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California Bans Trump The state passes a law to bar him from the primary ballot. ????!!!!


Remember all that angst and anger expressed by progressives that President Trump would ignore judicial orders, rig election laws, and maybe even refuse to give up power if he loses in 2020? We’re still waiting for any of that to happen. But that hasn’t stopped Democrats from stretching the Constitution to defeat Mr. Trump.

The latest example came Tuesday from California when Governor Gavin Newsom signed a law that would bar Mr. Trump from the state primary ballot unless he discloses his tax returns. That’s right. California Democrats are trying to keep a sitting President from running for re-election in their state.

“These are extraordinary times and states have a legal and moral duty to do everything in their power to ensure leaders seeking the highest offices meet minimal standards, and to restore public confidence,” Mr. Newsom, a Democrat, said in a statement.

Even if this means rigging the ballot to defeat an opponent they loathe? Apparently so. We’re on record saying Mr. Trump should release his tax returns, but there’s nothing in the Constitution that says he must. Americans can factor his refusal into their voting calculations, and most Democratic presidential candidates have released their tax returns or promised that they will.

California may be violating the Constitution with this law. Mr. Trump’s lawyers are promising a legal challenge, and they have a strong case that a state can’t add onerous qualifications for ballot access that go beyond the Constitution’s requirements for age, citizenship and residency. That was the basis for the Supreme Court decision barring term limits in Congressional elections.

This is one reason that Jerry Brown, Mr. Newsom’s predecessor, vetoed a similar bill in 2017. “First, it may not be constitutional,” Mr. Brown wrote in a veto statement, and the rest is worth quoting at length:

Debate: Tulsi Gabbard knocks Kamala Harris from her pedestal By Monica Showalter


If there was anything that made the sludge of lies, hypocrisies, and panders of the fourth Democratic debate worth watching, it was that one little moment when Rep. Tulsi Gabbard effectively slapped Sen. Kamala Harris upside the head over her checkered record as a prosecutor. That was an ambush. And Harris responded like a deer in the headlights.

Harris’s abysmal record as someone who’s refused to correct false testimony, thrown petty drug criminals in jail even as she laughed about her own pot use, and the death penalty she advocated for, are indeed liabilities and  something conservatives have been complaining about for years. Now coming from Gabbard, it was, if anything, even more effective. Here’s some of the New York Times’s transcript:

Gabbard: I want to bring the conversation back to the broken criminal justice system that is disproportionately, negatively impacting black and brown people all across this country today. Now, Senator Harris says she’s proud of her record as a prosecutor and that she’ll be a prosecutor president. But I’m deeply concerned about this record. There are too many examples to cite but she put over 1,500 people in jail for marijuana violations and then laughed about it when she was asked if she ever smoked marijuana.

She blocked evidence that would have freed an innocent man from death row until the courts forced her to do so. She kept people in prison beyond their sentences to use them as cheap labor for the state of California, and she fought to keep a cash bail system in place that impacts poor people in the worst kind of way.

Thank You, Representative Ilhan Omar By Eileen F. Toplansky


As a congressional representative, Ilhan Omar has masterfully manipulated American freedom in order to make anti-Semitism a more accepted idea.  She has admirably done the work of the Muslim Brotherhood in normalizing anti-Semitism in the land of the free.  By cloaking the evil as merely an expression of her freedom of speech, she has removed the “racist portrayal of Jews from the neo-Nazi fringe into the mainstream.”  She has mastered the art of psychological warfare as she couples “Muslim anti-Semitism with the American left’s vague notion of ‘social justice.'”  She has shown her bona fides as a representative of the jihad on free speech while vigorously claiming this vital freedom.

As Ayaan Hirsi Ali notes, Omar hails from Somalia, where anti-Semitism is taught at an early age.  Thus, she was taught that to destroy the Jews, the Zionists, and the state of Israel is a worthy goal.  Religious teaching is coupled with the political narrative where jihad is the solution to all the ills of the Muslim world.  In addition, there is very little freedom of expression in Muslim-majority countries, and the state-owned media propagate daily expressions of anti-Semitic and anti-Israel propaganda.  Everything is tainted with this hatred, from the mosques to the Islamic college campuses.  Refugee camps are another “zone of indoctrination.”

Omar asserts that American Jews have a dual loyalty that should make them suspect.  This anti-Semitic meme has been used since time immemorial to besmirch Jews and to cast aspersions upon them.  Then there is the “all about the Benjamins, baby” statement, which revives the stereotype of Jews using their money and influence to pressure those in power to advance the interests of a foreign nation over their own.

