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Presidential Hopeful Marianne Williamson Proposes Federal ‘Department of Peace Creation’ By Nicholas Ballasy


Marianne Williamson, a 2020 Democratic presidential candidate, has proposed the creation of two new federal agencies: the Department of Peace Creation and the Department of Children and Youth.

Williamson was asked how the Department of Peace Creation would differ from the State Department.

“Well, the State Department works with international issues and I do believe that we need a far more robust relationship between the State Department and the Defense Department. I have great respect for the U.S. military. We all should and must. My father fought in World War II and as I said, you know, you’re the president. You’re the commander-in-chief but I see the military like the surgeon. If you’re going to have surgery, you want to have the best surgeon,” Williamson said during a CNN town hall on Sunday evening.

“And I don’t think anyone would doubt that America has to have the best possible military but at the same time, you avoid surgery, if at all possible. Even Donald Rumsfeld, who was the secretary of defense for George Bush, said we also have to wage peace.

Beto Vs. Bibi A Democratic presidential candidate demonstrates his rank hypocrisy and ignorance. Ari Lieberman


The crowded field of Democratic Party hopefuls contains more than its fair share of odd characters. Corey Booker actually referred to himself as Spartacus while John Hickenlooper bragged about watching a porn flick with his mom. Kamala Harris claimed she smoked her fair share of weed during her college years while listening to Tupac and Snoop Dog, years before these rappers put out their first labels. But the candidate who takes top prize for the most truly bizarre is Robert Francis O’Rourke, aka “Beto.”

O’Rourke admitted to eating dirt after his failed bid to take Ted Cruz’s Texas senate seat. He also allegedly tried tricking his wife into eating baby excrement, telling her that it was an avocado. Rounding out O’Rourke’s insanity was his obligatory apology for his “white privilege” and a host of other irredeemable transgressions including his alleged misogyny, insensitivity to his wife and a past desire to run over kids with a car (yeah, you read that last bit correctly).

But while O’Rourke’s talents qualify him to play an extra on “One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest,” they’re not necessarily portable to the presidential realm. O’Rourke learned that the hard way when just days before Israel’s general election, he called Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a “racist” and noted that Netanyahu does not represent “the true will of the Israeli people.” O’Rourke also leveled criticism at the Palestinian Authority’s unelected chieftain Mahmoud Abbas, but it was more subdued and couched in terms of policy rather than base ad hominem attacks.

Jamie Glazov Takes on Rep. Omar Over 9/11 VIDEO


Some people did something on 9/11. And some people are fighting back.

On this week’s Glazov Moment on the eponymous Glazov Gang, Jamie Glazov, the author of Jihadist Psychopath: How He Is Charming, Seducing, and Devouring Us, takes on Rep. Ilhan Omar over her denial and dismissal of the worst Islamist terror atrocity inflicted on the United States.

Jamie delves into the intersection of CAIR, 9/11, Omar and the Islamist agenda. Be sure to watch.

Here it comes: Rep. Tlaib blasts Dem leadershipBy Thomas Lifson


The first overt sign of the trouble that lies ahead for Nancy Pelosi and the Democrat leadership with the emergence of a radical Muslim wing of the party arrived Saturday.

Following the discovery of a video clip of Rep. Omar referring to 911 as “some people did something,” the blowback has been fierce, including in deep blue New York City, where the wounds of death and destruction (and lingering health issues among first responders) still are very painful. Rep. Tlaib is not happy with what she perceives as inadequate support for her fellow Muslima in Congress, and extended the criticism on this specific issue by another Twitter user into a broader attack on the party leadership:

Rashida Rashida Tlaib
They put us in photos when they want to show our party is diverse. However, when we ask to be at the table, or speak up about issues that impact who we are, what we fight for & why we ran in the first place, we are ignored. To truly honor our diversity is to never silence us.
Tlaib‏Verified account @RashidaTlaib
To say that Representatives Rashida Tlaib and Ihan Omar have chips on their shoulders would be an understatement. Both women embrace the notion of Muslim victimhood in a party that stokes the grievances of a variety of minorities who are encouraged to see themselves as victims and seek balm in the form of concessions from the majority.

