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House Votes Down Resolution Condemning Maxine Waters’s Remarks on Chauvin Trial By Zachary Stieber


The House of Representatives on Tuesday voted down a resolution that would have censured Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.).

The party-line vote saw 216 Democrats reject the resolution and 210 Republicans back it. Two members from each party did not vote.

Waters traveled to a Minneapolis suburb over the weekend and urged demonstrators to be “more confrontational” if former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin were not convicted on charges in the death of George Floyd.

“We’re looking for a guilty verdict,” she also said.

The proposed resolution (pdf), filed by House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), included most of Waters’s remarks. It also referenced how Hennepin County Judge Peter Cahill commented on them in the courtroom, saying in part: “I wish elected officials would stop talking about this case, especially in a manner that is disrespectful to the rule of law and to the judicial branch and our function.”

McCarthy charged that Waters “broke the law by violating curfew and then incited violence.”

On the House floor in Washington before the vote, Democrats disputed that claim.

“Chairwoman Waters’s remarks reflect the very profound anger and sense of hopelessness that she and so many others, myself included, feel when we see African-Americans being killed during encounters with our law enforcement. And their families not seeing justice,” House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) told colleagues.

He accused Republicans of taking Waters’s remarks “out of context” to “hold a ‘gotcha’ partisan vote.”

In a statement after the vote, McCarthy said, “Speaker [Nancy] Pelosi, and every other House Democrat, had the opportunity to condemn the violent rhetoric of our colleague Representative Waters, a chairwoman and senior member of Congress, to protesters to ‘get more confrontational.’”

“Instead, they condoned it. And the House and our justice system are worse off because of it,” he added.

“Every single House Democrat just voted to stand with Maxine Waters. They made it clear: Democrats are fine with Democrat politicians inciting violence and chaos,” House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) wrote in a tweet.

Pelosi had defended Waters’s remarks, saying she did not need to apologize.

“Maxine talked about confrontation in the manner of the civil rights movement,” Pelosi told reporters on Monday. “I myself think we should take our lead from the George Floyd family. They’ve handled this with great dignity and no ambiguity or … misinterpretation by the other side. No, I don’t think she should apologize.”

7 Reasons Why Democrats Are Obsessed With Race From the perspective of power politics, it makes perfect sense. Don Feder


It’s almost impossible for a Democrat to get through the day without saying something about race – something really stupid.

Last week, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, Biden’s UN Ambassador, said white supremacy is “weaved [sic] into our founding documents [including the Constitution] and principles.” You know, like “all men created equal” and “endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights.” You gotta be a Klansman to believe that stuff.

On the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (Red China, which practically runs the UN, systematically suppresses racial minorities which might challenge its rule), Joe Biden — who once said school busing would create a “racial jungle” — again took aim at the “systematic racism and white supremacy” which he says have long plagued our laws and institutions.

“Racism is real in America and always has been,” squawked Kamala Harris, who practically called Biden racist during the Democrat primary campaign.

If systematic racism and white supremacy weren’t enough, the left insists that we also confront “institutionalized racism,” “white privilege,” “white fragility” (whites who refused to admit their racism) and “whiteness” – in order to reach the promised land of “racial justice,” “racial equality” and “racial equity.”

Democrats call anything that challenges their misrule racist – including Georgia’s election reform (an attempt to “disenfranchise minorities”), gun ownership (In 2008, Obama said Middle Americans bitterly cling to guns and “antipathy to people who aren’t like them”), the Electoral College, the Senate filibuster (“a remnant of Jim Crow”), voter ID laws, capitalism and the Constitution.

Sens. Sanders, Warren call for ‘restricting’ US aid to Israel at J Street confab: Jacob Magid


Progressive lawmakers urge Israel to help vaccinate Palestinians, say foreign assistance shouldn’t be used to advance policies that ‘violate Palestinian rights’

Prominent progressive senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren both used their Monday addresses at the J Street lobby’s national conference to call for regulating US aid to Israel, asserting that such assistance should not be allowed to bankroll Israeli policies in the West Bank that damage prospects for a two-state solution.

