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Chancellor Merkel Supports the Radical Squad Shameful “solidarity” with pro-BDS anti-Semites. Joseph Klein


The so-called “squad” – Democrat Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (N.Y.), Ilhan Omar (Minn.), Rashida Tlaib (Mich.) and Ayanna Pressley (Mass.) – received strong support from German Chancellor Angela Merkel. She blasted President Trump’s tweets attacking the radicals, following in the footsteps of the highly partisan resolution passed by the Democrat-controlled House that condemned President Trump’s tweets as “racist.”

“I distance myself from this decidedly and stand in solidarity with the women who were attacked,” Chancellor Merkel said. “Those [Trump’s statements] are sentiments which are very much in opposition to my impressions [about the U.S.], which I strongly believe in, and it is something that undermines America’s strength,” Chancellor Merkel added.

Evidently, what disturbed the German chancellor the most was President Trump’s suggestion in one of his tweets that the squad members should “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came.” All four squad members are U.S. citizens. Only one of them, Rep. Omar, was born outside the United States in Somalia and came to this country from a Kenyan refugee camp as a child.  Trump supporters at a campaign rally last Wednesday chanted “send her back,” referring to Omar after the president had singled her out for sharp criticism. Chancellor Merkel, along with much of the mainstream media and other Trump critics, have dwelt on this one Trump tweet, and on the rallygoers’ “send her back” chant that President Trump subsequently criticized. They chose to largely ignore or downplay the factual substance of the president’s critique.

President Trump’s beef with the squad is not grounded in their color, race, or sex. If it were, he also would be singling out other women of color in Congress, including presidential candidate Kamala Harris, with racist and sexist attacks. The president, at times with inartful rhetoric to be sure, has tried principally to focus on the anti-American, anti-Semitic rhetoric delivered by members of the squad. He singled out Omar in particular for her anti-Semitism and hatred of the Jewish State of Israel. There is plenty of evidence to support the president’s accusations.

Trump Rally Triggers the Republican Parsons Never Trumpers pander to the Left’s totalitarian rules for speech. Bruce Thornton


Immediately following last week’s “go home’ presidential tweet, a chant erupted at a Trump rally in North Carolina that suggested, “Send her back,” referring of course to Rep. Ilhan Omar. Trump himself a day later sort of walked back the chant, supposedly under pressure from the Party establishment and his wife and daughter. Would that instead he had used the opportunity for a lesson in the First Amendment, which protects both the chanters and Omar’s vile anti-Semitism and anti-Americanism, which are much more dangerous and consequential than a hyperbolic chant typical of such rallies events.

There’s no need to dwell on the hysterical response of the left. After three years of question-begging epithets like “racist,” such reactions have become political white noise for all but the cult faithful. It’s the Republican NeverTrumpers who need, once again, to be exposed for their virtue-signaling dudgeon that is music to the Dems’ ears. A catalogue of tweets put together by the Intelligencer provides some examples.

Most of the twitter responses typically come from a belief that transient words that do not lead to actions have some occult power to determine future behavior. Yet many commentators use hyperbolic epithets that, given the long history of much nastier political speech in America, drain the words of any specific meaning. If Ben Shapiro is going to call the chant “vile” and “disgusting,” then what does he call Omar’s anti-Semitic slurs? “Vile double-plus”? It’s the same indiscriminate use of words that has made “racism” into the go-to slur for the left, having been emptied of any precision and accuracy, and now nothing other than a bundle of nasty connotations suitable for any occasion.

Squad’ Member Ayanna Pressley Explains Why She Refuses to Call Donald Trump President By John Ellis


Although lesser known that her three colleagues, Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.) is counted among “The Squad,” one of the four congresswomen that President Trump suggested should “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came.” During an interview on CBS This Morning, Pressley responded to Trump’s attacks, explaining to Gayle King why she refers to the president as the “occupant” of the White House instead of by his official title.

The congresswoman huffily told King that President Trump “is only occupying the space. He does not embody the principles, the responsibility, the grace, the integrity of a true president… I’m not dishonoring the office. He does every day.”

Rep. Pressley wasn’t alone in the interview, being joined by the other three members of “The Squad” — Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), and Ilhan Omar (D-Minn). Tlaib felt the need to insert into the conversation that President Trump is “the biggest bully” she’s ever encountered.

Pressley’s comments to CBS This Morning were a doubling down on the statement she made during the congresswomen’s joint press conference on Tuesday. Riling up the sympathetic crowd, she said that she will only refer to Donald Trump as the occupant of the White House and not the president. She added, “We are grateful for your solidarity, your encouragement, and your support, in the face of the most recent xenophobic, bigoted remarks from the occupant of our White House.”

Democrats, of course, are laying aside their differences at the moment as they rally around Pressley and her better-known colleagues. From Nancy Pelosi condemning Trump from the House floor to the myriad of articles in the MSM calling anyone even remotely associated with Donald Trump a racist, the left appears more galvanized than usual. However, what matters come November 2020 is how the voters respond.

