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Stealing The 2020 Election Through The U.S. Mail — Written by J. Frank Bullitt


As we noted in early April, both the New York Times and the bipartisan Commission on Federal Election Reform have agreed that voting by mail has a higher potential for fraud and abuse than other forms of voting.

Writing a few weeks ago for RealClearPolitics, Mark Hemingway pointed out that “a significant increase in mail-in voting this fall could greatly incentivize ‘ballot harvesting,’” in which third parties gather “mail-in ballots on behalf of voters and deliver them to election officials.”

“There’s long been a consensus,” Hemingway continued, “that such a practice incentivizes fraud, and ballot harvesting is illegal in most of the country.”

Apparently it’s a scam that works so well that it “played a key role in ousting several Republican congressmen in Orange County in 2018, a longstanding GOP stronghold” in Southern California that has been moving leftward.

Don’t make the mistake of thinking the Democrats are proposing a mail-in election out of a sense of obligation to health and safety. They are simply doing their best to take advantage of a crisis, and they are highly motivated to do whatever they are able to to remove Trump from the White House.

A black activist’s article about Stacey Abrams has a surprising admission By Andrea Widburg


“How is every journalist employed by the Washington Post not named Jennifer Rubin not completely embarrassed by this Stacey Abrams profile. How does something like this even make it past editors who care about their reputations?”

Georgia’s Stacey Abrams, a failed gubernatorial candidate, is trying something new in American politics: With naked ambition, she’s simultaneously begging for and demanding the Vice President’s spot on the Democrat Party ticket.

The media are dutifully playing along, trying to puff her as something other than a local politician who believes her race and gender cards are a handful of aces. However, in the Washington Post’s laughably reverential paean to Abrams, there’s a peculiar slip revealing what leftists actually think of African-Americans – and it’s all the more aberrant given that the author is himself an African-American.

In some ways, Stacey Abrams is a laudable woman. One of six children, she grew up in an intact family, and excelled in school, eventually earning both a Master of Public Affairs and a law degree. Despite being a leftist activist from an early age, she held real jobs after law school, working as a tax attorney and founding two companies, one a beverage company focusing on babies and toddlers, and the other a consulting firm.

Entering politics, Abrams was elected to the Georgia General Assembly in 2006, representing parts of Atlanta and unincorporated DeKalb county, and held that seat for a decade. She eventually became the Democrat minority leader.

In 2018, Abrams ran for governor, only to lose by 50,000 votes to Brian Kemp. And that’s when she made her name at a national level, not for running and making a good showing, but for refusing to admit that she’d lost. Instead, she dug out the tropes about voter suppression and racism. Abrams insists to this day that she won. In Democrat circles, being a sore loser is a winning issue.

John James, the Michigan GOP’s Rising Star

From Army aviator to the U.S. Senate?

You can’t choose your crisis: As an Army chopper pilot in Iraq, John James said on May 7, “I didn’t get to pick which call I would take, whether I would take a troops-in-contact call or whether I would take a point-of-origin rocket-attack call. I had to figure out how to do both.” In an online interview with Rick Loughery of the Young Republicans National Federation, James called it good training for confronting the COVID-19 pandemic: “We have a dual obligation,” he said, to “flatten the COVID curve without flatlining our economy.”

As a GOP Senate candidate from Michigan, James refers to his military career at almost every opportunity. An op-ed he wrote in the Detroit News on May 5 carried this headline: “Leaders Should Learn These 3 Rules from West Point.” His campaign’s logo features an Apache attack helicopter in its background. “I don’t want to go to Washington,” he said on February 5, before the coronavirus forced him to suspend public appearances. “I want to go to the swamp about as much as I wanted to go to the desert.”

He really does want to go to Washington, of course—he’s running for the Senate for the second time in two years—but his audience of Livingston County Republicans that evening seemed to appreciate the expression of modesty.

Andrew Cuomo in All His Ugliness By Mario Alexis Portella


Much of the nation these past few months has focused on New York state since it became the hotspot for the coronavirus outbreak in the U.S.  Many have also complimented Governor Andrew Cuomo’s response in fighting the pandemic, even to the point of suggesting he should substitute for presidential hopeful Joe Biden as the Democratic Party nominee to face Donald Trump in the November election. 

