Liz Peek:’Authorities’ panic over COVID protests, dissent – here’s why Challenges to lockdowns and mask mandates have been viewed as undermining society

What are the “authorities” so afraid of?  

Why are Canadian truckers protesting vaccine mandates considered a threat? The Freedom Convoy has garnered enormous popular support but is condemned by the liberal media and dismissed by Canada’s unpopular Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as a “small fringe minority.” 

Prodded by Canadian authorities, GoFundMe moved to confiscate and redistribute $10 million raised to support the drivers, prompting such outrage that they pivoted to returning the money to the original donors. A like-minded U.S. group, “Convoy to DC 2022,” attracted 130,000 members to its Facebook page before it was taken down by the social media giant.  

Meanwhile, Joe Rogan has come under blistering attack for hosting on his podcast a cardiologist and infectious disease expert who questions the efficacy and safety of the COVID vaccines. Rogan is viewed as such a threat that the White House – in effect, the president of the United States – is trying to shut him down. 

You have to wonder, why is the establishment in full panic mode every time someone challenges their COVID orthodoxy?  

Andrew Cuomo Says He Feels ‘Vindicated’ and Won’t Rule Out a Political Comeback By Rick Moran

In the last several weeks, five New York district attorneys announced they were not going to prosecute former governor Andrew Cuomo on sexual misconduct charges. The fact that sexual misconduct is very difficult to prove in court — especially against a political heavyweight like Cuomo — played a large role in the DAs’ decisions not to go to trial.

Several of those prosecutors went out of their way to say that not pursuing charges against Cuomo should not take away from the credibility of the women who accused him.

Nevertheless, Cuomo has declared that he’s been “vindicated” and may seek office again.

The Hill:

Cuomo, however, sees the decisions from the district attorneys as absolving him from allegations, despite the state attorney general releasing a report last year that concluded the then-governor had sexually harassed 11 women — the report that led to his resignation in August.

“It turns out in a remarkably short period of time that it did become all bogus. 11 became zero,” Cuomo told Bloomberg in a telephone interview on Friday.

“If you do an honest summary, which is what I get from people on the street, I have been vindicated,” he added.

Louisiana’s Secretary of State Faces Lawsuit Over Election Integrity By Chris Queen

The integrity of our elections has become a front-and-center issue in the past few years. Between the legitimate concerns that the 2020 presidential election instilled in many people and the wild conspiracy theories that have cropped up on both sides of the political aisle, voters have become increasingly concerned about whether their votes even count.

In response to the craziness of 2020, several states, Georgia and Texas among them, have enacted laws that, in the words of Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp, make it “easy to vote but hard to cheat.” Because these laws originated in states with Republican governors, the left decided to gin up fake outrage over “voter suppression” and even attempted a federal takeover of elections that would entrench Democrats in power for years.

With midterm elections coming up this year that could tip the balance of power in Congress, all eyes are on how various states are handling their voter rolls. Over half the states rely on the Electronic Registration and Information Center — ERIC for short.

Back in December, J. Christian Adams, PJ Media columnist and president of the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF), introduced us to ERIC. The way ERIC works is that the states that pay into the ERIC program send in their voter rolls, and ERIC analyzes them for voters who are dead or registered in multiple states. The idea, of course, is that the states then clean up voter rolls based on this analysis.

What Biden should have said on Jan. 6 By Liz Peek

Here’s what we learned on Jan. 6: There will be no pivot. President Biden made it clear in his remarks that he will pursue the central theme that put him in the White House, no matter how low his polls sink or how bleak the outlook for his party.

What is that theme? That President Trump is an enemy of the state, and many of his supporters are every bit as deplorable as Hillary Clinton thought they were.

Trump hatred elected Biden; that’s all he’s got.

Biden did have a choice. When he addressed the nation in remembrance of the riot that shook the U.S. Capitol, the president could have more aggressively addressed doubts about the outcome of the 2020 election, which continue to unsettle our nation.

In a recent poll, only 46 percent of respondents said Biden’s election was “definitely” legitimate. That is a horrible outcome. Some 71 percent of Republicans described his victory as “definitely not” or “probably not” legitimate, as well as 31 percent of independents.

That is not good for Joe Biden, and he should have tackled this running sore of his presidency.