Mayor Buttigieg’s Promise


Mayor Peter “Pete” Buttigieg’s speech throwing his hat into the ring for president strikes us as the best debut from a Democrat since 2004. That’s when the party’s nominee was introduced at Boston by a young senator named Barack Obama, who stressed the idea of a UNITED States of America. Mr. Buttigieg captured at his launch this evening a youthful optimism that, other than Mr. Obama, our country hasn’t heard from a Democrat since JFK.

Not that we’re unmindful of what happened in respect of the nominee in 2004. Senator Kerry boasted of heroism in a Vietnam war he’d betrayed. He was called out by veterans of the shallow water inland fast tactical vessels known as Swiftboats, which had carried the war to the communists infesting the Mekong Delta. His fellow Swiftvets deemed him “unfit for command” and sank his campaign.

Mr. Obama, though, ended up winning the presidency four years later. He had a thinner resume than that of Mr. Buttigieg, who appeared in arms in Afghanistan and has been six years a mayor. Mr. Obama, though, ran a refreshing campaign, handily dispatching an angry candidate in Senator McCain, only to fail at finding policies as unifying as his early speeches. He set the stage for President Trump.

Democrat Presidential Conference Opens with Communist Cop-Killer’s Chants Dems using American tax dollars to promote killers, terror-sponsors, and anti-American revolutionaries. Humberto Fontova


“I’m gonna actually have you participate with me in repeating some words from a leader by the name of Assata Shakur!” — NAACP V.P. Jamal Watkins opening the We The People conference this week.

“[The conference speakers] included 2020 Democratic White House contenders Cory Booker, Julián Castro, Beto O’Rourke, Amy Klobuchar, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Jay Inslee and Kirsten Gillibrand.”

Now regarding that “leader” whose words seemed worthy of opening a conference showcasing the entire roster of the Democrat party’s Most-Likely-to-Succeed:

On May 2013 the FBI announced a $1 million reward for “information leading to the apprehension” of Joanne Chesimard (also known as Assata Shakur) whom they named a “Most Wanted Terrorist.” Chesimard is the first woman to make the FBI’s list. The New Jersey State Police Dept., which also wants her, added another $1 million to the pot.

You see, amigos, convicted killer of a New Jersey State Trooper and bona-fide “domestic terrorist” Chesimard (Assata Shakur) has been living in Cuba since 1984 as a Castro-coddled celebrity. But it’s not like bounty hunters can operate freely in a Stalinist country. So the $2 million was probably for show. Obama’s Justice Dept. was probably putting on a game face and saying, “Look Castro, we’re serious here! You better turn Shakur over, or…or–or ELSE!”

Elizabeth Warren Proposes New Corporate Tax Presidential candidate’s proposal would impose 7% levy on some companies’ financial-statement income, on top of regular taxes By Richard Rubin

Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren is proposing a new 7% tax on the largest, most profitable U.S. companies, a move that would increase corporate tax collections by about 30% over the next decade.

Her Real Corporate Profits Tax, projected to raise $1 trillion over a decade, would apply to profits above $100 million each year, and it would be based on the world-wide posttax income companies report on their financial statements. The new levy, affecting about 1,200 companies, would come on top of the existing income tax system.

“We need corporate tax reform, but we also need to recognize that enormous companies with armies of lawyers and accountants will always try to exploit any deductions and exemptions that remain,” Ms. Warren wrote in announcing the proposal. “To raise the revenue we need—and ensure every corporation pays their fair share—we need a new kind of tax that big companies can’t get around.”

The corporate-tax proposal is the latest sweeping policy idea from Ms. Warren, a Massachusetts senator who has also proposed an annual wealth tax on the richest Americans, universal child care and $500 billion in new spending on affordable housing.