On Tuesday, Cuomo proposed a new law that aims to prevent corporations from receiving stimulus funds as a result of COVID-19.  While he presents himself as a governor who will tackle all forms of injustice, especially in light of his continual hands-on approach during this crisis, Cuomo is anything but the knight in shining armor he is being portrayed as. 

Disregard for the Disabled and Elderly

Cuomo ordered nursing homes for the elderly and infirm to accept patients with  COVID-19.  As reported by Pamela Geller:

“Weeks before [Cuomo] prohibited these homes from turning someone away for having COVID, there were numerous reports that nursing homes, assisted living and congregate care centers were the most vulnerable to Coronavirus.  [This was because] the biggest drag on New York state is Medicaid — what better way to rid the state of the old, sick, and disabled?”

Syracuse University Professor Scott Landes explained that because the home population “in general, [have] swallowing problems or disorders, or choking disorders, or just more susceptibility to lung infections [and] seem to develop pneumonia at a higher rate than those in the general population.”  He added that COVID-19 is even more challenging for those living in congregate residential settings.

China Threatens GOP Lawmakers. Their Responses Are Perfect.     Leah Barkoukis


Republican-led efforts to hold China accountable for the spread of the Wuhan coronavirus are being watched closely by the communist regime.

State-run media reported Thursday that Republican lawmakers will “face severe consequences” for speaking out against China, pursuing lawsuits, and pushing “anti-China” legislation.

“Republicans who have been groundlessly accusing China and inflaming the ‘holding China accountable’ political farce will face severe consequences, sources said, noting that the aftermath will also impact the upcoming November elections, while business and trade between Missouri and China will be further soured,” the Global Times, a branch of the Communist Party of China’s People’s Daily, wrote in an article. 

The article focused on efforts by Missouri’s Attorney General Eric Schmitt who sued the country last month on behalf of the state arguing the communist country is responsible for Missourians’ suffering, death and economic hardship.

“The Chinese government lied to the world about the danger and contagious nature of COVID-19, silenced whistleblowers, and did little to stop the spread of the disease,” Schmitt said. “They must be held accountable for their actions.”

The article also singled out Sens. Josh Hawley and Tom Cotton and two other members of Congress over legislation that would allow Americans to sue China, saying they will be added to the country’s sanctions list. 

Reps. Dan Crenshaw, Chris Smith, Jim Holzapfel, Greg McGuckin and John Catalano as well as Sens. Marsha Blackburn, Rick Scott, Martha McSally, and Lance Gooden were also named in the piece over their support of legislative efforts that would let U.S. citizens sue China. 

“We must resolutely hit back at those politicians who, for no reason, undermine China-US ties for their own political benefits. For those who promote anti-China legislation, we need to find out what the business ties are between those officials or their families with China,” one research fellow at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences told the paper. “We can’t just strike back symbolically, but should impose countermeasures that could make them feel the pain.”

Republicans were unfazed by the threat. 

David Bossie: Biden wrong on China his entire career – let’s look at the record ****


In April, records from 9/11 mastermind Usama bin Laden’s compound were disclosed detailing his plans to assassinate then-President Barack Obama. Bin Laden’s rationale for his horrific plot was telling: “Biden is totally unprepared for that post, which will lead the U.S. into a crisis.” 

Now, a decade since U.S. Special Forces killed bin Laden in Pakistan, it’s my guess that President Xi Jinping of China – our greatest geopolitical foe today – also wants former Vice President Joe Biden to be the next president of the United States. This makes perfect sense when you consider that Xi wants what’s best for China.

Joe Biden has been wrong on U.S. policy toward China virtually his entire career. In fact, Biden and other establishment politicians in Washington have been instrumental in China’s meteoric rise from a developing nation into a Communist power with global ambitions.

A Farrago of Democrat Delusions Will Bury Them in 2020 Comparative peace will come after the election; political corpses can’t fight on after the voters have buried them. By Conrad Black


To judge from campaign oratory, it is becoming increasingly difficult to believe that the Democrats and Republicans are contesting for the honor of governing the same country this election year.

