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A Tribe of Her Own By Jackson Scott


“Today’s Democratic oligarchs have the perfect disguise. With their “protecting the little guy” posture, they appear to be on the side of lower classes when they are really protecting and extending their own privileges. Student loan forgiveness is just the latest example in a long chain of hypocrisy and deception.”

As presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren continues to find her people among the Democratic Party base, the senior U.S. Senator from Massachusetts has been slinging government proposals like arrows at the battle of Little BigHorn.

Yet with her recent plan to forgive tens of billions in student loans and make college free, the former Harvard professor serves a tribe that may adopt her. And though her candidacy may soon be seeking a burial ground, her proposal likely will live on as it resonates with many tribes within the Democratic base.

Warren proposed student loan forgiveness for anyone up to $50,000 in student debt. On a sliding scale for high earners, the proposal applies to anyone making under $250,000 a year. As it stands, Warren’s plan can work with loans taken out for any type of degree—even if you only took out a few extra loans to get your MBA at Yale.

Warren insists that those who stand to benefit from this proposal are the working class, minorities, and middle-class people. This gets much harder to believe when you break down who actually goes to college and who goes into debt while going to college.

Hey, Mazie Hirono! Whom Do You Work For? By Shari Goodman


“Additionally, Mazie, in this country we don’t just “believe women,” we believe evidence.  As an attorney, you should know that, and if you don’t know the basics, then perhaps you are not fit to serve.  Men do not need to “shut up!” as you audaciously advised.  In this country we all have a voice. ”

Hey Mazie Hirono! Who do you work for? Who is pulling your strings? Surely, it’s not the people of Hawaii or the rest of the country.

Your father left the family when you were very young, and your mom managed to bring you and your two siblings to Hawaii. She supported the family by working long hours to put a roof over your head and food on the table. In spite, of your meager surroundings, you managed to get yourself a fine education at the University of Hawaii and prestigious Georgetown Law School.

One would expect gratitude for the opportunity this country offered you, but instead you shamefully and ungratefully had the gall to state to your staff that “people are getting screwed in this country every single second, minute, hour of the day.” So, the country that took you in, housed you, fed you, clothed you, and educated you is a country that “screws” everyone every second of every day? Doesn’t look like you were screwed, but it does look like you are the one who is screwing the good people of this country.

Why Is Ilhan Omar’s Collusion With Islamists Acceptable? Omar’s penchant for provoking millions of Americans with odious words has masked the related elements of her associations, ideology, and background. Ben Weingarten


Freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) has distinguished herself with often offensive, outrageous, and unpatriotic rhetoric. One week she invokes classic anti-Jewish tropes. The next she trivializes the September 11 jihadist attacks. Another it is unearthed that she espouses morally relativistic if not overtly anti-American views about U.S. soldiers, the very ones who fought to defend civilians in her native Somalia to boot.

Omar’s penchant for provoking millions of Americans with odious words has masked the related, equally if not more troubling, elements of her associations, ideology, and background.

Consider Omar’s Meeting with Turkey’s President

Consider, for example, the revelation, largely unnoticed outside of conservative media, that as a Minnesota Assemblywoman Omar had a closed-press meeting in fall 2017 with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. According to a curiously now-deleted article from the local Somalian-language periodical in her district, the Tusmo Times, she and the Islamist authoritarian president met during his U.N. General Assembly visit to New York.

It’s Not Trump Derangement Syndrome By Karin McQuillan


The Democrats’ behavior after 2016 is not mass delusion or mass hysteria or Trump Derangement Syndrome, or any of the other psychobabble explanations that dominate our political commentary. My first career was as a psychoanalytic psychotherapist, and I am not impressed with spraying around clinical terms as a substitute for looking at what is in front of us. Trump Derangement Syndrome is a colorful description for political behavior. It is not an analysis of what causes it.

Under Barack Obama, ordinary Democrats became enamored of the narrative that they were the Good People, hence entitled to crush anyone in their way, because everything they do is in the service of social justice.

The derangement we are facing is not Orange Man Bad; it is America Bad.

The Democrats don’t believe in our two-party system anymore. They utterly reject American civic norms of treating the president with a modicum of respect and cooperation. They don’t want to alternate presidential power every four or eight years. They think theirs is the only party that deserves to be elected.

Biden Launches His Campaign on a Toxic Slander By Karin McQuillan


Former Vice President Joe Biden hooked his entire campaign launch this week on the hoax that President Trump called white supremacists in Charlottesville, Virginia “fine people.” “Charlottesville” is the first word out of Biden’s mouth, what he calls the defining moment for his campaign and for the country.