Ms. Warren’s latest proposal would mark a fundamental change in how the U.S. taxes corporations. It would raise taxes on some companies that make significant global profits but, for a variety of reasons, may pay relatively little to the U.S. government under the current tax law. CONTINUE AT SITE


Mike Garcia, a former naval fighter pilot and Santa Clarita businessman, announced his candidacy for Congress against Congresswoman Katie Hill for the 25th Congressional District Wednesday.

Garcia, a first-generation American citizen, is a highly decorated United States Naval Officer who was  one of the first F/A-18E Super Hornet strike fighter pilots in the Navy. He flew over 30 combat missions during Operation Iraqi freedom over Baghdad, Fallujah, and Tikrit, according to officials.

Garcia graduated in the top three percent of his Annapolis class, receiving an M.A. in National Security Studies at Georgetown University.

His performance during Advanced Jet Pilot Training in the T-45 jet set records and earned him the opportunity to become of the first F/A-18E Super Hornet strike fighter pilots in the Navy, according to officials.As an F/A-18E pilot Garcia was deployed several times on the USS Nimitz, a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier.

He was lauded as one of the best leaders and one of the most naturally talented pilots in the Navy by his troops, his peers and his leadership, Garcia said.Now, he is hoping to face Katie Hill in 2020 for the CA-25 Congressional seat, which includes the cities of Santa Clarita, Simi Valley, Palmdale, Lancaster, and the northern part of the San Fernando Valley.

GOP recruits fighter pilot to challenge freshman Dem in key California race By Tal Axelrod


Republicans recruited Mike Garcia, a fighter pilot and first-generation American, to challenge freshman Rep. Katie Hill (D-Calif.) in 2020, setting up a battle for a key House district.

Garcia, the son of a Mexican immigrant and an Iraq War veteran, announced his candidacy for California’s 25th District Wednesday.

He will challenge Hill, a moderate whose victory helped the Democrats retake the House last year and decimate the GOP delegation from the Golden State.

In his campaign announcement, Garcia sought to tie Hill to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and other House progressives in pushing what he called a “Socialist agenda.”

“I have been at the edge where bullets fly and lives are lost,” Garcia said in a press release. “I believe America is the greatest country in the world. I’ve seen men and women lose their lives defending this country. And I am disgusted that politicians in Washington are voting in lockstep with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to push a Socialist agenda that jeopardizes everything we’ve risked blood and treasure to defend.”

Hill thanked Garcia and his family for their service and wished him luck.

“I know how tough these primaries can be. With three Republicans now filed to run and likely more who will jump in, I wish them all luck,” she said in an emailed statement. “I am deeply grateful to Mr. Garcia for his service to our nation and thank him and his family for all they have given to keep America safe.”

Republicans had held the seat in California’s 25th District for 25 years until Hill defeated incumbent Rep. Steve Knight.

Garcia touted the endorsements of former Reps. Buck McKeon (R) and Elton Gallegly (R), who previously represented California’s 25th and 24th Districts, respectively.

Garcia, a U.S. naval officer, was one of the first F/A-18E Super Hornet strike fighter pilots in the Navy and flew more than 30 combat missions during Operation Iraqi Freedom, according to his campaign announcement.

Senate Dems call for Barr to walk back ‘spying’ allegation By Jordain Carney


Top Senate Democrats are demanding Attorney General William Barr walk back his accusation that the Trump campaign was spied on by the FBI.

Barr sparked a political firestorm earlier Wednesday when he told senators that he believed “spying did occur” during the 2016 election and that he would be reviewing the probe of President Trump’s campaign.

Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) accused Barr of “perpetuating conspiracy theories” during his testimony before the Senate Appropriations subcommittee. The hearing was scheduled to discuss the department’s budget but ultimately was dominated by questions about special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe.

“AG Barr must retract his statement immediately or produce specific evidence to back it up,” Schumer said in a tweet.

Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, added in a statement that Barr had “demanded himself” by “carelessly acting as a mouthpiece for President Trump’s conspiracy theories.”