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Democratic lawmakers shunning Green New Deal despite pressure from Left Naomi Lim


The Green New Deal has high-profile backers in Congress, but several incumbent Democrats are keeping their distance from the proposal left-wing supporters say would address climate change and economic inequality.

The nonbinding resolution, championed by New York Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, would pair a transition to 100% clean, renewable energy with economic and social programs, such as a federal jobs guarantee and universal healthcare. Its goals have become a litmus test for Democrats courting liberal voters as they seek the 2020 presidential nomination.

But candidates running in the party’s primaries for spots further down the ballot and against Republicans in November 2020 are grappling with the often-poisonous politics of the proposed framework.

Democratic Texas Rep. Henry Cuellar, who represents a slither of the state from San Antonio’s suburbs to the Rio Grande, won his 2018 primary race with almost 85% of the vote. But in recent weeks, the self-described “moderate-centrist,” Democrat, first elected to the House in 2004, has upped his criticism of the Green New Deal. Cuellar, 64, faces a 2020 primary challenge from attorney Jessica Cisneros, who is running with support from Justice Democrats, the same liberal political action committee that backed Ocasio-Cortez’s surprise primary win last cycle of a member of the House Democratic leadership.

“Well, first of all, I call them ‘Justice Socialists.’ They are socialists, no ifs and no buts about it,” Cuellar said, having previously accused them of wanting to “impose their vision on Texas.”

Justice Democrats “believe in a Green Deal,” Cuellar said. “And in my area, for example, it would kill thousands of jobs.”

Trump surging, Dems tanking in the battleground states that will determine the election By Thomas Lifson


Can the Dems crawl out of their hole?  So far, they can’t even stop digging.

We can expect even more pointless, futile railing against the Electoral College by Democrats demanding a national popular vote now that their presidential prospects in the key swing states are so bad.  I am so old that I can remember the Democrats crowing over the Blue Wall of 18 states that consistently voted for the Democrat presidential candidate for five straight elections, starting in 1992.  Back then, they thought the Electoral College was genius.

But now that the Dems foolishly wrote off the white working class and as a result handed the GOP a crack at the industrial Midwest, they don’t like the consequences.  It looks as though Trump is locking down support while the Dems are digging their hole even deeper.  Firehouse Strategies assembles the polling data from Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin:

Why Trump’s Gains With Black Voters Could Swing The 2020 Election By Stewart Lawrence


How much support can Trump actually gain in 2020? It’s not clear, but just a modest swing of African Americans toward Trump in 2020 could prove decisive.

Will African Americans abandon the Democratic Party in 2020? Not a chance. Black voters still have deep ties to the party that finally agreed with Republicans on passing the Civil Rights Act in 1965 and continues to extol “multiculturalism” and black “identity” politics at every turn.

Every time members of the GOP appear to be coddling prejudice or failing to condemn racism against blacks, Democrats’ message that Republicans are the “enemy” of ethnic minorities resonates, dashing the GOP’s hopes of making gains with black voters.
 But in 2020, Donald Trump clearly has an opening with African Americans that Republicans have not seen in some time.

Despite condemning Trump publicly as a bigot, Democrats are privately worried about this. They should be. Two recent and highly reputable polls have registered an extraordinarily high “favorability” rating for Trump among black voters – about 34-35 percent, far exceeding the 8 percent of the black electorate that actually voted for Trump in 2016. That’s a huge jump from the 9 percent favorability rating among African Americans he earned in 2018 and the 13 percent he achieved earlier this year.

Of course, a 35 percent favorability rating may not translate into 35 percent support in the 2020 election, but it doesn’t have to. Even a substantial gain to double-digit support could provide the margin of difference in key swing states, such as Pennsylvania and Michigan, sealing Trump’s reelection.

Trump’s 8 percent of the black vote in 2016 was a notable improvement over Mitt Romney’s 6 percent in 2012 and John McCain’s 4 percent in 2008. But it’s a far cry from where Republicans once stood with African Americans nationally or at the state level, where a GOP candidate sometimes earns 25 percent or more of the black vote.

