when Politico reported Johnson planned to subpoena Biden associates after they refused to voluntarily testify. 

“A Senate committee is eyeing subpoenas for current and former advisers to Joe Biden as part of an investigation into the former vice president’s son, an escalation of GOP scrutiny of the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee and his family,” wrote Natasha Betrand and Andrew Desiderio on July 16. The pair accused Johnson of doing “just what Trump wants.”

Johnson and Senator Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) reportedly started closed-door depositions last month; the Senate’s probe had been delayed first by impeachment then the coronavirus crisis. Johnson, however, is moving ahead and promised to issue a report in September that details how the Bidens and a Democratic-tied public relations firm leveraged their connections during the final few years of the Obama administration to lobby on Burisma’s behalf.

Since impeachment failed to permanently closet the Bidens’ Ukrainian skeletons, Democrats are calling their Hail Mary play—Russian collusion!—to thwart Republican efforts to expose the presidential candidate’s dirty dealings before election day.

Only Joe Biden can save the mullahs running Iran By Sam Faddis


The National Iranian American Council (NIAC) is the Iran lobby in the United States.  It operates in the open and with astonishing audacity in pushing the agenda of Iran’s radical theocracy.  During the months preceding the signing of the Iran nuclear deal, representatives of the NIAC made a total of 33 visits to the Obama White House to discuss the topic.  During that time frame, Sahar Nowrouzzadeh, a former member of NIAC, served as the Iran director for President Obama’s National Security Council (NSC).  If you have ever wondered why the deal seemed almost as if it had been written by the Iranians themselves, in large measure, it was.

NIAC loves the new draft Democratic Party platform.  In fact, only days ago, it sent a letter to the Democratic National Committee applauding the party’s call for a return to the Iran deal and an end to the “Muslim ban.”  The letter also castigated the Trump administration for its policies toward Iran.  NIAC no doubt also rejoiced in the fact that the platform specifically opposes American involvement in “regime change.”

Why?  Why is the lobbying arm of a hostile foreign government applauding the political platform of an American political party and interjecting itself into our internal electoral politics?

The answer is that the Trump administration’s policies toward Iran are working.  In fact, the hard line that Trump has taken against the ayatollahs in Tehran has had an unprecedented economic, political, and military impact.  The Iranian revolutionary regime that has terrorized the Middle East for decades may not survive another four years.  If Iran’s leaders cannot find a way to relieve the pressure, their days are certainly numbered.

On New Voter Registration in Key States, Trump Is Blowing Biden Out of the Water Katie Pavlich


While polling continues to show President Trump behind Biden in key swing states, new voter registration numbers are telling a different story about his chances to win re-election in November.

According to Axios, the RNC continues to register more voters than the Democratic Party in places where it will matter most.

The Trump campaign and RNC have now registered 100,000 new voters in the 2020 cycle, more than doubling their numbers from 2016 and shrinking Democrats’ registration advantage in key swing states, according to new Trump Victory data provided exclusively to Axios.

The Trump campaign and RNC have now registered 100,000 new voters in the 2020 cycle, more than doubling their numbers from 2016 and shrinking Democrats’ registration advantage in key swing states, according to new Trump Victory data provided exclusively to Axios.

Democrats still have more active registered voters in Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Florida, but Republicans have managed to narrow the margins in those states by tens of thousands of voters since 2016.

Republicans have narrowed the voter registration gap in key swing states, according to Axios’ reviews of those states records.

Republicans have lessened the margin by 133,000 registered voters in Pennsylvania and 87,000 voters in Florida.

Nancy Pelosi Stands with Anti-Semites By Edward Davis


Last Wednesday, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi endorsed Rep. Rashida Tlaib in her August 4 Michigan Democratic primary rematch with Detroit City Council President Brenda Jones, whom Tlaib narrowly defeated in 2018. 

Similarly, for the August 11 Minnesota primary, Pelosi endorsed another of Congress’ three Israel-boycotters, Rep. Ilhan Omar, who has been enthusiastically praised by David Duke, and was voted 2019 Antisemite of the Year in a poll by stopantisemitism.org.

What is Pelosi’s motivation in supporting them?  Is it identity politics?  In Omar’s race, Pelosi had the option of endorsing her progressive African-American opponent, who opposes the Boycott-Divest-Sanction (BDS) campaign to isolate and destroy Israel.  In Tlaib’s race, where opponent Brenda Jones is a staunch ally of Rev. Louis Farrakhan, Pelosi had the option of staying neutral.

Even Brenda Jones said she’s had enough of Tlaib’s flamboyant divisiveness and emphasized the need for working with President Trump and the Republicans.  “I am interested in opening a dialogue with people that I do not always agree with for the good of the district,” Jones said.  She has criticized Tlaib for vowing, within hours of taking office, to “impeach the m—–f—–.” 

