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Red Wave Coming? GOP Sweeps Election in Virginia Democratic Stronghold


With the November general election less than six months away, results of local and special elections are giving an eye-opening preview of possible voter behavior. While recent polls still show Democratic hopefuls, including presumed presidential nominee Joe Biden, edging out their Republican counterparts in competitive parts of the country, actual ballots are telling a very different story. 

Special congressional elections in California and Wisconsin this month both yielded Republican victors after Democrats launched strong campaigns in both races. In California, Republican Mike Garcia beat Democrat Christy Smith by almost 10 points after receiving 10,000 fewer votes in the primary election just two months earlier. Garcia replaced Democrat Katie Hill, who resigned at the end of 2019, flipping a California House seat from blue to red for the first time in more than 20 years. 

As stunning as Garcia’s resounding victory for Republicans in California was, however, a shocking GOP blowout in the Staunton, Virginia city council election this week has given Democrats a reason to be alarmed. 

Like many cities in Virginia through the last several years, Staunton has trended toward liberal candidates in national and municipal elections, supporting Barack Obama in both the 2008 and 2012 elections, and Hillary Clinton in 2016. The city also helped buoy Democratic governors Terry McAuliffe and Ralph Northam to victory in the past two gubernatorial elections while consistently electing a majority of Democrats to the city council.

Useless Senate Republicans No Match for the ‘Bums of Steele’ Julie Kelly


This whole fiasco lies at the feet of Senate Republicans. “Useless” might be too kind a description of them.

The letter, signed by one of the most powerful lawmakers on Capitol Hill and addressed to Fusion GPS, indicated the jig was up.

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) asked Glenn Simpson, Fusion’s co-owner, 13 questions about his involvement with the so-called Steele dossier and ties to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. “When political opposition research becomes the basis for law enforcement or intelligence efforts, it raises substantial questions about the independence of law enforcement and intelligence from politics,” Grassley wrote.

The letter showed that Senate Republicans were aware Christopher Steele was a paid operative working on behalf of Trump’s Democratic enemies inside and outside the government. Further, the dossier wasn’t raw intelligence exposing collusion between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin; Grassley acknowledged the document was anti-Trump propaganda that influenced activity at Barack Obama’s FBI and seeded damaging news articles before the 2016 election.

In other words, Republicans knew at that point the whole dossier-fueled collusion storyline was a massive scam.

The date of the letter? March 24, 2017. A few days earlier, FBI Director James Comey confirmed during a House Intelligence Committee hearing that the FBI had opened a counterintelligence probe into the Trump campaign in the summer of 2016, a stunning confession.

Think about it. As the Trump-Russia collusion scam took hold—while Americans were being warned that their new president would act as the stooge of Vladimir Putin—Republicans already knew it was Democratic stagecraft. Further, they knew Comey’s FBI had worked with Steele and relied on his unverified dirt to investigate Donald Trump.

But rather than call the Democrats’ bluff, Senate Republicans, who wield the gavels of every powerful committee, caved. A quiver of sharply worded letters, as I wrote last year, has been their only weaponry, At the same time, Senate Republicans backed a destructive special counsel probe into a crime they knew did not exist. (On the House side, only a handful of Republicans, most notably Devin Nunes of California, did the heavy lifting while paying a major personal price.)

Glenn Simpson testified before Grassley’s committee in August 2017—behind closed doors. The American people never got a glimpse of Simpson’s slipperiness or heard first-hand, at a critical time, that the dossier was opposition research funded by Clinton and the Democratic Party. We never heard Simpson explain how he and Steele—a foreigner—worked over the State Department, the Justice Department, top lawmakers on both sides of the aisle, and the national news media in an attempt to influence the presidential election by portraying Trump as a Russian asset.

Imagine how an open hearing at the time would have shaped the public’s view of the collusion falsehood. President Trump, instead of being hunted by Mueller’s wolves, would have had a chance to counterpunch with Senate Republicans at his side. And more importantly, Americans could have learned the truth before it was too late. (The committee released a transcript of Simpson’s testimony in January 2018 but by then Mueller’s investigation was well underway.)

Biden’s offensive statement about blacks wasn’t the worst thing he said By Andrea Widburg


Joe Biden took a lot of flak on Friday for saying on The Breakfast Club, “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.” However, bad as that line was, Biden said a lot of other things that were just as bad as his condescending, tone-deaf attempt at a “no true Scotsman” joke.

