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Warren Promises to Divide Jerusalem, Fund Terrorists The hostility of the American Left to Israel goes back to Soviet policy during the Cold War years. This is one more blast from the past we could do without. Karin McQuillan


Democrat presidential candidates Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders were the star speakers at the national conference of J Street, a woke anti-Israel (verging on anti-Semitic) group, which met last week in Washington, D.C. Our two socialist candidates, sharing the podium with terrorists, are competing to see who can top the other in betraying our ally, Israel, and promoting Palestinian terrorism.

Warren addressed the audience by a video, in which she promised to divide Jerusalem. “Both parties should be able to have their capitals in Jerusalem,” she declared. 

For Warren to promise that as president she would carve out part of Israel’s capital city and hand it over to Israel’s mortal enemies is an ugly and dangerous plan. It wouldn’t be within her power or legal authority in any event. 

But bullying Israel plays well with her woke audience, stewed in campus anti-Semitism and anti-Israel propaganda for decades. It suits Warren’s Marxist anti-colonial voters to believe that as Caucasians, Israelis have no rights to their indigenous homeland, nor to its Jewish capital founded long before Christianity and Islam were born. 

Warren should know that dividing Jerusalem is terrible for American interests. She would create a terrorist enclave in the heart of Israel’s capital and destabilize our strongest ally in the fragile Middle East.

The Looming ‘1984’ Election Like it or not, 2020 is going to be a plebiscite on an American version of Orwell’s Nineteen-Eighty-Four. Victor Davis Hanson


For a variety of reasons, the 2020 election is going to be a referendum beyond Donald Trump’s record and his Democratic opposition.

The furor that Trump has incurred, and the radical antithesis to his agenda and first term, have redefined the looming election. It is becoming a stark choice between a revolutionary future versus American traditionalism.

The choice in reductionist terms will be one between a growing, statist Panopticon, fueled by social media, a media-progressive nexus, and an electronic posse. Online trolls and government bureaucrats seek to know everything about us, in Big Brother fashion to monitor our very thoughts to ferret out incorrect ideas, and then to regiment and indoctrinate us to ensure elite visions of mandated equality and correct behavior—or else!

In other words, the personality quirks of a Trump or an Elizabeth Warren or a Bernie Sanders will become mostly irrelevant given the existential choice between two quite antithetical ideas of future America. In 2020 we will witness the penultimate manifestation of what radical progressivism has in store for us all—and the furious, often desperate, and unfettered pushback against it.

Targeting Traditional America

We are also well beyond even the stark choices of 1972 and 1984 that remained within the parameters of the two parties. In contrast, the Democratic Party as we have known it, is extinct for now. It has been replaced since 2016 by a radical progressive revolutionary movement that serves as a touchstone for a variety of auxiliary extremist causes, agendas, and cliques—almost all of them radically leftwing and nihilistic, and largely without majority popular support.

Nikki Haley Dismisses Grounds for Impeachment and Triggers Never Trumpers By Stephen Kruiser


Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley set liberal and (newly liberal) #NeverTrump heads on fire Friday when she poo-pooed the Democrats’ basis for wanting to impeach President Trump.

Haley’s remarks were taped for this weekend’s edition of “CBS Sunday.”

The Washington Examiner:

“I don’t think it’s good for us to ever want a foreign country to investigate an American,” she said. “That’s just not something we want to get into the practice of doing.”

However, she still dismissed the impeachment proceedings, saying, “I also don’t feel comfortable with the fact that we’re having an impeachment process during an election year.”

The latter part isn’t really surprising, given the weak candidate offerings the Democrats have before them despite a record large field. They no doubt believe that their best shot at weakening the president and deflecting from the still-strong economy is to keep saying “IMPEACHMENT!” every third word until November of next year.

What really triggered an acute attack of Trump Derangement Syndrome symptoms was Haley giving a very public voice to what many Americans are thinking:

“On what? You’re going to impeach a president for asking for a favor that didn’t happen and — and giving money, and it wasn’t withheld?”

Warren & a few other Dem presidential hopefuls draw ‘dozens’ not hundreds to poorly-attended rally

None of these fools will ever be able to fill enormous arenas to full capacity with tens of thousands watching on big screen TVs outside!  This ‘environment gathering’ was a major flop. Audience only filled first 3 rows of seats in a small theater. They’re dreaming if they believe that can defeat POTUS MAGNUS. He’s an unbeatable legend in his own time. All of his challengers are as attractive as skunks at a garden party. Charlotte B.


Read coverage of this event at DAILY WIRE below:


It’s Not Republicans Who Are Reluctant to Accept Political Outcomes They Don’t Like By David Harsanyi


“Can Republicans relearn how to accept political outcomes they don’t like?” What in holy hell is the Washington Post’s Paul Waldman talking about? According to the piece, Matt Bevin’s (completely legal) request to re-canvass the Kentucky election portends an unwillingness by the GOP to accept the results the democratic process. Talk about projection.

