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Wuhan-Media virus infects America’s information stream Liz Shield



The ghoulish media and the Democrats continue to showcase Wuhan Flu, criticizing the administration, gleefully reporting its spread, business hardships and event cancellations. How should this epidemic have been handled? We don’t know because we don’t get solutions from the resistance only screaming. And yes, it’s the WUHAN FLU, that’s a fact-based description. It’s not racist, the flu originated from Wuhan. Full stop.

During the daily Wuhan-media virus press briefing yesterday, “journalist” Jim Acosta asked the task force if President Trump was still going to shake hands with people. UM…that’s your question about this plague devastating our community and sickening people?!? Not about the vaccine, not about further travel restrictions or what measures are recommended for nursing home residents but Trump’s hand-shaking. What a clown, really. There’s another crisis in America, and that’s the crisis of trust in the media. We are experiencing a public health crisis and the corporate media cannot be trusted to accurate report information. It’s scary.

Expect this continue because as more tests become available, more people will be officially diagnosed with the virus and the media will proudly display the disease count. Now remember, this virus first appeared at the end of November in China. Infected people were moving around the planet for at least two months before restrictions were put in place. This virus has been simmering in the population for awhile. I’m not downplaying it, if you are older and compromised please take extreme care. I’ve quarantined my mother, she is high risk. But if you aren’t in a high risk category, take steps to keep your hands clean with thorough washing and avoid sick people.

Biden cleans up at Tuesday primaries Liz Shield


Sleepy Joe who had another “episode” yesterday, gathered more delegates in the primaries than Bernie Sanders. Pundits praised Biden’s electoral prowess but remember this Biden surge is mostly manufactured by the media. Biden was tanking and the establishment-media complex was all about Mike Bloomberg until he beclowned himself beyond belief at his lone debate performance. The Democrat machine doesn’t have anyone else to support after the poor performances in Nevada and South Carolina of Warren, Amy!, and Mayor Pete. It had to be Joe.

The problem is Sleepy Joe has to be heavily managed because he is clearly “off.” He already has had his campaign appearances shortened to prevent him from phasing out and going off piste. This is what Hillary’s handlers did and the media will let them get away with it. I remember after the 2016 election, reading the book “Shattered” which was supposed to be about Hillary shattering the glass ceiling but was quickly edited to reflect her the shattered presidential ambitions. The book was brutal about her campaign shenanigans but all the scoop in the book was withheld from the public during the campaign to protect her. The media will protect Biden in the same way. His campaign handlers will wheel him out with pope-mobile like security, he will speak briefly and they will pack him up and take him to the next location. But it’s a done deal, it’s going to be Biden.

Can Biden be managed in a debate setting? A debate is set for Sunday with Bernie (without an audience) but Biden might just pull out of it claiming nomination victory.  He will have to debate Trump and that will be quite a production.

No Thanks: Biden Promises ‘Return to Normal’ Julie Kelly


President Trump, for all his flaws, has exposed the arrogance, ignorance, and failures of Washington’s ruling class. That’s why they’re desperate to oust him, even if it means replacing Trump with a man way past his prime who’s exhibiting more alarming behavior each day. There’s nothing “normal” about it.

If he wins the White House in November, Joe Biden is pledging a “return to normal.” And apparently Team Biden thinks that catchy slogan sounds like a promise instead of a threat.

Since announcing his candidacy last spring, Biden and his boosters have touted the former vice president’s ability to roll back the clock to the period of political appeasement that was interrupted by the unwelcome rule of Donald Trump. Biden, who has roamed the halls of power in Washington, D.C. for nearly five decades, claims only he can restore the nation’s capital to the comfort zone it had formerly been for him and his cronies, a place where mean tweets and spontaneous firings and “irregular channels” don’t frustrate the Beltway’s business-as-usual brotherhood.

“Joe Biden wants to take America back to a time before Trump,” cooed a headline in a lengthy puff piece on Biden in the July 2019 issue of the New York Times magazine. “For voters unnerved by Trump’s conduct in office but not necessarily seeking radical change, he offers vast experience, conciliatory instincts and an empathy rooted in personal anguish.”

