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Elizabeth Warren is a climate hypocrite (and so is Bernie) By Andrea Widburg


Elizabeth Warren has always been a phony. Her most obvious phony moment was claiming to be a Native American so that she could make the leap from state schools into the Ivy Leagues. Without that fake resume enhancer, she was merely a mediocre teacher; with it, she was a sop to the diversity gods.

She’s told other lies to burnish her records: she lied about her parents’ marriage, she lied about her father’s job, and she lied about her job prospects when she was first pregnant. Now, another lie has come to light: She’s been lying about being green.

Legal Insurrection puts the pieces together to explain that Elizabeth Warren never really divested herself of valuable oil-and-gas leases. Instead, she transferred them to her children so that they wouldn’t show up in her portfolio while she was enthusiastically supporting the Green New Deal:

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) campaigns as an environmental activist, supporting the completely insane Green New Deal and stating that she will ban fracking on her first day in office.

As is often the case with Warren, what she says and what she does are very different things. The Wall Street Journal reports that Warren received income from oil and gas royalties in Oklahoma and that she transferred her holdings to her children before announcing her run for the Senate.

Warren latched on to the Green New Deal almost immediately.  She did not care that it was concocted originally as a means of restructuring “the entire economy,” with its socialist Justice Democrats creators only later slapping the green wash of “climate change” on it to make it more appealing to the left.

Back in August of 2018, investigative journalist Andrew Kerr reported that “Elizabeth Warren Earned Royalties From Natural Gas Producer With Long Rap Sheet Of Environmental Violations, Tax Returns Reveal.”

Iowa caucuses: legitimate disaster or cover for a more nefarious plan? By Andrea Widburg


This year’s Iowa caucus ought to have gone more smoothly than any caucus ever before in Iowa history. Then, a gremlin threw the whole caucus into utter chaos. Or was it just a gremlin? At this point, inquiring minds are getting paranoid about whether the DNC is desperately trying to run away from Bernie’s apparent momentum.

The problems started with that elusive Des Moines Register poll. Keep in mind that the Des Moines Register already brought shame on itself late last year when one of its reporters doxed a 24-year-old sports fan did a cute tweet, got lots of beer money, and then generously donated it to a local children’s hospital. Anheuser-Busch joined into the donation.

That was when one of the Register’s reporters decided to troll through the man’s tweets, going back 7 years to his teens, and finding two racist tweets. If that wasn’t sleazy enough, it turned out the reporter had his own history of nasty tweets. The Register fired the reporter, but by then the whole episode had become irrecoverably ugly.

That was bad. This weekend, though, the Register went one worse. Working with CNN, the Des Moines Register commissioned a poll in the lead-up to the Iowa caucuses. However, owing to some confusion about whether Pete Buttigieg was among the candidate choices offered to those taking the poll, CNN and the Register decided to pull the poll. That’s the official story.

Why the Iowa voting fiasco matters The Democratic Party looks incompetent, and public trust in election integrity has been further eroded. Charles Lipson


The Monday night caucuses were the biggest moment in four years for Iowa Democratic Party. They screwed it up beyond belief. They had one task: to produce timely, accurate, and reliable vote totals, and they failed completely. TV anchors sat around filling time, waiting for Godot to show up with election returns. None appeared. The candidates themselves began flying off to New Hampshire for next week’s primary.

It was a fiasco, a huge embarrassment not only for state officials but for the national party. It denied the winners their big moment before the TV cameras on election night—and the fundraising bonus that goes with it. It left the losers wondering if they’ve been robbed. It left Iowans questioning whether they will ever hold caucuses again or keep their prime spot as first-in-the-nation. The bitterness over this mess will linger, and the Republicans will exploit it.

To begin with, this failure makes the Democratic Party look ridiculous. The damage is compounded because they are the “party of government.” That’s their brand, and it been since Franklin Roosevelt proposed the New Deal. Democratic policies almost always call for more government, run from Washington. When people point to social or economic problems, Democrats reflexively respond with laws, regulations, and bureaucracies to tackle them (and taxes to pay for them). That prospect looks a lot less appealing when you can’t count the votes in a high school gym. It doesn’t encourage people to say, “These are just the people to handle my healthcare.”

