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Rashida Tlaib: Israel ‘exists’ to the ‘detriment’ of Palestinians By Thomas Lifson VIDEO


As the Democrats prepare for the second round of presidential debates in her own congressional district, Rep. Rashida Tlaib takes the opportunity of the spotlight to imply that Israel should not exist, echoing the “drive the Jews into the sea” rhetoric of previous Arab wars on Israel.

Speaking to CNN’s Jake Tapper in downtown Detroit, Tlaib reiterated her support for the BDS movement and laughably claimed that she would support resolutions supporting boycotts of human rights abusers like Saudi Arabia and Egypt, except that there aren’t congressional resolutions doing so. This is absurd, since she could introduce such resolutions.

Here is the entire interview

Omar: The ‘Blame is on Us’ for ‘Acceleration’ of Suffering in Iran, Venezuela By Nicholas Ballasy


Rep. Ilhan Omar said the “blame” for the “acceleration” of poor conditions in Iran and Venezuela is on the United States because of the economic sanctions the government has imposed against those countries.

“The regime in Venezuela is to be blamed for this condition but the acceleration of these conditions, that blame is on us and the same is true for Iran,” Omar said at the recent Netroots conference in Philadelphia. “So if we do want to be a helpful ally to people who are suffering around the world then we cannot continue to cause an acceleration in their suffering.”

Other nations have imposed sanctions on the Maduro regime in Venezuela including Canada, Panama, Mexico, the European Union and Switzerland. The United Nations sanctions against Iran were lifted in 2016 but the Trump administration imposed new sanctions after it decided to withdraw from the nuclear deal.

“There is space for us to use sanctions to move a country to do what we want it to do but these are not the kind of sanctions we impose on countries we do not like, right, countries we don’t like — it’s leaders, we don’t like its values or we don’t think they are our values so we put crippling sanctions on them — that does not change any behavior in that country,” Omar said at the conference.   CONTINUE AT SITE

Rashida Tlaib Compares Anti-Israel BDS Movement to Boycotting Nazi Germany By Michael van der Galien


On the floor of the House of Representatives on Tuesday, Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) had the audacity to compare the anti-Israel BDS-movement (Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions) to boycotting Nazi Germany back in the 1930s and 1940s. She made the statements when speaking out against a House resolution supporting Israel and protecting it from BDS.

“The right to boycott is deeply rooted in the fabric of our country,” Tlaib said, after which she argued that the Boston Tea Party was basically “a boycott.” “Where would we be now with the boycott led by civil rights in the 1950s and 60s, like the Montgomery bus boycott and the United Farm Workers grape boycott,” she continued. “Some of this country’s most important advances in racial equality and equity and workers’ rights has been achieved through collective action protected by our Constitution.” CONTINUE AT SITE

FLASHBACK: Bernie Sanders Compared West Baltimore to ‘A Third World Country’ By Tyler O’Neil


On Friday, President Donald Trump caused a storm by responding to Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.)’s accusation that Border Patrol engages in “child abuse.” Trump faulted Cummings for the poverty and rodents in his congressional district — an attack that liberals everywhere loudly condemned as racist.

Well, if that was racist, so was Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.). He toured West Baltimore — Cummings’ district — in December 2015, to see the area where Freddie Gray was arrested. At that time, Sanders compared West Baltimore to a “Third World Country.”

“Anyone who took the walk that we took around this neighborhood would not think you’re in a wealthy nation,” Sanders said, according to The Baltimore Sun. “You would think that you were in a Third World country.”

Sanders got more specific. “Residents of Baltimore’s poorest boroughs have lifespans shorter than people living under dictatorship in North Korea. That is a disgrace,” he tweeted.

Of course, Sanders attacked West Baltimore in order to advocate more of his openly socialist “Revolution,” while Trump attacked it in order to shoot down Cummings’s accusations. Even so, from the deafening outrage against Trump, it seems Sanders must also be a horrific racist.

Yet Sanders rushed to condemn the “racist president,” seemingly oblivious to the fact that by insinuating Trump’s tweets were racist, Sanders was also outing himself as a horrific racist.

Trump Goes Nuclear on Cummings: ‘His District Is a Disgusting, Rat and Rodent Infested Mess’ By Michael van der Galien


President Donald Trump has completely had it with Elijah Cummnings, the U.S. Representative for Maryland’s 7th congressional district and House Oversight Committee Chairman.

Earlier, Rep. Cummings made headlines after he called the treatment of illegal immigrant children “government-sponsored child abuse.”

“We have seen cases where the administration has deported parents without their children and still, to this day, have not reunited those families,” he said. “This is government-sponsored child abuse … on a grand scale.”

If Rep. Cummings thought President Trump would take this lying down, he’s sadly mistaken. The president responded this morning with an epic tweetstorm.

“Rep, Elijah Cummings has been a brutal bully, shouting and screaming at the great men & women of Border Patrol about conditions at the Southern Border,” president Trump tweeted. “When actually,” he went on, “his Baltimore district is FAR WORSE and more dangerous. His district is considered the Worst in the USA…”

Rep. Ilhan Omar’s Marriage on the Rocks By Rick Moran


Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.)’s marriage to the father of her three children, Ahmed Hirsi, appears to be headed for divorce as the Daily Mail reports that she has moved out of their house in Minneapolis and moved into a swanky apartment while he has been absent from her side at several high-profile events.

Omar’s complex and secretive personal life has been the subject of much controversy. She first married Hirsi in an Islamic ceremony in 2002, although the state of Minnesota never recognized the union as legal. Six years later, they divorced “in their faith tradition” according to media accounts, and a year after that, she married British citizen Ahmed Nur Said Elmi just two weeks after he entered the country. She divorced Elmi in 2011 “in their faith tradition” and two years later she moved in with Hirsi. She did not legally divorce Elmi until 2017 after which she married Hirsi in 2018.