13 Reasons why Jews should Vote for Donald Trump Janet Levy

13 Reasons why Jews should Vote for Donald Trump
Janet Levy

1) Trump denounced antisemitism in two State of the Union addresses.
2) He moved the American Embassy to Israel from Tel Aviv to Israel’s eternal capital of Jerusalem.
3) He declared support for Israeli construction in Judea and Samaria.
4) Trump recognized Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights, a major strategic asset that protects Israel from aggression from the northeast. He signed the document with Netanyahu at his side right before the Israeli elections.
5) He increased U.S. military aid to Israel and offered a mutual defense treaty between the U.S. and Israel to further the alliance between the two countries.
6) Trump defunded UNRWA, a so-called relief agency for Arab-Palestinians marked by corruption that has incited against Israel and worked with Hamas, even enabling the building of terror tunnels under its buildings.
7) Trump withdrew from UNESCO citing its anti-Israel bias after it designated Hebron and the Tomb of the Patriarchs (Abraham, Issac, Jacob, Sarah, Rebecca and Leah) as Arab-Palestinian world heritage sites. (Jews have had a 3800 year presence in Hebron, which is situated in Judea – “the land of the Jews.”
8) He appointed staunch Israel defenders Nikki Haley and Kelly Craft to the U.N.
9) He ended the nuclear appeasement of Iran by canceling Obama’s JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) or the Obama Bomb Deal.
10) Trump celebrated Hanukah at the White House and was the first sitting president to visit and pray at the Western Wall in Jerusalem.
11) He postponed the announcement of his Israel/Arab-Palestinian plan until after the elections in Israel.
12) At the Holocaust Museum on the Day of Remembrance, Trump said, “As president of the United States, I will always stand with the Jewish people and the State of Israel.” “We will confront antisemitism on university campuses, in public places and threats to Israel.” “Antisemitism is horrible and it has to stop.” “The State of Israel is an eternal monument to the undying strength of the Jewish people.”
13) Trump criticized Congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib for their hostility toward Israel.

The Democrats won’t recognize or challenge antisemitism in their party as this removes the option of criticizing Trump for antisemitism.

Jews on the Left fail to view BDS, the Hamas-inspired movement to destroy the only Jewish state, as a form of Jew hatred. Left-wing Jewish organizations such as the ADL are trying to stop efforts to outlaw BDS. The ADL issued the Mayors Compact to Combat Hate, Extremism and Bigotry,” which does NOT mention antisemitism or Islamic terrorism (despite the fact that Jews are the victims of the majority – 60% – of religious hate crimes in the U.S. (15% for Muslims)

Uh Oh: New Polling Shows Democrats’ Impeachment Nonsense Is Hurting Them in Key Swing States by Matt Vespa

I mean what were they thinking? Democrats thought their North Korean-style kangaroo court would…torpedo the Trump presidency? They thought they could change sway minds with this bit of Nonsense Theater. They thought they could get the vast majority of Americans to back them? Whatever these clowns are snorting, I want some. The feelings about Trump and this administration are entrenched. They’re not moving. Second, the impeachment push was forever tainted as a partisan witch-hunt as soon as Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), chair of the House Intelligence Committee, decided to lay the foundations for this circus in secret. Testimonies were given behind closed doors, select excerpts were released that only supported the Democrats’ warped narrative, and once this quasi-coup was taken out of the basement—the whole thing fell apart.

The public hearings, like the ones for Russian collusion, revealed that this was another nothing burger. The president may have acted inappropriately in terms of decorum over a phone call with the Ukrainians. That’s not an impeachable offense. The allegation is that Trump threatened to withhold aid unless a corruption probe was opened into Hunter Biden’s position at Burisma, which he’s held since daddy Biden was VP. He was there to allegedly sell access to top U.S. officials. The quid pro quo allegation is the crux of the Democrat’s argument for impeachment and it’s shoddier than the Russian collusion myth.

Following this mayhem gives you whiplash, the whistleblower reports that unearthed this allegation was considered a smoking gun. Now, that we know all of this is grounded in hearsay, Democrats say they don’t need solid evidence. But let’s go back to this bet that the House Intelligence hearings could undo Trump (via NBC News) [emphasis mine]:

Democrats are betting the reality-TV presidency of Donald Trump will begin to short-circuit Wednesday when they start putting names and faces to the bureaucrats who collectively contend he placed his own gain above American national security interests.

Democrats are confident enough that House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., upped the ante on the eve of his panel’s first publicly televised hearings by teasing the possibility that Trump will face impeachment on charges of bribery as well as high crimes and misdemeanors in an interview with NPR.

“I don’t think any decision has been made on the ultimate question about whether articles of impeachment should be brought,” Schiff told the public radio network. “But on the basis of what the witnesses have had to say so far, there are any number of potentially impeachable offenses, including bribery, including high crimes and misdemeanors.”

In rebuke to Trump and Netanyahu, US House passes resolution supporting 2 states Measure that condemns any West Bank annexation passes mostly on partisan lines and comes after two leaders discussed prospects of extending Israeli sovereignty over Jordan Valley By Eric Cortellessa

Measure that condemns any West Bank annexation passes mostly on partisan lines and comes after two leaders discussed prospects of extending Israeli sovereignty over Jordan Valley.

US House lawmakers issued a strong rebuke to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and US President Donald Trump on Friday, passing a resolution opposing Israeli annexation of parts of the West Bank and supporting a two-state solution.

Earlier this week, Netanyahu spoke to Trump about potentially annexing the Jordan Valley. Since March, the prime minister has vowed to annex the West Bank region and has recently intensified those calls as he remains in a fierce battle to maintain his grip on power.

The nonbinding resolution, known as H.Res.326, calls on the Trump administration to “expressly endorse a two-state solution as its objective and discourage steps by either side that would put a peaceful end to the conflict further out of reach, including unilateral annexation of territory or efforts to achieve Palestinian statehood status outside the framework of negotiations with Israel.”

It passed Friday mostly on partisan lines — by a vote of 226-188-2 — with the overwhelming support of House Democrats and some Republicans.

Medicare for All, Progressive-Campaign Killer By Matthew Continetti


Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren fell for the fool’s gold of socialized medicine.

