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Will American Jews Vote for an American Jeremy Corbyn? The anti-Semitic policies of the “woke” Left is a much-needed wake-up call to American Jewry. Ari Lieberman


In December, British citizens overwhelmingly rejected the Marxist ideology of Britain’s Labor Party boss, Jeremy Corbyn, and sent him and his Momentum movement packing. It was Labor’s worst showing since before World War II. Among the concerns looming in the minds of the voters were Corbyn’s explicit antisemitism and his honeymoon with known radical terrorist elements like the Muslim Brotherhood’s Raed Saleh, Sinn Fein’s Gerry Adams and convicted IRA operatives Linda Quigley and Gerry MacLochlainn. Polls conducted prior to the election showed that at least 40 percent of British Jewry considered emigrating had Corbyn won and an astonishing 80 percent of Britain’s Jews as well as all of Britain’s leading Jewish newspapers from across the political spectrum saw Corbyn as an existential threat.

Across the Atlantic, American Jews are facing a similar threat with the emergence of Senator Bernie Sanders as a possible frontrunner. Sanders came in first in the New Hampshire primary and remains nearly tied with Pete Buttigieg in the delegate count. Though it is far from certain that he will be the Democratic nominee, the self-proclaimed socialist, who is on record professing admiration for dictatorial regimes in Cuba, Nicaragua, China and the former Soviet Union, has a fairly good shot at reaching the requisite delegate count. According to a Morning Consult poll conducted after the New Hampshire primary, the “woke” senator is the first choice for 29 percent of Democratic primary voters, which places him 10 points ahead of his more moderate and dimwitted rival, Joe Biden. FiveThirtyEight gives Sanders a one-in-three chance of securing the nomination outright though the website believes that there’s a greater chance of a brokered convention.

The price of crazy: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez yelps for help against 12 primary challengers By Monica Showalter


Why would a candidate who has more money than all her rivals put together be issuing urgent appeals across the country for funds to her campaign?

That’s what we see now with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who’s sending out pleas for money from her supporters across the country, to ward off as many as 13 primary challengers.

From CNBC, here’s one:

WASHINGTON — Former CNBC anchor Michelle Caruso-Cabrera added her name Tuesday to the list of candidates hoping to deny Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez a second term. 

Caruso-Cabrera, who worked for the financial news network for more than 20 years, is challenging Ocasio-Cortez in the Democratic primary June 23 for New York’s 14th District. She filed her candidacy with the Federal Election Commission on Monday, becoming Ocasio-Cortez’s fifth Democratic challenger and 12th overall to file with the FEC. 

“I am the daughter and granddaughter of working-class Italian and Cuban immigrants,” Caruso-Cabrera told CNBC in a statement. “I am so lucky to have had such a wonderful career, and I want everybody to have the opportunity that I’ve had. That’s why I’m running.”

It’s weird stuff for a candidate who has so much money — $5 million–plus in the bank, against her next-challenger’s $800,000 or so, and the collective group of challengers having just $2 million at most among themselves.  According to a Politico report last month:

Ocasio-Cortez’s campaign received more than 325,000 contributions from more than 185,000 individual donors in 2019. Her fundraising in the final quarter of the year is a dramatic increase compared to the total raised for her entire first election campaign in 2018, which came in at $2.1 million.

Michael Bloomberg Is a Condescending Jerk . . . . . who made a legitimate point about how jobs are changing. By Robert VerBruggen


T he hunt is on for offensive clips of Michael Bloomberg talking off the cuff, and over the weekend a new one circulated. In the version passed around, Bloomberg nonchalantly tells his Oxford audience that he could teach anyone how to farm — “even people in this room”: “It’s a process; you dig a hole, you put a seed in, you put dirt on top, add water, up comes the corn.” He adds that modern “information economy” jobs require more “gray matter.”

The denunciations came quickly and furiously, many of them pointing out that farming these days is a pretty high-tech endeavor. There are three things to know about this episode.

First, the version of the clip that went around left out important context. Bloomberg was very explicitly not talking about modern farmers, but rather about “the agrarian society” that “lasted 3,000 years” before the industrial era, which lasted 300. His point was that the modern economy does not create good, reliable jobs for low-skilled workers the way that past economies did. You can see the full discussion starting around 41:30 here (though the actual query that prompted Bloomberg’s rambling answer starts at 37:30):

Stacey Abrams Says She’s Open to Joining Dem Ticket as Veep after Dismissing Idea of Running for ‘Second Place’ By Mairead McArdle


Stacey Abrams, the former Democratic gubernatorial candidate for Georgia who called out alleged voter suppression during her election, said Monday that she “would be honored” to be the vice presidential candidate on the 2020 Democratic ticket.