On radio show, Ocasio-Cortez agrees with host who says Israel is ‘criminal, very unjust’


She also endorsed the anti-Israel progressive group IfNotNow, saying it is “amazing” and “organizing for justice.”

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) agreed on Tuesday with a New York radio host, saying that what’s happening in Israel is “very criminal.”

“Now you look around the globe and you have multiple corrupt governments working together—you’ve got Israel, you’ve got America, you’ve got Russia, you’ve got the Saudis, right—all working in concert. And I bring up Israel because you’ve been vocal about Palestine, the occupation and what needs to go on there. And specifically, I even think people in Israel are trying to get Netanyahu as well,” asked “Ebro in the Morning” host Ebro Darden.

“I agree. I agree with that,” replied Ocasio-Cortez.

Darden continued, “There’s a lot of young Jewish people that I know that are absolutely against the occupation, and I wanted you, because often on this program, we have the freedom to address the fact that something that you know people, it’s an oxymoron, how do you have white-supremacist Jews? How do you have people like Stephen Miller? How do you have these individuals who are legit aligning with racism and white supremacy, but they’re Jewish, and it’s something that most people can’t wrap their brains around. But it’s a real thing, and what’s going on with Israel and Palestine, while it’s very deep, it is very, very criminal. It is very, very unjust.”

Warren, Bernie & Pete Prove They’re As Daft As New Ager Marianne Williamson Thomas McArdle


If you dig up the old tweets of self-help author Marianne Williamson, who stood in her now-familiar place way out in left field during Tuesday’s first night of CNN’s Democrat debates, you’ll know her as the candidate representing Xanadu.

Crime policy? “A gray sky is actually a blue sky covered up by gray clouds. A guilty person is actually an innocent soul covered up by mistaken behavior.”

Health care? “God is BIG, swine flu SMALL … Pour God’s love on our immune systems.”

Energy policy? “Visualize the oil spill plugged. Close your eyes for 5 minutes and see angels coming over it, filling it with sane and sacred thoughts.”

And here’s a great nuclear weapons negotiation strategy versus Iran’s mullahs or Kim Jong-un: “In chaotic times, seek peace within. You then become a harmonizer of external forces and a midwife to peace on earth.”

But the other leading candidates for the 2020 Democratic nomination who took part in the first night showed America they’re just as loopy as Marianne.

What Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, as well as Mayor Pete Buttigieg, had to say would make you think there’s no one left in America who remembers the bleak, bereft economy of the Soviet Union, whose Communist Party constitution painted a picture of paradise where citizens of the U.S.S.R. “are guaranteed the right to employment” plus “the elimination of the possibility of economic crises, and the abolition of unemployment.”

Compared To The Democrats, Donald Trump Is Moderate When it comes to policy, the president makes Democrats look like a gaggle of extremists David Harsanyi


Once you strip away all the hysteria and madness surrounding the Donald Trump presidency, you’re left with a policy agenda of a populist, big-government Republican. Whether or not you have a moral or personal case against Trump himself, the president’s stated policy positions fall well within the contours of traditional right-left politics.

Can the same be said of Democrats? I’m sorry, but across-the-board tax cuts, notwithstanding the panic-stricken reaction, aren’t particularly radical. Every Republican president going back to Warren Harding has passed some kind of rate reduction. Nor is Trump’s stated position on constrained foreign entanglement, which is popular with large factions of both parties. Trump’s anti-Iran and pro-Israel posture are long-standing GOP positions — and before President Barack Obama, bipartisan consensus.

Higher tariffs, which many of us believe are destructive and counterproductive, have been part of our economic debate forever. We shouldn’t forget, either, that while reflexive anti-Trumpism may have transformed a number of Democrats into temporary free marketers, most progressives share Trump’s protectionist instincts. Hillary, for instance, was compelled to change her long-standing position on both NAFTA and the Trans-Pacific Partnership during 2016 campaign to appeal to her left flank. Presidential hopeful Elizabeth Warren’s new trade proposal not only makes Trump look like Milton Friedman, it allows environmental groups and unions to dictate terms.

Debt? Sadly, no one cares.

At CNN’s primary debate in Detroit, presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg cautioned that no matter which policies Democrats embrace, Republicans will still call them “crazy socialists.” Until recently, there was no need for any qualifier, because Democrats feigned outrage at the mere mention of socialism. But now that Democrats are openly arguing for collectivist policies — one of their leading candidates is, in fact, a socialist who could easily have been the party’s nominee for the presidency in 2016 — sane socialism is, apparently, OK.

Racist? Elijah Cummings Once Called Baltimore “Infested” Just Like Trump


President Trump has been labeled a racist for using the word “infested” to describe Baltimore’s rat problem, but Elijah Cummings used the exact same word to describe the city back in 1999.