Pundits have a ready explanation when one of their favorites loses or ends a campaign: The voters just didn’t get to know the candidate the way media do. He or she was too wonky, or eager to please, or insular, or revealing, or uncertain for the masses. The electoral process made it impossible for him or her to connect with voters. The classic example is Hillary Clinton, who has reintroduced herself to the public umpteen times over the decades. A friend who knows her once told me I would like Clinton if only I got to meet her informally. I had a good laugh at that one.

A similar lament greeted the news that Kamala Harris had dropped out of the Democratic primary. Last year, CNN ranked Harris first among the contenders. Now it’s back to the Senate. The Washington Free Beacon compiled a short video of media types saddened by Harris’s departure. A New York Times op-ed asked, “Did We Ever Know the Real Kamala Harris?” Writers for the Washington Post said that Harris failed because she lacked “a theory of the case” and wasn’t able “to explain why she was running for president.” Yes, it helps to have a reason for your candidacy beyond media reports that you check all the right boxes. But the argument that Harris flopped because of a failure to communicate lets her off easy.

The Times piece didn’t mention the policy initiative upon which Harris launched her campaign: Bernie Sanders’s Medicare-for-All legislation, which would eliminate private and employer-based health insurance. Harris signed on as a cosponsor to the bill last April. It’s haunted her ever since. Medicare for All might look like the sort of “big, structural change” that sets progressive hearts aflutter. For most voters it causes arrhythmia.

The Democratic Party isn’t democratic. Their egalitarian pose helps them take power from the people and serve them up to their real constituents in the administrative state. Thaddeus McCotter


It’s high time American voters lodged a complaint with the Better Business Bureau (“BBB”) against an entity with a sketchy history of bogus claims and broken promises: the Democratic Party.

According to the BBB:

Misleading advertising occurs when, in the promotion of a product or any business interest, a representation is made to the public that is false or materially misleading. If a representation could influence a consumer to buy the product or service advertised, it is material. To determine whether an advertisement is misleading, the courts consider the “general impression” it conveys, as well as its literal meaning.

With that in mind, as both an oxymoron and an exercise in false advertising, the Democratic Party isn’t democratic.

In our constitutional republic, the sovereign citizenry, through elections, must consent to delegate their power to their elected servants. Even when enumerated by the Constitution, the citizenry’s delegation of power to their elected servants is temporary; and may be altered or extinguished by the people through means such as elections or the constitutional amendment process. It is this ultimate power of the citizenry that constitutes the revolutionary foundational principle of and the inviolable right of the people within our free republic.

This is why the Democratic Party isn’t democratic, unless one disingenuously uses the term in its bastardized Soviet iteration.

Cory Booker is Gonna Wear Out Out That Race Card Daniel Greenfield


Back in the day, Senator Cory Booker kept trying to play the race card against Joe Biden, but was casually brushed off. Senator Kamala Harris was having too much fun playing the race card.

Now she’s out and Booker is gonna wear out that card.

“I’m just going to say it plain,” Booker said. “It is a problem that we now have an overall campaign for the 2020 presidency that has more billionaires in it than black people.”

I think Booker is actually quite happy that it’s working out that way. Even as he’s trying to portray Kamala as a martyr to American racism.

“It is a problem when an immensely qualified, widely supported, truly accomplished black woman running to lead the party — a party that is significantly empowered by black women voters — didn’t have the resources that she needed to continue here in Iowa,” he said, referencing U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris, who ended her presidential campaign earlier this week.

Kamala had raised $11 million. She didn’t have the poll numbers to continue.

But please, send Cory donations on her behalf.

Academia dies on the Hill By Dennis Weisman


The Democratic-controlled Congress convened a panel of legal experts on Wednesday to inform the debate on the case for impeachment of President Donald J. Trump.  Opinions will differ as to the value of this testimony insofar as the impeachment debate is concerned, but there can be no real question that this is a microcosm of what is wrong with academia today.  Four academics showed up on the Hill, but only one scholar was present: Jonathan Turley of the George Washington University School of Law.  The other three, Karlan, Feldman, and Gerhardt, were merely Democratic activists masquerading as objective academics.  Unfortunately, what the country observed on Capitol Hill Wednesday is precisely what goes on every day on university campuses across America: liberal academics grooming converts for the cause, all the while claiming to be a voice for true scholarship.

Professor Turley informed the panel that he was not a supporter of Mr. Trump, that, in fact, he had “voted against Mr. Trump.”  His word choice is important because it attests to something far more than the fact that he was not a supporter of Trump; he was against Trump.  And yet, Professor Turley went on to admonish the Congress that just as his personal views of Trump do not inform his views on the merits of impeachment, neither should their personal views regarding Trump inform their votes.

Trump’s call to Ukrainian president Zelensky was not “perfect,” according to Professor Turley, but neither was it impeachable.  To state Professor Turley’s views regarding impeachment succinctly, the standard for what constitutes “high crimes and misdemeanors” should not be party-specific.  Does anyone really believe that impeachment proceedings would be underway if Mr. Obama had made a similar call to Zelensky?