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Bernie’s Green Leap Forward Cost: $16 trillion. Fracking: banned. Oil CEOs: in jail.


Bernie Sanders published his version of the Green New Deal last week, and it’s written with all the realism voters have come to expect. Start with its price: “an historic $16.3 trillion.” That’s 10 times Joe Biden ’s climate plan, which is wild already. For the record, America’s annual economy is about $21 trillion.

Mr. Sanders says climate change “shares similarities with the crisis faced by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt in the 1940s,” when the U.S. “within three short years restructured the entire economy.” Oh, the good old days of coffee and meat rationing. Maybe that isn’t what Mr. Sanders has in mind, but he pledges to declare a national emergency and push through “a wholesale transformation of our society.”

To start, he’d switch electricity and transportation to 100% renewables by 2030. He would ban fracking; ban drilling offshore and on federal lands; ban “imports and exports of fossil fuels”; cancel oil pipelines already being built; and halt permitting of “new fossil fuel extraction, transportation, and refining infrastructure.”

Nuclear power would be phased out. He calls it a “false solution,” along with geoengineering and carbon capture. And don’t worry about rising costs. “We do not expect energy prices to spike,” he says, “because the federal government is going to weatherize homes, electrify heating, and keep electricity prices stable.” Thanks to the public provision of renewables, “after 2035 electricity will be virtually free, aside from operations and maintenance costs.”

Stacey Abrams benefits from a ‘voter suppression’ tale By Lisa Boothe


Georgia Democrat Stacey Abrams lost her 2018 gubernatorial bid to Republican Brian Kemp by nearly 55,000 votes, but she still refuses to concede. Instead, she claims the election was stolen from her. She has uncritically peddled that falsehood in countless interviews on national television and has capitalized off of it, by starting the group Fair Fight.

Fair Fight just launched a multimillion-dollar “voter protection” initiative for the 2020 election in 20 competitive states. As the face of the group, Abrams stands to benefit politically from the increased national presence. This begs the question: Is Fair Fight about fighting voter suppression or raising Abrams’ profile?

The Associated Press recently raised this conundrum by pointing out that the “organization has paid for advertisements featuring Abrams and some of her travel and organized national watch parties when she delivered the Democratic rebuttal to President Donald Trump’s State of the Union.” And while there is no evidence of illegality, Abrams’ actions “could prompt questions about whether the nonprofit is inappropriately supporting her political ambitions,” the AP’s report stated.

Climate Change Divides Dems as DNC Plots 2020 Strategy . By Susan Crabtree –


SAN FRANCISCO­ — With their presidential standard-bearer far from certain and the country’s Rust Belt once again pivotal to winning the White House, Democrats are already wrestling with how hard to push their green agenda.

The Democratic National Committee, at its summer meeting here this week, rejected a resolution by activists to back a climate-specific television debate, sparking angry protests from environmentalists who interrupted the meeting. Besides displaying the party’s seams on the issue, the move also risks alienating young voters whose energy and turnout are essential for victory in November 2020.

Symone Sanders, a top strategist for former Vice President Joe Biden’s campaign, was the leading voice against the resolution during Thursday’s DNC summer meeting. Sanders argued that having single-issue debates would be disruptive to an already lengthy debate process that forces candidates to spend more time prepping for the face-offs instead of talking to voters.

“This would throw the whole process into a free for all,” she said, also referring to the issue as “dangerous territory in the middle of the primary process.”

Tad Devine, a leading Democratic media strategist, backed her up on Twitter.

Here’s Why 2020 Dems Are Dropping Like Flies By Tyler O’Neil


On Friday, Rep. Seth Moulton (D-Mass.) — Seth who? — will become the fourth candidate to drop out of the race for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination. In fact, three candidates dropped out in the past two weeks: former Gov. John Hickenlooper (D-Colo.), current Gov. Jay Inslee (D-Wash.), and now Moulton. Americans can expect to see more Democrats throw in the towel as August 28 approaches.

While a whopping 21 candidates received the privilege of debating on stage in June and July, the threshold to qualify for the September and October debates is much higher, and only 10 have qualified so far. August 28 is the cut-off for the September 12 and 13 debates. Democrats need to have at least four polls showing them at two percent or higher and at least 130,000 unique donors.

The top three candidates: former Vice President Joe Biden and Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) have qualified for the September debates, along with seven others. Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) has taken a tumble in the polls and now ranks with Pete Buttigieg, mayor of South Bend, Ind., in a middle tier above the lower tier of candidates.

Far-Left Radicalism May Cost Dems 2020, Presidential Drop-Out Warns

Five candidates in that lower tier have also qualified for the September debates: Sens. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) and Cory Booker (D-N.J.); former Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-Texas); former HUD Secretary Julián Castro; and entrepreneur Andrew Yang.

Tom Steyer, the environmentalist activist who made his billions by investing in coal, has reached the donor threshold and just needs one more qualifying poll. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) needs two more polls. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) has only broken two percent in one poll and her campaign says she’s close to the donor threshold. Author Marianne Williamson stays she has enough donors but she hasn’t broken two percent in any qualifying poll.

Beth Van Duyne: A champion of freedom fights for a spot in Congress By Amil Imani


Former popular Irving mayor Beth Van Duyne has left her post at the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development’s office in Fort Worth.  She announced on social media on August 5 that she plans to run for the United States Congress District 24, which covers parts of Dallas, Tarrant, and Denton Counties.

I have known Beth throughout her incredible career in the City of Irving, and I am excited that she has decided to announce her candidacy.  A person of her outstanding principles is urgently needed in Washington, even though she will be missed here at home.

Beth started her public service ten years ago, when she worked tirelessly to build a children’s park.  Next, she ran for City Council, and later, she served with distinction as mayor of Irving.  When the call came from President Trump’s administration, she, characteristically, offered her much valued services.