The stances appeared to mark a shift by more left-wing Democrats away from talk of “conditioning” aid to Israel to “restricting” it.

The former term was used by several candidates during the recent US presidential campaign, including Sanders and Warren — implying that some or all of the $3.8 billion in aid that the US has agreed to give Israel over a 10-year period should potentially be withheld based on actions taken by the Israeli government.

In shifting to talk of “restricting” aid, progressive Democrats, with J Street’s backing, are not calling to limit the amount of already-agreed-upon aid, but are rather seeking greater control of how it may and may not be used.

“If we’re serious about arresting settlement expansion and helping move the parties toward a two-state solution, then it would be irresponsible not to consider all of the tools we have at our disposal,” Warren told J Street in prerecorded remarks played on the second day of the left-wing, pro-Israel lobby’s virtual conference.

“One of those is restricting military aid from being used in the occupied territories. By continuing to provide military aid without restriction, we provide no incentive for Israel to adjust course,” she added.

The Republican Jewish Committee lashed out at Warren’s remarks, calling them “disgusting.”

“To advocate, as Sen. Warren does, that the US pressure Israel to make concessions to the Palestinians while the Palestinian Authority condemns Israel’s existence, incites violence against Israel and Jews everywhere, and continues its ‘Pay for Slay’ salaries to terrorists and their families, is disgusting,” said RJC executive director Matt Brooks.

For his part, Sanders also declared himself in favor of the US using its aid as leverage.

“I strongly believe that we must also be willing to bring real pressure to bear, including restricting US aid, in response to moves by either side that undermine the chances for peace,” he said.

“The truth is that the United States gives an enormous amount of military aid to Israel. It also provides some humanitarian and economic aid to the Palestinians. It is totally appropriate for the United States to say what that aid may and may not be used for,” Sanders argued.

GOP Rep. Burgess Owens (R-UT-District 4 “Projection” By Democrats About Voter ID Is “Self-Bigotry Of Low Expectations” Posted By Tim Hains


Clarence Burgess Owens is a Republican politician, and former professional football player elected in 2020.

Rep. Burgess Ownes testified at a Senate hearing on whether voter ID laws represent a “New Jim Crow,” particularly mentioning that he is insulted when Democrats characterize black voters as “not smart enough” to get identification.

“The true racism is this: the projection of the Democratic party on my proud race. It’s called the self bigotry of low expectation,” Rep. Owens said Tuesday. “President Biden said of the Georgia law ‘This is Jim Crow on steroids.’ With all due respect, Mr. President, you know better.”
This Week


“What I find extremely offensive from the left is the narrative that black people are not smart enough, not educated enough…to do what every other culture does in this country —get an ID,” Rep. Owens says in a congressional hearing about voting rights. https://abcn.ws/2QbCft8

Have New York City Voters Burned Out on the Left? Daniel Greenfield


New York City went from being run by a Republican and a moderate Democrat, and descended into hard leftist under De Blasio. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez’s win, the defeat of Rep. Elliot Engel, and the campaign to replace Cuomo with a Socialist seemed to solidify the city and perhaps even the state as leftist territory. And yet, despite all that, the Left seems unable to get a grip on the upcoming mayoral election.

A survey conducted by Data For Progress, a national think tank, found 26 percent of voters are supporting Yang’s candidacy — double the 13 percent who said they would support Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams. 

The poll also found Yang leading Adams 25 to 22 percent among Black voters — a surprising number given the borough president’s political base in predominantly African-American parts of Brooklyn. Data For Progress polled 1,007 likely voters between March 21 and April 5 through web and text interviews, which would not necessarily capture the older New Yorkers Adams — a former police officer and state Senator — is counting on.

City Comptroller Scott Stringer, a career politician from Manhattan, captured 11 percent of those surveyed, and former City Hall attorney and MSNBC legal analyst Maya Wiley came in fourth at 10 percent. Every other candidate polled in single digits.

The Left and the media have been pushing Wiley. She is the model of what the Left wants. Instead, Yang is far ahead despite the media’s efforts to destroy him. And while I’m no fan of Eric Adams, he’s far too moderate these days for the Left.