‘Organised Groups of Folks’ Terrorise Los Angeles Salvatore Babones

“California is, of course, enjoying a wave of (minor) wealth redistribution arising from Proposition 47, a ‘successful’ 2014 referendum that reclassified many erstwhile felonies (including all thefts to a value of less than $950) as misdemeanors. In the spirit of the times, state prosecutors no longer bring charges in these cases, since the maximum penalty is only six months in jail (rarely imposed) or a fine of up to $1000. In the likely worst case scenario (or best case, depending on your point of view), most thieves will thus only be required to return the stolen goods. Stealing is, essentially, legal.”

In a soundbite straight outta Compton, California governor Gavin Newsom blamed “organised groups of folks that move from site to site” for a spate of New West train robberies (above) in Los Angeles. His first instinct was to call them “gangs”, but he immediately apologised, publicly acknowledging his error. The word “gangs”, you see, is pejorative to … well, gangs.

Luckily for the gangs of L.A., Newsom and the Democratic Party have made the New West a safe space for criminals of all kinds. In Los Angeles, the newsmakers are the organised groups of folks who board trains leaving the west coast ports to ransack containers arriving from China (they’re probably racist Trump supporters), while in San Francisco it’s the folks who organise flash robberies of department stores and shopping malls.

At least 48 Los Angeles gangs are prominent enough to have their own Wikipedia pages. A personal favorite is the Culver City Boys, which sounds like a group of folks who do odd jobs on the MGM Studies lot, or perhaps for the west coast offices of National Public Radio. In 2018, the Boys won a $30 million settlement in a class action lawsuit over city-imposed curfews. Don’t be shocked: gangs hiring lawyers is an old tradition in America. That’s how you know they’re gangs, not just groups of folks.

The Culver City Boys are reputed to be composed mainly of Mexican-Americans. The Rollin 60’s Neighborhood Crips, one of California’s oldest gangs (as the name would suggest), is believed to be largely African-American. The shot back to national prominence in 2019 with the death of rapper and entrepreneur Nipsey Hu$$le, a member who was shot at least six times in front of his clothing store in a dispute of obscure origin. Police believe the shooting arose out of a “personal dispute”, but a case of shoplifting gone wrong cannot be ruled out.

The Deep State control of the education system By John Dietrich

Progressive control of the U.S. educational system, operating secretly via entrenched bureaucrats and cooperating elected officials, has been exposed by incidents in Loudoun County, Virginia.  In other words, the Deep State rules the classrooms of America.

A major factor affecting the 2021 Virginia gubernatorial election (and destined to affect the 2022 midterm elections) is the public’s reaction to progressive control of the educational system.  This control had been successfully concealed by the major media until an incident at a Loudoun County school board meeting made national news.  At this June 22, 2021 school board meeting, parent Scott Smith was arrested.

Smith was protesting the fact that his daughter had been raped in the girl’s bathroom on May 28 by a “transgender” student.  School officials’ first response was an attempt to cover up the incident.  School board member Beth Barts proclaimed, “Our students do not need to be protected, and they are not in danger.”  Superintendent Scott Ziegler claimed: “To my knowledge, we don’t have any record of assaults occurring in our restrooms.”

Ziegler, who is paid $295,000 a year, intentionally lied to the public about this incident.  In fact, he was the creator of one of the records covering the incident.  On the day of the attack, he wrote school board members a note entitled  “CONFIDENTIAL School Incident.”  It stated, “This afternoon a female student alleged that a male student sexually assaulted her in the restroom.”  When this lie was exposed, he responded, “I regret that my comments were misleading and I apologize for the distress that error caused families.”  He added, “My heart aches for you and I am sorry that we failed to provide the safe, welcoming, and affirming environment that we aspire to provide.”

Tony school in DC forces five-year-olds to parade around chanting ‘Black Lives Matter’ for the cameras By Monica Showalter

What is it about radical leftists and getting their hands on people’s kids?

Libs of Tik Tok (hat tip: Daily Wire and We Love Trump) found this one, posted on the ritzy Lowell School’s site, showing very small schoolchildren, all around age 5, marching in their masks, with signs chanting “Black Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter…”  I suppose we’re supposed to say, “Aw, aren’t they cute,” but the normal response is, Who is forcing them to do that against their will?

I remember singing “ring around the rosie” at that particular age.

