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Will Democrats Accept Another Trump Victory? Barton Swain


Joe Biden, asked recently if he had considered the possibility that President Trump may refuse to concede defeat in the election, answered that he had. But he was “absolutely convinced,” the former vice president said reassuringly, that if such a thing happens, military personnel will “escort him from the White House with great dispatch.” What a relief!

The exchange brings to mind the 2016 campaign, when media personalities speculated that Mr. Trump would refuse to concede to Hillary Clinton. The hypothesis was never tested, Mr. Trump having had the bad manners to win, but it turned out to be they who refused to concede defeat—not by contesting the election results but by persuading themselves and half the country that Mr. Trump had won by illegal means and generally behaving like spoiled children for the next four years. 

I suspect Mr. Trump would have conceded the night of the election (which Mrs. Clinton did not do), for the simple reason that he neither expected nor particularly wanted to win. In the event that Mr. Trump fails to win re-election, he will depart willingly. Not graciously, perhaps, but willingly and at the appointed time.

The more interesting question is: What will Democrats do if Mr. Biden loses? What idiotic conspiracy theory will they concoct to explain their defeat?

I mean no disrespect to my liberal friends when I say, to borrow Mr. Biden’s phrase, that I am absolutely convinced that Democrats won’t accept the result if the Republican wins.

The Magic of the Democratic Party Constant distraction is the core of dystopian politics. Garrison Bergeron


The most famous technique magicians use to fool you is distraction. They distract you with one hand while doing their trick with the other. The amazing thing is how it keeps working even though we all know about it. The next magic act comes around, and we still look at the hand that the magician wants us to watch while ignoring the hand weaving the deceit.

Nobody understands this better than the Democrat Party. Democrat mayors preside over the most horrific dysfunction and violence in America. Recently President Trump called them out, claiming that the top 20 most violent cities in the USA were run by Democrats. The Democrats were livid. One of their favorite propaganda outlets, the Washington Post, “fact-checked” Trump and declared him wrong, saying: “Trump keeps claiming that the most dangerous cities in America are all run by Democrats. They aren’t.” But the article went on to document (with supporting data) that 17 of the top 20 are indeed actually the most dangerous.

Since many of us cannot witness what’s actually going on in Democrat-run cities, their mayors can distract us with irrelevant issues while hiding the carnage wrought by their own policies. Search for “Chicago gangs,” for example, and you’ll see a huge number of sites dedicated to the subject. High on your list will be a page called “chicagoganghistory.com.” This site alone is breathtaking in its depth; try navigating its menus.

Nixon Doesn’t Go to China Tim Blair


“Left-leaning journalists of recent decades perform a cute little two-step. First they demonize their targeted white conservative as a wicked Nixonian figure, and then they commence what they imagine to be an honorable Watergate-style destruction of that target.”

Watergate destroyed the presidency of Richard M. Nixon. It may also have done a similar job on modern journalism.

Prior to Watergate, journalism was mostly a procedural affair. Journalists were a delivery system between things that happened and people learning about those things. After Watergate—as noble as was the cause pursued by Washington Post reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein—matters shifted. Journalism made things happen.

In Watergate’s specific case, they made a US president resign after his various crooked antics were exposed. Quite why Nixon went to such lengths to crush his Democrat opponents remains something of a mystery; after all, Nixon prevailed in the 1972 election by forty-nine states to one. The Democrats weren’t exactly putting up much of a fight.

In any case, Watergate and the subsequent celebration of Woodward and Bernstein led to a shift in journalistic aims. We still see the result of that shift today. Journalism courses in the US, UK and Australia focus on causes, struggles and Speaking Truth to Power. As opposed, I guess, to the previous model of simply Speaking Truth.

Progressive Democrats Threaten Cut-Off of Military Aid to Israel Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez leads the anti-Israel campaign in Congress. Joseph Klein


With the wind at her back following her recent primary victory, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) is taking the lead in challenging Israel’s possible extension of sovereignty over certain areas within the West Bank. She authored a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo warning that any move by Israel to extend its sovereignty into such areas would jeopardize continued U.S. military aid to the Jewish state. Senator Bernie Sanders signed AOC’s letter along with 11 other Democrat House members, including AOC’s fellow “Squad” members Reps. Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Ayanna Pressley. Anti-Semitic organizations that back the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement (BDS) against Israel are also in AOC’s corner.

