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Bernie Sanders wins the Nevada caucuses. Democrats hardest hit. By Andrea Widburg


That Bernie Sanders has won the Nevada caucuses is a one-line story: Bernie won in Nevada.

The real story is the absolute horror that establishment Democrats are experiencing as they realize that Bernie momentum leaves them with only two choices at the Democrat party convention in July: Yield to the passionate base and anoint Bernie as their candidate, despite the probability (although, sadly, not the certainty) that he will lose spectacularly; or they can override the passionate base and, in a backroom deal, give the nomination to someone else, yielding to an equally spectacular schism in the party as the Bernie Bros get angry.

Here’s the straight news portion of this post: As of this writing, Bernie Sanders is the undisputed winner of the Nevada caucuses. Although counting is going slowly, his lead in the districts counted is so complete that Bernie is already declaring victory, as are most in the media:

It’s unlikely that this will change when all of the precincts have reported. Not all is rosy, though, because Bernie’s win was apparently unaided by the minority voters who are essential to a Democrat victory in November:

Now to the fun part of this post, which is seeing establishment Democrats (all leftists but none as left as Bernie) terrified that they’re watching their party implode. And no, this is not a re-hash of Republican concerns in 2016. Back then, while the establishment disliked Trump’s style, his message was mainstream and consistent with American values through the end of the 20th century. Bernie, on the other hand, is charting an entirely new direction for America.

Zac Petkanas worked for Hillary Clinton’s campaign and worked for Harry Reid. In a tweet he later deleted, he stated “We are watching Trump win re-election in real time. Just a disaster.” He deleted that tweet after pushback, but continued to worry.

Open borders Bernie Sanders wants full government benefits for illegal aliens By Andrea Widburg


In his Nevada victory speech, Bernie promised that all Americans will pay for Democrat mistakes, subsidizing not only citizens but also illegal aliens.

Milton Friedman, who was so focused on economics that he forgot that nations need a shared culture to function, believed open borders represented the free flow of both financial and human capital. Friedman, however, drew a single bright line when it came to open borders –no welfare:

Immigration is a particularly difficult subject. There is no doubt that free and open immigration is the right policy in a libertarian state, but in a welfare state it is a different story: the supply of immigrants will become infinite. Your proposal that someone only be able to come for employment is a good one but it would not solve the problem completely. The real hitch is in denying social benefits to the immigrants who are here. That is very hard to do, much harder than you would think as we have found out in California.

Bernie Sanders has no time for that economic reality:

Today we got 500,000 people sleeping out on the streets of America. Today we have 18 million families paying 50% of their limited incomes for housing. Today we have hundreds of thousands of bright young people who cannot afford to get a higher education. Today we have 45 million paying a student debt that many of them cannot afford to pay.

Mike Bloomberg, American Julianus Roger Kimball


The billionaire former New York City mayor is throwing a lot of money around and renouncing plenty of sensible positions to win the Democratic Party’s presidential nod. His effort to buy the presidency will fail.

I see that Mike Bloomberg is angling to become the Didius Julianus of our day. Historians refer to 193 A.D. as the “Year of the Five Emperors.” Julianus became the second contestant in that sweepstakes after the Praetorian Guard murdered the emperor Pertinax, who had been stingy about distributing the pelf they had come to expect. By this time, the Praetorian Guard was a law unto itself, much as the administrative state is today.

Pertinax only survived for about three months as emperor. Cutting to the mercenary chase, the Guard then announced they were auctioning off the office of emperor to the highest bidder. The main contenders were Claudius Sulpicianus, prefect of Rome, and Julianus, a rich politician and former consul under Commodus. Each made multiple offers until Sulpicianus reached the astounding sum of 20,000 sesterces per soldier in the Guard, several times their annual salary. Julianus saw and raised that bid, offering 25,000 sesterces per head.

Thus did he become emperor, earning a place in the history books.

It did not end happily, though. Neither the legions nor the Senate was happy about the office of emperor being bought outright and Julianus was abandoned by his supporters as Septimius Severus, the ultimate successor as emperor, bore down upon Rome. Julianus, having reigned a mere 66 days, was killed by a soldier in the palace on June 1. His last words are said to have been, “What evil have I done? Whom have I killed?”

The bidding for the Democratic nomination is not quite as brazen as was the contest between Sulpicianus and Julianus. Bloomberg is not barking offers over office partitions at the DNC as Julianus did outside the Praetorian camp. But, still, Bloomberg is pretty brazen.