The Democrats describe a country where, if the administration had acted more quickly and subjected the entire population to constant testing for the coronavirus even before any of its characteristics were known, Americans would have been spared scores of thousands of avoidable deaths. It is a country where there is now no alternative to a near-complete national shutdown while the whole population submits to constant testing and anyone with whom an identified COVID-sufferer has met in the previous 14 days must be hunted down and forcibly quarantined.

As the U.S. economy withers, poverty will be alleviated by borrowing on the backs of the taxpayers and shoveling out a trillion dollars every two weeks in a straight vote-buying exercise in which Trump will atone for his supposed failure to test in adequate numbers before the pandemic got going by transforming himself into the Herbert Hoover of our time, and go meekly to the electoral slaughterhouse as the father of a new Great Depression.

It is hard to credit that the Democratic Party has adopted this fairy tale until its interpretation of recent legal events is taken on board.

The exposure of the facts that Robert Mueller’s probe of nonexistent Russian collusion was launched by former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein at the instigation of fired FBI Director James Comey’s illegal leak of a self-serving, self-addressed memo about a conversation with the president, after they both knew that there was no basis whatever for what Mueller was supposed to investigate; and that they and others had misled the FISA court in seeking warrants to spy on the Trump campaign and transition team, are portrayed as Trump’s politicization of the Justice Department. Joe Biden calls it a “diversion” from the mismanagement of the public health crisis.

Democratic Senate Candidates Stand By Biden To Move Goalposts On Sexual Assault Allegations By Tristan Justice


Now facing competitive elections just six months away, Democratic Senate candidates are moving the goalposts for Joe Biden.

It was only a year and a half ago that last-minute sexual assault allegations upended the confirmation process for now-Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Desperate to block President Donald Trump’s second pick for the nation’s highest court, Democrats flocked to give unsubstantiated claims of a 30-year-old rape allegation their unwavering support in an attempted character assassination that threatened to bring about an end to the standard of presumptive innocence.

Gavin Newsom for President? By Eileen F. Toplansky


If, as Rush Limbaugh has opined, there is no way the Democrat Party will hoist Joe Biden over the finish line, then what do the Democrats have up their sleeve to stay in power?  After all, “[t]he Democrats have no enthusiasm.  There’s no fire in their bellies.  They’re grumbling even as they’re defending Biden. …[T]hey really couldn’t give a damn about Joe Biden.”

Enter Gavin Newsom. 

The California governor certainly has the credentials.  From the beginning of his term, he blatantly ignored constitutional and immigration law.  He has proven that he is a radical illegal immigration advocate, thus adhering to the first rule of the Democrat Party: bring in as many people who will vote Democrat as you can, and you will own the country forever.  In the midst of the coronavirus, Newsom has stated that California “will give cash payments to immigrants [sic] living in the country illegally.”  He has announced, that “using a mix of taxpayer money and charitable contributions  [California will] give 150,000 adults $500 each.”

In fact, “California has an estimated 2 million immigrants [sic] living in the country illegally.  They are not eligible for the $2.2 trillion stimulus package approved by Congress last month, which gives cash payments to most Americans plus boosts unemployment benefits by $600 per week,” but Newsom asserts that he feels “a deep sense of gratitude for people that are in fear of deportations that are still addressing essential needs of tens of millions of Californians[.]”

Biden Has Become an Albatross for the Democrats . By Victor Davis Hanson


Joe Biden is the apparent Democratic presidential nominee. After all, he had a seemingly insurmountable lead in delegates going into the rescheduled August convention in the postponed Democratic primary race.

Biden was winning the nomination largely because he was not the socialist Bernie Sanders, who terrified the Democratic establishment.

Biden was also not Michael Bloomberg. The multibillionaire former New York City mayor jumped into the race when Biden faltered and Sanders seemed unstoppable. But Bloomberg spent $1 billion only to confirm that he was haughty, a poor debater and an even worse campaigner. He often appeared to be an apologist for China and seemed clueless about the interior of the United States.

The least offensive candidate left standing was Biden. Many Democratic primary voters initially had written him off as an inept retread, a blowhard and an impediment to the leftward, identity-politics trajectory of the newly progressive Democratic party.

On the campaign trail, Biden insulted several voters, using insults such as “fat,” “damn liar” and, weirdly, “lying dog-faced pony soldier.”