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Dems’ Dark Money Disconnect: Groups Mum on disclosure by Susan Crabtree


Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, who has spent years railing against so-called “dark money” conservative groups for what he regards as their outsized, improper political influence, now grudgingly concedes that it’s a problem on both sides.

The Rhode Island Democrat has had little choice as recent reports from groups calling for less money in politics, such as the Washington-based Issue One, have found that left-wing nonprofits far outspent conservative ones in the 2018 midterms and are gearing up to expand their activity this cycle.

Conservatives have adamantly – and consistently – said their side’s spending is lawful and protected free speech that shouldn’t require disclosure of wealthy donors by the nonprofits engaged in it. But the left is far more divided on the transparency question as it gears up to try to deny President Trump a second term.

Not surprisingly, most of these liberal groups aren’t part of Whitehouse’s outspoken quest for immediate disclosure. Nor do they want to discuss some of their more questionable practices that are attracting new scrutiny.

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, who has spent years railing against so-called “dark money” conservative groups for what he regards as their outsized, improper political influence, now grudgingly concedes that it’s a problem on both sides.

The Rhode Island Democrat has had little choice as recent reports from groups calling for less money in politics, such as the Washington-based Issue One, have found that left-wing nonprofits far outspent conservative ones in the 2018 midterms and are gearing up to expand their activity this cycle.

Conservatives have adamantly – and consistently – said their side’s spending is lawful and protected free speech that shouldn’t require disclosure of wealthy donors by the nonprofits engaged in it. But the left is far more divided on the transparency question as it gears up to try to deny President Trump a second term.

Not surprisingly, most of these liberal groups aren’t part of Whitehouse’s outspoken quest for immediate disclosure. Nor do they want to discuss some of their more questionable practices that are attracting new scrutiny.

That reticence hasn’t stopped Whitehouse from continuing to lambaste “shadowy” conservative groups in speech after speech while pressing his Senate colleagues to pass a bill that would require super PACs and certain nonprofits to disclose their donors.“There is a rot in our American democracy, and there is a shadow over the halls of Congress,” the three-term senator said in a speech on the chamber floor late last year. “The rot is dark money, and the shadow is special-interest influence empowered by that dark money.”

Senator Dick Durbin (D-Ill), Compared US Soldiers to Nazis, Accused GOP of Treason: Daniel Greenfield


Senator Dick Durbin is always finding new lows. Here’s a low that the Democrat political lifer found back in 2005 when he compared American soldiers to Nazis.

Durbin claimed that Americans who interrogated Al Qaeda terrorists in Gitmo had committed atrocities similar to those that “have been done by Nazis, Soviets in their gulags, or some mad regime — Pol Pot or others.”

When Karl Rove noted that, “Al Jazeera now broadcasts the words of Senator Durbin to the Mideast, certainly putting our troops in greater danger”, Dems began shrieking that Durbin was being accused of treason.

Now here’s Dick Durbin accusing the GOP of treason.

Sen. Dick Durbin suggested Tuesday that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell wasn’t putting election security legislation up for a vote because Republicans benefited from Russian interference in the 2016 election.

“There are two possibilities,” Durbin said. “He really doesn’t believe it, he doesn’t think the Russians were involved in 2016. He ignores the Mueller report and our intelligence agencies or in the alternative feels the Russians were on the side of the Republicans in 2016 and just might be again in 2020.”

This is a despicable accusation based on a discredited conspiracy theory. It’s an accusation of treason by a man arguably guilty of it.

And Durbin will never be fact-checked on this or held accountable for this false accusation and false claim.

Jew-Hatred Ancient and Modern Colonizing the Democratic Party. Bruce Thornton


Recently the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives failed to censure Rep. Ilhan Omar for indulging anti-Semitic tropes like the “dual loyalties” slander. Not long after, the international edition of The New York Times published a vile cartoon caricaturing Israeli Prime Minister as a guide-dog leading a blind Donald Trump, another anti-Semitic lie about the Jews’ malign influence, one popular in Nazi propaganda of the Thirties.

Jew-hatred on the left is becoming more prevalent and bolder, these days nourished by the progressive Democrats’ alliance with traditional Muslims, whose ancient Islamic doctrines have for 14 centuries made Jews the scapegoat of Islam’s ills.