Karin McQuillan The White Field Spells Disaster for Democrats The Democratic Left is losing the black vote. The paradigm-bashing President Trump is going all-out to win it.


The takeaway from the Democrats’ 2020 field of white politicians is right in front of us. Black Democrats have become less racist, and young Democrats have become more radical.

No one backed the black candidates, not even black voters. Most black voters are not buying woke politics, not from Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), not from Cory Booker (D-N.J.), not from anybody. This presents an opening for President Trump.

There are more black primary voters this year than ever before. They could have turned Harris or Booker into leading contenders. Instead, they chose the old white guy. This is change.

Racial identity alone was a ticket to nowhere. Harris went nuclear and called Joe Biden a racist and all she got was a lousy three-day blip.

It’s the black voters’ choice, but the all-white field is still bad news for Democrats. Very bad news. It is a shocking image. From the first black president to this? Democrats are terrified that too many blacks will stay home on Election Day. That’s more good news for Trump.

“Mini” Mike Bloomberg starts making a name for himself in the campaign By Andrea Widburg


Bent rules, big boxes, and lies about gun control in America are all in a day’s work for the Democrats’ great new hope, Mayor Michael Bloomberg

Michael Bloomberg got into the Democrat primary game late but, with $56 billion at his back, he’s making up for lost time. Unfortunately for him, he’s a bad candidate running against a master.

In March 2019, Michael Bloomberg said he wouldn’t run. That was a smart decision, because it let the other 400 (or so) candidates duke it out amongst themselves. Only when the field had been winnowed down, with a few clear frontrunners, did Bloomberg, finally throw himself into the race.

By January, with Democrats worried about an open socialist, a senile has-been, a lying harridan, and a baby boy, did some decide that maybe Bloomberg wouldn’t be such a bad thing. Despite being an unpleasant, out-of-touch plutocrat with despotic tendencies, was Bloomberg just what the Democrat Party needed to save itself?

Certainly, Bloomberg has a great ground game. At one point, he spent more than $100 million on ads in three weeks and is paying field organizers $6,000 month. He already has 1,000 staffers on the ground.

With virtually unlimited funds and the appearance of being sane in an insane field, one would think that Bloomberg would be a shoo-in for the Democrat Party. But there are a few problems.

Shock: Release of Famed Iowa Poll Cancelled at the last Minute After Buttigieg Campaign Complains Debra Heine


The final Des Moines Register/CNN/Mediacom poll of likely Iowa Democratic caucus-goers was pulled Saturday night shortly before it was to be released, supposedly because of a complaint that a name was left off the list of choices. As a result, the historically accurate, 76-year-old Iowa poll will not be released before Iowa voters caucus on Monday.

CNN had planned an hour-long show to cover the results of the poll live and had to cancel at the last minute.

The announcement stunned the political world and led to widespread speculation that the real reason the poll was spiked was because they didn’t like the results.

According to The New York Times, Mayor Pete Buttigieg’s campaign complained that his name was left off the list of candidates in one call interview.

The poll is conducted by telephone from a call center, where operators read from a prepared script of candidates’ names to determine who a voter plans to support. One operator had apparently enlarged the font size on their computer screen, perhaps cutting off Mr. Buttigieg’s name from the list of options, according to two people familiar with the incident who did not have permission to speak about it publicly.
After every phone call, the list of candidates’ names is randomly reordered, so Mr. Buttigieg may not have been uniquely affected by the error, one of the people said. But the poll’s overseers were unable to determine if the mistake was an isolated incident.

Elizabeth Warren Vows to Let a ‘Young Trans Person’ Choose Her Education Secretary (!!!???) Eric Lendrum


Presidential candidate and Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) declared at a recent campaign event in Iowa that if she became president, she would let a transgender student select her Secretary of Education, as Breitbart reports.