“It would be doing a disservice to every woman of color, every woman of ambition, every child who wants to think beyond their known space for me to say no or to pretend, ‘Oh, no, I don’t want it,’” Abrams said on ABC’s “The View.” “Of course I want it. Of course I want to serve America. Of course I want to be a patriot and do this work.”

Abrams shot to notoriety in 2018 when she ran in Georgia to become the country’s first black female governor. She lost the election by 1.4 percentage points to her Republican opponent, Georgia’s secretary of state at the time, Brian Kemp, who enforced one of the strictest voter ID laws in the country while he was running against Abrams. Abrams has refused to concede the election ever since, alleging that Kemp engaged in voter suppression.

Abrams’s openness to accepting a vice presidential nomination comes after she signaled last year she would only run as a presidential candidate.

“You don’t run for second place,” she said in a previous appearance on “The View” in March.

A Bernie Nomination Could Destroy the Left It took progressives 48 years to recover the last time the Democrats chose one. By Ted Rall


Bernie Sanders’s emergence as the Democratic presidential front-runner is an amazing accomplishment for a socialist. But what if he wins the nomination and loses to Donald Trump ?

Mr. Trump will be a formidable adversary. He’s an incumbent. He presides over a strong stock market and low unemployment, a rare period of mutual satisfaction on Wall Street and Main Street. He’s effectively unopposed for his party’s nomination and has a talent for getting under his opponents’ skin. And thanks to Democratic overreach, he can get away with almost anything. What are they going to do, impeach him again?

Progressives believe Mr. Sanders has the best chance of winning in November. So do some Republicans. “I think Sanders beats Trump,” Tony Fabrizio, the president’s pollster, said in 2017 about the previous year’s election. “I think Sanders would have had the ability to reach a lot of the less than college-educated, low-income white voters.” The president himself told reporters recently that he would “rather run against Bloomberg than Bernie Sanders.”

The business wing of the GOP is sanguine. “The overwhelming consensus on Wall Street these days is that should Sanders wind up as the Democratic nominee—sliding past a handful of moderates also at the top of the field—he would get demolished by President Donald Trump in the general election,” observes Politico’s Ben White. They thought Mr. Trump didn’t stand a chance either.

Waiting for the dominos to fall — in Trump’s second term Dawn Merrill


Have you ever seen one of those elaborate domino displays, where an intricate pattern of upright dominos has been patiently constructed over days, or even weeks, only to fall in seconds, or minutes, by the lightest touch at any juncture?  They are a glorious sight to behold, elegant, beautiful, the result of meticulous planning and by-necessity perfection in execution.  If, while constructing such a marvel, the smallest mistake is made, the entire structure collapses, and the endeavor must be started over.

In politics, unlike in dominos, there may not be time to start over.  This brings us to the Deep State and the 2020 presidential election.

For the last three, going on four, years, we have watched as a clearly dual system of justice has been applied to our governing class.  Democrats and Leftists can do and say anything and get a slap on the wrist.  Republicans and conservatives, especially Trump-supporting Republicans and conservatives, will be punished disproportionately for the slightest error, and without mercy.  The rule of law, defined throughout our history as having been granted at the hands of our Creator, has been bifurcated and is becoming increasingly irrelevant.  Meanwhile, the rule of man ascends in direct contravention to the Founders’ intent.

Only one man, and one amazing phenomenon, stands now athwart the destruction of the American experiment: President Donald John Trump and the millions of us who stand behind him.  Like him or hate him, he is the bulwark against socialism, communism, and the utterly destructive forces of the left.  He is the domino that refuses to fall.  His re-election is the only thing that will keep this country from going over the edge.

Despite What You’ve Heard, Bloomberg Is No Centrist John Merline


Michael Bloomberg has been blanketing the airwaves with ads that tout his up-by-his-bootstraps success, his can-do attitude, his supposed ability to unite the country. “Mike can get it done,” the ads declare, without indicating what “it” is.

Bloomberg’s spending spree has not only been translating into a rise in the polls, it’s cementing his claim to be a centrist, at least among pundits. Even on the right, that’s how he’s being described.

The New York Post’s Michael Goodwin called him “the great centrist hope for Democrats to defeat Trump.”

The Wall Street Journal’s Peggy Noonan opined recently that “Biden’s collapse created a vacuum in the center, and the former mayor has the money and will to fill it.”