Now, Biden’s view of what constitutes “normal” might be a tad out of whack after 47 years in national politics. After all, the Democratic front runner remains gobsmacked as to why anyone would question the propriety of his son’s profitable international business dealings while Biden worked in the West Wing.

And Biden’s recent interactions with “normal” Americans have veered from creepy to dangerously aggressive. At a campaign appearance in Michigan on Tuesday, Biden berated an autoworker, pointed in his face, and said he wanted to “go outside” with the man.

Democrats: A Disaster for African Americans How the Left exploits the victimhood narrative and devastates a community. Wed Mar 11, 2020 Bruce Hendry


Below is Part 6 of a new essay written by Bruce Hendry: Democrats, Progressives and Socialists. Stay tuned for the ensuing chapters. [See links to previous chapters below this article].

14. Immigration.

I have often wondered why it has been so difficult for Congress to agree on sensible immigration laws, and also why existing immigration laws have not been enforced. The other mystery to me is why we let immigrants into our country that need to be on welfare when there are many immigrants that are highly educated who want to be here, but are denied. With so many people that want to come to America to live, why wouldn’t we pick the ones who would benefit our country the most?

Democrats are the answer to this mystery. Poor illegal immigrants from Africa, Mexico and Central America eventually vote for Democrats. It’s that simple. It’s not good for our country to let poor, sometimes uneducated persons who need welfare and medical assistance into our country. But it is good for Democrats. In simplest terms, Democrats sacrifice the good of the country in order to import future Democratic voters. An example of that is California, a state that used to be Republican when Ronald Reagan was governor, but now because of legal and illegal immigration, is solidly Democratic.

15. Democrats are a Disaster for African Americans.

94% of the African American vote goes to Democrats, despite the fact that Democrats have been a disaster for their communities. Historically, and prior to the Civil War, slave owners in the South were Democrats. In the 1860’s, the northern political party of the Whigs would not take a courageous stand against slavery. So a sizable portion of the Whigs broke away and formed the Republican party in order to free the slaves. The Republican party, the one that still exists today, was originally formed to free the slaves of the South and 360,000 mostly white men from the North died freeing the black slaves. 260,000 men from the Democratic south died trying to keep slavery.

After the Civil War, the Democrats in the South sought to keep African Americans from full citizenship by passing a series of laws that we now call “Jim Crow” laws. These segregationist laws identified people with black skins and then made special rules for them that kept them second-class citizens. Republicans came to the rescue again and with northern Democrats had those laws invalidated.

Biden Snaps at Construction Worker During Heated Gun-Control Argument: ‘You’re Full of Sh**’ By Zachary Evans


Former vice president Joe Biden on Tuesday berated a construction worker in Michigan after the man challenged his stance on gun control.

“You are actively trying to end our Second Amendment right and take away our guns,” the man told Biden as the candidate greeted workers building a Fiat-Chrysler assembly plant.

“You’re full of sh**,” Biden responded. A Biden aide tried to end the discussion, but the candidate silenced her in order to continue speaking with the worker. “I support the Second Amendment … from the very beginning. I have a shotgun. I have a 20-gauge, a 12-gauge. My sons hunt,” he said.

The two men then argued about whether Biden had said he would try to take away Americans’ guns.

“This is not okay, alright?” the worker said, to which Biden responded, “Don’t tell me that, pal, or I’m going to go out and slap you in the face.”

“You’re working for me, man!” the worker responded.

Politicizing Coronavirus Will Cost Dems the House Their rhetoric concerning COVID-19 has been both irresponsible and politically inept. by David Catron

It’s clear that the Democrats see the coronavirus outbreak as an opportunity rather than an epidemic. Having failed to bring down President Trump with ridiculous conspiracy theories involving Russia and Ukraine, they are desperately attempting to convince the public that he is somehow exacerbating the COVID-19 crisis. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer, for example, issued a joint press release Sunday that included the following fiction: “President Trump continues to manufacture needless chaos within his administration and it is hampering the government’s response to the coronavirus outbreak.” Predictably, Pelosi and Schumer fail to provide any objective facts to support this claim.