Omar to Introduce Resolution Declaring Support for Anti-Israel BDS Movement By Jack Crowe


Representative Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.) will introduce a resolution this week declaring support for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, which seeks to elevate the Palestinian negotiating position vis-a-vis Israel through an international pressure campaign.

“We are introducing a resolution . . . to really speak about the American values that support and believe in our ability to exercise our first amendment rights in regard to boycotting,” Omar told Al-Monitor. “And it is an opportunity for us to explain why it is we support a nonviolent movement, which is the BDS movement.”

The announcement comes on the same day that the House Foreign Affairs Committee, on which Omar sits, plans to vote on another non-binding resolution explicitly condemning the BDS movement as an attempt to “undermine the two state solution” by demanding “concessions of one party alone and encourag[ing] Palestinians to reject negotiations in favor of international pressure.”

The anti-BDS resolution further notes that the movement’s founder, Omar Bharghouti, has openly dismissed the possibility of reaching any settlement that allows the state of Israel to retain its sovereignty.

Omar is expected to cast the lone vote against the anti-BDS resolution, further highlighting the divide between herself and the panel’s older, more-established lawmakers, who have condemned her comments about Israel in the past.

AOC Draws a Challenger — a Black, Female, Jamaican, Republican Challenger By Stephen Green


Most racist, woman-hating, immigrant-fearing party ever, amirite?

The not-so-inside talk has been whether Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s four-woman war against Nancy Pelosi would earn her a Democratic primary challenger next year, but her high-profile antics have drawn another Republican into the race to represent heavily Democratic NY14.

Fox News reports that Scherie Murray, a 38-year-old New York businesswoman and Jamaica native (she emigrated as a child), has launched a campaign to unseat AOC next year. She told Fox, “There is a crisis in Queens, and it’s called AOC.” Murray went on to say, “Instead of focusing on us, she’s focusing on being famous. Mainly rolling back progress and authoring the job-killing Green New Deal and killing the Amazon-New York deal.”

The polls might just bear out Murray’s complaint against Ocasio-Cortez. The first-term congresscritter was put on the defensive earlier this week, blasting a negative new poll — conducted by her own party — as a “mass distortion of reality.” In a nationwide survey, it was revealed that 74% of people recognized AOC by name, but only 22% viewed her favorably. The poll was conducted by Democrats hoping to identify potential swing voters for 2020. Instead what they found was that the party’s oh-so-public up-and-comers are almost universally loathed. Ellie Bufkin reported for the Washington Examiner:

Fellow “squad” member Rep. Ilhan Omar was recognized by 53% of participants and viewed favorably by only 9%. Other questions on the poll included approval of socialist policies, which showed only 18% of participants viewed favorably. Democrats looking ahead to the 2020 election characterized the results as, “Socialism is toxic to these voters.”

A Third of Dems Believe Any White Politician Who Criticizes a Politician of Color is Racist By Matt Margolis


On Wednesday, Rasmussen released a very disturbing poll that found “one-in-three Democrats think it’s racism any time a white politician criticizes a politician of color.”

While 80% of Democrats believe the president is a racist, 85% of Republicans think the racism charges by his opponents are politically motivated. Voters not affiliated with either major party are evenly divided on the question.

Thirty-two percent (32%) of Democrats, however, say it’s racist for any white politician to criticize the political views of a politician of color. That’s a view shared by just 16% of both GOP and unaffiliated voters.

Among all voters, 22% think it’s racist if a white politician criticizes the political views of a politician of color. Sixty-eight percent (68%) disagree, while 10% are undecided.

But only 11% believe the term “racism” refers only to discrimination by white people against minorities. Eighty-four percent (84%) say racism refers to any discrimination by people of one race against another. These findings have changed little in surveys for the last six years.

Back to Videos Kamala Harris: Trump “Lighting Fires” Around Race; “He Needs To Go Back Where He Came From” VIDEO


Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) sits down with CNN’s Kyung Lah and gives her response to President Donald Trump’s controversial tweets attacking four Democratic congresswomen.

“It is irresponsible. It is hateful. It is hurtful. And he has taken the presidency to a new low,” Harris said of the tweets.”He wants to distract by… lighting fires around the issue of race and ethnicity. It’s disgusting,” Harris said on CNN. “He needs to go back where he came from and leave that office. And so that’s why I’m running with the intention of making sure there will not be four more years.”

Watch the full interview below.

KYUNG LAH, CNN: How do you not get distracted? How do you not fall into his trap where he controls the narrative with a tweet like this?

SEN. KAMALA HARRIS (D-CA): I’ve said it many times. This president purposely, I believe, distracts and attempts to distract by flame-throwing, because the reality of it is that he has done nothing to help working families in America…

The Four Horsewomen of the American Apocalypse Michael Copeman

President Trump is in trouble. Ho hum. For a tweet. Ho hum. About women. Ho hum. He’s been called out as racist. Ho hum. Many Republicans won’t support him. Ho ho!

