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‘Not a triumph’ and ‘not joyous’: Democrats downplay May job gains and ignore impact of reopening by Emily Larsen & Kerry Picket


The Democratic National Committee downplayed surprising May job gains and brushed off the notion that easing coronavirus lockdowns in Republican-controlled states contributed to the uptick.

“What we have in this report is a flicker of good news,” DNC Chairman Tom Perez said during a Friday press call. “We’ve gone from a Category 5 hurricane to a Category 4.9 hurricane.”

Perez compared the job losses over the last three months, 19.6 million, to the worst three-month stretch of job losses under the Obama administration, 2.3 million, in the middle of the Great Recession.

President Trump, Perez said, is “continuing to compete with Herbert Hoover to have the worst record of job loss in at least the last hundred years in the United States,” blaming the “preventable” losses on Trump failing to act to contain the coronavirus pandemic earlier.

The Labor Department said Friday that the economy gained 2.5 million jobs in May and that the un

Why Some Tiananmen Protesters Support Trump By Rong Xiaoqing


‘Many American politicians are too close to Beijing. Finally, we got Trump, who is vehemently anti-the Communist Party.’

 L ast March, I attended a Chinese Trump supporters’ gathering at a karaoke bar in Flushing, N.Y., for a story I was writing. Two participants really grabbed my attention. Before pouring out their admiration for Trump, they revealed their involvement in the Tiananmen democracy movement in China in 1989.

One of them, Cai Guihua, was a leader of the Shanghai workers’ protests back then; the other, Chen Liqun, was a mobilizer of supporters for the movement in Hangzhou. Both paid a high price after the bloodshed on and around Beijing’s Tiananmen Square on June 4 that year.

Cai was jailed for nearly two years, and Chen fled the authorities and wandered across China for 17 months before things calmed down. Both were involved in the founding of the dissident Democracy Party of China in 1998 and came to the U.S. not long after, amid a brutal crackdown.

Now they are cheering for Trump with the same passion they devoted to China’s democracy movement.

Conservatism has been rising among Chinese immigrants in recent years. The Chinese community in the U.S. is no longer locked into voting Democrat. Still, discovering a whole slew of Trump supporters among Tiananmen-era protesters surprised me.

Biden Wins 9 Primaries But He’s Still Short of a Delegate Majority By Rick Moran


Joe Biden swept all nine Democratic primaries that were held on Tuesday but is still short of capturing a majority of delegates that would put him over the top and quell grumbling in the party that someone else should be the nominee.

In truth, there was no suspense about the outcome. Biden doesn’t have any opposition. But it’s telling that despite not running against anyone, Biden has not yet clinched the nomination.

Biden is still waiting to clinch because some die-hard socialists can’t bring themselves to vote for anyone but their hero, Bernie Sanders.

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders is not actively campaigning, having suspended his operation and endorsed Biden, but his name will appear on the ballots. On the eve of Tuesday’s primaries, senior adviser Jeff Weaver encouraged progressives to vote for Sanders anyway.

If Biden threw himself on the floor, he’d miss! By Patricia McCarthy ****


Joe Biden’s sheltering-in-place has not gone well.  His virtual town halls and interviews from his basement in Delaware have been a catalog of his mental decline.  As with many people suffering from advancing dementia, their normal filter, that instinctive judgment that governs us all in a civil society, is slowly erased and their true character is revealed.  With Slow Joe, this process, the unveiling of his disagreeable side, is not a pretty picture.  This is not a man suited to leading anything, let alone a country and certainly not the U.S.  Biden’s cruel side has always been evident for those paying attention.  His mistreatment, his obvious racism, was on display throughout the Clarence Thomas hearings  meant to derail the nomination of a black conservative to the Supreme Court. Biden was vile.  He enjoyed humiliating Justice Thomas.  Biden, it was clear then, is not fit to shine Clarence Thomas’ shoes.

Biden is not an intelligent man; never was.  He is not a decent man; never was.  For decades he lied about the traffic accident in which his wife and infant daughter died.  He repeatedly said she had been hit by a drunk driver.  That was a lie.  Mrs. Biden turned in front of a truck driver who was not remotely intoxicated.  The accident was her fatal error.  And as most people should know, he has lied over and over again about all things Joe.  He was not at the top of his class in law school.  He was not a scholarship student.  He is a plagiarist several times over. Like the criminally amoral Ted Kennedy, Joe does not learn from his public mistakes.  His decades of corruption are a D.C. legend.  And this is who the DNC has put up to slay the dragon Trump!  

15 Reasons why Jews should Vote for Donald Trump Janet Levy see note please

I agree with Janet Levy completely, but the most important reason of all is that Donald Trump is good for America, the safest and most hospitable corner of the Diaspora….Please read the whole list…rsk

Biden as Paradox By Victor Davis Hanson


His weaknesses are his strength, and he’s not running for the presidency.

  I t is now conventional punditry that should Joe Biden win in November, his vice president, in 1944-style, will sooner rather than later become president.

Biden, to reboot and secure the identity-politics base, thought he had to discriminate by sex and race in advance by selecting his vice president. But given recent poor performances, Biden’s promise to select a woman or minority or both on the ticket is a wink-and-nod admission that she or he will soon be the real president while on the ballot as vice president.