Perhaps Pelosi, who seems increasingly consumed with hatred of Trump to the point of fulfilling Tlaib’s vow of impeaching him for no good reason, prefers the Squad over conciliatory Democrats because she has reached the point where she shares their militancy.  Whatever Trump does, she predictably does the opposite. 

An Invitation in the Mail for Election Fraud Washington state sent a ballot to my home—which is now in Texas.By Scott Hogenson


Uncertainties over Covid-19 have spurred significant interest in voting by mail. The process differs substantially from absentee voting, which requires a voter to file an application and creates a documented paper trail. Vote by mail is simpler: Ballots are printed and sent to registered voters, who complete and return them.

Consider Washington state. Vote by mail was required in 2011, so the government has had nearly a decade to refine the process. True to form, I received my Aug. 4 primary ballot several weeks ahead of the election date, leaving me ample time to consult my conscience and return my ballot.

The U.S. Postal Service appears to be operating fairly well. I still had plenty of time to vote because the USPS helpfully forwarded my ballot to my new address—in Texas.

Our family moved from Washington state to suburban Dallas in mid-June, but I have been invited to participate in Washington state’s August elections. So has my wife. Given that we aren’t residents of Washington, we won’t vote there. That would be fraudulent. I could probably get away with it, but the little angel on my shoulder shouted down the little devil on the other.

Therein lies but one of a cavalcade of problems with vote by mail.

The Universal Mail-In Voting Sham The major domestic threat to the legitimacy of the 2020 presidential election. Joseph Klein


Last Thursday, President Trump raised the idea of possibly delaying the November 3rd general election date due to concerns about the implications of universal mail-in voting for the integrity of the presidential election. The president tweeted, “With Universal Mail-In Voting (not Absentee Voting, which is good), 2020 will be the most INACCURATE & FRAUDULENT Election in history. It will be a great embarrassment to the USA. Delay the Election until people can properly, securely and safely vote????”

The mainstream media and the political establishment were aghast at the thought of President Trump using the coronavirus as a pretext to delay the presidential election. They need to take a deep breath. President Trump told reporters later in the day that he did not want any change in the election date, although he did warn of the possibility of significant delays in the tabulation and announcement of the final result. In any case, only Congress has the power under the Constitution to change the date of a presidential election. There’s no chance of Congress doing so this year. The Democrats’ opposition is a given, of course. But the Republicans in Congress are also adamantly against the idea. “Never in the history of the country, through wars and depressions and the Civil War, have we ever not had a federally scheduled election on time, and we’ll find a way to do that again this November 3,” said Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

So why did President Trump bring up the possibility of election delay in his tweet (with four question marks) in the first place? The reason was to call attention to the dangers of universal mail-in voting that threaten the legitimacy of the 2020 presidential election. There is a real potential for fraud, to be sure. But even in the absence of widespread fraud, universal mail-in voting faces significant challenges in ensuring a fair election result, starting with its reliance on the all too unreliable U.S. Postal Service (USPS). Moreover, states’ broad authority in the administration of elections in which their citizens vote, including federal elections, does not mean they can throw caution to the wind and dilute the voting power of clearly qualified voters. This will most certainly happen when states introducing universal mail-in voting for the first time in a presidential general election do so without robust safeguards to ensure the integrity of the mail-in process. There is too little time to devise and implement anything close to the safeguards that presently exist for in-person voting and the more limited use of absentee ballots as the exception rather than the rule. There are a few smaller states that have used all or majority mail-in voting for years with safeguards that have proven workable. However, such safeguards cannot simply be transplanted into the systems of larger states overnight.

The Democrats’ 2020 platform resurrects Obama’s hostility to Israel and appeasement of Iran By Carol S. Greenwald


Democrats’ crowing that their 2020 platform on Israel  is a victory for the moderates is disingenuous. The Democrat party’s 2020 platform is not pro-Israel. It is pro-Iran.

The Democrat party’s platform promises to return to the Iran nuclear deal and rejects regime change “as the goal of U.S. policy toward Iran.” The opening statement of the platform stresses:

“Democrats will call off the Trump Administration’s race to war with Iran and prioritize nuclear diplomacy, de-escalation and regional dialogue. Democrats believe the United States should not impose regime change on other countries and reject that as the goal of U.S policy towards Iran.”

Translation: Obama’s appeasement of Iran’s nuclear and regional ambitions is back.

 A nuclear Iran is an existential threat to Israel. The Obama/Biden administration handed $150 billion to the Iranian mullahs, which financed both Iran’s nuclear program and its financing of global terrorism. This money propped up a regime that had been facing strong internal opposition. Biden’s campaign promise to return to the Iran nuclear deal on Day One is memorialized in the Democrats’ platform. They will undo President Trump’s stringent sanctions which are destroying the economic base of the Iranian regime. This one action alone undermines all the Democrats’ assurances about support for a “strong, secure, democratic Israel.”


