Hillary Clinton would have us believe that Trump is a scary member of the white supremacist radical fringe. Democrats are happy to believe her, even though Trump has zero relationship with hate groups. None, nada, zilch. Their only evidence is gotcha questions from liberal reporters asking Trump to repudiate David Duke over and over, tarring him by association. But there is no association, except in liberal minds that see Republicans, that is, the majority of whites in this country, as hate-filled kooks.
In contrast, Hillary actually does support BLM, a racist organization that promotes murder of whites. She repeats the cop-killing lie that we have a racist justice system. This lie was first promulgated by President Obama before the Zimmerman trail because Obama was hemorrhaging black voters during his 2012 e-election bid. Hillary is repeating it for the same cynical purpose.
We are living through the results — cops afraid to police high crime neighborhoods, leaving their residents to be murdered. Now cops being assassinated in cold blood.
Hillary has blood on her hands, destroying the country with this demagoguery. There is no institutionalized police racism. There are have no facts on her side, just a false abuse of statistics.
Yet Hillary keeps piling on her accusations that Americans are racist. She has ginned up black fear, pain and victimization for her political benefit and provided legitimacy to the anti-cop radicals. Hundreds of black lives have been lost as a result. Real lives, real people, real dead.
Hillary’s support of BLM and other radical left groups is not new or out of character. This is not guilt by association, but actual associations.
Hillary actually was an acolyte of Marxist Saul Alinsky, whom she idolized. Young Hillary was thrilled to meet personally with Alinsky, a meeting so successful that he offered her a job at his Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF).