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In Less Than A Year, 3/4 Of The ‘Squad’ Is Under Financial Investigation


The three most prolific members of the “squad” of freshman representatives are the subjects of multiple Federal Election Commission complaints and ethics probes.
The congresswomen have been accused of violating campaign finance laws for their personal or political benefit.
Democratic Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib have promised to bring about a more equitable and just world.

The three most prolific members of the so-called “squad” of freshman Democratic congresswoman face allegations of violating campaign finance laws and House ethics rules for their personal or political benefit 10 months into their terms.

Below are the Federal Election Commission (FEC) complaints and House ethics inquiries that have been filed against Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan since they took Washington, D.C., by storm in January with the promise of bringing about a more equitable and just world.

Ocasio-Cortez Could Face ‘Jail Time’ Over Unreported Affiliation With Outside PAC

Ocasio-Cortez’s political rise in 2018 was made possible in large part to Justice Democrats PAC, an outside political action committee that recruited her to enter politics in 2017 and provided much of her campaign’s staffing and overhead needs in the lead-up to her June 2018 primary victory over former Rep. Joe Crowley.

Ocasio-Cortez’s relationship with Justice Democrats became the subject of intense scrutiny in 2019, resulting in two complaints submitted to the FEC.


Pete Buttigieg’s polling strength is, as far as I can tell, based on one factor only: He’s a smooth talker. He speaks the kind of fluent Ivy League-technocrat-consultancy lingo that makes a certain kind of highly educated white liberal’s heart melt, especially when combined with an appealing sense of reasonableness and youthful, forward-thinking optimism. Alas for him, he can’t talk much about the wonderful improvements he made as two-term mayor of South Bend, Indiana, because they aren’t there.

James Freeman of the Wall Street Journal, notes that South Bend has an extremely high crime rate for a city its size and that a recent program to provide housing for addicts has just ended in complete failure. Buttigieg has not successfully navigated the problems arising from the shooting death of Eric Logan, a black South Bend man, by white police officers. More than a quarter of the city lives at or below the poverty line, well above the national average of 14 percent. A USA Today survey called it the 40th worst city in the country, noting it is “one of the most dangerous cities in America” and has depressed property values. The median South Bend home is worth $77,400.

Buttigieg has had eight years to turn around South Bend. If the Buttigieg candidacy implicitly says, “I promise to make America more like South Bend,” I don’t think he is going to find many takers. He certainly seems like a bright young man, but he wouldn’t be the first clever fellow to prove to be all talk and no action.



Well the political chameleon bought himself a third term after having admonished then mayor Giuliani after 9/11 that New York City had term limits. Can he buy the Presidency? If he does win could he create a bike lane from NYC to D.C.????Rsk

MANCHESTER, N.H. — Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg officially entered the 2020 race Sunday, ending several weeks of will-he-or-won’t-he speculation about a late entry into the already-crowded Democratic primary.

“I’m running for president to defeat Donald Trump and rebuild America,” Bloomberg said on his campaign website. “We cannot afford four more years of President Trump’s reckless and unethical actions. He represents an existential threat to our country and our values. If he wins another term in office, we may never recover from the damage.”

Bloomberg’s entry was preceded by news of a massive television ad buy — $31 million, according to Advertising Analytics, which said it was the single largest single week expenditure the firm had ever tracked. A $30 million buy in the final weeks of the 2012 race for then-President Barack Obama held the previous record.

The ad promotes Bloomberg’s record as mayor in the aftermath of 9/11 as well as his post-mayoral work campaigning for gun control and against the coal lobby.


Debate: Booker gets a softball question on Hong Kong, weasels out of answering By Monica Showalter

Sen. Cory Booker got the easiest question of the evening at last night’s Democratic debate in Atlanta, a whiff, a puff ball, an easy opportunity to sound grand in the invitation to say a nice thing about Hong Kong.  He blew it.

Here’s the NBC transcript:

MADDOW: On the issue of China, Senator Booker, China is now using force against demonstrators in Hong Kong where millions have taken to the streets advocating for democratic reforms. Many of the demonstrators are asking the United States for help. If you were president, would the U.S. help their movement, and how?

BOOKER: Well, first of all, this is president who seems to want to go up against China in a trade war by pulling away from our allies and, in fact, attacking them, as well. We used a national security waiver to put tariffs on Canada. And so at the very time that China is breaking international rules, is practicing unfair practices, stealing technology, forcing technology transfer, and violating human rights, this nation is pulling away from critical allies we would need to show strength against China.

There’s a larger battle going on, on the planet Earth right now between totalitarian, dictatorial countries and free democracies. And we see the scorecard under this president not looking so good, with China actually shifting more towards an authoritarian government, with its leader now getting rid of even his — getting rid of term limits.

And so I believe we need a much stronger policy, one that’s not led, as President Trump seems to want to do, in a transactional way, but one that’s led by American values. So, yes, we will call China out for its human rights violations.

The Pete Buttigieg Experience The mayor isn’t the only one who wants to leave South Bend. By James Freeman


Pete Buttigieg is surging again in presidential campaign polls, and media observers are once again asking whether the mayor of South Bend, Indiana has enough experience to run the U.S. government. Meanwhile, the latest depressing story out of South Bend suggests that what Mr. Buttigieg lacks most of all is achievement.

He has certainly achieved a large measure of popularity among Iowa Democrats. Brianne Pfannenstiel reports in the Des Moines Register:

Pete Buttigieg has rocketed to the top of the latest Des Moines Register/CNN/Mediacom Iowa Poll in the latest reshuffling of the top tier of 2020 Democratic presidential candidates.
Since September, Buttigieg has risen 16 percentage points among Iowa’s likely Democratic caucusgoers, with 25% now saying he is their first choice for president. For the first time in the Register’s Iowa Poll, he bests rivals Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, who are now clustered in competition for second place and about 10 percentage points behind the South Bend, Indiana, mayor.

But back home in Indiana, one of the mayor’s most distinguished employees has decided he’s had enough. Marek Mazurek reports in the South Bend Tribune today:

Last year, Elijah Arias was recognized as the South Bend Police Department’s Officer of the Year.
Earlier this month, Arias and two other former South Bend officers were sworn in at the Mishawaka Police Department, leaving South Bend with a shortfall of officers after two recent recruiting cycles yielded no new hires.

Doesn’t anybody want to work for Mayor Pete? Mr. Mazurek reports:

The South Bend Police Department has come under increased national scrutiny in connection with Mayor Pete Buttigieg’s presidential campaign following the fatal shooting of Eric Logan, who is black, by a white officer in June…
Sgt. Harvey Mills, president of the Fraternal Order of Police in South Bend, believes Buttigieg’s actions following the incident drove some away from the force.
“There were a lot of officers that left as a result of Mayor Buttigieg’s comments and lack of support,” Mills said.

Breaking Down the Fallout from Marie Yovanovitch’s Testimony By Andrew C. McCarthy

Breaking Down the Fallout from Marie Yovanovitch’s Testimony She did not move the needle on impeachment, but the main event has always been 2020. There were fireworks aplenty, but the most important development during former U.S. ambassador Marie Yovanovitch’s testimony at Friday’s House impeachment hearing was an undetonated bomb. Or was it just a dud? Ambassador […]

The Deval Patrick Daydream Is this the answer for voters seeking a non-socialist non-Biden?


There’s fashionably late, and then there’s showing up to a soiree as the dishes are being cleared. Which one is Deval Patrick ? On Thursday the former two-term Governor of Massachusetts joined the Democratic campaign for President. Nothing against the 17 other hopefuls, he said, but they’re selling either “nostalgia” or polarization: “It’s our way—our big idea—or no way.”

There’s something to this analysis. The Democratic war horse in the lead, Joe Biden, looks unsteady. Close behind are a proud socialist, Bernie Sanders, and a furtive one, Elizabeth Warren, both of whom pledge to eliminate private insurance used by some 170 million people. Far back lag the rest: a 30-something mayor, floundering Senators, Andrew Yang.

At least a few Democrats are now wondering if they can order off menu. Michael Bloomberg, the billionaire ex-Mayor of New York, is weighing a 2020 bid. Hillary Clinton, no introduction required, says she is “under enormous pressure from many, many, many people to think about it.” But those late entries are plausible in that Mr. Bloomberg is a billionaire and Mrs. Clinton is universally known.

The Blexodus More black Americans are beginning to shed the shackles of the Democrat Party. Willie Richardson ·


This past weekend in Atlanta, I got the opportunity to experience my first BLEXIT event. In case you have been under a rock, BLEXIT is a movement of political renaissance as millions of Americans, primarily black, are exiting the Democrat Party. Candace Owens, founder of BLEXIT, is the modern-day version of Harriet Tubman as she brazenly has become the trailblazer for freedom. Freedom of thought. Freedom of voice. Freedom of vote. Freedom of common sense.