Has anyone calling Bloomberg a centrist bothered to look at his campaign website, rather than just listen to his campaign ads?

On issue after issue, Bloomberg is as radical, or slightly less so, than socialist Bernie Sanders. In fact, on taxes, health care, the environment, gun control, there is little light between the two.

Here’s a rundown.

Klobuchar Tacks Left on Immigration in Nevada Looking for Hispanic Support By Rick Moran


Something almost magical happens when relatively moderate Democrats begin to run for president. They forget how to be moderate and become flaming left-wingers.

“Moderate” Democrat Joe Biden once opposed busing kids halfway across his tiny state of Delaware to go to school. Now, despite almost everyone else opposing busing to achieve racial “equality,” he supports it.

“Moderate” Michael Bloomberg was once a law and order mayor of New York. Now, he’s apologizing for being so effective.

Then there’s “moderate” Senator Amy Klobuchar who once cast a vote to make English the “official” language of the United States. Now, she talks up her love of “diversity.”

In Klobuchar’s case, her maverick campaign has hit the wall. It’s a racial and ethnic wall that she’s never had to deal with as a politician before, being from the mostly white state of Minnesota and achieving some success in mostly white Iowa and New Hampshire.

But this is a whole new ballgame in Nevada, where Hispanics and blacks make up a significant part of the Democratic electorate. So, she has to find a way to bury her past embarrassing votes that weren’t left-wing enough and claim allegiance to the “true faith” of Democratic politics: pandering to voters based on the color of their skin.

Associated Press:

Campaigning in Las Vegas, the three-term Minnesota senator said Friday that she has changed her stance since voting for an English-language amendment in 2007 and has “taken a strong position against” it. She also blasted President Donald Trump for using immigrants as “wedges” and said as president she would work with Republicans to achieve comprehensive immigration reform.

Amy Klobuchar wants to abandon English as America’s official language By Andrea Widburg


For Democrats frightened by either an openly socialist candidate or an untested man whom blacks dislike, the seemingly “reasonable” choices are an ex-Republican, sexist, anti-Second Amendment, micro-managing despot — and Amy Klobuchar, the meanest Senator in Washington. It’s time to remember that Klobuchar has no fixed principles but will, instead, do whatever it takes to advance herself in the Democrat Party.

On Friday, Klobuchar’s latest opportunistic move was to announce at a campaign event in Las Vegas that English should not be America’s official language, even though she voted for a Senate bill that would have made English the official language. She now says that she has “taken a strong position against” the English language in America, although she cannot seem to explain her past vote. One can certainly explain her current turnabout, though, despite her efforts to keep her various immigration positions opaque:

Her policy shift comes a week before the caucuses are set to take place in a state with a large Latino population and an area where Klobuchar has about 10 percent support.

Klobuchar has flip-flopped on immigration policies, once supporting projects like a wall and E-Verify to ban employers from hiring illegal aliens back in 2006.

The Minnesota senator has also been open about supporting amnesty but has hidden her support for exporting college graduate-level jobs overseas.

This conduct is typical Klobuchar. The PowerLine blog, which is headquartered in Minnesota, has been reporting on Klobuchar for years, revealing a calculating progressive who uses “Minnesota nice” as a way to avoid being tagged for the controversial and often inconsistent stands she takes.

Hilarity results when Bloomberg floats Hillary Clinton as his running mate By Andrea Widburg


Although Bloomberg quickly backed away from Hillary, the proposal was worth it just to see the responses people had to the idea.

It was a Drudge Report headline calculated to shock: “Exclusive: Bloomberg Considers Hillary Running Mate. The underlying story, at CNBC, stated that the Drudge Report itself was claiming that a source close to Mike Bloomberg’s campaign had stated that Bloomberg was considering asking Hillary Clinton to serve as his running mate. The reason given was that internal polling said that the two of them together would be a dynamic duo.

The story was met with incredulity and much hilarity (if you’ll pardon the pun). The idea that Hillary Clinton would play second fiddle to anyone was hard to fathom. Moreover, given Hillary’s grating personality, the collapse of all her initiatives during her stint as Secretary of State, her habit of enriching herself at the country’s expense, and her failed candidacy, it was hard to imagine why anyone would want her on the ballot.

Twitter, the repository of clever one-liners, had a wonderful time imagining what a Bloomberg/Hillary pairing would look like and the effect it would have on Trump’s campaign:

Perhaps because of the negative response, the Bloomberg campaign quickly “downplayed,” but did not deny, the idea: