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Disgusting: Democrats threaten to expel Democratic lawmaker for surviving COVID-19 with hydroxychloroquine and thanking Trump By Monica Showalter


What kind of a creature “censures” a black woman who just barely survived the coronavirus and then went on to thank President Trump for suggesting hydroxychloroquine, the drug that turned the tide for her?

Only a Democrat. And in Gretchen Whitmer’s Michigan, these beasts have proliferated. Rather than offer thanks to heaven for their fellow Detroit legislator’s survival, along with lots of proverbial pats on the back and expressions of support for her recovery, which is what decent people do, these Democrats had different ideas. They decided to punish her, whipping out their censorship apparat and threatening party expulsion all for the ‘crime’ of surviving COVID-19 by taking hydroxychloroquine and remembering and thanking President Trump.

Michigan’s already grossly unpopular governor, Gretchen Whitmer, who banned garden seed sales, mowing the lawn, and visiting one’s own getaway cabin, has actually been making time in her busy schedule to send crank texts to the lawmaker, Karen Whitsett.

Whitsett, who is a state legislator, came off as a decent human being, too, was utterly taken aback by the extent of Trump derangement in her own party, now targeted at her:

They would expel me, why they would expel me is beyond words for me. This is something that I did not expect, I started out with a simple thank you to the man that is the president of the United States. It’s a thank you, I didn’t know that thank you had a political line. I didn’t know thank you belongs to one political party over another, and that if you’re in one party you cannot say thank you to another person. I had no idea.

AOC’s Baseless Accusation That the U.S. Is a ‘Brutal, Barbarian Society’ James D. Agresti


According to democratic socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the COVID-19 pandemic is proving that the United States “is a brutal, barbarian society for the vast majority of working-class Americans.” As evidence of this, she claims that “40% of us couldn’t even afford a $400 emergency” before this crisis, and COVID-19 “is more than a $400 emergency.”

However, her “40%–$400” statistic is false, and the facts that broadly inform this issue reveal that:

government social programs, which AOC seeks to enlarge, depress workers’ savings, causing the very outcomes that she decries.
the people of the U.S. lead the world in charity.
middle- and low-income Americans are more financially capable of handling COVID-19 than the bulk of people in most developed countries, including those who live in more socialistic nations that AOC says the U.S. should emulate.
AOC’s Allegations

In a recent video, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D–N.Y.) declared: “This is supposed to be the richest society in the world, and I think what this crisis is showing us is that this is only a rich society for a very small amount of people, and it is a brutal, barbarian society for the vast majority of working-class Americans because 40% of us couldn’t even afford a $400 emergency before this thing started. This is more than a $400 emergency, and we’re really going to have to step up and completely change our approach to our public systems.”

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez still championing the ‘unwilling to work’ By Monica Showalter


“The socialist ‘it girl’ lays another egg, telling unemployment-wracked New Yorkers to go on a ‘job strike.'”

Talk about dimwit.

At a time when millions of Americans are demanding to be allowed to return to work, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is calling for a “work strike.”

According to PJMedia’s Tyler O’Neill:

“When we talk about this idea of reopening society you know, only in America does the president — when the president tweets about liberation — does he mean ‘go back to work.’ When we have this discussion about going back or reopening, I think a lot of people should just say no — we’re not going back to that,” AOC told Anand Giridharadas in the first episode of his upcoming Vice show.

“We’re not going back to working 70-hour weeks just so that we could put food on the table and not even feel any sort of semblance of security in our lives,” she argued.
Which ought to go over real well with hungry workers wondering how the rent’s going to get paid. They know it’s bad for them.

Democrats to Replace Biden at Convention Over Tara Reade Sexual Assault Allegations? By Matt Margolis


While the mainstream media has mostly kept a lid on this story, the sexual assault allegations by Tara Reade against presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden aren’t going away soon. As PJM’s Rick Moran reported earlier this week, the D.C. police are treating the allegations as an “active and ongoing” investigation. Many liberals are turning a blind eye to the story, but there are some who have a vested interest in keeping this story alive and front and center: Bernie Bros.