The Breakfast Club is a popular progressive morning show that is carried on 45 affiliate stations, while the YouTube channel boasts 4.41 million subscribers. To date, just the YouTube version of Biden’s May 22 interview with “Charlamagne tha God” has had over 700,000 views. This is a show with reach, and it allowed Biden to talk directly to a young black audience.

What Biden was pitching to the audience is that he’s been a black advocate since practically the day he stepped out of law school in the late 1960s. To that end, he used the Wuhan Virus to play the race card against Trump and then settled into his shtick about how he’s always acted in the best interests of American blacks. Little that he said supports this claim.

Biden began by boasting, “I’m ahead in all the national polls,” only to have Charlamagne point out the 2016 polling failures. Biden’s non sequitur response was that 2016 was “totally different” because “you had somebody who didn’t, they didn’t know” Trump, meaning that Trump “had no serious opposition that turned out to materialize.” I mention this short Biden argument as a reminder that even though Biden talks a lot, he often doesn’t say anything.

Biden: ‘You Ain’t Black’ If You Can’t Decide Between Me and Trump By Zachary Evans


Joe Biden said in a Friday interview that a black voter who can’t decide between him and President Trump in the 2020 elections isn’t really black.

“If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black,” Biden told radio DJ Charlamagne tha God on The Breakfast Club. (The comments come at around the 17:15 mark.)

“It don’t have nothing to do with Trump, it has to do with the fact — I want something for my community,” Charlamagne responded.

The comments came after Biden said his campaign was looking into “multiple” African-American women to pick as his running mate.

Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina, the only Republican African American senator currently in office, slammed Biden’s remarks.

Democratic senators release letter warning Israel against annexation By  Melissa Weiss …See DPS note


Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and six other senators sign onto updated version after not joining the initial draft

DPS Note:
Democratic senators release letter warning Israel against extending sovereignty over portions of Judea & Samaria which everyone knows will always be Israeli, & despite the Palestinians making it clear every day that no Israel is the only acceptable deal for them.

And additionally, keeping in mind that the areas in question were never “Palestinian.”
Nor Jordanian which illegally occupied them from 1948 until 1967 after forcing Israel to fight a defensive war against extermination. Jordan magnanimously bestowed up the “Palestinians” Jordan’s claims to there areas – which iseffectively giving them nothing since Jordan never had a legitimate claim to begin with.

The last sovereignty exerted over these areas was by the Ottoman Empire and it lost that after WW I. So these are at best “disputed” areas and some very smart legal minds have opined that Israel actually has the best legal claim to them, having acquired them fighting a defensive war – not to mention that they are the ancestral home of the Jewish people and there have been Jews living there ever since. 

If you care a whit about Israel – and if you are Jewish you should because its well being also keeps you safe – then the Democrat Party should be viewed as a hostile environment.

I grew up profoundly admiring Scoop Jackson, Pat Moynihan and Danny Inouye – all as strongly supportive of Israel as anyone can be. I promise you, they are all spinning in their graves right now. This is not their Democrat Party. DPS

The Stacey Abrams presidency In her latest fiction, ‘Selena Montgomery’ is a viable VP pick Kate Hyde


‘You don’t run for second place.’ 

That’s how Stacey Abrams responded when asked if she would consider being presidential hopeful Joe Biden’s running mate during a March 2019 interview on ABC’s The View. Annoyed at the posed hypothetical, the 2018 Democratic Georgia gubernatorial candidate’s answer lacked a basic understanding of her place in the Democratic party. But now, a short year later, Abrams is making it abundantly clear to anyone who is willing to listen: she is absolutely, passionately and gracelessly running for second place, so help her God.

Abrams, a lawyer whose career includes a 10-year stint in Georgia’s House of Representatives, amassed national attention and a sudden rise in popularity after the 2018 governor’s race. While she had the coveted endorsements of culture icons such as Oprah and former president Barack Obama, her newfound recognition was not due to any phenomenal campaigning, extensive political résumé, or even a win. How has Stacey Abrams flirted with becoming a household name? By handling her ego-crushing loss with a stunning lack of grace.

To this day, Abrams refuses to officially concede the election despite losing to now-Gov. Brian Kemp by roughly 55,000 votes. She argues that her demise was caused by a ‘rigged’ election resulting from systematic voter suppression. Nothing more. Yet her bombastic unwillingness to accept defeat has been enough to keep her relevant in the hearts and minds of Democrats moving towards 2020. Now she’s on an aggressive campaign to frame herself as the most worthy number two.

For Dems to Succeed, Americans Must Fail Inside the Left’s morbid agenda to destroy America’s middle class. Michael Cutler


Many claim that the Democrats want open borders to import millions of new voters who will likely vote for Democrats.

