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Ari Lieberman: A Radical Squad’s Jew-Hate The cancer of anti-Semitism takes firm root in the Democratic Party.


This week’s brouhaha between Donald Trump and the radical left-wing of the Democratic Party or the so-called “Squad,” has exposed deep fissures within the Party itself, with centrist Democrats becoming an ever increasing rare breed. The Democratic Party is eating itself alive, the result of open warfare between moderates and radical progressives, and the extremists appear to have the upper hand. More troubling is the level of anti-Semitic rhetoric routinely spewed by the radicals and the deafening silence of Party leaders in response to this deleterious trend. The Democratic Party of today, with its Jew-hating, Israel-bashing rhetoric is sounding more and more like its Labour cousin across the Atlantic.

The British Labour Party itself has experienced some rough sailing these last few months. In May, the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) announced it had launched an investigation into antisemitism in the Labour Party. It’s not every day that the EHRC opens an investigation of this type against a major British political party. In fact, it is unprecedented. Last week, three senior Labour lawmakers in the upper house of the parliament resigned from Labour because the Party’s failure to address its antisemitism problem.

The trio join a steady stream of Labour MPs who have resigned in disgust over what they termed as Labour’s turning a blind eye to, or even encouraging antisemitism within the Party. One of the resignees, David Triesman, referred to Britain’s Labour Party as “institutionally anti-Semitic,” and further noted that UK Labour was “no longer a safe political environment for Jewish people.” Harsh words for a former hardcore Labour loyalist.

Radical Squad Refuses To Condemn Antifa Firebomb Attack Against ICE The Left unveils its heart of darkness. Matthew Vadum


Prominent radical left-wing Democrat lawmakers are refusing to condemn an Antifa terrorist’s attempted firebombing of a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention facility in Tacoma, Washington, over the weekend.

Many Democrats have been demanding the abolition of ICE for the past year and in recent months they have begun comparing ICE agents to Nazis.

Now the four first-term small-c communist Democrat congresswomen who have come to be known collectively as “The Squad” for their strident over-the-top attacks on Republicans and for their aggressive opposition to the House Democrat leadership, especially Speaker Nancy Pelosi are remaining silent about the terrorist attack.

The four lawmakers – Reps. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, and Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts – who like Antifa reflexively label people they don’t like “racist,” have become the guiding lights of their party dragging it ever leftward, and likely into electoral oblivion.

At Townhall, Katie Pavlich documented how Omar, Ocasio-Cortez, and Pressley refused to condemn the attacks when approached by reporters.

Omar refused to comment. Previously she has made light of the 9/11 attacks and praised al-Qaeda.

Ocasio-Cortez, who has called ICE detention facilities “concentration camps” also refused to comment.

Similarly, Pressley refused to comment on the attack but she did condemn reporter Caleb Hull for standing too close to her while asking questions she refused to answer, accusing him of “a lack of journalistic integrity” for “not respecting her physical space.”

Rep. Ilhan Omar Refuses To Denounce Al-Qaeda, Islamic Terrorism By Madeline Osburn


Rep. Ilhan Omar refused to answer whether she supports the Islamist terrorist group al-Qaeda, at a press conference Monday.

“I will not dignify it with an answer because I know that every single Islamophobe, every single person who is hateful, who is driven by an ideology of ‘othering’ as this president is, rejoices in us responding to that and us defending ourselves,” Omar said.

“I do not expect every time there is a white supremacist who attacks or there is a white man who kills in a school or in a movie theater, or in a mosque, or in a synagogue, I don’t expect my white community members to respond on whether they love that person or not. And so I think it is beyond time, it is beyond time to ask Muslims to condemn terrorists. We are no longer going to allow the dignification of such ridiculous — ridiculous statement,” she said.

Earlier on Monday, President Trump recalled Omar’s previous comments about the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Omar still refuses to answer the question of who she believes was responsible for the attacks. Multiple requests from The Federalist for a comment from Omar have gone unanswered.

“I mean, I look at the one, I look at Omar, I don’t know her, I never met her. I hear the way she talks about al-Qaeda. Al-Qaeda has killed many Americans,” Trump said. “When she talked about the World Trade Center being knocked down, some people, you remember the famous ‘some people.’ These are people that, in my opinion, hate our country.”

Trump also tweeted out similar comments on Monday afternoon.

In a 2013 interview, Omar complained about people who think there are differences between America and al-Qaeda.