What’s more, as a five-year-old in the ’60s, I remember seeing Black Panther and Symbionese Liberation Army violence, riots, and gun-waving parade-arounds, Charles Manson and his leftist fangirls, and hippies spitting at troops in airports, on the television set as a kid.  I recall viewing those things as vile, hateful, threatening, something never to get involved with.  More to the point, it would have been unthinkable to force any five-year-old at that time to go around chanting for those causes as they are for today’s similar ones.  It simply would not have been done.

But here we are today, with near-toddlers being forced to march and parade around for the cameras chanting for an organization that is characterized by its cause and effects — violence, burning cities, dead police officers, police defunding, zero response to 9/11 calls, and big death spikes in the black community based on unchecked violent crime, corporate kowtowing to the crocodile, and humongous piles of money engulfed in colossal corruption.

Dem Mask Hypocrisy on Full Display By Isaac Schorr

Last week ended with perennial Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, a Democrat, posting pictures of herself maskless in a classroom full of masked children and teachers. When the public reacted negatively to the images, Abrams defended herself by explaining that she had only appeared maskless in photos on the condition that everyone else around her did don face-coverings. Much better, then.

Abrams is far from alone, though. The pandemic has seen countless examples of politicians convinced that while it’s imperative that the little people — be they younger or less famous and wealthy — wear masks as their patriotic duty, the VIPs should remain exempt from such strictures.

Just a few days after Abrams’s gaffe, Representative Elissa Slotkin posted a picture of what appeared to be a townhall event in her district. Slotkin is in the foreground wearing an enormous smile. The other attendees appear in the background, wearing masks.

Why the Spotify – Rogan fight will define Free Speech

Remind us again what it was that Joe Rogan said that got the left so apoplectic. Did he spew hate speech? Call for an insurrection? Say mean things about a protected minority?

No? The left wanted him canceled because he supposedly aired misinformation about COVID? Are you kidding? If this is the new standard for censorship, you can kiss free speech goodbye.

After all, anything can be labeled “misinformation.”

Would you dare to say climate change hysteria is unfounded? Or government-provided daycare is a bad idea? Or Joe Biden’s massive welfare expansion is a bad idea? Election fraud is real? Dogs are better pets than cats? Misinformation! Misinformation!! Misinformation!!! Misinformation!!!!

What information did Rogan spread about COVID that has so alarmed the left? That masks are ineffective? That all we needed was a 15-day lockdown to “slow the spread”? That there was no way the virus resulted from Chinese lab experiments? That schools had to be shut down? That this was a “pandemic of the unvaccinated”?

Oh, wait, those were all uttered by people like Anthony Fauci.

No, the left claims that Rogan, by not being sufficiently panicked about COVID and not toeing the line on the vaccination mandates, is guilty of second-degree murder, with Spotify being an accessory. As Washington Post columnist Margaret Sullivan put it, “People are dying because of COVID misinformation that Spotify packages as glib podcast fodder.”

‘Campaign of the Century’ Review: Revisiting Kennedy vs. Nixon A revisionist tract debunks the ‘conventional mythology’ surrounding the 1960 presidential election.By Robert W. Merry

When Richard Nixon ran against Congresswoman Helen Gahagan Douglas for the U.S. Senate in 1950, his House colleague John Kennedy slipped him a $1,000 campaign contribution from the family patriarch, Joseph Kennedy, who liked Nixon’s anticommunist fervor. Nine years later, when the two men emerged as likely presidential nominees for their respective parties, Kennedy asked Nixon to keep the matter secret so he could avoid a political firestorm from fellow Democrats. The Californian agreed; later, when columnist Drew Pearson got wind of the story, Nixon press secretary Herb Klein denied the report. Nixon acquiesced in the public lie to honor his private commitment to the man emerging as his most threatening political rival.

This intriguing anecdote, recounted in historian Irwin F. Gellman’s “Campaign of the Century,” encapsulates the author’s central thesis—that Richard Nixon got a raw deal from campaign reporters and later historians who portrayed him as a menacing political scoundrel, when in fact he deserved greater recognition for his “high road” politics. “Those who insist on seeing Nixon only as a dark and devious character,” Mr. Gellman writes, “overlook the fact that he ran by far the more honorable, and honest, campaign.”