In fact, Briahna Joy Gray, Bernie Sanders’ former campaign press secretary, who has been a vocal critic of Biden, suggested in an interview with The Atlantic that the allegations might just thwart Biden’s nomination at the Democratic National Convention.

Gray told Emma Green that the Democratic primary is far from over. “The Democratic Party would like us to believe [we’re now in the general election season], and they behaved that way even before Bernie Sanders dropped out of the race. But we are, in fact, still in a Democratic-primary season. Biden is only the presumptive nominee,” she said, before adding, “And there’s all kinds of whispers and rumors about whether or not something might happen at the convention, which might mean Joe Biden isn’t even the nominee.”

“Are you talking about the Tara Reade allegations?” Green asked.

Biden Urges More Mail-In Voting, Blasts Trump as ‘Un-American’


Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is calling on Congress to provide enough money for every state to allow voters to cast a ballot by mail this November amid the coronavirus pandemic.

In making that pitch during an online fundraiser Thursday night, Biden blasted President Donald Trump for working to block emergency funding for the cash-strapped U.S. Postal Service, which would handle tens of millions of ballots this fall. Biden said it’s evidence that Trump already is trying to “undermine” the election and make it more difficult for Americans to vote.

“We have to make it easier for everybody to be able to vote, particularly if we are still basically in the kind of lockdown circumstances we are in now,” Biden told about 650 donors. “But that takes a lot of money, and it’s going to require us to provide money for states and insist they provide mail-in ballots.”

It’s perhaps Biden’s most explicit call for a national mail election since COVID-19 upended the 2020 campaign and every aspect of American life. The former vice president doesn’t propose eliminating in-person voting. But he said state and local officials must do more to make polling locations conform to public health protocols, while steering voters toward other options.

The Democrats Totally Want A Depression Kurt Schlichter


If the Malevolent Donkey Party was actively seeking to plunge the country into an economic tailspin, while still maintaining some level of deniability to the credulous suckers out there, exactly what would it be doing differently? It would be pretty much doing exactly what it is doing right now – shilling for the bat-gobbling ChiComs, delaying needed assistance to keep America working, and generally trying to keep us all locked in the dark in perpetuity.

It’s fair to assume that you intend the expected consequences of the actions you take, and the consequence of the actions the Democrats are taking is economic ruin. The indisputable fact is that they’re totally cool with that if that is what gets them back into power.

Democrats are never ones to let a good crisis go to waste, and this Wuhan Flu is a very good crisis indeed if your goal is leftist hegemony. The Trump economy was booming after the near-decade of the Obama doldrums, and people were getting a taste of prosperity. But a happy, prosperous America is something the Democrat dudes can’t abide. All the Democrats had to sell were recycled cries of “RACISM!” and “RUSSIA!” and their standard-bearer was that sinewy weirdo Grandpa Badfinger, who was promising to drag us all back into the nightmare of globalist failure. The future looked grim, which means it actually looked bright for the rest of us.

So, the Chinese coronavirus was a dream come true, a deus ex pangolin that finally, after an endless series of leaks, impeachments, investigations, and media meltdowns, might be the magic bullet that actually takes Trump down.

A Joe Biden SCOTUS List Would Be Good News . . . By David Harsanyi


. . . for conservatives.

CBS News is reporting that liberal groups are calling on Joe Biden to release a list of potential Supreme Court nominees and “copy the playbook” of Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign.

At first glance, this seems like a useful idea. Trump’s SCOTUS list was a highly effective campaign maneuver, shoring up wobbly support from originalists and social conservatives. Before the election, I was highly skeptical that Trump would adhere to his promises on judges, but he has, and for many of us, these picks are the most important legacy of his first term.

But what does Biden gain from assembling such a list? Probably not much. In fact, it could hurt him.

While it’s true that the liberal base is animated by resisting conservative justices, contemporary Democrats have never been exceptionally troubled by the philosophical disposition of their judges, mostly because their presidents never make mistakes.