Biden’s presidential message is directly in line with Hillary Clinton’s “basket of deplorables” smear. Its main effect will be to energize Trump supporters. Biden can try to ride race-baiting to the White House, as his old boss did in 2012, but Biden is not the man to do it. Leading with the Charlottesville lie is a pathetic attempt to overcome the disability of being a white man in a Democrat party obsessed with skin color.

Biden can’t hide that he’s white by attacking President Trump as a racist. And he can’t use Charlottesville to define his campaign, because Charlottesville is a lie.

Did President Trump defend the neo-Nazis marching in Charlottesville and call them “very fine people.” No. This is not even ambiguous. It is as clear as two plus two. Watch the video of President Trump’s August 15, 2017 press conference yourself. Read the transcript. Biden’s video will go down as one of the most dishonest campaign launches in American political history.

Biden: World Leaders are Begging Me to Run Daniel Greenfield

Joe Biden is a modest man, humble and self-effacing. He’s only running because the entire world is begging him to.

On the call, an upbeat Biden said his candidacy was a calling, a duty — and that it’s not just Democrats or Americans who want him to run to stop President Donald Trump.

“I get calls from people all over the world — world leaders are calling me — and they’re almost begging me to do this, to save the country, save the world,” Biden said.

World leaders begging ‘plugs’ to grace them with his presence and retake America? Could one of them have been Neil Kinnock?

I do believe that a lot of people have begged Biden. But most of them were probably women begging him to get clammy hands off them.

Wasn’t it all that long ago that the media was howling that foreign leaders shouldn’t get involved in American elections. Except, apparently, when it favors them.

They’re fine with world leaders urging Joe Biden to run. No collusion to see there. Just the collusion of reality and delusion.

Biden’s In! Launches presidential bid with debunked Charlottesville lies. Matthew Vadum


Former Vice President Joe Biden, a gaffe-prone egomaniacal plagiarist and serial groper who has been looking in the mirror throughout his decades as a professional politician and seeing a president looking back, finally announced he was running for president this week for the fourth time

Biden enters the ridiculously crowded race for the Democrats’ presidential nod as the front-runner with huge name-recognition.

He made the announcement in a video posted online that is centered on a vicious lie the Left has been hurling at President Donald Trump for nearly two years.

In the video Biden refers to the violence at the ill-fated “Unite the Right” rally that took place in Charlottesville, Virginia, on August 12, 2017. Although the rally attracted neo-Nazis, many non-Nazis attended to protest the proposal to remove a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee from a nearby park.

There was violence. One counter-protester died after neo-Nazi James Alex Fields ran her over with a car. Antifa and related groups showed up armed with baseball bats and clubs and fought with other attendees, as President Trump acknowledged.

In the announcement Biden lies about President Trump’s reaction to the rally, while at the same time praising Antifa for having “the courage to stand” against hate.

Buttigieg Battles Mike Pence, or So He Imagines Mayor Pete picks a fight with a caricature of the vice president that he knows from experience is false. By Brian Anderson


Vice President Mike Pence and 2020 Democratic hopeful Pete Buttigieg have been embroiled in a notable fight over the past few weeks—“notable” mostly because the vice president hasn’t been involved.

Mr. Buttigieg went after Mr. Pence unprompted at the LGBTQ Victory Fund’s National Champagne Brunch April 7. Referring disparagingly to “the Mike Pences of the world,” the South Bend, Ind., mayor told the audience that the former governor has a “quarrel” with him because Mr. Buttigieg is gay.

Mr. Pence’s response? “I’ve known Mayor Pete for many years,” he told CNN. “I considered him a friend. He knows I don’t have a problem with him.”

For years, Democrats have engaged in these sorts of shadow-boxing matches against Mr. Pence, swinging their arms at a hateful caricature that doesn’t exist. To Republicans’ amusement, the vice president’s would-be adversaries have yet to get much of a rise out of him—and little wonder, he is one of the more polite and good-natured people in Washington. Yet the media eagerly cover these fights as if they were one-on-one, even though they’re one-on-zero.

When Olympic figure skater Adam Rippon last year criticized Mr. Pence’s alleged past support for conversion therapy, the New York Times published a headline: “Mike Pence Tangles With Olympian Adam Rippon Over Gay Rights Record.” In reality, Mr. Rippon’s comments seem to have come unprompted, and Mr. Pence responded by tweeting to Mr. Rippon: “I want you to know we are FOR YOU . . . I am proud of you.” That’s some tangle.