Could the Left win St. Louis while losing New York to moderate Democrats? The media is doing its best to stop Yang. With no effect. 

Why is Yang polling better with black voters than Adams or Wiley? One answer might be that a big chunk of the electorate in New York City is sick and tired of the lunatic Left.

Stacey Abrams, Fount of Disinformation By Rich Lowry


She says there’s a new Jim Crow. Here’s the truth.

Stacey Abrams opens her book, Our Time Is Now, with an anecdote about talking to her grandmother in 2018 when she was making her run for governor.

The Georgia Democrat’s grandmother grew up in Jim Crow Mississippi and, according to Abrams, told her how when she got her first opportunity to vote, in 1968, she was too frightened to go to the polling place. Abrams writes that this “perversion of democracy continues to play out across our country every day.”

“Voter suppression,” she continues, “works its might by first tripping and causing to stumble the unwanted voter, then by convincing those who see the obstacle course to forfeit the race without even starting to run.”

The problem with using her grandmother’s story to illustrate this point is that, after her initial hesitation, her grandmother indeed went and voted — just as pretty much all the people Abrams alleges are being scared away from the polls today are going to vote, too.

When Abrams writes that “across America, would-be voters continue to turn away like my grandmother did,” it’s literally true — because they aren’t turning away at all.

This isn’t in any way to discount her grandmother’s fear, born of living for so long under a system of racial tyranny. But the contemporary relevance of her experience is almost nil. In the old Jim Crow era, most blacks were barred from voting in the South by transparently pretextual measures, and sometimes by outright intimidation and violence; in what is supposedly the new Jim Crow era, blacks are full participants and often determine the outcome of races, as they did in the Georgia runoffs last January.

Spot the contradiction in this sentence that evidently escaped Abrams and her editors at Henry Holt. She writes of her experience running for governor: “I watched in real time as the conflicts in our evolving nation became fodder for racist commercials, horrific suppression — and the largest turnout of voters of color in Georgia’s history.”

Stacey Abrams is one of the great founts of disinformation in contemporary American political life. She’s managed to convince almost all Democrats to accept her ridiculous contention that she was the rightful winner of her 2018 gubernatorial race against Brian Kemp, which she never conceded. Her framework of looking at disputes over voting rules not as matters reasonable people can disagree about, or as fights for partisan advantage, but as an existential struggle over the attempted imposition of a new system of racist repression has prevailed on the center–left. Finally, she’s led the way in characterizing the new Georgia electoral law as the onset of Jim Crow 2.0, prompting denunciations of her state from corporate America and leading Major League Baseball to pull the All-Star Game from Atlanta.

She’s paid no price for her dishonesty and hysteria; rather, she’s been celebrated in verse and song. She’s been featured in Vogue (“Can Stacey Abrams save American democracy?” the headline asked) and was somewhere in the very outer orbit of Joe Biden’s VP short list. The way that Senator Elizabeth Warren slammed the new Georgia law is typical of her party’s Abrams-centric view of Georgia: “The Republican who is sitting in Stacey Abrams’ chair just signed a despicable voter suppression bill into law to take Georgia back to Jim Crow.”

Abrams is treated as an authority on all matters related to voting, when, in reality, the beginning of wisdom on such questions is realizing how utterly wrong she is.

The Best Tonic for Restoring the GOP: Overreaching Democrats Republicans have a record fundraising quarter, no thanks to corporate PACs. Kimberley Strassel


The media has reveled this year in the frequent, gleeful penning of obituaries for the Republican Party. The GOP is described as broken, fractured, befuddled about its identity, dying or already dead, not to mention up an unprintable creek, after corporate donors cut money following the Jan. 6 riot.

Or maybe not.

The obits are hard to square with a surprising new number from House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s political team: $27.1 million. That’s the amount they tell me Mr. McCarthy single-handedly raked in during the first quarter of 2021. It’s the most money any Republican representative has ever raised in a quarter.

It’s even more notable given it was accomplished mostly in two months: January was rough for Republicans. And it was done almost entirely without big-business support. Only about $450,000, or less than 2%, came from corporate political-action committees. How big is a $27.1 million quarter? Mr. McCarthy raised about $100 million over the entire previous two-year cycle, or an average of $12.5 million a quarter.