This is just the latest in a series of irresponsible assertions by the Democrats. The purported front-runner for their party’s presidential nomination, former Vice President Joe Biden, falsely claimed during a debate in late February that the Trump administration had hampered the federal response to COVID-19 by cutting funding for the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH): “We [the Obama–Biden administration] increased the budget of the CDC. We increased the NIH budget.… He’s wiped all that out.… He cut the funding for the entire effort.” This balderdash was too much for the fact checkers at AP, who were quick to debunk the falsehood. The AP report also undermines the “needless chaos” assertion made by Pelosi and Schumer:

The public health system has a playbook to follow for pandemic preparation regardless of who’s president or whether specific instructions are coming from the White House.… Among the health authorities overseeing the work are Dr. Anne Schuchat, CDC’s principal deputy director and a veteran of previous outbreaks, and Dr. Anthony Fauci, NIH’s infectious disease chief who has advised six presidents.



Washington Post Outlines New Joe Biden Strategy To Win 2020 Election: “Hide”…

Most intellectually honest people have noted the leading Democrat front-runner for the DNC presidential nomination, 77-year-old Joe Biden, is slowly losing mental acuity.  He might not have lost all his marbles, but there’s definitely a worsening hole in the bag.

As a direct result when Biden gives speeches he ends up speaking in what can best be described as jibberish.

Media covering for the loss of mental acuity have taken to calling the bouts of extreme jibberish “gaffes”; however, the scale and scope of the awkward word-salads has started to outpace the ability of the media to cover for them.


Media launch veepstakes chatter: Biden needs a woman, but which one?
Howard Kurtz


Harris “exudes energy and compassion” and having a woman of color would be a plus.

As for Stacey Abrams, she’s not ready for prime time “as an author, voting-rights activist, former Georgia state representative, failed candidate for governor, and a celebrity of sorts among woke progressives and academics.”

In the end, running mates don’t matter all that much. Donald Trump didn’t win because of Mike Pence, Hillary Clinton didn’t lose because of Tim Kaine, and Barack Obama didn’t win because of Biden. But given Biden’s age and the Democratic hunger for a woman on the ticket, whoever gets the nod might matter more this year than in the recent past.

Footnote: Axios goes further with Biden’s “secret governing plan”: basically an assortment of names being floated for top jobs. They include John Kerry, Susan Rice, Mike Bloomberg, Jamie Dimon, Warren and Pete Buttigieg.


Three reasons Joe Biden will never be president

Byron Yor

‘The third reason Biden will not be president is the “14-Year Rule.” The idea of former George W. Bush speechwriter John McConnell, and popularized by writer Jonathan Rauch, it basically says that politicians have a strict sell-by date. “No one gets elected president who needs longer than 14 years to get from his or her first gubernatorial or Senate victory to either the presidency or the vice presidency,” Rauch wrote. That has been true for a century.

Biden didn’t even get close. It took him 36 years to get from his first Senate victory to the vice presidency. If he wins the presidency now, it would be 47 years from that first Senate swearing-in until Inauguration Day.

Of course, it’s possible the 14-Year Rule, the “Too Long In The Senate Rule,” and the “How Vice Presidents Become President Rule” might all be wrong in Biden’s case. If so, he can frame this headline and hang it somewhere in the White House. But don’t bet on it.’


If Only All the Candidates Could Drop Out The Democratic primary race will eventually be over, but already it seems to have gone on forever. By Joseph Epstein


Surely the one thing we can all agree on about the Democratic presidential primary is that it has gone on much too long. I have no notion if the Founding Fathers intended so extended a contest, but I can guarantee that if they had to put up with one of such length, they would have been bored out of their wigs. The only relief has been comic, supplied by that always reliable gaffemeister Joe Biden, who at the end of a lengthy interview with Chris Wallace said, “Thank you, Chuck.”