In 2019–20, Biden had moved hard left to get nominated and more or less renounced all his previous old-style liberal voting record, such as tough sentencing of drug dealers, opposition to court-mandated school busing, opposition to illegal immigration, and support for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. His contrition over his most recent offensive putdown (“If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black”), alongside the nationwide protesting and rioting, will make it even more likely that Biden will select a progressive with the sort of agendas that went nowhere even in liberal Democrat primaries, and will stay nowhere after the rioting.

Yet Biden apparently believes that his dilemmas and personal foibles will soon be turned upside down, and that his weakness somehow will be seen as strength. A limp Biden in seclusion believes he is far more effective than fighting Joe Biden on the stump. And in a strange way, he could be sort of right.

Why It’s So Hard for Biden to Pick a Running Mate The Democratic nominee is being pulled in different directions, forcing him to make hard choices Charles Lipson


The candidate known for his gaffes topped himself when he told an African American interviewer that if he had trouble choosing between him and Donald Trump for president, he “ain’t black.” Later, after Joe Biden’s advisers finished smacking their heads, the former vice president issued a groveling apology.

That was good enough for some black politicians and commentators. Take Donna Brazile, the Democratic Party’s interim chair in 2016. After the apology, she considered the issue over and done. CNN and NBC barely mentioned it. “Nothing to see here. Let’s move on.” Other black politicians and celebrities were less forgiving, though few said it disqualified the former vice president. Whether they were harsh or forgiving, all African American commentators agreed on one thing: Democrats cannot take black votes for granted this November.

Strategists in both parties saw their point. Trump was already striving to win black support before the pandemic crushed the economy. Now, as the economy reopens, he will renew that appeal and exploit Biden’s comment. Even a small increase in his 2016 vote total among African Americans could be decisive in swing states.

Donald Trump in Twitter’s Lilliput Victor Davis Hanson


Only the president can lose his election, and thereby ensure socialism for his supporters in the fall. And he can lose only by descending into the Twitter swamp and playing a gullible Gulliver to be tied down and lacerated by clever but six-inch tall Lilliputians.

Donald Trump has slumped badly in the polls over the last weeks. There are the usual suspects for his periodic dips: his cul de sac Twitter wars over Joe Biden, obsessing over the utter dreariness of Joe Scarborough’s past irrelevant life, the constant effects of a 93 percent negative media that blames him for everything from the economic collapse to the rioting in Minneapolis, and public frustration of nearly three months of enervating COVID-19 quarantines.

Yet despite the terrible news, the odd thing is that when Trump relaxes and allows even a bleak news cycle to play out, then his policies weather well and usually help him—regardless of the 24/7 negative media editorialization.  

Given the doom and gloom, few appreciate that beneath the bleak media veneer, there are some signs of growing optimism. The stock market is recovering on hunches that a vaccine is on the horizon and antiviral drugs may soon be appearing. Viral deaths are falling due to the synergy of warmer weather, a likely constantly mutating and attenuating virus, some growing herd immunities, more outdoor activity, and better hygiene and medical protocols.

Democrat and Expert Pessimists Fall Short

Don’t Laugh at Stacey Abrams A day may yet come when Americans will all live under the Pax Abramsiana. Her politics are the future. By Matthew Boose


All great people have a sense that they are destined for great things. Stacey Abrams predicts that she will be president of the United States by 2040.

Come what may of her White House aspirations this year, Abrams speaks like someone who believes she is bound for immortality—indeed, that she’s entitled to it. Her infatuated fans share this sense of historically assured victory.

The Washington Post recently published a work of widely lampooned hagiography on Abrams, depicting her as a polymath—a Prometheus of diversity handing down the fire of progress to man. It reads like the kind of flattery that despots used to make court scribes put together under threat of execution.

“Abrams is the author of eight romance novels under a pseudonym, started two small businesses, is a New York Times best-selling author under her own name and is a superfan of ‘Star Trek’ and southern hip-hop, including one of her favorite rappers, Ludacris,” records court historian Kevin Powell. “She is scholarly, but she can also wax poetic on football. She is a policy wonk, but she can effortlessly pivot to sending goofy memes to the children of good buddies.”

Can you sense it? Can you feel the ground shifting beneath you? Are you prepared for the Pax Abramsiana?

To Abrams and her sycophants, her loss to Brian Kemp in 2018 was just a hiccup on the cosmic road of justice that is wending, inexorably, toward 1,000 years of social justice utopia.

Ocasio-Cortez exposes her profound ignorance of the subject she got an honors degree in at Boston University By Thomas Lifson


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the worst kind of ignoramus: one who thinks she is knowledgeable and pontificates on subjects she does not understand. She is becoming a 21st century Congressional version of the 1950’s comedian, “Professor Irwin Corey,” who billed himself as “the world’s foremost authority,” and parodied pompous intellectuals in his improvisational comedy, spouting nonsense.

The problem with Ocasio-Cortez is that she doesn’t understand she is parodying a cum laude of Boston University with a BA in international relations and economics, spouting nonsense about the term “human capital” – a longstanding and common expression in the discipline of economics.