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China is on the Ballot in 2020 Ben Weingarten


American voters will decide if the PRC wins.

In early May, President Donald Trump ordered a federal retirement fund to scrap its plans to shift several billion dollars’ worth of U.S. government employee savings into Chinese stocks. The administration is now planning a broader review of China’s unfair and potentially dangerous usage of American capital markets. This is about far more than mundane matters of bureaucracy and asset allocation. It epitomizes the existential battle facing America.

The Status Quo

Our public servants will now no longer be underwriting military contractors that support the Communist Party of China’s (CPC) People’s Liberation Army—an army that has threatened U.S. servicemen and engaged in espionage against U.S. civilians. Nor will we be funding “enterprises” indicted for violating U.S. sanctions in conducting business with enemies like CPC customer Iran and satrap North Korea; or technology companies that produce the surveillance equipment used to run the CPC’s modern-day gulags and supply other police states. These are all welcome developments.


But the fact that these travesties would have transpired had the Trump administration not intervened is a sobering truth with implications that transcend capital markets. It touches on the long-term competition into which America has finally entered with the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Near-term, the 2020 election is critical to sustaining this competition.


Following the Cold War, the stated rationale for U.S.-PRC relations was one of economic self-interest and idealism: Economic liberalization would lead to political and cultural liberalization. Relatedly, the story went, an integrated and prosperous China would be a peaceful and stable one.


For decades, Joe Biden has been one of the most senior proponents of this view. During the height of the 2000 debate that resulted in the granting of permanent normal trade relations (PNTR) to China, putting it on a glidepath to World Trade Organization accession that would accelerate its drive toward superpower status, Biden asserted that PRC “prosperity…has put China on a path toward ever-greater political and economic freedom.”


The Party of Science (When They Feel Like It) By David Harsanyi


Lockdowns are subjectively enforced by Democratic politicians whose devotion to science is predicated on circumstance.

Apparently if you protest for a just cause, your body becomes impervious to the respiratory droplets that spread viral diseases. Or so many liberals seem to argue.

Indeed, no event during the coronavirus crisis has put more Americans in closer proximity to each other than the Black Lives Matter protests. During the first three months of the COVID-19 outbreak, every expert told us that mass gatherings were tantamount to murdering Grandma Dolores. Not long ago, opening a small hair-cuttery was “human sacrifice.” Not long ago, race-baiting leftists argued that Republicans had stopped treating coronavirus as a national emergency once they learned black Americans were dying.

Then came the marches. Science-based absolutism was quickly shelved. Today, liberals are mobilizing to preemptively dismiss the notion that Black Lives Matters protests could possibly trigger a spike in cases. New York mayor Bill De Blasio, who’s ineptly presided over the epicenter of the disease, is instructing city contact tracers not to ask infected New Yorkers if they attended marches or rallies.

How long have we been assured that testing and contact tracing were the keys to controlling the spread of the virus? New York City tracers will reportedly ask citizens about “close contacts” — which is defined as standing within six feet of another person for at least ten minutes — but not if a person attended a Black Lives Matters protest where, need it be said, tens of thousands of our most vulnerable citizens were marching shoulder to shoulder, chanting for more than ten minutes — and often without any mask.

Will Democrats Do the Right Thing Respecting Catholics? Roger Kimball


A coalition of prominent Catholics has asked prominent Democrats to step up and defend American Catholics against anti-Catholic bigotry. Will they do it?

Anti-Catholicism, it has been said, is the anti-Semitism of intellectuals.

I’m not sure anyone would accuse Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) of being an intellectual. Her colleagues on the Senate Judiciary Committee such as Cory Booker (D-N.J.), Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), and Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) are also safe from that accusation (and simple courtesy requires that we pass by Hawaii’s Senator Mazie Hirono in silence). But by dint of long occupation in the corridors of power, they all have imbibed the shallow, pseudo-enlightened anti-Catholicism that comes with membership in The Club. 

Examples are legion, but one memorable exhibition came in 2017. Amy Coney Barrett, a professor of law at Notre Dame Law School and a prominent Roman Catholic, was nominated by President Trump for a position on the Court of Appeals in the Seventh Circuit. Sen. Feinstein, like a mosquito buzzing furiously to get inside the netting and draw blood, clearly was troubled by Barrett’s Catholicism, especially as it related the question of abortion in general and Roe v. Wade in particular. “The dogma lives loudly within you,” Sen. Feinstein observed, “and that’s a concern.” 