Pennsylvania’s Democratic Civil War The divide between labor leaders and environmental activists widens in a state dependent on fossil-fuel industries. Charles F. McElwee


For generations, Pennsylvania’s blue-collar voters found political refuge in the Democratic Party. Even when the national party moved leftward on social issues, this voting bloc—largely Catholic, with multigenerational roots in coal and steel towns—elected Democrats to defend their economic interests. But the party’s environmental activists are jeopardizing this allegiance. A clash is taking place between progressives, who want a carbon-free future, and organized labor, which sees fossil-fuel industries and the jobs they create as essential for many communities. This opposition, reflective of a national trend, could fracture the party statewide and help ensure another victory for Donald Trump.

From Pennsylvania’s big-city wards to its rural townships, union members feel disenfranchised within a party that once championed their interests. In South Philadelphia, for example, the closure of Philadelphia Energy Solutions, the East Coast’s largest and oldest oil refinery, has exposed divisions between the city’s powerful building-trades unions and a newer liberal constituency. Located in the 26th ward—one of only three wards citywide that supported Trump in 2016—the refinery symbolizes the cultural tensions of a changing neighborhood. Near the city’s sports stadiums, older Italian residents, who revere the late mayor Frank Rizzo, live side-by-side with young, secular, and progressive professionals on blocks lined with row homes.

The refinery, shuttered after a massive fire last year that resulted in bankruptcy, prompted discussions about how to redevelop a parcel of land larger than the Center City district. Labor leaders, with support from the Trump administration, called for restoring a facility that supplied 335,000 barrels per day—principally to New York’s market. In January, the Philadelphia Building and Construction Trades Council rallied at City Hall, where the organization’s leaders ripped “elitists” and “rich kids” for prioritizing environmental concerns over saving jobs. It would take years, after all, to clean up a complex in operation since 1870, not long after the first oil well was drilled in northwestern Pennsylvania. Legal restrictions inhibit the contaminated property’s reuse, the leaders pointed out, whereas reopening the site would restore more than 1,000 jobs—many unionized, well-paying, and highly skilled—lost after the fire.

Stunning: A Delusional Socialist Just Blew Away the Democrat Competition in Nevada. Now What? By Paula Bolyard


If you think that headline sounds like something from the Babylon Bee, you’re not alone. It defies logic, reason, and incredible odds, but as of publishing time, it appears that Bernie Sanders—a democratic socialist who is not even a member of the Democratic Party—is going to blow away the competition in the Nevada caucuses. At present, with just over 23% reporting, Bolshie Bernie has nearly 40% of the vote, topping second-place Biden by 17 points.

While Sanders caucuses with Democrats in the Senate, he has held elected office since 1981 as an independent and self-identifies as a democratic socialist (a less-scary-sounding way of saying “I know best, so gimme all your money and say goodbye to your freedom”). He’s also identified himself on multiple occasions as a plain old “socialist.”

The Democrats are fracking insane Proposing a ban is election suicide. The Democrats are doing it anyway. James Delingpole


What could be more emblematic of the American Dream than fracking, the miracle technology that has created thousands of real jobs, lowered the cost of living, generated wealth and prosperity, boosted competitiveness and helped make the United States not just energy independent, but a net exporter of natural gas and petroleum products for the first time in decades? And what could be more characteristic of the elitist, small-minded, anti-market, anti-blue-collar, anti-growth, green-obsessed liberal-left than that the Democratic party is hell-bent on banning it?

Modern fracking — horizontal hydraulic fracturing — combines two technologies in a way that only a few decades ago would have sounded more like witchcraft or alchemy than a viable business proposition. It was devised in the late Nineties by Texas entrepreneur George Mitchell, the son of Greek immigrants (his father had been a goatherd), who set out to solve a seemingly impossible problem: how to make the richly abundant but apparently inaccessible pockets of gas trapped in America’s shale formations economically viable.

After spending $6 million on research and development, Mitchell found the solution. He combined the existing process of fracking (invented in the 1940s) — forcing liquid at high pressure into the shale so as to break up the rock and release the gas — with horizontal drilling. Everyone told him he was wasting his time and money but Mitchell was vindicated. As the Economist wrote in 2012, the year before his death, ‘Few business people have done as much to change the world as George Mitchell.’

Victor Davis Hanson: 2020 presidential race will ‘split’ the Dems in a way the Republica Julia Mustons have never fractured


The 2020 presidential election will split the Democratic Party in a way that the Republican Party has never, Stanford University professor and author Victor Davis Hanson predicted Thursday.

In a wide-ranging interview on host Bill Hemmer’s “Hemmertime” podcast, Hanson said that during Wednesday’s ninth presidential debate in Las Vegas, Nevada, Democrats should have gone for front-runner Sanders’ jugular instead of billionaire Mike Bloomberg who was making his onstage debut.

“Democrats should have been going after Bernie Sanders because he poses an existential threat to the Democratic Party,” he said.

“I mean, we talk about the Republican fractures and Never-Trumpers. But, Donald Trump ran on … essentially a Reaganesque agenda: conservative judges, tax reform, more energy. … Even the thing with China — get tough with China — was nationalistic,” Hanson continued.

