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Democrat feminists excuse Democrat sexual predators…because they’re Democrats By Ethel C. Fenig


Democrats, especially people who identify as women and also identify as Democrats and especially people who identify as women and identify as Democrats and also identify as feminist, seem to believe that it is perfectly fine for men who identify as Democrats to assault and sexually harass women or otherwise take advantage of them.  This is a decades-old line of Democratic thinking, as there are now senior citizen Democratic women who still swoon over noted Democratic, er…Lotharios such as Sen Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.).

Skipping through the decades to the present, there are the many Democratic women who not only excuse President Bill Clinton (D) despite all the solid proof of his sexual predatory behavior against women, but also defend him.  Most notable is his supposed injured wife, noted feminist Hillary Rodham Clinton, who dismissed the charges and allegations against her husband as “a vast right-wing conspiracy” in numerous public outings.  (What she thought in private might have been different.)  Incidentally, Hillary added Clinton to her name, not in 1975 when she married Bill, but years later to help her husband win re-election as governor of Arkansas.

Here’s how Bill Clinton explained it to Bruck:

When she came to me and said she wanted to change, I could see in her eyes that she had made the decision to do it. And I said, “I do not want you resenting me. I would a lot rather lose the election than lose you.” She said, “I’m not going anywhere.” I said, “I know, but I don’t want you to resent this for the rest of your life. You made this decision when you were a child. I like it. I approve of the decision. I don’t care about it.” And she said, “Look, Bill, we cannot—this is stupid! We shouldn’t lose the election over this issue. We shouldn’t run this risk. What if it’s one per cent of the vote? What if it’s two per cent? You might win or lose the election by two per cent.”

Joe Biden Selects — I’m Not Making This Up — Chris ‘Waitress Sandwich’ Dodd to Lead VP Search By Bryan Preston


File this in “you can’t make this stuff up.” The “stuff” being both the facts of the case and how the media are already responding to it.

Presumed Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden has selected his pal, former Sen. Chris Dodd, to head up his veep search. Axios reports, while leaving out some very important context.

Joe Biden is one step closer to naming a running mate, announcing four co-chairs and a committee to vet candidates for a job he has committed to filling with a woman.

Driving the news: The vice presidential selection committee will be headed by Biden’s longtime friend former Sen. Chris Dodd; Cynthia Hogan, a longtime aide and adviser who served as Biden’s vice presidential counsel in the Obama White House; and two national campaign co-chairs, Delaware Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester and Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti.

That first name in the paragraph is important. Dodd is a particularly problematic figure in Biden’s current circumstances. As we and others have been reporting, Biden is facing an allegation that he sexually assaulted his then-Senate staff member, Tara Reade, in 1993. Reade’s story has been corroborated. That doesn’t mean he’s guilty, but Biden pushed the Kavanaugh narrative as much as anybody, and that narrative explicitly sought to deny Kavanaugh due process.

Having learned nothing at all, Biden taps Dodd to seek his veep. Why is this a problem?

Because Dodd was best pals with the late Sen. Ted Kennedy, a well-known notorious womanizer who left Mary Jo Kopechne to die at Chappaquiddick — and who with Dodd performed the notorious “waitress sandwich” at La Brasserie restaurant.

Stacey Abrams on Tara Reade Allegation: Biden ‘Will Make Women Proud as President’ By Zachary Evans


“I stand by [former] vice president Biden,” Gillibrand told reporters during a conference call. “He’s devoted his life to supporting women and he has vehemently denied this allegation.”

Former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams on Tuesday said she backed Joe Biden despite new allegations of sexual assault against the former vice president.

“I believe women deserve to be heard, and I believe that has happened here,” Abrams told the Huffington Post. “The allegations have been heard and looked into, and for too many women, often, that is not the case. The New York Times conducted a thorough investigation, and nothing in the Times review or any other later reports suggests anything other than what I already know about Joe Biden: That he will make women proud as the next President of the United States.”

Abrams has been lobbying to be Biden’s pick for vice president, declaring her intentions publicly and, before Biden’s presumptive victory, meeting with Democratic candidates privately regarding the position.

The House of Representatives has identified itself as a non-essential service By Andrea Widburg


The original plan in Washington, D.C., was for both the Senate and the House to reconvene on May 4. News broke on Tuesday, though, that the House will not be returning to work. It turns out that so many members of the House panicked at the thought of working once more for the American people that House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer was forced to announce that the House would remain closed next week (emphasis added):

We made a judgment that we will not come back next week but that we hope to come back very soon,” Hoyer told reporters on a press call.

Hoyer said he and Pelosi made the decision to halt plans to return after consulting Monday evening with the Capitol’s attending physician, who warned that lawmakers could be at risk given the still-rising number of coronavirus cases in the Washington, D.C. area. Nearly 4,000 people have tested positive in D.C., as of Monday, plus thousands more in the Maryland and Virginia suburbs.

“We had no choice. If the Capitol physician recommends that we not come back, then we have to take that guidance,” Pelosi told reporters on a separate call Tuesday afternoon.

Pelosi’s statement that “we had no choice” is a load of bull manure. All over America, people have been making choices to keep the country functional: Healthcare workers, truckers, factory workers, store clerks, sanitation workers, and many more. The list is endless.

U.S. Has 3.5 Million More Registered Voters Than Live Adults — A Red Flag For Electoral Fraud


When folks are asking what’s so bad about mail-in ballots and spend so much time denigrating people voting with photo-ID, remember this…..DPS

Elections: American democracy has a problem — a voting problem. According to a new study of U.S. Census data, America has more registered voters than actual live voters. It’s a troubling fact that puts our nation’s future in peril.

The data come from Judicial Watch’s Election Integrity Project. The group looked at data from 2011 to 2015 produced by the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey, along with data from the federal Election Assistance Commission.