Warren said that she had only two qualifications for a potential Education Secretary, with one being that they must have “taught in a public school,” and the other being that a “young trans person interview [them] on my behalf, and only if this person believes” in that candidate would Warren select them. The bizarre statement was in response to a questioner who demanded that LGBTQ history be taught more widely in public schools.

It is the latest example of Warren’s pandering to the “transgender” population, which comprises less than one percent of the American population, and consists of mentally ill individuals who believe that they are a different gender than the one they are biologically born with. Last year, Warren vowed that as president, she would read the names of every transgender person who died in America ever year in a Rose Garden ceremony.

Warren is currently polling in either third or fourth place in the upcoming Iowa caucuses, behind Senator Bernie Sanders (D-Vt.), former Vice President Joe Biden, and South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg (D-Ind.).

Richard Baehr on Impeachment and Politics

There was never any chance that the Senate was going to convict Donald Trump.  In the House, the Democrats could not persuade a single  Republican and lost a few of their own members on the impeachment vote. What chance was there to persuade 20 Republican Senators, even assuming the Democrats could get all of their own 47 Senators to convict (which may not happen)? The entire process from start to finish was theater- designed by the Democrats to weaken Trump before the November election, and force some Republican Senators in competitive races,  to cast difficult votes (Collins, Gardner, Tillis, McSally, Ernst, among others). The case itself was the weakest presidential impeachment case ever considered in Congress.

The Democrats, buoyed by the 2018 midterm results, and two governors elections and the Virginia legislative elections in 2019, were confident that 2020 was going to be their year- win the White House, take control of the Senate, hold the House, and win control of  a bunch of state legislatures so as to manage redistricting after the census results were announced.  It is still over 9 months before the November elections, and anyone who thinks that the results are already baked in, is kidding himself or herself. Even Nate Silver says it is hazardous to predict the Iowa caucus results, which have been heavily polled, and are only 4 days away.  One state legislative race  in Texas was seen as a  possible harbinger of how Texas was changing, a state critical to the fortunes of the GOP, and whether Democratic electoral momentum in the suburbs was continuing.  Democrats spent a bunch of  money on the race,  and had a lot of big name surrogates campaign, and the results were to put it mildly, disappointing . In an open seat race, the GOP candidate won by a much bigger margin than Ted Cruz, who carried the district in 2018, or Trump, who won it in 2016.


Nate Silver on Iowa: https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/the-iowa-caucuses-are-in-4-days-almost-anything-could-still-happen/

Colorado Republican Cory Gardner Is a ‘No’ for New Impeachment Witnesses By Tobias Hoonhout


Senator Cory Gardner (R., Colo.) said in a statement Wednesday that he does “not believe” additional witnesses in President Trump’s impeachment trial are necessary, casting doubt on a Tuesday claim that at least four Republicans were willing to call additional witnesses.

“I do not believe we need to hear from an 18th witness,” the Colorado Republican told Colorado Politics in a statement. “I have approached every aspect of this grave constitutional duty with the respect and attention required by law, and have reached this decision after carefully weighing the House managers and defense arguments and closely reviewing the evidence from the House, which included well over 100 hours of testimony from 17 witnesses.”

Gardner’s public stance comes after Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) told his caucus that at least four Republicans wanted testimony from more witnesses. Republicans hold a 53-47 majority in the Senate, with 51 votes needed to call more witnesses.

Above the Law? Hillary Clinton Refuses to Get Served Tulsi Gabbard’s $50M Lawsuit By Tyler O’Neil


Last week, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii), a Democratic presidential candidate, sued former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton for defamation, requesting $50 million in damages. Yet Clinton has twice refused to accept the lawsuit, trying to weasel her way out of a legal battle.

Gabbard’s attorney, Brian Dunne, told The New York Post that Clinton’s staff twice snubbed a process server attempting to deliver the defamation lawsuit.

“I find it rather unbelievable that Hillary Clinton is so intimidated by Tulsi Gabbard that she won’t accept service of process,” Dunne told The Post. “But I guess here we are.”