Several investigations by media outlets, including an extensive and painstaking review of the records by the Minneapolis Star Tribune, failed to untangle the truth about Omar’s marriage to Elmi. It is widely thought that Elmi is Omar’s brother and that she married him so that he could legally enter the U.S. Omar refuses to talk about her personal life — or answer questions about her numerous legal troubles, including filing joint tax returns with Hirsi for several years despite not being married to him.

Kirsten Gillibrand Delivers the World’s Most Ignorant Foreign Policy Speech Daniel Greenfield


Senator Kirsten Gillibrand has only one admirable quality. Determination.

Sadly that determination isn’t yoked to anything except her ambition. Gillibrand has no notable skills. She’s managed to rub everyone the wrong way. But that hasn’t made her give up her senseless 2020 campaign. Senator Gillibrand may not know anything or be qualified for anything. But she won’t let that stop her. And so she delivered a speech on foreign policy to the Chicago Council on Global Affairs. 

The only thing the speech lays out is that Gillibrand is barely qualified to work as a receptionist in an organization dealing with foreign policy.

Gillibrand starts off by boasting that she had traveled to Syria. When you’re from New York, visiting Syria is really impressive.

In Jordan, we met with Syrian refugee mothers. These are women who had to flee their home country because President Bashar al-Assad decimated entire neighborhoods and villages and tortured and killed tens of thousands of political prisoners.

After we spoke for a bit, these women looked me straight in the eye and one got straight to the point: “You are so afraid of Osama Bin Laden. When you turn a blind eye to people suffering here in Syria, you’re creating thousands of Bin Ladens every day.”

No example more powerfully demonstrates how our endless wars, our abandonment of diplomacy, and our lack of strategy have hurt our credibility abroad and made us less safe.

Osama bin Laden wasn’t a war refugee. And if anything, he used American intervention in the Gulf War to kickstart a Jihad against America. 

But Kirsten Gillibrand doesn’t actually know anything. And her speech somehow even gets dumber.

Warren Predicts An Economic Crash: Her Policies Will Guarantee It John Merline


Earlier this week Sen. Elizabeth Warren said that an economic crash is right around the corner. She’s right. But it’s her own plan that would bring about the collapse she’s predicting.

Warren says that she sees all the signs of a “coming economic crash” that she — and she alone, apparently — saw before the 2008 financial crisis.

Let’s leave aside the dubiousness of Warren’s self-proclaimed economic forecasting abilities, and the fact that Democrats have been predicting an economic calamity since November 2016.

Here’s her central point:

“The country’s economic foundation is fragile. A single shock could bring it all down,” she proclaimed. To emphasize the point, she made it again. “With a vulnerable economy, we should be reducing the odds of potential shocks that could push us into a downturn.”

If that’s true, then Warren should abandon her entire economic plan. It is rife with massive self-imposed shocks that would destroy one entire industry, throw millions out of work, double the size of the federal government, raise taxes to unheard-of levels, and give Washington effective control over corporate decision-making.

Tulsi Gabbard Files $50M Lawsuit Against Google for Post-Debate Ad Ban By Tyler O’Neil


On Thursday, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii)’s campaign announced a $50 million lawsuit against Google, alleging that the Big Tech company violated Gabbard’s free speech by temporarily suspending her campaign’s Google ads account for six hours after the first Democratic debate last month.

“Google’s discriminatory actions against my campaign are reflective of how dangerous their complete dominance over internet search is, and how the increasing dominance of big tech companies over our public discourse threatens our core American values,” Gabbard told The New York Times in a statement on the lawsuit. “This is a threat to free speech, fair elections and to our democracy, and I intend to fight back on behalf of all Americans.”

“In the hours following the 1st debate, while millions of Americans searched for info about Tulsi, Google suspended her search ad account w/o explanation. It is vital to our democracy that big tech companies can’t affect the outcome of elections,” Gabbard tweeted. “Google controls 88% of internet search in the US — giving it control over our access to information. Google’s arbitrary suspension of the account of a presidential candidate should be of concern to all Americans.”

“They threaten our democracy and Tulsi will fight back on behalf of all Americans,” she concluded.

House Democrats: We Won’t Rest Until Trump Is Stopped . . . Okay, Time for Recess By Jim Geraghty


A point I forgot to include in today’s Morning Jolt:

After Robert Mueller completed his testimony yesterday, Speaker Nancy Pelosi declared in a press conference: “There’s a cone of silence in the White House that is engaging in a massive cover up of obstruction of justice.”

Elijah Cummings, chairman of the House Oversight Committee, declared, “Martin Luther King said something that I — is in my DNA and is still in my brain, particularly right now.  He said, ‘There comes a point when silence becomes betrayal.’ And we refuse to betray generations yet unborn and the American people.” (Hey, it’s nice to see a Congressional Democrats recognize the unborn in any context.)

Jerrold Nadler, chairman of the House Oversight Committee, warned, “we face a time of great danger.  Richard Nixon said he thought that the President was a dictator.  He said, ‘If the President does it, that means it’s not illegal.’ President Trump echoed that yesterday.  He said, ‘Under Article II, I’, that is, he, ‘can do anything I want.’  That is a totalitarian picture, not a democratic picture.  The United States must be safe from this. A President who engages in crimes, repeated crimes, to cover up these unpatriotic and dictatorial actions and this cannot go on.”

And House Intelligence Committee Adam Schiff added, “accepting campaign help from a foreign agent is disloyal to our country, unethical, and wrong. We cannot control what the Russians do. But we can decide what we do. We can — and must — decide that this centuries-old experiment we call America is worth cherishing.”