The National Republican Congressional Committee announced on Thursday that it raked in $33.7 million in the first quarter (about $5 million of which came from Mr. McCarthy). It pulled in $19.1 million in March alone—an odd-year fundraising record. And the National Republican Senatorial Committee, under Florida Sen. Rick Scott, had one of its healthiest Februarys in years, bringing in $6.4 million—despite a precipitous drop in corporate PAC donations. (It has yet to report quarterly numbers.)

Cotton Backs Arkansas Legislature’s Override of Hutchinson’s Veto By John McCormack


U.S. Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas backs the Arkansas legislature’s action to stop doctors in the state from performing gender-transition surgeries on minors or prescribing puberty-blocking hormones to minors who identify as transgender. 

“I support our legislature’s action to protect children from dangerous, life-altering, irreversible harms,” Cotton tells National Review in a statement.

In order to enact the law, the state legislature on Tuesday overrode the veto of Republican governor Asa Hutchinson.

On Tuesday night, Hutchinson was grilled by Fox News host Tucker Carlson about the veto.

“Let’s let parents and doctors make decisions,” Hutchinson said. 

“Then why don’t we allow 18-year-olds to drink beer in Arkansas? Why don’t we allow them to get tattoos? Why don’t we allow 15-year-olds to get married?” Carlson replied. “You vetoed a bill that would’ve protected children — not adults, children, to whom a different standard applies — from a life-altering, permanent procedure.”

If Democrats Will Cry ‘Racist’ No Matter What, Republicans Should Pass Much Stronger Laws Everyone knows why Democrats don’t want voters to show ID. It has nothing to do with racism, and everyone knows it. So why are we playing this stupid game?By Joy Pullmann


In March, Georgia Republicans amended their state’s election laws in a weak attempt to assuage voters disgusted with their enabling of the 2020 election circus. To punish their political opponents for requiring voter ID and creating an election season of a month long or more Democrats called up their character assassination squads.

Democrats have been throwing every bit of pressure they can at Georgia elected officials to get their way without winning power legitimately through elections. This has included pressure from Democrats’ current and last U.S. presidents, Joe Biden and Barack Obama.

Biden called on companies to push his political goals outside of the legitimate political system by boycotting Georgia. He is the first president to openly push private companies to boycott a U.S. state over fully legal political outcomes he dislikes.

Biden also explicitly voiced support for Major League Baseball economically punishing Americans represented by members of his political opposition by withdrawing MLB’s All-Star game from Atlanta. MLB quickly complied.

Man Behind Alleged Gaetz Extortion Scheme Admits Wanting $25 Million By Matt Margolis


Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) has claimed that the sexual misconduct allegations made against him were part of an extortion scheme, and Bob Kent, one of the men allegedly involved in the scheme, all but confirmed in an interview on “The Michael Smerconish Program” on SiriusXM radio on Monday that he had asked Gaetz’s father for $25 million—but insists it was not extortion.

Kent says he needed the money to help find FBI agent Robert Levinson, who went missing in March 2007 and is presumed to be dead by his family, but Kent claims he’s seen video evidence that Levinson is alive in Iran.

“Matt Gaetz is in need of good publicity, and I’m in need of $25 million to rescue Robert Levinson,” Kent said on the show, and acknowledged that he asked Gaetz’s father for the money.

“At first he started laughing and he said, ‘You know we get these extortion attempts all the time,’ And I said whoa, stop. This is not an extortion attempt. I’m not trying to extort him, I’m not, you know, that’s not what we’re doing here.”

But according to a report from the Washington Examiner, Gaetz, “possesses text message screenshots, an email, and a typed document that purportedly support his claims that a federal investigation into his relationship with a 17-year-old is related to an extortion scheme against him.” According to screenshots provided to the Washington Examiner, Rep. Gaetz’s father, Don Gaetz, a former Florida state Senate president, received a text message from Kent on March 16 proposing “a plan that can make [Matt Gaetz’s] future legal and political problems go away.”

Gaetz has denied any wrongdoing.