One of the biggest current bipartisan cover-ups is the studied silence about traditional Islamic Jew-hatred. As Andrew Bostom documented in his compendious The Legacy of Islamic Anti-Semitism (and here), from Islam’s birth the Jews have been depicted as the inveterate enemies of Allah’s revelation to Mohammed. In the Koran, they are “laden with God’s anger,” destined to suffer forever “abasement and poverty,” and to be turned into “apes and swine” because they rejected Mohammed–– slurs incorporated into the genocidal Hamas’s foundational covenant. The latter slur about “apes and swine” is a favorite of contemporary Islamists. Sudanese dictator Omar al-Bashir, for example, in 2002 called for jihad against the Jews, “those apes, pigs, and worshippers of calves,” the latter phrase linking the exodus story about the golden calf to modern anti-Semitic stereotypes of Jews as greedy money-grubbers and masters of the global financial system.

The Pseudo-Impeachment Democrats hold show trials rather than vote to oust the President.


House Democrats are escalating their campaign against the Trump Administration with complaints that its resistance to Congressional requests for documents is a threat to democracy. It’s more accurate to say that Democrats are performing what amounts to a pseudo-impeachment so they don’t have to undertake a real one.

Democrats are agonizing over impeachment because while they’re itching to do it, special counsel Robert Mueller’s report blew up their Russian collusion hopes. He also took no position on obstruction of justice while reporting a highly critical “analysis” of President Trump’s actions. Democrats now find themselves caught between a left-wing base that says they’ll abdicate their duty if they don’t impeach and Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s cold-blooded calculation that it could cost their majority in 2020.

What to do? Democrats have decided to act out a pseudo-impeachment that claims Mr. Trump and his Administration are committing offenses against the Constitution without daring to open a formal impeachment inquiry. The split-level goal is to appease the left while sparing the swing-district Democrats who delivered the 2018 majority from ever having to vote on articles of impeachment.

Why Biden Leads the Democratic Field . By Charles Lipson


Why does Joe Biden, with all his obvious weaknesses, currently lead the Democratic presidential field?

A big part of the answer is that his party knows him, likes him, and respects his years of fighting for their side. They also know his manifold shortcomings. He is not the brightest bulb on the chandelier. He is prone to gaffes—often big ones—and makes inexplicable policy errors, like his statement last week that China is hardly a U.S. adversary. His years of Washington experience leave him with a vulnerable record of votes and statements, many of them out-of-step with today’s electorate, especially Democratic activists. He is a consummate Washington insider in an era when everybody wants an outsider. Even worse, some of his insider connections apparently benefited his family, especially his son Hunter, who flew with the vice president on official trips and then forged profitable business ties in those countries.

With all those negatives, why is Joe Biden leading the 2020 Democratic field?

One reason cannot be stressed enough: He loves campaigning—old-fashioned, “retail” stops where pols slap backs, kiss babies, shake hands, and toss red meat to the crowd. (Smelling hair is less welcome.) Americans are attracted to candidates who project upbeat, positive images, candidates who enjoy being with them and asking for their support. What they don’t like are finger-wagging school principals who tell them to eat their broccoli. That’s why Elizabeth Warren does not wear well. Most of the other candidates don’t seem to connect at all. The only exceptions are South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg and possibly New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker. Biden is a happy contrast to this glum crowd. Like President Trump, he has fun at his rallies and is energized by the cheers. The downside is that Biden’s improvisations often end with his foot wedged in his mouth.

The Burdens of BernieCare Congress’s budget gnomes tip-toe around single-payer’s reality.


Bernie Sanders sells Medicare for All as a simple idea: “You will have a card which has Medicare on it, you’ll go to any doctor that you want, you’ll go to any hospital that you want.” So the Congressional Budget Office provided a public service last week by describing, albeit in thick and cautious bureaucratese, what it would really take to float BernieCare.

Democrats asked CBO to lay out some parameters of how to set up single-payer, hoping to elude analysis of any one bill in Congress. The latter would carry political accountability—and a price tag. Instead CBO walks through “key design components and considerations” in a report that aims to bore and deploys the word “could” 209 times.