Now Texas and the nation need her in Washington, and once again, she is willingly answering the call for service in the United States Congress, where she can be a resonant voice for principled conservatism that has made this country the standard-bearer for democracy and freedom.

Bernie Sanders: The $6 Trillion Man


One of the four leading Democrats running for president, Bernie Sanders announced this week that, if elected, he’ll spend $16.3 trillion over the next decade to decarbonize the economy. That’s a big number. But it’s only one of Sanders’ “bold” plans that, when added up, would more than double the size of the federal government.

The details of Sanders’ “Green New Deal” aren’t particularly important. Suffice it to say, the plan is stuffed to the brim with pie-in-the-sky assumptions and massive new government programs. The Democratic senator wants to spend $681 billion on a “vehicle trade-in program,” another $407 billion to replace school buses, $216 billion to replace every truck. That’s all on just one page of his Green New Deal plan.

All told, he wants to dump more than $16 trillion over 10 years on these and other boondoggles.

Incredible as it might seem, the Green New Deal isn’t even the biggest ticket item on Sanders’ agenda. That trophy goes to his Medicare for All plan, which clocks in at $32.6 trillion (which is a decidedly lowball estimate).

Then there’s Sanders’ plan for free college — $480 billion over the next decade — and canceling all outstanding college student loan debt. That adds up to another $2 trillion hit to taxpayers.

Sanders also proposes guaranteed government jobs. Cost estimates for this range from $32 billion a year to $543 billion a year. Of the four studies that have looked into it, the average cost works out to $3.5 trillion over 10 years.

Sanders still isn’t done. He also wants to expand Social Security benefits with a plan that would cost taxpayers $1.8 trillion over a decade.

Payback: Democrats rig Tulsi Gabbard right out of their next debate By Monica Showalter


Iconoclastic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard did the unforgiveable in the eyes of the hidebound Democratic Party establishment: She knocked down one their favorites, Kamala Harris. Now, through the miracle of rule-rigging, the Democratic establishment has maneuvered to exact a price from her: No appearance at the next Democratic debate. No more taking down the next favorite.

Democrats Continue Normalization of Anti-Semitism By Fletch Daniels


Democrats have been continuing a long trend of normalizing anti-Semitism in their party.

Congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib had been leading the charge on Capitol Hill to deploy anti-Israel legislation with the goal of weakening Israel.  They put forth legislation to support the abominable Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement, whose ultimate goal is to handcuff and damage the Middle East’s sole democracy.  It’s so noxious that it drew the fire of even liberal Bill Maher. 

The two congresswomen followed up this action by announcing a trip to a nonexistent “Palestine,” knowing that Israel would have no choice but to reject their request. 

No nation is eager to welcome people committed to its destruction, people so hateful that they can’t even acknowledge its existence on an itinerary.  Israel, a vulnerable country 33 times smaller than Texas in a tough geopolitical neighborhood, has a wise policy that prohibits BDS-supporters from entering the country.

It takes a titanic amount of chutzpah to travel as a U.S. elected official to a U.S. ally (purposely misnamed the mythic Palestine) to brazenly act to damage that country from within its own borders.  

The noxious Tlaib, whose map on her wall blots out Israel with a sticky, then made a humanitarian request to visit her grandmother.  A gracious Israel granted the request under the eminently reasonable condition that she not promote boycotts (i.e., act toward Israel’s destruction) during her visit. 

The Political Perils Of Supporting Israel On Jewish votes, Trump, and dual loyalties.By David Harsanyi


During his diatribe about the recent exploits of anti-Israel Democrats Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, President Donald Trump dropped this line: “And I think any Jewish people that vote for a Democrat, I think it shows either a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty.”

An uproar followed due to the president’s use of the word “disloyalty,” which usually insinuates the charge of dual allegiances, a smear that’s been deployed against Jews in various iterations since the beginning of the Diaspora. In case there was any confusion, the president reiterated today that, yes, “If you vote for a Democrat, you’re being disloyal to Jewish people and you’re being very disloyal to Israel.”

If you’ve been following the adventures of progressive Democrats, you might be familiar with the dual loyalty smear. Then again, watching the same media that has been white-knighting Omar and Tlaib now feign horror at the word “disloyalty” has been quite a spectacle.

I assume most mainstream news consumers were confused about the motivation for Trump’s outburst, which was aimed at two members of Congress who had teamed up with an organization that literally praised suicide bombers and made accusations of blood libel. This aspect of Omar and Talib’s aborted Israel trip was not particularly newsworthy. Mostly because media hypocrisy is breathtaking. Incidentally, not a single Democrat now accusing Trump of peddling antisemitic tropes condemned them.

The Impeachment Charade Democrats claim to want Trump gone but refuse to vote on it.


Big news on impeachment this week, or not: On Monday Ben Ray Luján, the number four Democrat in House leadership, endorsed “an impeachment inquiry, which will continue to uncover the facts for the American people and hold this president accountable.” The press played it as a big moment, the highest-ranking Democrat to endorse the probe.

“President Trump’s lack of action is jeopardizing our elections, national security, and Democracy,” Mr. Luján said in explaining his decision. “Not only has he ignored the warnings that our Democracy is being targeted, but he has also actively encouraged Russian interference.” But wait. Special counsel Robert Mueller released his report in April. Why reach this conclusion four months later?

You have to read 15 paragraphs into the Politico story on Mr. Luján’s conversion to discover the real reason. The New Mexico Congressman is running for the Senate to replace Democrat Tom Udall and he faces two liberal primary challengers. One competitor, New Mexico Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver, called on the House to start impeachment proceedings in May.