Get ready for Trump’s second term Leonard Toboroff


President Trump’s adversaries are running Joe Biden, a fallback Beltway lifer who is credibly accused of selling his office, leaking false intel about Gen. Flynn to the Washington Post and handsiness with female political allies. Oh, and it appears that a prosecutor in Ukraine is digging into the potential criminal liability of the one or more persons who gorged on Burisma’s trove of US taxpayer funds. Joe’s son Hunter is named, and so Joe, in a context not yet fully disclosed.

If there’s a criminal investigation in Ukraine, no problem: Joe’s plea of cognitive impairment will let him walk. And the hosannas reaped by doughty old Jim Clyburn for picking Joe up off the floor in South Carolina now seem no more than a feel-good story. It seems that they reached some sort of entente cordiale, whereby Bernie Sanders’s Marxist platform would be advanced behind Joe, his minders and his winning smile and gleaming veneers.

In reality, the fake news about the fake polls seems illogical. How is it possible for Trump to have 54 percent approval on the economy and 70 percent disapproval on the virus — and in the same poll? Nor would 300,000 people have donated a total of $20 million in a single virtual fundraiser by Trump if they believed the near-unanimous propaganda that he’s certain to lose in November. Nor would the ‘peaceful’ (Joe’s word) burning down of a courthouse in Portland, Oregon, cheered on by its mayor, edge Trump into a two- or three-point snap lead over Joe in a solid blue bastion.

New Disclosures Confirm: Trump Himself Was the Target of Obama Administration’s Russia Probe By Andrew C. McCarthy


Assertions that the focus was ‘the Trump campaign’ are now known to be ludicrous

Long-sought documents finally pried from U.S. intelligence agencies prove that the Obama administration used the occasion of providing a standard intelligence briefing for major-party candidates as an opportunity to investigate Donald Trump on suspicion of being a Russian asset.

I say investigate Donald Trump advisedly.

As I contended in Ball of Collusion, my book on the Trump-Russia investigation, the target of the probe spearheaded by the FBI — but greenlighted by the Obama White House, and abetted by the Justice Department and U.S. intelligence agencies — was Donald Trump. Not the Trump campaign, not the Trump administration. Those were of interest only insofar as they were vehicles for Trump himself. The campaign, which the Bureau and its apologists risibly claim was the focus of the investigation, would have been of no interest to them were it not for Trump.

Or do you suppose they moved heaven and earth, surreptitiously plotted in the Oval Office, wrote CYA memos to cover their tracks, and laboriously sculpted FBI reports because they were hoping to nail . . . George Papadopoulos?

My book was published a year ago. It covered what was then known about the Obama-administration operation. In collusion with the Clinton campaign, and with the complicity of national-security officials who transitioned into the Trump administration, the Obama White House deployed the FBI to undermine the new president, dually using official investigative tactics (e.g. FISA surveillance, confidential informants, covert interrogations) and lawless classified leaks — the latter publicized by dependable journalists who were (and remain) politically invested in unseating Trump.

Now the paper trail is finally catching up with what some of us analysts long ago surmised based on the limited information previously available.

You don’t like Donald Trump? Fine. The investigation here was indeed about Donald Trump. But the scandal is about how abusive officials can exploit their awesome powers against any political opponent. And the people who authorized this political spying will be right back in business if, come November, Obama’s vice-president is elected president — notwithstanding that he’s yet to be asked serious questions about it.

Lawless Democrat-Run Cities Preview Joe Biden’s America . By Liz Harrington


“People will do what they do,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi shrugs. It’s not just tearing down statues of Columbus. Or of Washington, Lincoln, or Douglass.

Mobs light churches on fire. They attack federal police officers with bricks, urine, feces, and pigs’ feet. They blind law enforcement officers with lasers. They burn down pawn shops with a man still inside, only discovered months after the news cameras left town. Yes, people – radical, America-hating domestic terrorists, to be precise – do evil things. When Democrats let them.

This is what is happening in countless Democrat-controlled cities. In Portland, Seattle, Chicago, Minneapolis, Atlanta, and New York crime is skyrocketing, police are defunded and ordered to disengage. Law-abiding citizens suffer, while Joe Biden and Democrats give cover to so-called “peaceful protesters” who are sharpening PVC pipes to use against cops protecting public property.

After over 50 days of rioting in Portland, federal law enforcement had to do the job Democratic Mayor Ted Wheeler refuses to do. Their reward for being pelted with firecrackers and feces? They are maligned by Democrats. House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn smears brave officers as Nazis. Pelosi spreads disinformation about “unidentified stormtroopers” when uniforms with big bold “police” letters had to be stripped of officer names because dozens were “doxxed,” their homes and families targeted. This is “peaceful,” according to Joe Biden, who says it is police who “become the enemy,” and “yes, absolutely” funding should be redirected. Also known as defunding.