“Should the Israeli government continue down this path,” AOC’s letter warns, “we will work to ensure non-recognition of annexed territories as well as pursue legislation that conditions the $3.8 billion in U.S. military funding to Israel to ensure that U.S. taxpayers are not supporting annexation in any way. We will include human rights conditions and the withholding of funds for the offshore procurement of Israeli weapons equal to or exceeding the amount the Israeli government spends annually to fund settlements, as well as the policies and practices that sustain and enable them.”

Newt Gingrich: Joe Biden’s 4th of July Video ‘Most Anti-American’ Speech by Presidential Candidate — Ever


Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich panned former Vice President Joe Biden’s short speech on the Fourth of July, saying it “may be the most anti-American speech ever given by an American presidential candidate.”

Biden delivered a short video address on Twitter from his home in Wilmington, Delaware, in which he told Americans that the November election offered “a chance to rip the roots of systemic racism out of this country,” implying the country itself was racist by design.

Do Never-Trump Republicans Know How Liberal Joe Biden Has Become?


President Donald Trump causes people to do the strangest things, but none is as strange as the growing determination by some Republicans to get Joe Biden elected in November, even as Biden moves further and further leftward.

We aren’t the only ones who’ve noticed that, while the country is fixated on the coronavirus panic-demic and race riots, Biden’s agenda has shifted sharply to the socialist side of the spectrum.

FiveThirtyEight noted a few weeks ago that “The Pandemic Has Pushed Biden To The Left. How Far Will He Go?”

Around the same time, New York magazine reported that “Biden Is Planning an FDR-Size Presidency.”

One Democratic consultant told The Hill that Biden has moved to the left on issues such as bankruptcy policy and college affordability, and that a Biden win, along with Democrats regaining control of the Senate, “could lead to a New Deal era of progressive policies.”

MarketWatch recently said Biden is proposing a “radical tax plan” that “goes after the indolent rich.”

Then there is Biden’s joining up with Sen. Bernie Sanders to create “task forces” on various issues.

The Battle for America’s Soul Biden is on the wrong side. Joseph Klein


Joe Biden has often said during his presidential campaign that we are in a “battle for America’s soul.” A nice soundbite, but Biden is already conceding this battle to globalists who disdain American sovereignty. Indeed, Biden is an extreme globalist himself. And Biden has for the most part been AWOL in the battle being waged for America’s soul over the founding ideals of our nation, which are under attack by the far-left progressive base of the Democratic Party. After weeks of silence, Biden finally spoke out on June 30th in favor of protecting the statues and monuments of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. But Biden’s political correctness prevents him from standing up strongly for American exceptionalism against the mobs in the streets and the mainstream media.

As we honor our nation’s independence on July 4th, we should reflect on the timeless words in the Declaration of Independence penned by Thomas Jefferson: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed…”

Joe Biden garbled these words in one of his typical gaffes, declaring instead: “We hold these truths to be self-evident. All men and women are created, by the, you know, you know the thing.” However, even when Biden was more articulate in restating America’s founding ideals in his 2017 New York Times op-ed article, he (or his ghost writer) went off the rails by trying to characterize President Trump’s America First policies as antithetical to those ideals.

‘President Biden’ Would Be Music to Russian and Taliban Ears By Andrew C. McCarthy


It is laughable for Biden, of all people, to claim that Trump’s administration has been a gift to Putin.

Hard to fathom which notion is more hilarious. Is it that Joe Biden would get tough with the Taliban, or that Joe Biden would get tough with Russia?

The former veep wants you to know that he’s furious that President Trump sat on his hands for the past four months despite knowing that the Kremlin was paying bounties to the jihadists for targeting American troops in Afghanistan. Biden is sure this must have happened. No, he conceded at a rare press availability this week, he does not have access to classified information, nor has he been given an intelligence briefing on the subject. But Biden knows it must have happened because the New York Times and the Washington Post say so, relying on their crack anonymous intelligence sources.