Judge Barrett pointed out that she would not, as an Appeals Court Judge, be in a position to adjudicate the Constitutionality of Roe v. Wade. Moreover, she said, her originalist judicial philosophy respected precedent and strove to keep politics out of the judicial process. We have politicians to do politics. She would follow the law, not her personal preferences, in deciding cases. 

The exchange went viral, serving to highlight the reflexive hostility to Catholics, and indeed to practicing Christians generally, among our elites. It also highlighted a deep, er, tension between the habitual badgering of Catholic nominees about the niceties of their faith and the prohibition against religious tests for office enshrined with all possible clarity in Article VI of the Constitution. “[N]o religious Test,” that brief Article concludes, “shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.” The president of the Anti-Defamation League, the president of Princeton University, the president of Notre Dame University, and the Harvard Law Review, are among those who, stirred by Feinstein’s admonition, have publicly declared their concern about this violation of the spirit if not the letter of Article VI. 

Stacey Abrams: Still Sowing Discord in Georgia – “The Fourth Estate’s favorite loser is at it again.” David Catron


Stacey Abrams, the less-than-graceful loser of Georgia’s 2018 Democratic gubernatorial election, took a few hours off from her embarrassing bid to become Joe Biden’s running mate to accuse the Peach State’s leadership of voter suppression in Tuesday’s primary. She has appeared on various talking-head shows and insists the Georgia Secretary of State is guilty of “incompetence and malfeasance.” Abrams provides no evidence to support this charge, of course, other than the presence of long lines at the polls in urban counties, where elections always devolve into chaos pursuant to the utter ineptitude of their Democratic election officials. Abrams inevitably claims the root problem is Republican skulduggery.

I live in Georgia and have voted there in every election since 1994, during the governorships of Democrats and Republicans. The only problems at the polls I have witnessed occurred during my sojourn in a densely populated, Democrat-run county. Long lines, despite Abrams’ assertions, are endemic to such counties — particularly Fulton and Dekalb. In 2000, when Democrat Roy Barnes was Georgia’s governor, I stood in line for hours so I could cast a ballot for George W. Bush and keep former Vice President Al Gore out of the Oval Office. Four years later, when Republican Sonny Perdue was governor, I waited just about the same length of time to vote for Bush’s reelection.

I later moved to a smaller county where the local election officials are more efficient. This not only renders it far more convenient to cast a ballot in person but also makes absentee voting easier. Having spent much of my work life traveling, I have cast many such ballots. My six-year-old grandson could handle the process with ease. If you watch this CBS interview with Abrams, however, you will hear a somewhat different story.

This Democrat (Kim Olson- TX -District 24)Is So Outraged She Doesn’t Mind if Rioters ‘Burn It to the Ground’ By Tyler O’Neil


When protests over the police killing of George Floyd devolved into looting, vandalism, and arson across America, destroying black lives, black livelihoods, and black monuments, Democrats and liberals shamefully downplayed or even excused the violence because the perpetrators agreed with their political agenda. Yet it seems none have proven quite as vocal as a Democrat running for U.S. House in Texas’s 24th congressional district.

In a live digital event on Tuesday, Kim Olson complained about police snipers stationed on a roof at a protest she attended in Dallas, Texas.

“They had snipers on the roof, what the hell you got snipers on the roof for in a peaceful march? Even if people loot, so what? Burn it to the ground, if that’s what it’s gonna take to fix our nation,” Olson said in video obtained by The Washington Examiner. “I don’t think — but I’m just saying, what are you going to do? Shoot us as we protest?”

“I mean, we really have fundamentally pivoted the militarization of our police force. … It used to be ‘protect and serve,’” she complained.

Olson made the comment during a long answer to a question about her position on far-left calls to disband or defund police departments. The candidate began by admitting that while “defunding” is a “tough word,” she supports shifting funding toward rehab centers and social workers.

Biden: ‘This President Is Going to Try to Steal This Election’ By Rick Moran


Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden told Comedy Central’s Trevor Noah that Donald Trump will try to “steal” the 2020 presidential election.

Saying that on a comedy show was quite appropriate.