Undeniably this is an accurate statement but only partially addresses the strategy behind the Democrats’ push for open borders and an end to immigration law enforcement as optimized by the creation of “Sanctuary Cities” and Sanctuary States and immigration mayhem that ensues.

Today’s Democrats bear no resemblance to the Democrats of the past.  Today’s Radical Democrats are hell-bent on seizing permanent political power at the expense of America and Americans.

Traditional Democrats supported American workers and addressed their concerns while Republicans backed up business owners’ goals of fewer regulations and greater profits.  This balance made sense and helped Americans and America to prosper.

My dad used to say that the easiest way to turn capitalists into communists is to take away their money.  Flooding America with millions of Third World workers who bring Third World expectations of Third World wages and working conditions results in the loss of jobs by millions of American and lawful immigrant workers and the suppression of wages for all workers.

Biden’s Most Ridiculous Veep Prospect By Rich Lowry


Stacey Abrams’s foremost political achievement is making her Georgia gubernatorial loss into a cause célèbre among Democrats.

Stacey Abrams has another distinction to add to her resume — she’s among the most preposterous potential vice-presidential candidates ever.

Her attempt to leverage a failed Georgia gubernatorial bid into a spot on the Democratic ticket is so brazenly absurd that it’s hard to think of precedents.

But the 46-year-old African-American activist is not one to be constrained by standard political practice, or reality. She refused to concede her narrow, but clear, 2018 gubernatorial loss, instead alleging she’d been undone by a massive voter-suppression scheme.

As she put it at a recent event, “my opponent who was a cartoon villain stole the voices of Georgians.”

Usually, candidates who won’t acknowledge their defeats are written off as sore losers. Such is the inflamed and paranoid state of Democrats in the Trump era that rather than being embarrassed by the Georgian’s graceless and unsubstantiated claims of electoral theft, they have embraced and parroted them.

Hubris and Miscalculation: The left’s bid to exploit the virus to defeat Trump By Patricia McCarthy


Confident of their ability to defeat Trump with their radical, pro-illegal immigrant, pro-criminal, pro-socialist agenda, the left is badly overreaching.  House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s proposed $3 trillion monstrosity stimulus is a joke.  The trillions they pledged under the rubric of the COVID-19 disaster is trillions more added to our national debt.  The stimulus will be money printed, distributed, and spent as if it is grown on trees.  Irresponsible states such as California, New York, New Jersey, and Illinois hope to use the virus to cheat the American taxpayers into rescuing them from their own profligacy.  

The more they can successfully blame the virus for their own gross mishandling of their states’ funds, the more they think they can cash in on their own catastrophic governmental errors in judgment.  For governors such as Gavin Newsom, Andrew Cuomo, Gretchen Whitmer, Tom Wolf, et al, the COVID-19 pandemic is a godsend, an opportunity, as so many Democrats have observed, to push for their radical socialist agenda.  The longer their blue states can keep up the lockdown that is impoverishing their citizens, the more they think those same citizens will blame President Trump and vote for a Joe Biden ticket in November.  Common sense is not one of the left’s intellectual strengths.  Sure, there is an army of virtue-signaling bullies who scornfully chastise anyone not sufficiently social-distancing or going outside maskless but it is precisely those “Karens,”  the people who think it is the government’s job to take care of them, who are appropriately the subjects of mockery by citizens sick to death of this outrageous lockdown and the blue states’ ridiculous edicts meant to control our behavior. 

Democrats Warning Trump Will Reject Election Results Should Look in the Mirror By David Harsanyi


Their party has spent the last four years relitigating a loss in 2016.

In a recent Washington Post column warning Americans to “prepare for the possibility of Trump rejecting election results” — one of media’s favorite projections — Brian Klaas asks a question:

If he loses, would it be more surprising if Trump graciously accepts defeat and congratulates his opponent or if he claimed to be the victim of a rigged election and a “deep state” plot?

Considering Trump’s temperament, it wouldn’t be surprising if he blamed the “deep state” for an election failure. Really, though, we have no need to speculate about what this kind of attack on sanctity of the electoral process would look like, since Democrats have be delegitimizing a valid election for the past four years.

Even as liberals make chilling predictions about Trump’s attack on democratic norms, they champion such politicians as Stacey Abrams, a middling Georgia state legislator whose national fame relies on a baseless contention that her gubernatorial seat was stolen in 2018. This weekend, that same Washington Post published a sycophantic feature story about Abrams (headline: “The Power of Stacey Abrams,”) that echoed her claims of voter suppression and put her in a superhero cape for good measure.