George Will finds his presidential candidate By Thomas Lifson


I’m so old that I remember when George Will’s opinion mattered to Republicans. Apparently, the Bezos Bulletin scribe realizes he’s lost his influence on the Grand Old Party and now offers advice to the Democrats on their nominee, in hopes that someone out there still cares about his opinions.

His disgust at President Trump – who has the support of roughly 90% of Republicans – is such that he has now taken to telling (fellow?) Democrats whom they should nominate in 2020, in order to defeat the man who has restored the American economy to growth rates exceeding population growth ( a task his predecessor assured us required a “magic wand”), nominated conservatives to the federal bench in numbers that matter, and exposed a nefarious plot among the federal intelligence and law enforcement apparatus to reverse a presidential election.

All that matters less than George Will’s animus toward Trump.

In the pages of National Review, whose standing has forever changed because of its impassioned special issue decrying Trump, Will has found his candidate: Senator Michael  Bennett, who (I paraphrase) is progressive but not crazy.

… if Democrats are as serious as they say they are about defeating Donald Trump, Bennet should be their nominee.

Tlaib blasts Israel for ‘dehumanization and racist policies’


“I see more Americans understanding the plight of Palestinians,” the Michigan congresswoman tells  Jacobin.

In her latest comments against the State of Israel, Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) says that she “can’t separate” the Civil Rights Movement in her hometown of Detroit from the lack of equality in Israel, which she refers to as Palestine.

“My African-American teachers and others used to show me neighborhoods and communities that were segregated, where if you were a biracial couple you couldn’t live or work or eat in certain places, you couldn’t eat in certain places,” the Muslim congresswoman told Jacobin, which describes itself as “a leading voice of the American left, offering socialist perspectives on politics, economics, and culture.”

“So my dad only went up to a fourth-grade education, my mom an eighth-grade education, and both were born in Palestine. My mom grew up in the West Bank in the occupied territories,” she says of her background.

“I can tell you when I was in Palestine with my mother and she had to get in a separate line,” says the Michigan representative, without elaborating on where this happened.

Then, she adds, “there are different colored license plates if you are Palestinian or Israeli,” referring more accurately to the days before Palestinians living in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza were granted self-rule. Since the 1993 understandings which set the stage for the establishment of the Palestinian Authority, those different license plates have indicated that the motorist is a resident of a Palestinian entity.

“There is continued dehumanization and racist policies by the state of Israel that violate international human rights but also violate my core values of who I am as an American,” she says, this time referring to the Jewish State by its name, but adding that “‘separate but equal’ doesn’t work.”

Within Israel, ironically, the left-wing argues that separation is necessary between Israelis and Palestinians, while right-wing nationalists are more likely to support Arabs and Israelis living together in Judea and Samaria.

“I know that my ancestors were killed, died, uprooted from their land. That’s something that no one even wants to acknowledge that had to happen to create the state of Israel,” she said.

“Do I want to see that happen to other people? Absolutely not!” she continues, in a more conciliatory tone. “But I want there to be a recognition that it happened and from there on, do some sort of healing process and understanding that it needs to then lead to equality and freedom for my grandmother who still lives there,” Tlaib told Jacobin.

“I see more Americans understanding the plight of Palestinians, in a way that doesn’t dehumanize or degrade Israelis either but does hold the leadership of the Israeli government accountable,” she said.

Clintons mass-booed at Billy Joel concert By Monica Showalter


Is time finally up for the Clintons?

Sometimes it’s the little things, such as booing in a stadium, that tell the story.

Apparently, Bill and Hillary Clinton got booed big.  According to Fox News:

After singer Billy Joel dedicated a song to the former first couple and flashed them up on the screen at Madison Square Garden, initial cheers turned to boos from the audience.

The former first lady has been under scrutiny for years as she criticized President Trump and attempted to lay out the reasons she thought were behind her loss to him in the 2016 election. Former President Bill Clinton, on the other hand, faced fresh criticism surrounding his relationship with Jeffrey Epstein, who on Monday was indicted on sex trafficking charges.

It’s surprising, given how untouchable the Clintons have been up until now.  They’ve committed scandal after scandal — and nothing ever happens to them, not even bad poll numbers, let alone handcuffs.  The pair of them together got away with so much through their vaunted careers that they seemed to be made of some kind of super-Teflon.  And the more they got away with, the more shameless they got.  What’s worse, they set the standard for Democrats and impunity, something Republicans have never been subject to.  President Obama, taking the Clinton standard, got away with scandal after scandal by, like the Clintons, just denying that there was one.

