“Donald Trump may be a figure of fun for the U.S. political class, but his message is Winston Churchill’s, and the danger he warns about is just as real. Trump is the only person in recent memory who can pierce the wall of lies put up by the cartel media – which is deeply infiltrated by jihadist money and propaganda. Trump may look like a pop culture icon, but in fact he may signal a major turning point in the jihad war.”
In 1940, on the eve of World War 2, when the English Parliament finally grasped the full disaster of appeasement, those were the words M.P. Leon Avery spoke to Neville Chamberlain. The full quote, from Oliver Cromwell, is:
“Depart, I say, and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go!”
A crucial moment came in 1940, before general war broke out, when the British establishment finally saw through its own years of wishful denial. Hitler used those years to build overwhelming arms superiority, threatening and invading one country after another, spreading terror and fear through Europe while promising peace, peace, and more peace. After the “Norway debate” of 1940, Neville Chamberlain took public responsibility for his failures and resigned. Churchill was quickly asked to form the next government. He was ready, and the political establishment finally flipped on the very edge of disaster.