Indeed, Biden picked up on a familiar Democratic narrative—that the GOP will try to steal the election by “suppressing” the vote. Now, logic would dictate that many votes that Trump and the Republicans would supposedly be “suppressing” would actually be cast for the GOP.

So, Republicans and Trump want to suppress their own vote? A novel notion, but not logical. It’s not even sane.

Why do younger black voters like Trump more than elders? UCLA study explains Carrie Sheffield


UCLA data collected just prior to the protests about the death of African-American George Floyd show younger black Americans have been holding more favorable views of President Trump than their parents and grandparents.

The data collected from April 2-May 13 by the Democracy Fund + UCLA Nationscape project, an initiative that conducted weekly surveys of thousands of potential voters for nearly a year, found that 29% of percent of black voters ages 30-44 and 21% ages 18-29 have a “very favorable” or “somewhat favorable” view of President Trump. This compares to just 14% of black voters 45-64 and 9% of those 65 and older.

“Trump symbolizes a much broader understanding than just his personality, what he represents,” veteran black empowerment activist Bob Woodson told Just the News. “I think that our younger people are realizing how they have been taken for granted by the Democratic Party and Democratic philosophy, and therefore are really open to alternatives.”

Woodson cited as evidence of this new trend the 2018 Florida gubernatorial race, where white Republican Ron DeSantis won by only 32,000 votes over the black Democrat in the race, Andrew Gillum. 

“Joe Biden” is simply an avatar for Obama’s third term: Lee Smith


No one really expected a million people in Washington, D.C., Saturday night for the ongoing George Floyd protests. But according to some estimates, 200,000 did show up—more than enough to try to overrun the helmeted Secret Service agents standing guard in front of the White House. Instead, they spray-painted “Defund the Police” on 16th Street. So what happened?

For three years, Resistance Media and a set of political operatives who tag-team with their allies inside the federal bureaucracy have laid siege to the American public through their proxy war against the president they hate—and the country elected. What the resistance yearned for was the kind of imagery that galvanizes resistance movements from Latin America to the Middle East: a spectacular act of martyrdom that would crown their campaign of new age political warfare, which began with the Russiagate conspiracy theory, which was followed by a fraudulent impeachment process staged by the same political operatives, CIA officers, and media personalities who pushed “collusion” into the public sphere, to the three-month-long coronavirus lockdowns that were portrayed as matters of life and death only to be magically lifted to combat racism, after leaving nearly 20 million Americans jobless. The successive failures of the campaign to destroy Donald Trump and undo the 2016 election have only made the American left angrier and more willing to take desperate measures.                  


 It is precisely because no one in America believes that George Floyd deserved to die with a knee on the back of his neck that the protests have burned with such orgiastic intensity. If the real issue is systemic racism, as Al Sharpton along with the hundreds of thousands of protesters around the world say it is, then the problem is the system itself. Logically, the system has to be collapsed.

Antifa – An Integral Part of the Dems’ 2020 Playbook It’s déjà vu all over again. Kenneth R. Timmerman


When I see videos of Antifa thugs smashing and looting luxurious shopfronts on Fifth Avenue in New York, for me it’s déjà vu all over again.

I wrote those scenes in my new book, The Election Heist, which I sent to my publisher last November.

I’m not claiming to be a prophet, but I do believe that fiction precedes reality. By that, I mean that by using our imagination, we can apply patterns of observed behavior to future situations.

Let me give you a specific example. In one of the Antifa scenes in my new book, an NYPD officer guarding Trump Tower takes a call from the deputy police commissioner, even as the thugs start charging the Gucci store front next door.

The deputy commissioner tells him to stand down.

Rasmussen: Black Voter Approval for Trump Has Surged to Over 40 Percent By Matt Margolis


Despite the left’s recent efforts to paint Trump as a racist and blame him for police brutality and the riots, Rasmussen Reports says that approval for President Trump amongst likely black voters is now over 40 percent.

Trump received 8 percent of the African American vote in 2016. In August 2019, black voter approval for Trump stood at 26 percent.

I am admittedly skeptical of Rasmussens 40 percent approval number, nevertheless, the increase of 14 points from a year ago suggests that Trump’s support from within the black community is increasing, despite the best efforts of the Democrats and the media to paint him as a racist. With the economy starting to recover, that approval is bound to increase.