Yet even this limited analysis is instructive about the “major undertaking” of single payer, as CBO puts it in hilarious understatement. CBO acknowledges, for example, that a transition that includes moving 160 million people from employer-sponsored coverage to single payer would be “complicated, challenging, and potentially disruptive” to health care and the economy. You don’t say.

Amy Klobuchar credits Obama, not Trump, for booming economy By Valerie Richardson


Sen. Amy Klobuchar, Minnesota Democrat, refused Sunday to credit President Trump for the booming economy, insisting that former President Barack Obama deserves a pat on the back after Friday’s jobs report showed the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years.

The Democratic presidential primary contender pointed to American workers, businesses and Mr. Obama when asked about the sunny economic figures, including rising wages, 260,000 new jobs, and a 3.6 percent unemployment rate, the lowest since 1969.

“You know what I’m thinking about, I’m thinking about when we were in that downturn, and President Obama came into office and he had to deal with that with the Congress to try to one, right the financial industry, and two, and get us on the road to recovery,” Ms. Klobuchar said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

“I remember that the Republicans were giving him grief when he took any credit for that,” she added. “So I think that we have had policies in place starting with President Obama that have aided that recovery.”

Her response came after CNN host Jake Tapper asked, “Unemployment is the lowest it’s been since I was nine months old. You’re really not going to give President Trump any credit for that in terms of his tax cuts, his deregulation, or anything he’s done?”

Ticket prices plunge for Bill and Hillary Clinton’s speaking tour By Mary Kay Linge


Tickets to the latest stop on Bill and Hillary Clinton’s speaking tour were going for as little as $20 on the secondary market as their 13-city adventure continued to struggle to find an audience.

The best seats in the house at Seattle’s WaMu Theater on Friday could be had for $829, a steep 54% drop from the $1,785 that the former first couple fetched when the tour was announced in early November.

But organizers soon had to slash listed prices and even offer discount ducats through Groupon to boost sales.

The official prices for Friday’s appearance ranged from $66.50 to $519, the Seattle Times reported.

“I really believe that we are in a crisis, a constitutional crisis,” Hillary Clinton opined during the 90-minute performance, presented as an interview of her and her husband by actor Bradley Whitford. “This is a test for our country.”

“These people, they don’t believe the same set of rules apply to them that apply to everyone else,” Bill Clinton said of the Trump administration.

The First Jabs of 2020 There are signs that the dam of goodwill among Democratic presidential candidates is about to break. By David Catanese


The opening months of the 2020 Democratic presidential primary have largely been an amicable, well-mannered affair.

There are sudden signs that’s about to change.

This week, several candidates tossed brushback pitches against rivals, with most of the heat being directed at Joe Biden, whose newly minted front-running candidacy appeared to open the door to a more contentious phase of the campaign.

“The Democratic race began in earnest last week,” says Simon Rosenberg, founder of the New Democrat Network think tank. “And Biden’s surge is likely to cause other candidates to start going after him.”

Both Sens. Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts served up policy contrasts with the former vice president, pointing out past positions he took that they believe are out of sync with today’s Democratic Party.

Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey swiped at Sanders for advocating for voting rights for the incarcerated. And Jay Inslee, the Washington governor who is making climate change the centerpiece of his longshot bid, took aim at Beto O’Rourke’s commitment to a plan to solve the problem.

Obama-Era Spying Is Now a Political Risk for Biden . By Charles Lipson


It’s been a very good week for Joe Biden. The former senator and vice president is the clear frontrunner in a crowded Democratic field for 2020. His poll ratings and campaign fundraising surged after he announced his presidential run last week.

One of Biden’s biggest assets is his close association with Barack Obama. He may not have the former president’s endorsement yet (Biden says, unconvincingly, that he didn’t want it), but Joe knows how popular Obama still is and how much his candidacy benefits from that reflected glow. Expect him to talk a lot about the Obama-Biden years.

Anything that undermines the 44th president’s legacy hurts all Democrats, and Biden most of all. That’s the danger posed by Attorney General Bill Barr’s commitment to investigate how the massive, prolonged investigation into “Trump-Russia collusion” began, whether it was conducted properly, and how information from it was illegally leaked to the media.