“But Sanders,” he notes is “not running on anything remotely similar to what Bill Clinton embodied or even Barack Obama. This is a radically socialist agenda that will split the Democratic Party in a way the Republican Party has never fractured.”

Furthermore, numbers show the Democratic race is increasingly neck-and-neck between the former three-term New York City mayor and the millionaire Democratic socialist.

Why Bloomberg Can’t Stop Bernie Karin McQuillan


Newly radicalized liberals provide the foot-soldiers and useful idiots backing Sanders, Warren, Buttigieg, and the Squad. Bloomberg thinks he can win simply by out-organizing and out-spending them. He is wrong.

Michael Bloomberg is selling the Democratic Party establishment on the idea he can solve the party’s problem with money. He is doing well so far in terms of buying ad time and endorsements, having the leadership bend rules for him, and hiring every Democrat campaign staffer across the country. But his lackluster performance in the Nevada primary debate did nothing to slow Senator Bernie Sanders’ (I-Vt.) momentum. Sanders is already showing that the leadership no longer calls the shots.

Millennial Democrats have turned socialist in the 21st century. They are identity-politics Marxists with a digital twist—the “woke.” Marxist promises to destroy the rich, followed by free everything for the masses are all there, relabeled as “social justice.” The ugly totalitarian underpinnings are given a virtue-signaling makeover and said to be fighting bigotry and saving the planet from global warming.

The future is theirs unless conservatives stop the progressive perversion of our educational system. We have made little discernible progress in the past three years. With the power of social media and the corruption of the old media, progressives have moved beyond our schools to mainstream their ideas among Democratic voters of all demographics.

Marxists such as Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), who pressured House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) to impeach the president with disastrous political results, are not the self-destructive fools they seem. They have the unified discipline, the energy, the numbers, and the money to dominate the Democratic Party.

They are succeeding with their long-term strategy, which is to discredit our republican institutions among Democrats. They have pushed mainstream liberals to the left. Not one single politician has dared confront them.

Bloomberg Trudges Through Debate After Falling Off Tractor By Charles Lipson –


On the Nevada debate stage, Mike Bloomberg emerged from the warm cocoon of paid commercials and spoke for himself. He didn’t say a lot, but what he did say didn’t help. He stood silent and stony-faced as the other candidates, led by Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, painted him as the sordid emblem of plutocratic capitalism and income inequality. His responses were brief, unadorned, and dry as the Las Vegas air. If you want revolutionary fantasies, he said, vote for Bernie. If you want a skilled, no-nonsense manager, vote for me. I have an extraordinary record of success in business and urban politics and my views are not too extreme to win in November. That’s it.

Bloomberg’s flat performance looked more like he was running a board meeting than a political campaign. And it revealed one of his three major vulnerabilities: he’s a dull Establishment figure, dreadful on the stump, hoping to lead a party that needs a large, enthusiastic turnout to defeat Donald Trump. The other candidates were eager to display their angry passion, which they aimed at Trump and each other.

The debate revealed a second of Bloomberg’s vulnerabilities: the lingering troubles associated with his anti-crime policies as New York mayor (particularly stop-and-frisk policing now labeled racist) and his corporate management (particularly complaints about sexual harassment at his eponymous company). Bloomberg apologized for racially-biased policing but firmly rejected any calls to release former employees from non-disclosure agreements so they could speak freely about their experiences. His rivals will continue to exploit both problems.

Scurrilous Bernie Trashes ‘Racist’ Israel By P. David Hornik


At a CNN town hall event in Las Vegas, Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders was asked: “How do U.S.-Israel relations look under your administration?”

He replied:

“To be for the Israeli people and to be for peace in the Middle East does not mean that we have to support right-wing, racist governments that currently exist in Israel….”

In April 2019, at another CNN town hall event, [Sanders] described Netanyahu’s approach toward the Palestinians as “oppressive” and said Israel is “now run by a right-wing—dare I say—racist government.”

At the fifth Democratic debate…, held in December, Sanders said, “We must understand that right now in Israel we have leadership under Netanyahu… who, in my view, is a racist.”

Strong words; to my knowledge Bernie hasn’t called any other U.S. democratic ally’s government or leader “racist.” Although he says that he’s “very proud to be Jewish and I look forward to becoming the first Jewish president in the history of this country,” he seems to single Israel out. But are his words true?

Since 2009 the purportedly “racist” Netanyahu has led three purportedly “racist” governments. Let’s look at the record.

In December 2015 the Israeli government (the third of the three, the same as the current one) launched an unprecedented five-year development plan for the Israeli Arab community. It called for allocating “up to NIS 15 billion (around $4.2b) for the development of Arab towns and cities in various fields, such as education, transportation, welfare services, health, employment, housing, infrastructure, culture and public security.”