Are Secret ‘Puppeteers’ Still Directing American Public Policy?* by Lawrence Kadish

Over the years much has made about the lobbyists and advisors who prowl the corridors of power in Washington D.C. Many seek publicity profiles in the hope it will convince potential clients and countries that they have high-level “access.” Others cultivate their cable news appearances as pundits and commentators, relishing the limelight.

Yet what we have come to learn over time that the greater the media exposure, the less these individuals play a role in actually affecting the nation’s policies and politics.

Consider the role of Michael Podhorzer.

According to published reports, Mr. Podhorzer is a long time senior advisor to the president of the AFL-CIO, one of the most powerful labor federations in the nation. There are some 57 unions under its umbrella and they represent some 12.5 million people. His fellow Democrats are reputed to call him a “wizard” for his skill in leveraging technology on behalf of the union’s public policy agenda as well as their chosen candidates. Marry that communication technology with a field force of millions of union men and women and Mr. Podhorzer has a potent national weapon to wield in determining who will implement America’s foreign and domestic policies and who might even be trying to undermine our Constitution (here, here and here).

Until a recent Time magazine exposé, he was very much out of sight, and deliberately so, as he provided strategic direction to the union. According to the Time profile he was also a key member of a group that applied enormous organizational and computing power to the task of electing their preferred candidates.

Over time, it would become obvious that former President Donald J. Trump was not their preferred candidate.

When Asked ‘What Are Your Pronouns,’ Don’t Answer By Colin Wright

A seemingly innocuous question masks a demand for conformity with a regressive set of ideas.

“What are your pronouns?” is a seemingly innocuous question that has become increasingly common. Pronouns are now frequently displayed prominently in social-media bios, email signatures and conference name tags. Vice President Kamala Harris features “she/her” pronouns in her Twitter bio, and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg includes “he/him” in his. Then there are the singular “they/them” pronouns used by “nonbinary” people who identify as neither male nor female, as well as a growing list of bespoke “neopronouns” such as “ze/zir” or “fae/faer,” and the even stranger “noun-self” neopronouns like “bun/bunself” which, according to the New York Times, are identities that can encompass animals and fantasy characters.

A recent survey of 40,000 “lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning (LGBTQ) youth” in the U.S. found that a full 25% use pronouns other than she/her and he/him exclusively. The Human Rights Campaign, which claims to be the “nation’s largest LGBTQ+ civil rights organization,” recently tweeted that we should all begin conversations with “Hi, my pronouns are _____. What are yours?” We are told that asking for, sharing and respecting pronouns is “inclusive” to trans and nonbinary people, and that failing to do so may even constitute violence and oppression.

Men and the Future of America Thomas D. Klingenstein

Senator Josh Hawley has struck a powerful rhetorical blow against woke communism.

Senator Josh Hawley recently gave a much commented upon speech on the virtues of masculinity. It was a very fine speech; indeed, it may have been one of the most significant senatorial speeches of his generation.

Hawley understands that the traditional traits of masculinity—stoicism, competitiveness, conquest, achievement and aggression—are good and necessary for a self-governing society, as long as they are channeled into behaviors, such as productive work and providing for a family, that serve the common good. He also knows that if these natural traits are suppressed they get channeled into dysfunctional behaviors—crime, drugs, pornography, and the like.  

As good speeches do, his speech surprised his listeners. We no longer hear talk about manliness in public. The radical left, whom I call the “woke communists,” have forbidden it. The great virtue of Hawley’s speech is that he talked about this forbidden thing, and in doing so gave others permission to talk about it. Hawley knows—as the woke comms know—that politics is ultimately about what it means to live a good life, and therefore what it means to be a human being and what it means to be a man or a woman. The woke comms are determined to destroy traditional sex roles as part of their project to destroy America. Hawley’s speech on masculinity must be understood in this larger context.

If Senator Hawley chooses to give more speeches along these lines, I have some unsolicited advice: provide a comprehensive understanding of the woke comm regime, which he points to in his speech but does not fully develop. He needs to give concerned Americans a framework to order and understand the historic events unfolding around us: we need to see clearly and fully the principles that animate the woke comms, their objectives, and their strategies. What do they want and how they are going about getting it?

Suicide: Helping China in Space by Gordon G. Chang

“[Chris] Hadfield has consistently fronted for cooperation with China in space, never acknowledging how the Chinese Communist Party seeks to dominate Low Earth Orbit and the moon to gain military dominance on Earth to impose a new global hegemony.” — Richard Fisher of the International Assessment and Strategy Center to Gatestone, January 2022.

It seems fanciful that Chinese cooperation in space could proceed while the Communist Party maintains its goal of destroying the United States.

“Tackling pandemics” is definitely not an argument for space cooperation with China. Wherever SARS-CoV-2 came from…China’s leaders deliberately spread COVID-19 beyond their borders by, among other things, lying about contagiousness and, while locking down their own country, pressuring others to take arrivals from China without restrictions or quarantines.