We shouldn’t have to say more than “Stacey Abrams.” And it’s not just that the Democrat is a full-blown conspiracy theorist, it’s that leading members of her party enable her attacks on veracity of elections. Joe Biden claimed, without any evidence, that “voter suppression is the reason why Stacey Abrams isn’t governor right now.” Pete Buttigieg said suppression “racially motivated” in his remarks to the group that Abrams “ought to be governor.” And they’re not alone.

Abrams lost by 54,723 votes.

Waldman gives Abrams a pass for her recalcitrance, because, he notes, she “ended her campaign for governor of Georgia but pointedly refused to call it a ‘concession’ because, she said, it would grant the election, in which her opponent engaged in various forms of voter suppression, a legitimacy it did not deserve.” Well, yes, that’s the point, isn’t it? Everyone has a reason for why they don’t accept results. Democrats tend to rely on nebulous claims of “voter suppression.” But Abrams had legal avenues available to her, and they turned up nothing. Unlike Abrams, Bevin hasn’t argued that the results won’t be legitimate. “So why can’t they just let the process play itself out?”

Then again, Georgia’s gubernatorial election is a trivial sideshow compared to 2016 presidential race they’ve never accepted as legitimate. Less than two months ago, Hillary Clinton was still telling CBS News that “Trump knows he’s an illegitimate president.” Earlier this year, she claimed that, “You can run the best campaign, you can even become the nominee, and you can have the election stolen from you.” Here you have the most widely known Democrat in the nation maintaining that the election was stolen from her. Putting your party above your country in this way is, as someone once noted, just “horrifying.”

The five big things you need to understand about the Democratic primary right now By Caitlin Huey-Burns


Des Moines — Democratic presidential candidates are trading in kumbaya for combat. 

With three months to go before the Iowa caucuses, the 2020 campaigns are moving out of the introductory phase of the primary season and into the knife-sharpening phase, seeking to snuff out the competition as voters get closer to making up their minds. 

Candidates debuted new attack lines during major party cattle calls and campaign events across Iowa over the weekend and have continued to hone them throughout the week. In this phase of the campaign, it’s Vice President Joe Biden and Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren at center stage, with the surging South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg looking to portray himself as a “unity” candidate.

The new urgency of the campaign has forced several campaigns to reshuffle or reassess their respective standings in the race. The impeachment inquiry hanging over Washington and driving the daily news cycle has made it more difficult for lower-tier campaigns to break through. At the same time, few voters on the ground are asking about the latest moves in Washington, and are instead focused more on health care, the economy, and climate change.  

After spending the past several days on the ground in Iowa, attending presidential town halls and talking to lots of voters, here are five things we are learning about the state of the race. 

The passive-aggressive primary is over

Biden is attacking Warren. Buttigieg is attacking Warren. Warren is attacking Biden and Buttigieg. Julián Castro is attacking Buttigieg. 

In other words, this is the part of the campaign season when candidates stop being polite and start getting real. 

The Socialists vs. Billionaires Democrat Primary Bloomberg joining the primaries from hell will make them even worse. Daniel Greenfield


Joe Biden is running out of money.

He blew too much cash on private jets while blowing away debating opponents with his confused mumbling and bleeding eye. Now Joe’s down to the single digit millions, while Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders are in the double millions. Unless Joe can wangle a job on the board of a corrupt Ukrainian gas company, he’s not going to be able to afford private jets or a political campaign.

Kamala Harris is cutting staff and scaling back her campaign. Julian Castro is supporting his staff as they look for new jobs in a successful campaign. Too bad there aren’t many of those left. The only candidates still polling as if they’re in the running are Biden, Warren, Sanders, and Buttigieg, in a distant fourth place, buoyed by donations from vegan restaurateurs who don’t care if he actually wins or not.

Between them, Sanders and Warren command about 40% of the Democrat vote. Biden’s dying campaign has been shrinking from a third to around a quarter. And it’s largely dependent on black voters associating him with Obama. A project that’s gotten zero help from the actual Obama.

It’s time for the one thing the Dem dogfight desperately needs. More terrible candidates.

As money becomes the central factor, it’s the candidates with a fanatical following, the two radical socialists, Warren and Sanders, and the candidates with money to burn, who can stay in the race.

Tom Steyer, an eco-billionaire, bought his way into the primary, onto the debate stage, and was even accused of trying to buy endorsements. He’s blown through $47 million without batting an eye. With $1.6 billion to play with, Tom can keep this up a whole lot longer than Joe Biden can stay awake.