As the video below highlights, CNN slammed Trump for using the word “infested” to describe Baltimore, suggesting that the president was dehumanizing black people.

However, during 1999 testimony, Elijah Cummings referred to his own district as a “drug infested area”.
I guess Elijah Cummings is racist too.

As we previously highlighted, Bernie Sanders also claimed Trump was “attacking” an American city by calling Baltimore rat infested yet Sanders himself repeatedly said the place resembled a “third world country” back in 2015.

Meanwhile, Benny Johnson visited residents in Rep. Cummings district to find out what life is really like there.
Common themes; Rats, trash, crime, corrupt politicians.
Are they all racist too?
We are in a political firestorm over the condition of Baltimore.
So what is life really like there?
I spoke with residents in Rep. Cummings district.
Here’s what they had to say: Rats. Trash. Crime. Abandoned by politicians. Begging for change.
Want the truth?

Free Stuff! By John Stossel


Never before have presidential candidates offered voters so much “free” stuff.

Kamala Harris wants you to “collect up to $500 a month.”

Elizabeth Warren says, “We need to go tenfold in our research and development in green energy.”

No one has tracked the cost of all of the promises. So my video team did!

Who will spend the most?

Here are the new spending proposals from the five most popular (according to ElectionBettingOdds.com) candidates.

In my latest video, we break it down by category, education spending first:

Joe Biden wants to “triple the amount of money we spend for Title I schools” ($32 billion) create “universal pre-K” ($26 billion), provide “free community college” ($6 billion per year) and double the number of psychologists and social workers in schools ($14 billion) — $78 billion total.

DCCC faces mass staff upheaval after uproar over diversity



The departures comes as chairwoman Cheri Bustos faces accusations that she has done little to address the lack of diversity in the upper ranks of the campaign arm.

The top echelon of staffers at the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee left their jobs Monday, a shakeup following a pair of POLITICO stories detailing deep unease with the party’s campaign apparatus over a lack of diversity.

On Monday morning, Allison Jaslow, DCCC executive director and a close ally of Rep. Cheri Bustos (D-Ill.) — chair of the committee — resigned during a tense meeting at the party’s Capitol Hill headquarters. And in the next 10 hours, much of the senior staff was out: Jared Smith, the communications director and another Bustos ally; Melissa Miller, a top DCCC communications aide; Molly Ritner, political director; Nick Pancrazio, deputy executive director; and Van Ornelas, the DCCC’s director of diversity.

Jacqui Newman, the chief operating officer for the campaign arm, will serve as interim executive director and facilitate the search for a permanent replacement, Bustos said in a statement late Monday.

“Today has been a sobering day filled with tough conversations that too often we avoid,” Bustos said. “But I can say confidently that we are taking the first steps toward putting the DCCC back on path to protect and expand our majority, with a staff that truly reflects the diversity of our Democratic caucus and our party.”

The One Debate Question That Must Be Asked — But CNN Won’t


Bringing greatness back to crime-ridden cities like Baltimore, reducing the cost of quality health care, jobs, secure borders, and plenty of other issues will determine the voters’ decision in 2020. But another concern is growing steadily, about a multi-pronged menace that directly threatens American lives, our rule of law, even the integrity of elections — and, by extension, the operation of our Constitution itself.

It is vital that the Democrats running for president be asked about fighting this violent threat during their debates Tuesday and Wednesday nights in Detroit — a city suffering the second-highest violent crime rate in the country, and run by Democrats for the last 60 years.

The question is this:

‘Do You Unreservedly Condemn Antifa?’

Nothing like that question will pass the lips of CNN’s Dana Bash, Don Lemon, and Jake Tapper, however.

Urban crime lacking an ideological motive is bad enough. The video of this Leninist domestic terrorist organization brutalizing the courageous, young Portland, Oregon-based internet journalist Andy Ngo during a June 29 violent demonstration has gone viral. Ngo was punched, kicked, his recording equipment stolen, his face and head doused with eggs and thick liquids, possibly including quick-drying concrete that blinded him.

As Ngo described Antifa’s “black bloc” practice last week to journalist Katrina Trinko, they wear “a uniform of … black clothing, long sleeve, and mask and sunglasses” letting them “easily melt into the crowd when some of them engage in criminal activities such as violence against individuals or property destruction.”

Ngo was hospitalized with a brain hemorrhage from which he has still not recovered.

As Ngo himself recently wrote, “CNN’s Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon have defended Antifa on-air.” And NBC’s “Chuck Todd invited Antifa ideologue Mark Bray on ‘Meet the Press’ to explain why Antifa’s political violence is ‘ethical.’”