And because a specific group was targeted—non-Chinese—the crime [deliberately spreading COVID-19 beyond China’s borders] constitutes a “genocide” as defined in Article II of the Genocide Convention of 1948. That toll includes 884,000 in the United States.

So how could Washington consider cooperation, on space or in any other area, with a regime that deliberately took the lives of hundreds of thousands of Americans?

“We all have our better angels and our worst devils in each of us,” Hadfield, who has worked for NASA, correctly notes. The problem is that the worst of humanity is now running the Chinese regime, and cooperation with China, in space or below, is morally and strategically wrong.

“It is completely mind boggling how, after decades of doing deals with China over a variety of issues that only seem to end with the further weakening of the United States and the strengthening of China, the same voices are now calling for massive space cooperation with Beijing, which would only be the world’s largest technological transfer in history,” Weichert, who produces The Weichert Report, says. “The insanity must stop and America must hold firm against the siren song of cooperation with China in space.”

China’s militant regime wants the United States to aid its space program, and some, including those in the U.S. space community, are eager to provide assistance. Such cooperation, however, would be extremely disadvantageous for the United States, as it has always been.

Georgia School System’s BLM Event Features Speaker With a Domestic Violence Charge By Chris Queen

Remember Dr. Tarece, the Gwinnett County, Ga. school board president whom I wrote about recently? Dr. Tarece holds some pretty far-left views, and she has put up some bizarre videos on her Tik Tok channel.

Well, the school system in DeKalb County, next door to Gwinnett, must have decided that they needed to keep up with the bizarre antics in Gwinnett. DeKalb County Schools is currently hosting BLM at School Week of Action, which is every bit as execrable as you can imagine.

An event on Wednesday featured speakers like Mawuli Davis, an Atlanta-area activist lawyer, and something called Hootdini. Topics included “Wealth Equity in the Black Community” and “For the People, by the People: The Unbalanced Judicial and Legislative Systems.”

The week also includes curriculum items like “The Truth About Voting,” in which middle and high schoolers learn “students will learn some common myths about voting today, think through who these myths might benefit, learn why these myths are incorrect and consider how people might ensure every eligible citizen has a chance to vote.”

I bet these students won’t learn how Georgia’s voter law — y’know, Jim Crow 2.0 — has actually increased voter turnout and made elections more secure.

In other words, DeKalb’s BLM at School Week of Action is a far-left fever dream.

Johns Hopkins University Study Confirms Lockdowns Did Nothing to Prevent COVID Deaths By Eric Lendrum

A newly-released study from the prestigious Johns Hopkins University revealed that the sweeping lockdowns in response to the Chinese coronavirus had “little to no effect on COVID-19 mortality.”

According to the Washington Free Beacon, the study was conducted through an analysis of 24 different studies that all focused on government mandates ordering the closure of various aspects of everyday life, including school and business shutdowns, mask and vaccine mandates, and stay-at-home orders, among others.

The comprehensive review, conducted by Johns Hopkins’ Institute for Applied Economics, Global Health, and the Study of Business Enterprise, determined that these measures collectively reduced the rate of COVID fatalities in America and Europe by a mere 0.2 percent.

When the studies were narrowed down to individual types of lockdown measures, such as stay-at-home orders alone, the survey revealed that stay-at-home orders actually slightly increased the number of deaths during COVID.

“We find little to no evidence that mandated lockdowns in Europe and the United States had a noticeable effect on COVID-19 mortality rates,” the study concluded. “While this meta-analysis concludes that lockdowns have had little to no public health effects, they have imposed enormous economic and social costs where they have been adopted.”

“In consequence,” the study concluded, “lockdown policies are ill-founded and should be rejected as a pandemic policy instrument.”

Truckers vs. Tyrants The only power the tyrant has is the power we grant him when we comply. By Drew Allen

As a caravan of Canadian truckers, composed of thousands and stretching 45 miles, made its way to the Canadian capital of Ottawa in protest of leftist tyranny, the propagandist media moved swiftly to downplay the size and scope of it all. A USA Today “fact checker” wrote: “Canada truck convoy not an official Guinness World record.”

The current Guinness record for the longest “truck parade” is 480 vehicles stretching across 4.6 miles. The 45-mile-long Canadian freedom caravan would easily have beaten the current Guinness record by a factor of 10 had protest organizers applied to beat the record. But setting a Guinness record was not at the top of the freedom truckers’ agenda. Instead, the brave truckers were going to Ottawa to protest against tyranny and its Canadian poster child, Justin Trudeau.

So while USA Today’s “fact check” was technically true, it was nothing more than a desperate, pedantic effort to dismiss the overwhelming size and significance of the freedom caravan. 