Why Does The Media Prop Up Failed Democratic Candidates Like Stacey Abrams? November 7, 2019 By Chrissy Clark


Stacey Abrams, the failed Democratic gubernatorial candidate from Georgia, told a University of Iowa audience she would be happy to run as a vice presidential candidate.

Abrams ended the rumors she was asked to run with Joe Biden if he was the nominee, but, according to the Daily Iowan, Abrams said she would be happy to be the running mate of DNC’s nominee, whoever the candidate is.

“When I got the question [from reporters] I was, myself, contemplating my next steps… I’m not in the primary, but you can run as second in the general election, and I am happy to do so with the nominee. That is my answer,” Abrams said

The New York Times, Washington Post, POLITICO, and The Hill have all reported on Abrams desire to be Vice President. The Washington Post gave Abrams a glowing review, saying, despite her failed candidacy she is a rising star in the Democratic party.

Why do mainstream media outlets continually prop up failed candidates? They used similar tactics when “rising star” Beto O’Rourke announced his presidential bid this year.

In January, media outlets raved about O’Rourke’s candidacy and gawked over his Vanity Fair cover. He was being propped up by the media and polled at 8.5 percent nationally. Now, the mainstream media and voters realize the only place ‘Born to Run’ Beto is going, is home.

O’Rourke has dropped out of the presidential race and was polling at a measly 2 percent by the end. The strategy of propping up an entire campaign around media attention leads candidates to flopping hard. Could an Abrams run follow this same pattern? After all, the two “rising stars” have a lot in common.


Kentucky’s new star By Frank Friday


President Trump said it best Monday night about Kentucky’s new Republican Attorney General, Daniel Cameron, the brilliant young black lawyer: “a star is born.”  Republicans wound up winning every Kentucky election except governor, with Cameron on the road to being a national figure as a fresh young advocate for traditional conservative values and commonsense law enforcement.

While Gov. Bevin was not re-elected, it certainly was not in any way the fault of President Trump, who brought out a record Kentucky turnout for Republicans in odd-number-year elections.  I thought this May, Gov. Bevin, despite all his amateur mistakes (he had moved here only in the late 1990s and entered politics just in 2014), could win if he focused the election on his Biden-like, corrupt opponent.  Instead, he continued to needlessly offend people, engaging all summer in an idiotic feud with the lieutenant governor he dumped from the ticket, costing him many deep red counties, where she was a Tea Party favorite.

Anyway, it is interesting that despite his youth, Daniel Cameron was picked out as a star in the making in college, where he played football for the Cards, by Sen. McConnell, and then by President Trump, who met him a year ago.  He has the natural talent for the consensus-building you need in politics to succeed — something the outgoing Matt Bevin never mastered.

The Democrats and CAIR By Eileen F. Toplansky


In 2018, Democratic lawmakers and a few Republicans openly supported the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), congratulating the organization on its 24th year of operation.  Furthermore, sixteen likely Democrat presidential candidates are endorsing CAIR.  For instance, “Elizabeth Warren sent in a video message threatening to cut off aid to Israel unless it surrenders to Islamic terrorists. Then she promised to divide Jerusalem, turning half the ancient holy city into a killing ground for the murderous terrorists already occupying Gaza and portions of the West Bank.”

Thus, the majority of the 2020 Democrat presidential field have aligned with CAIR, an anti-American and anti-Israel organization.  Moreover, it is now patently clear that the “Democratic party’s celebration of Linda Sarsour… exposes the poison” that has enveloped the party.

Consequently, there are representatives of the United States Congress who are openly applauding an “entity of the Muslim Brotherhood linked to pro-Hamas operations in the U.S.” 

From its inception, CAIR has sought to “portray itself as a moderate, mainstream organization,” but nothing could be farther from the truth.  Instead it “promotes a radical Islamic vision demonstrated by its co-founder Omar Ahmad” who has said

Islam ‘isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Koran… should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.’ In a similar spirit, co-founder Ibrahim Hooper told a reporter in 1993: ‘I wouldn’t want to create the impression that I wouldn’t like the government of the United States to be Islamic sometime in the future.’ In 2003 Hooper stated that if Muslims ever become a majority in the United States, they will likely seek to replace the U.S. Constitution with Islamic law, which they deem superior to man-made law.

Ihsan Bagby, a former board member of CAIR, believes that Muslims “can never be full citizens of [America]… because there  is no way we can be fully committed to the institutions and ideologies of this country.” Islamic supremacism as espoused by this group is taught in many American mosques which teach hatred of Jews and Christians. In fact, “Tashbih Sayyed of the Council for Democracy and Tolerance (CDT) called CAIR ‘the most accomplished fifth column’ in the United States since its desire is to  ‘…spread Islamic hegemony the world over by hook or by crook.'”