Tom Steyer, Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar, Mike Bloomberg and Elizabeth Warren have dropped out in recent weeks. All these candidates, forced to repeat themselves over and over, became, to put it gently, tremendous bores. The task of finding fresh things to say at every interview, town-hall meeting or national debate is impossible. So the candidates banged on with the same old braggadocious claims about their extraordinary fitness for the job of leader of the world’s most powerful nation. One listened, yawned and considered citizenship in Brazil.

Of the candidates who have dropped out, the one who made the least impression was Mr. Steyer. All I can recall about him was his advanced case of Trump Derangement Syndrome, his agitated concern about climate change, and his plaid neckties. He is said to have spent $100 million of his own money on his obviously futile campaign. His money would have been better spent on windmills and solar panels.

Then there was Mayor Pete, who specialized in articulate earnestness. (As Sinatra said to Hemingway, “Let’s be Frank and Ernest.”) He was the man with the perfect résumé, with entries ranging from Oxford to Afghanistan. He was never shy about mentioning his homosexuality, thereby claiming a share of victim status. He also featured himself, at 38, as the next generation made flesh. How long will it take the country to forget how to pronounce his last name?

Can New Jersey Democrats Bulldoze President Trump? By Eileen F. Toplansky


How quaint that leftists aka Democrats sound the alarm on voting rights for illegals  but display nothing but dictatorial instincts when they want to squash the rights of conservative voters.

New Jersey Democrats are reviving an effort to force President Donald Trump to release his tax returns or be denied a spot on the state’s 2020 ballot.  Thus, “[t]he New Jersey state Senate approved a bill which the Legislature passed once before, in 2017, but which then-Gov. Chris Christie blocked by issuing a scathing veto — that would prohibit candidates for president and vice president from appearing on the ballot unless they make their tax returns public.” 

In fact, “[s]imilar legislation has been introduced in at least 30 states but never enacted, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures, meaning New Jersey would be the first to impose such a disclosure requirement if its measure is also approved by the Assembly and signed by Gov. Phil Murphy, a Democrat.”

Consequently, in the now totalitarian state of New Jersey where Democratic Gov. Murphy appears to be vying with Democratic California Governor Gavin Newsom as to who can be autocrat of the year, a raw grab for power is being enacted that would prohibit “Electoral College electors from voting for Presidential or Vice Presidential candidates who fail to file income tax returns.” 

Translated — the Democrats are attempting to keep President Trump off the New Jersey ballot by insisting that the IRS wield its massive power and disclose what is supposed to be private information. 

Joe Biden Already Choosing Cabinet Picks; Kerry, Rice Return ; Graceless Elizabeth Warren


Axios reports Monday that former Vice President Joe Biden’s inner circle is already discussing a list of Cabinet picks. Many of the names would return from the Obama administration, constituting an effective “third term.”

Axios says that former Secretary of State John Kerry could return in that role, or be appointed to a new Cabinet-level climate change position.

Former National Security Advisor Susan Rice — who was never nominated for Secretary of State because of fears she would not survive confirmation after misleading the nation about the Benghazi attacks — could find her way to that position in a potential Biden administration, Axios claims.

There would also be room in the Biden Cabinet for some of his former 2020 rivals, including former South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, who could be UN ambassador, or U.S. trade representative.


The amazing gracelessness of Elizabeth Warren
Cockburn, Spectator.us

The stars were out in force on Saturday Night Live last night — Daniel Craig, the Weeknd and, er, Elizabeth Ann Warren. After a grueling and failed presidential campaign, the senator from Massachusetts showed viewers her more likable side. She even made a couple of jokes at her own expense. She proved, perhaps, that she is a much better presidential candidate when she isn’t actually running for president.

But even when light, Warren is strangely heavy. Her joke about her refusal to endorse Sanders or Biden was unnecessarily bitter: ‘maybe I’ll pull a New York Times and endorse them both,’ she quipped, a reference to Gray Lady’s decision to endorse both her and Amy Klobuchar. Apparently that transparent gesture of feminist solidarity wasn’t feminist enough for Liz.