Other propagandists simply lied.A Washington Post writer claimed the caravan was made up of “hundreds of trucks and personal vehicles.” The same Post propagandist described the protestors as a “fringe group” and “unfortunate minority.” Prime Minister-in-hiding Justin Trudeau repeated the totalitarian talking point, condemning the protestors as a “small fringe minority.” 

Trudeau and the media know the protestors aren’t a “fringe minority.” On the contrary, these tyrants know it is they who are the fringe minority. But they also understand that what power they have is derived exclusively from a fearful and obedient patriotic majority; a majority, which accepts the tyrants’ big lie that they are a powerless and outnumbered minority.

As I said on my latest podcast, those of us standing against tyranny are like a 6-foot-2, 185-pound boxer. Before we’ve even seen our opponent, the media—acting as our tyrannical opponent’s surrogates—tell us that we’re about to get into the ring with a 6-foot-6, 250-pound monster, who is going to annihilate us. It’s a lie intended thoroughly to dispirit us by sowing doubt, insecurity, and fear in our minds in the hope that we will give up even before we get in the ring.

COVID: The after times By Alex Lekas

The Covidian orthodoxy is beginning to crumble. Some governments have discovered that their approach did not improve anything. On the contrary, at least one study shows that the myriad restrictions on normal life have had the opposite effect. That confirm what many people said 18 months ago, when challenging the official dogma was considered an act of heresy.

Now what? There is going to be a clear delineation of human interactions in the aftermath when compared to the before times. It is almost impossible to expect otherwise.

Like many of you, I have learned things about people I thought I knew that were hard to believe. It has been quite the learning to curve to find out who would happily serve as an enforcer to push the state’s dictates, who would just as happily shut people out of society, celebrate their firing, or deny them healthcare for the sake of a making a political point. Once you have seen the true measure of a person, one who would support steps that harm friends and relatives and justify that support hesitation or regret, how can you see such people in the same light again?

You can’t trust them. You can’t discuss anything of substance with them. You can’t pretend that none of this happened. It is impossible to once again respect or like people whose inner tyrant rose to the surface so easily, and that will be among the lasting legacies of this sorry spectacle, one that should sadden us all. The friendships forever tarnished, the family ties that are irreparably broken, the neighbors you no longer recognize; for many people, those will be the most tangible results of their COVID experience.

There is no joy in saying “I told you so” as the narrative starts falling apart.

Chesa Boudin is starting to sweat By Monica Showalter

With a voter recall four months away, things aren’t going too well for San Francisco’s far-left District Attorney Chesa Boudin, whose office appears to now be a dumpster fire of controversies.

Thursday the news got out through court transcripts that a shouting match broke out in a courthouse, between Chesa’s staff and the lawyers of a witness, Magen Hayashi, who testified that Chesa’s D.A. office told her to withhold critical evidence that could exculpated an officer in a police brutality case. The D.A.’s investigation of the matter neglected to mention that the cop in question was answering a domestic violence call and didn’t just start beating the suspect for no good reason. The officer’s defense team thought that relevant, and apparently, Chesa’s staff were intimidating the witness.

According to the San Francisco Examiner:

“After the court exited the courtroom,” [Defense attorney Nicole] Pifari told the judge, attorneys for the DA’s office “started yelling at… began to yell at counsel for Ms. [Magen] Hayashi telling him to do his job.”

Pifari told the judge that one of the attorneys for the DA’s office “pointed at the witness and told her she was being accused of a crime. It’s intimidating a witness, it’s unprofessional, it’s very problematic that they’re trying to affect the testimony of this witness off the record. I have a real problem with what just happened. They were yelling at her attorney in open court.” It’s not clear what crime the attorney allegedly referred to.

What Was Chuck Schumer Thinking? By Yuval Levin

“Chuck Schumer may turn out to be personally responsible for the collapse of the Democrats’ agenda to a degree we’ve never seen in the modern Congress.”

Four months ago, in marveling at the then still-ongoing slow-motion collapse of the Democrats’ legislative agenda around here, I suggested one factor in that mess that seemed particularly worthy of attention:

I think Senate Democrats must still be digesting the absolutely bizarre signed, written arrangement Schumer reached with Manchin back on July 28 — which laid out detailed if (sort of) nonbinding terms for Manchin’s engagement with the Democrats’ social-spending bill that both senators then kept secret from most other Senate Democrats for two months. I can’t think of a more imprudent and downright strange move by a party leader in the modern Congress. You have to imagine that every Democrat will now want Schumer’s signature on an individualized statement of terms on every issue that matters to him or her, since after all every Democrat is the essential 50th vote on every party-line bill. And you have to assume that every Democrat will now also wonder if Schumer has made such an agreement in secret with every other Democrat on every such bill. It’s nuts, but it’s also a kind of encapsulation of Schumer’s leadership style.