Of course, it’s easy to make the right call when you’re picking from a group whose only unifying ideology of jurisprudence is malleably partisan. There is no Federalist Society laying down intellectually consistent cases on the left, because there can’t be any consistency. There is virtually no space between the Left’s conception of Constitution and the Left’s constantly evolving views and policy goals. And those goals increasingly lay outside the limits of traditional constitutional governance. Liberal judges exist to justify, literally, those policy goals, and in the vast majority of cases, they do.

Stacey Abrams Says She Could Help Biden By Turning Out More Black Voters


Former Georgia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams reiterated her interest in serving as presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s running mate, saying she would be valuable in ensuring people of color turnout to vote in the November election.

Abrams, who previously served as the minority leader in the Georgia state House of Representatives, has repeatedly voiced her interest in running as the Democratic Party’s vice-presidential candidate. The politician from Georgia reasserted that desire and explained why she’d make a good partner for Biden during an interview with CNN’s David Axelrod on the Thursday episode of his podcast The Axe Files.

“I have the deepest respect for every woman who is being talked about and who should be considered for this post,” Abrams told Axelrod. “But I know that for communities of color, particularly for the black community, there has got to be a recognition that their needs are met. And we have to have candidates who are able to not only speak to them, but turn them out.”

“There has to be an intentionality to turning them out. A lot of folks can do that. I’m one of those people,” she said. “And I have proven it by turning out more people of color in an election than anyone in 2018 did. Not by race, but by raw number.”

A black Georgia Democrat who endorsed Trump is driven out office By Andrea Widburg


“Rep. Vernon Jones has been subjected to unrelenting harassment from black Democrats furious with him for saying Trump has done more for blacks than Biden ever did.”

Happily, Democrats in Georgia don’t have the option of executing politically disfavored people, but they’ll certainly do their best to erase them from history. Former state representative Vernon Jones, a black Democrat who supports Trump, has discovered that, if you’re an apostate from the Democrat party, you will be driven from the fold.

Last week, Jones endorsed President Donald Trump for a second term. His reasoning was straightforward:

“It’s very simple to me. President Trump’s handling of the economy, his support for historically black colleges and his criminal justice initiatives drew me to endorse his campaign,” said Jones, who added that he had no immediate plans to switch parties.

“There are a lot of African Americans who clearly see and appreciate he’s doing something that’s never been done before,” Jones said. “When you look at the unemployment rates among black Americans before the pandemic, they were at historic lows. That’s just a fact.”

Georgia Democrats responded swiftly and brutally. Not only did they repeat the usual baseless canards about Trump’s racism, they instantly tried to un-person Jones:

State Democratic officials tried Tuesday to disown Jones, a former chief executive of DeKalb County, Georgia’s biggest Democratic stronghold. State Sen. Nikema Williams, the chairwoman of the state party, called him an “embarrassment” who doesn’t reflect Georgia values.

Rally ’Round the Flag, But Not Around Cuomo Why New York’s governor seems to be benefitting from the flag effect more than President Trump isn’t too difficult to understand. By Elliot Fuchs


An apolitical friend reached out to me the other day with an honest question: Is Andrew Cuomo the best governor in the United States?

The answer to that question is a hard “no,” but my friend is not the only one thinking that way, especially among New Yorkers.

A new poll, under the headline “Cuomo Threatens Trump” shows Cuomo’s numbers skyrocketing during his handling of the coronavirus crisis and has him challenging Trump seriously in a head-to-head matchup. Polls show the president’s approval ratings moving upward during the crisis, too. Both of these politicians seem to be leveraging their nationally televised Corona briefings toward general approval of their handling of the situation.

The truth is both of these politicians seem to be benefiting from the “rally ’round the flag effect.” Seen most spectacularly during 9/11, the “rally ’round the flag effect” is a term coined by political scientists to describe how Americans tend to favor their leaders during times of national distress. During “the most spectacular of international crises,” government officials can expect “a public rally.” This is how we can understand President George Bush’s astounding approval rating of 90 percent during the intial outbreak of “the war on terrorism.” Or FDR’s 84 percent approval rating during the Great Depression, even though some economists have questioned if his actions actually prolonged our economic burdens, and didn’t help alleviate them.