As reported by the National Review’s Deroy Murdock, who did some numbers-crunching of his own, “some 3.5 million more people are registered to vote in the U.S. than are alive among America’s adult citizens. Such staggering inaccuracy is an engraved invitation to voter fraud.”

Hillary Clinton Endorses Joe Biden Amid New Developments In Tara Reade Allegations By Tristan Justice


Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton formally endorsed former Vice President Joe Biden Tuesday as the embattled presumptive 2020 Democratic nominee ignores new developments in sexual allegations lodged against him.

“I am thrilled to be part of your campaign,” Clinton said during a live-streamed town hall on women impacted from the coronavirus. “I want to add my voice to the many that have endorsed you to be our president… This is a moment we need a leader and a president in Joe Biden.”

Clinton’s endorsement comes on the heels of several other high-profile endorsements once all other options in the race were eliminated. Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders dropped out of the race earlier this month. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi endorsed Biden on Monday and former President Barack Obama declared his support for his former vice president after Biden became the last man standing.

Clinton’s announcement however, comes as Biden is faced with sexual assault allegations that have so far appeared markedly more credible than accusations launched by Christine Blasey Ford just a year and a half earlier against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Clinton at the time said Blasey Ford deserved “the benefit of the doubt” despite Ford offering no proof the she and Kavanaugh had even ever met. To the further detriment of Ford’s unsubstantiated claims, Ford was unable to produce a single witness who could corroborate her story, and even her lifelong friend, Leland Keyser, offered no evidence to support Ford’s accusations. Keyser was named by Ford as a witness, one of four who denied any knowledge of the event in question.

How Long Will The Media Bury Biden’s Massive #MeToo Problem


In the span of a week, and no thanks to the mainstream press, the accusation by Tara Reade that Joe Biden sexually assaulted her in the mid-1990s gained infinitely more credibility than any of the accusations lodged against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

There are now four people who say that Reade told them about Biden’s assault around the time it happened in 1993. And a tape of “Larry King Live,” during which Reade’s mother apparently phoned in to talk about the abuse, has emerged.

The story Reade tells is that while working in Biden’s Senate office, she was told to deliver a duffel bag to the once and future presidential hopeful. She says Biden pushed her up against a wall, reached under her skirt, and violated her with his fingers. And that, when she resisted, Biden said, “Aw man, I heard you liked me,” and then, “You’re OK, you’re fine.”

Reade says she complained to her supervisors and then filed a complaint with the Senate’s human resources office.

We’re not talking about some hazy, half-remembered, and completely uncorroborated story about drunken high school hijinks that Democrats hoped would derail Kavanaugh’s nomination, and led to wall-to-wall coverage by the press.

Whether Reade’s story holds up to close scrutiny is far from certain. But it certainly deserves more scrutiny than it’s gotten. At least as much as the press gave a Supreme Court nominee. Biden, after all, wants to be the leader of the free world. And his party has repeatedly set the standard of proof for such accusations at the “believe all women” level.

‘Truly demented’: Just when you thought Rep. Adam Schiff couldn’t sink lower, he said this about consequences of Senate not removing Trump


All our readers already know that Rep. Adam Schiff is a shameless, pathetic liar, so we won’t delve into that much further other than to say here’s another doozy of an example why:

Rep. @AdamSchiff is now suggesting that deaths caused by Coronavirus occurred because Trump was not impeached..
“I don’t think we had any idea how much damage he would go on to do.. There are 50,000 Americans now who are dead in significant part because of his incompetence..”

Dan Bongino summed Schiff up nicely:

✔ @dbongino

Known liar, clown, fraud, oxygen thief, serial hoaxster, and all-around garbage-person, sleazy Adam Schiff is doing everything he can to make this awful situation worse. There aren’t many people walking this planet who’ve done more damage than this sleazeball.

Schumer to Introduce Bill to Stop Trump From Placing Name on Stimulus Checks By Zachary Stieber (huh?)


President Donald Trump’s name will not be on stimulus checks sent to Americans if a bill soon to be introduced by Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) passes through Congress.

Republicans control the Senate and are unlikely to support the bill, which Schumer plans on introducing soon.

Dubbed the No Politics in Pandemic Recovery Act, or No PR Act, the legislation would bar using taxpayer funds “for any publicity or promotional activity that includes the names, likeness, or signature” of President Trump or Vice President Mike Pence.

“President Trump unfortunately appears to see the pandemic as just another opportunity to promote his own political interests. The No PR Act puts an end to the president’s exploitation of taxpayer money for promotional material that only benefits his reelection campaign,” Schumer said in a statement sent to news outlets. “Delaying the release of stimulus checks so his signature could be added is a waste of time and money.”

Schumer’s office didn’t respond to a request for more information.

Biden Should Drop Out or Take a Lie Detector Test Roger L. Simon


As I type this, #DropOutBiden and #TaraReade are the No. 1 and No. 2 hashtags, respectively, on Twitter, with over 53,000 tweets for No. 1, moving up rapidly with entries from the right and left. Bernie supporters are particularly outraged.

(By the time you read this, no telling how high it will be, because Kim Jong Un’s life or death may be sneaking into the lead.)

Twitter, for all its pluses and minuses, can be seen as a leading factor in politics the way the stock market is for the economy—so the Democrats and their media minions (who have been notably silent on the Reade matter, almost to the point of mafia-style omertà) should be afraid, very afraid.

The reason for this sudden uproar? The surfacing of Tara Reade’s mother’s alarmed call-in to Larry King’s cable TV show that was contemporaneous with her daughter’s claim of a sexual assault by then-Sen. Joe Biden—an accusation, it should be noted, that is by multiples greater than anything that arose during the highly contentious Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court nomination hearings.