For so many years within the black community, the only political voice you could have without any “blacklash” was liberal. Our parents, grandparents, uncles, and aunts have made the Democrat Party a matter of birthright. It’s so deep that it’s an unspoken or unwritten rule. It’s just as engrained as the melanin within our skin. It’s like a Thanksgiving holiday tradition that only certain people make the macaroni and cheese, turkey and dressing, or the lemon, pecan, and sweet potato pies. You don’t have to say it, it’s just understood. This “vote or die” liberal mentality has been passed down from generation to generation like grandma’s recipes.

For many black Americans, you grow up, go to church, graduate high school, go to college, vote Democrat, get married, and have some grandchildren to start the whole process over again. Did I mention vote Democrat?

Said differently, a black family person has a better chance of being accepted as a homosexual by his family, church, and community than of being a Republican believing in Christian conservative ideas. Yes, it’s that serious. The saddest part is nobody can tell you why. It’s all emotionalism.

At BLEXIT, however, something was different. I felt comfortable being in my own skin. Not because of the color of my skin, but because I was not being judged intellectually or politically based on my skin. I declared my political independence before the entire world.

Standing in a long line waiting to enter the Buckhead Theatre, I didn’t have to explain myself to anyone. We all had like minds and it was refreshing. It was good to see two teenage black males being able to articulate why they believe what they believe, instead of getting emotional and calling others names. It was amazing to hear their 55-year-old mentor say, “People think these young guys don’t have a clue. I just stand back and fold my arms and watch them handle interview questions from the media. They know their stuff!” He was smiling from ear to ear. It was good to meet an older white couple in line that overheard me say I was from Chattanooga, Tennessee. The man said, “Hey, I’m from Rossville, Georgia, right next door to you.”

Bloomberg Will Hit an Iceberg By Charles Lipson 


Michael Bloomberg is so wealthy he couldn’t fritter away his fortune, even if he tried. But he’ll make a good start if he spends $100 million or more to win the Democratic presidential nomination. It’s a fruitless quest.

He must be smart enough to know it. That’s why he is merely “exploring a run” and hasn’t jumped in yet. Still, the glittering prize of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. dazzles even the shrewdest eyes, and it may have dazzled Bloomberg’s.

Running would be a rare mistake in a career that led him to vast riches and the mayoralty of America’s largest city. (It’s no South Bend, but there are those who love it.) Bloomberg made his money by recognizing a lucrative gap in the market for economic information. To trade stocks, bonds, currencies, and commodities, market participants need real-time information, bundled with sophisticated software to make sense of it. Bloomberg saw the need, thought he could fill it better than anyone, and could charge steep fees to do it. He was right, and he executed his design perfectly. He is still tops in the field, still making a mint from it.

Now, Bloomberg sees another gap, this one in the Democratic presidential field, where no center-left candidate dominates. Both Joe Biden and Mayor Pete Buttigieg have obvious weaknesses and Amy Klobuchar has all but disappeared. Bloomberg is right in saying the whole field is weak, most candidates are too far left to win in November, and the center lane is not too crowded. He’s also right in saying that President Trump is vulnerable despite the strong economy. And he’s right in thinking that his age is no barrier. At 77, he is still energetic and sharp enough to do the job.

Where Bloomberg is wrong is thinking he can captivate a Democratic base that has moved sharply left since Barack Obama left office. He’s wrong, too, if he thinks policies that worked in New York City will appeal to contemporary Democrats.

Bloomberg Is No Better Choice Than The Rest Of The Democratic Candidates


With former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg possibly entering the presidential race, some Never Trumpers nervous about the Democrats’ leftward shift might feel like they have a candidate they can now support. They shouldn’t. Bloomberg was a Republican-in-name-only mayor who governed as a freedom-suppressing authoritarian.

Bloomberg has done nothing more than file for the Alabama Democratic primary election and he’s already six points ahead of President Donald Trump, 43-37, in a hypothetical general election matchup, according to Morning Consult/Politico poll. But some Democratic candidates have expressed their opposition to his candidacy. He’s too rich. He’s too late. He will let the party down.

We’re also have problems with him. But not the same ones.

Bloomberg governed the five boroughs for a dozen years as if he were making household rules for his pre-teen children. There would be no Big Gulp-sized sugary soft drinks, no trans fats, and every calorie had to be counted. A “Complete List of Everything Banned by Mayor Michael Bloomberg” compiled by Gizmodo includes: cars in Times Square, high sodium levels in processed foods, Styrofoam for single-use food packaging, cabs that aren’t fuel efficient, loud headphones, and cell phones in schools.

Some of the bans were proposed or merely suggested. But they still indicate a prohibitionist mind-set.

The “Republican” mayor is also an enemy of Second Amendment rights. Under his watch, a Manhattan store was even fined $60,000 by the city’s Department of Consumer Affairs  for selling lighters that looked like small pistols.