2008 was supposed to be Hillary’s year – except that she was overtaken by a charismatic, young black man unburdened by her decades of scandals. Hillary swallowed her resentment and made nice with Obama.
By 2016, her time had come. She’d earned it.
This time, though, an open socialist who looked like a crazy uncle, but appealed to hard-left young voters, threatened to end her inevitable coronation. Hillary and the DNC, however, worked together to rig the system so Bernie didn’t have a chance. Fortunately for America, it turned out Hillary didn’t have a chance either.
What may have helped Hillary’s defeat was that passionate Bernie supporters – the “Bernie Bros” – weren’t good sports. With Bernie gone, they didn’t throw their support to Hillary. Instead, they sat out the election. To conservatives, Hillary lost because she was an arrogant, tin-eared, corrupt candidate. Hillary, though, thinks she lost in part because of Bernie and misogyny.
These themes emerged in a lengthy interview Hillary gave to the Hollywood Reporter, while shilling a new documentary about herself. Hillary was plain mean about Bernie:
In the doc, you’re brutally honest on Sanders: “He was in Congress for years. He had one senator support him. Nobody likes him, nobody wants to work with him, he got nothing done. He was a career politician. It’s all just baloney and I feel so bad that people got sucked into it.” That assessment still hold?
Yes, it does.