This booing suggests that maybe something has changed.  Bill has been mired neck-deep in his Lolita Express scandal, which includes getting caught lying about how many private jet trips he took with his child-molesting pal Jeffrey Epstein to (among many places) his Dominican island lair of underage girls for sex.  Clinton says he took four rides.  The Washington Examiner says he took six.  Investigative reporter Conchita Sarnoff says he took 27.

An increasingly public rift is widening between AOC’s camp and the Democratic establishment Eliza Relman


A racially-charged rift between left-wing Democrats and the Party establishment has emerged in recent days after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and prominent progressives exchanged barbs. 
The tension escalated on Friday after the House Democrats Twitter account attacked Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s chief of staff for criticizing Rep. Sharice Davids over her vote on a border aid package.
“Who is this guy and why is he explicitly singling out a Native American woman of color?” the official Democratic account wrote on Friday night.
Many progressives expressed outrage over the post, which was retweeted by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s deputy chief of staff. 
“It’s deeply concerning that House leadership seems to be focused on attacking progressive Democrats who want the party to fight more aggressively against Trump’s cruelty at the border,” Waleed Shahid, Justice Democrats’ communications director, told INSIDER.

Pelosi’s House of Pain By Matthew Continetti


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez turns the 116th Congress into Thunderdome

Not so long ago — as recently as the cover of the March 2019 Rolling Stone, in fact — they seemed like the best of friends. I’m referring to Nancy Pelosi and the members of “The Squad”: Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and (not pictured) Rashida Tlaib and Ayanna Pressley. They shared some good times.

It was the dawn of a new era. House Democrats had returned to power after eight years. And these Democrats were remarkably diverse in age, ethnicity, race, and gender. Ideology, too: Ocasio-Cortez and Tlaib belong to the Democratic Socialists of America. “Our nation is at an historic moment,” Pelosi said in January. “Two months ago, the American people spoke, and demanded a new dawn.”

Well, the sun has set. And fast. Whatever Pelosi’s plans might have been, they’ve been lost in a fog of anti-Semitism and left-wing radicalism. If Ilhan Omar isn’t causing Pelosi trouble, Ocasio-Cortez is. And vice versa. One day the speaker has to respond to the charge that Jewish money controls American foreign policy. The next she has to downplay flatulent cows. It’s enough to make one pity her. Almost.

Pelosi’s bind began on election night. As Republicans learned from 2011-2015, holding one chamber of Congress isn’t worth that much. The president and the upper chamber block legislation. Frustrated by inaction, the majority turns inward. Divisions grow. The more extreme members target leadership. The speaker spends more time negotiating with her own party than with the president and Senate majority leader.

Recently it seemed as though the major divide would be over impeachment. Pelosi’s terrified by the prospect. The idea isn’t popular, especially with voters in battleground districts. And Mueller’s report didn’t give her much to work with. She would have been in a better position had the special counsel actually said that he thought President Trump obstructed justice. But he copped out, leaving people confused and Pelosi forlorn. She’s let Nadler, Schiff, and Cummings fire their subpoena cannons at will. But this war of attrition favors the president. And deepens the frustration of Democrats who wish Trump had been impeached on inauguration day.

Kamala Harris Says Crossing Border Illegally Shouldn’t be a Crime By Nicholas Ballasy VIDEO


Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) argued that crossing the border illegally shouldn’t be considered a “criminal enforcement issue.”

Harris said she would treat illegally entry into the U.S. as a civil offense. Her comments were made during a segment on The View .

Democrat Congressman Blasts AOC, Says Her ‘Ignorance Is Beyond Belief’ By Matt Margolis


On Thursday, Congressman William Lacy Clay (D-Mo.) blasted Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for starting a civil war in her party over identity politics after suggesting that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was singling out her and her “squad” of fellow freshman because of their race. “It was such a weak argument to say she was being picked on and that four women of color were being picked on by the speaker,” Clay told Fox News on Thursday. “It tells you the level of ignorance to American history on their part as to what we are as the Democratic Caucus.”

For what it’s worth, a poll from earlier this year found that nearly three-quarters of Democrats would vote for AOC for president if she were old enough.

Clay also took another swipe at Ocasio-Cortez and fellow freshman Congresswomen Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.)., Rashida Tlaib, (D-Mich.), and Ayanna Pressley, (D-Mass.) over their inexperience. “It’s going to take a process of maturing for those freshman members. They will have to learn to be effective legislators,” he said. “It shows their lack of sensitivity to racism. To fall back on that (trope) is a weak argument. It has no place in a civil discussion.”

I wonder how he feels about Democrats haphazardly calling every Republican by default racist?