Hillary is slick and has been peddling her lies for twenty years. Trump is no great debater but he really took the upper hand last night. A most intriguing example is how both handled a question from a young Moslem woman in secular dress: ” How would you deal with Islamophobia?”
Mrs Clinton went into full pander mode almost like saying “some of my best friends are “Mooslim” as she pronounced it to give her response more pander power. In fact, her best friend Huma is Moslem, but her response was blather and can’t we all get along and more snide references to Trump’s “bigotry” against everyone and everything.
Trump, on the other hand, challenged the question by asking why American Moslems are not more forthright in denouncing terrorism and cooperating with law enforcement in reporting suspicious activities. Further along in the questions he was challenged on restricting immigration from Arab/Moslem nations.
Again, he would not pander, demanding the strictest vetting and warning that open and poorly guarded porous borders permit criminals and jihadists to come into our nation and wreak havoc. He called it a “Trojan Horse” and chided Clinton for skirting the facts and the terminology and avoiding naming the enemy.
Considering the biased interference of the harridan Martha Raddatz he did very well. A focus group of undecideds questioned by Frank Luntz on Fox news revealed that some leaned to Hillary and others to Trump when the debate started, but the majority raised their hands when asked if Trump had won their vote. Stay tuned…..rsk