Biden’s Climate Test Will activist Democrats tolerate an effort to win back blue-collar workers? By James Freeman


Former Vice President Joe Biden (D., Del.) is running for President again. And one of Donald Trump’s 2016 rivals thinks that Mr. Biden is the most formidable of the potential 2020 rivals.

The website Mediaite notes that former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, who ran against Mr. Trump in the last round of Republican primaries, sees a potential GOP problem in the Midwest:

“Someone who could give [Trump] a run is Joe Biden,” Christie said while on journalist Tina Brown‘s podcast TBD this week. “I say that is because in essence [the 2016] election was decided by 80,000 voters in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, and most of those voters were white working-class voters.”

“I think if you look at the 19 candidates on the other side of the aisle the one who can best have an opportunity to appeal to those white working-class voters is Joe Biden,” he added.

Seizing this opportunity will require, among other things, that Mr. Biden persuade such voters that although he sees climate change as an enormous threat, he doesn’t want to abolish the carbon economy that employs so many of them. He will also need to persuade Democratic activists to accept less than radical solutions.

Many of his rivals for the party’s nomination have already signed up for radicalism. Emissions abolitionists who have co-sponsored the “Green New Deal” include every one of the senators running for President. The proposal is not designed to appeal to working-class voters in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, though it promises government assistance for those it puts out of business. Last month, Jessica Chasmar reported in the Washington Times:

Big labor has come out swinging against the Green New Deal, with the AFL-CIO claiming the sweeping energy and economic reforms proposed by Sen. Ed Markey and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez could cause “immediate harm to millions” of union workers.

The largest federation of unions in the country sent a letter to Mr. Markey and Ms. Ocasio-Cortez last week, saying the Green New Deal resolution makes promises that are “not achievable or realistic.”

This is the central tension within the Democratic party, with leaders presenting themselves as committed to both income equality and reduction of net greenhouse gas emissions ultimately to zero. Emitting industries are often champions of blue-collar wage gains.

Patrick Thomas reported this week in the Journal:

Oil-and-gas drillers and refiners had some of the highest-paid median workers in the energy and utility sectors in 2018, according to The Wall Street Journal analysis of annual pay disclosures for hundreds of big U.S. companies as provided by MyLogIQ.

Houston-based Phillips 66 paid its median worker $196,407, the highest of any company in the sector.

Phillips was followed by Anadarko Petroleum Corp. at $183,445.

Oil giant Exxon Mobil , which has roughly 72,600 employees, according to its latest proxy, had the third-highest median worker pay with $171,375.

As Mr. Biden seeks to win over people who mine, make and move stuff, former Democratic National Committee Chairman Donna Brazile says that blue-collar voters will be comfortable with the Obama-Biden environmental record. She notes the Paris climate accord and efforts to transition to alternative energy sources.

The Obama environmental agenda was not as ambitious as the Green New Deal’s overhaul of American society, but Mr. Obama’s government still issued record amounts of regulation. Economic growth was slow. And if blue-collar voters were satisfied with the Obama green agenda, why in 2016 did so many of them vote for a man who rejected it?

NYC Mayor Joins Chorus of Crazed Democrats Trying to Lose the 2020 Election By Megan Fox


Democrats are determined to outdo one-another with one ridiculous proclamation after the next. Chief “Full of Bull” Warren promised to take money from those of us who paid for school to pay off student loans for millennial deadbeats. (I might agree to pay for 1/1024th of student loan debt if the students could name the three branches of government without using Google.) Bernie Sanders wants to let the Boston Marathon bomber vote from prison (because it’s highly likely that psychopaths are Democrat voters); Kamala Harris (descendant of actual slave owners) and the whitest “Hispanic” anyone’s ever seen and Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke say they will take money from people who never owned slaves and give it to people who have never been enslaved. A bunch of Democrats passed late-term abortion laws in a handful of states with more to come, disgusting the whole nation. Now, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio, who is clearly positioning himself to join the ranks of the pandering Democrat presidential hopefuls, has issued the most absurd proclamation of all. He’s going to ban skyscrapers… in New York City.

“We are going to introduce legislation to ban the classic glass and steel skyscrapers that have contributed so much to global warming. They have no place in our city or our Earth anymore,” he spat into a microphone while several people standing behind him looked visibly confused and dismayed.