The women in question of course are four “newbies” (or new Queen Bees) in the hive that is the US Congress. Trouble is, they’re already in trouble. But not with Trump. No, with Nancy Pelosi, the ageing, wealthy, San-Francisco-based doyenne of the Democrats. And she, well, she is the Queen Bee Mother.

Nancy Pelosi is sharp. No one survives in Democrat politics for two generations without being whip smart. You gotta know when to slide into third base with the progressives in your party, and when to stay cautiously on second, hoping that the new batter is about to hit the issue of the day outta the park.

Nancy knows her party has not only swung left recently, it has swung low. Character assassination is now the Democrats’ chosen weapon. Justice Kavanaugh only made it through to the Supreme Court because Christine Blasey Ford’s claimed witness didn’t know a thing about the assault she alleged.

Almost everyone who is male, white, religious (except for one religion), able to earn their own living, and committed to free enterprise, national borders, international peace-keeping and innocent-until-proven-guilty justice is suspect, if not evil.

So, what happened? Well, the Democrats (a seemingly irresistible force) finally came up against an immovable object (Donald J. Trump). In the “play the man/woman” department, The Donald gives as good as he gets and better (or worse, depending on your point of view.). Donald used to be a Democrat, and sometimes it shows. Thus, when Donald put his hand up for president in 2016, and both Dems and Republicans just blew his candidacy away, Donald blew right back at them. He’s still blowing.


This is where those four, relatively young women “of color” come in. The 2018 midterm elections saw all four take up seats in the US Congress. And, what’dy’all know? They didn’t take no, from Mother Hen Pelosi. They started going for Donald’s jugular.

According to them, everything was wrong with America. It is a doomed society — only perhaps salvageable by mass unauthorised immigration from Mexico, Central America and parts further south and payment of perhaps a cool trillion dollars in reparations to anybody who had one or more ancestors who may have been slaves.

Fossil fuel use — including for electricity generation, car, truck and plane travel — should be shut down. Very soon. All education, all healthcare, and all provisions for people who crossed the US border should be free. America’s corporations, and its hardworking citizens, should pay for all this by punitive taxes. Only then can all men, women and persons be free.

The Congresswoman Representing Somalia By George S. Bardmesser


I am an immigrant.

I want Representative Ilhan Omar (D-Mogadishu) to go back to the shithole country she came from.

And I want her to stay there.

I spent some time on the Internet looking for even one positive thing that Omar has said about America—but my search was in vain. Omar hates and despises her adoptive country unequivocally and unconditionally. She hates everything about America today, and she hates everything about the America of yesterday.

Omar hates white people. Omar hates Jews—and she is not shy about letting everyone know it (“It’s all about the Benjamins baby”). Omar hates our ally Israel (“Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel”).

Ilhan Omar is a one-woman hate factory.

Maybe I missed a public statement where Omar praised America. But after looking through countless webpages and many gigabytes, I think I am on solid ground when I say: Ilhan Omar hates everything and everyone around her, except possibly her brother, whom she married, and perhaps the 9/11 terrorists who killed 3,000 people (“some people did something”—no biggie).

As an immigrant from the no-longer-with-us USSR, I believe I have as much moral authority as anyone to tell Omar: you should return to the country you represent and take up permanent residence there.

America can never measure up to Omar’s high standards—but no doubt Somalia will. Omar need not suffer in our land of toxic xenophobia, Islamophobia, racism, sexism, lookism and speciesism—because she can live out the rest of her life amidst the tolerance, understanding, and mutual respect that Somalis are famous for.

Nancy Pelosi’s Glass House In condemning Trump, the Speaker violates her own rules.


If you’re going to condemn someone else in politics, or any other walk of life, you should have your own house in order. Nancy Pelosi learned that the hard way on Tuesday as the Speaker violated House rules by accusing President Trump of sending “racist” tweets.

“Every single member of this institution, Democratic and Republican, should join us in condemning the President’s racist tweets,” Mrs. Pelosi said in teeing up a House resolution to denounce Mr. Trump that passed Tuesday evening largely along party lines. “To do anything less would be a shocking rejection of our values and a shameful abdication of our oath of office to protect the American people.”

Speaking of values, House rules say that Members may not call a President racist. Rep. Doug Collins (R., Ga.) rose to ask the Speaker to “rephrase” her comments. She refused, saying the House parliamentarian had approved them in advance. A flurry of conversation followed, with a Democrat even abandoning the chair presiding over the House lest he have to strike the Speaker’s words from the record. No one can remember that ever happening.

Democratic Majority Leader Steny Hoyer eventually took the chair to say the Speaker’s words were “out of order.” But the Democratic majority then voted 232-190 not to strike Mrs. Pelosi’s words from the record, and it voted again by a similar margin to override House rules so she wouldn’t be banned from speaking on the House floor for the rest of the day as she should have been when a Member’s words are “taken down.”

What a farce. In her zeal to play to the media chorus that Mr. Trump is a “racist,” Mrs. Pelosi violates her own House rules on appropriate speech. But rather than apologize, she and her party override the rules to spare her embarrassment. All of which proves again that Donald Trump, for all of his excesses, has no monopoly on violating political norms.