We all know the horrors of addiction—lives destroyed, families shattered. It wrecks the fabric of society. Unfortunately, the Democrats have contracted an extraordinarily virulent form—investigating Donald Trump has become crack cocaine to them with maybe fentanyl and methamphetamine thrown in.
The likes of Jerrold Nadler and Adam Schiff seem to be sucking on this pipe for dear life, day and night, giving them barely time to breath or eat. Even when getting a rare touch of sleep, these putative public servants clearly have Trump on the brain. They never think of anything else—or, seemingly, do anything else.
And they are far from alone. Legions of Democrats and their media lackeys suffer from the same addiction.
A thousand Mueller reports, all unredacted with full access, everyone who ever met Donald Trump or even attended one of his rallies or ate one of his benighted steaks or drank a soy latte in the Tower Starbucks, testifying under oath in front of fifty congressional committees, many dozens of these witnesses going to jail for process crimes or having their careers ruined, forcing them to flee to Kathmandu to work as busboys in an ashram snack bar, would not cure those junkies. They’d still be dragging themselves through the streets at dawn, in Allen Ginsberg’s words, “looking for an angry fix” (i.e, something, anything, that might make Donald Trump look bad).
If you’re unclear what Democrats stand for in the 2020 election—other than wildly outdated socialism and some creepy anti-Semitism—this could be, indeed undoubtedly is, the reason. All they do is investigate.
In the interest of a two-party system, an intervention is definitely needed—followed by rehab.