Hmmm . . . The Times and the Post, relying on uncheckable sources of unknowable veracity, are peddling a story that Donald Trump has betrayed his country for the benefit of Vladimir Putin. Who wouldn’t take that to the bank after three years of collusion?

In this new and improved narrative, you’re to believe that Trump, who has dramatically beefed up military spending over Obama/Biden levels so that our forces can protect themselves, would knowingly endanger those forces; but that Biden, who last worked as a top official and strategist in an administration best known for imposing rules of engagement that made those troops sitting ducks, would back them to the hilt — against those diabolical Russians, who know Biden well, and who therefore know that, why, if they try any of that rough stuff, by God ol’ Joe would . . . um . . . you know . . . uh . . . the thing!

The thing being . . . he’d do nothing. And that’s if we’re lucky. His idea of doing something is to enrich the world’s leading state sponsor of anti-American terrorism while putting its regime on a glide path to nuclear weapons . . . all the while knowing that the mullahs are backing Taliban terrorists targeting our troops . . . and that the Russians are backing the mullahs.

Jobs Not Mobs . By Adriana Cohen


Voters have a clear choice this November.

If you want mobs vandalizing stores, destroying public property and setting churches on fire, then vote for Democratic candidate Joe Biden, who has spent the majority of his time hiding out in his Delaware basement while our country has been in flames in the aftermath of the George Floyd tragedy.

If you scroll through Uncle Joe’s Twitter feed from the past several weeks, you’ll notice he hasn’t condemned the burning of St. John’s Episcopal Church by violent protestors. He hasn’t denounced the heinous assaults and killings of police officers that have taken place throughout the country. Nor has he said a peep about the brutal murder of civilians — including teenagers — shot and killed in the Seattle CHOP zone controlled by armed left-wing anarchists. And he certainly hasn’t called upon Democratic mayors and governors to get their ransacked cities and states under control.

The stark reality is that Democrats today would rather appease anarchists, looters and violent criminals than uphold law and order.

“November’s Election – None of the Above?” Sydney Williams


On a multiple-choice test “none of the above’ may be a legitimate response. But no matter how tempting that answer may seem to voters sick and tired of politics, such a response on November 3, 2020 is not acceptable. As we celebrate our country’s 244th birthday, we should consider the critical importance of the election four months out.

While no politician is the paragon of virtue drawn by Parson Weems of an idealized George Washington, character has slipped down the scale of traits we treasure when electing leaders. In 2020, we will be offered a choice between a man whose thin skin exposes a large ego, and a man whose intellectual capacity wanes as his defects wax. Mr. Trump’s flaws are well publicized – orange hair, ungrammatical speech, his volatility and personal insecurity seen in his untempered Tweets and his apparent admiration for dictators. But they are all superficial. No matter his appeasing words about Putin and Xi Jinping, he has been tougher on Russia and China than his predecessors. His dyed hair and manner of speaking may offend those raised in coastal, elitist families, but they are far less damaging to democracy than was the misuse of intelligence services by the Clinton campaign and the Obama Administration in undermining a freely elected President. Charges of corruption against Mr. Trump have been investigated for four years by a zealous press, a partisan House, Special Counsel Robert Mueller and a complicit FBI. They came to naught. On the other hand, mainstream media has been largely silent on financial favors sought by Mr. Biden for his son in Ukraine and China and on his alleged sexual assault on a staff member.

Nevertheless, and despite the impurity of both candidates, the single most important factor in this election has been the hijacking of the Democrat Party by illiberal, so-called “progressives.” Professor Wilfred McClay of the University of Oklahoma described the random and willful destruction of statues, acts condoned by many city mayors: “…these acts of destruction are acts of pure, unmitigated hate…,” hatred not dissimilar in its intensity to that levied against President Trump by the New York Times and the Washington Post. “Unless new leaders come forth,” wrote Heather MacDonald in City Journal this past week, “who understand their duty to maintain the rule of law, the country will not pull back from disaster.”