The ghoulish media and the Democrats continue to showcase Wuhan Flu, criticizing the administration, gleefully reporting its spread, business hardships and event cancellations. How should this epidemic have been handled? We don’t know because we don’t get solutions from the resistance only screaming. And yes, it’s the WUHAN FLU, that’s a fact-based description. It’s not racist, the flu originated from Wuhan. Full stop.
During the daily Wuhan-media virus press briefing yesterday, “journalist” Jim Acosta asked the task force if President Trump was still going to shake hands with people. UM…that’s your question about this plague devastating our community and sickening people?!? Not about the vaccine, not about further travel restrictions or what measures are recommended for nursing home residents but Trump’s hand-shaking. What a clown, really. There’s another crisis in America, and that’s the crisis of trust in the media. We are experiencing a public health crisis and the corporate media cannot be trusted to accurate report information. It’s scary.
Expect this continue because as more tests become available, more people will be officially diagnosed with the virus and the media will proudly display the disease count. Now remember, this virus first appeared at the end of November in China. Infected people were moving around the planet for at least two months before restrictions were put in place. This virus has been simmering in the population for awhile. I’m not downplaying it, if you are older and compromised please take extreme care. I’ve quarantined my mother, she is high risk. But if you aren’t in a high risk category, take steps to keep your hands clean with thorough washing and avoid sick people.