The Democrats’ Readiness to Ally with Radical Groups A California mayoral candidate reveals it again. Robert Spencer

Ammar Campa-Najjar is the “grandson of Mexican immigrants” and was a rising star in the Democrat party until he became a failed Congressional candidate, losing to Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.). He is now trying to revive his fortunes by running for mayor of Chula Vista, California. He has received the endorsement of the Chula Vista firefighters’ union. He is also a committed Leftist, as his capsule bio at Ballotpedia reveals, “Campa-Najjar worked on Barack Obama’s presidential re-election campaign as a deputy regional field director before joining the Obama administration in the Executive Office of the President.” There is, however, one other important aspect of Campa-Najjar’s record: it reveals yet again the Left’s uncritical and indiscriminate readiness to ally with the most unsavory Islamic groups.

Campa-Najjar himself is not a Muslim at all, but a Christian; however, besides having Mexican immigrant grandparents, he is also the grandson of a jihad terrorist, Muhammad Yousef al-Najjar. In October 2018, when Campa-Najjar was mounting his unsuccessful Congressional run, Joel Pollack reported in Breitbart that Campa-Najjar “deleted an Instagram post in which he referred to his grandfather, Palestinian terrorist Muhammad Yousef al-Najjar, as a ‘legend.’ Muhammad Yousef al-Najjar was ‘a senior member of the Palestinian terrorist group Black September that murdered 11 Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics,’ according to the Times of Israel, and a deputy for Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) leader Yasser Arafat.”

Congresswoman Omar Poses for Photo with ‘America is Run on Hate’ Guy Imtiaz Mohammad cozies up to politicians, while belittling the US and its citizens. Joe Kaufman

Politicians take photos with a lot of people, and sometimes they wish they hadn’t. Given his statements belittling the US and her citizens, photos taken with Imtiaz Mohammad, founder of the American Muslim Progressive Caucus (AMPC), are probably ones that some office holders would wish they could take back. Yet, time and again, politicians smile and cozy up to him, lending themselves and their images to be shared on his social media. This was the case, when US Representative Ilhan Omar came to South Florida to speak at a CAIR event, and it has been the case for many others. Question: Do they agree with Mohammad’s contemptable views?

Imtiaz Ahmad Mohammad grew up in the Hyderabad area of Pakistan and arrived in the United States in 1991, first settling in New York, then Florida. Since coming to Florida, Mohammad has been involved in a number of ventures. He runs a plethora of South Florida beauty salons. In 2015, he incorporated and published a South Asian oriented monthly magazine, Pak Mag, which changed its name to Asian Times, in 2017, and which dissolved in 2018. He has also involved himself in the Democratic Party and different progressive causes, such as defunding police and abolishing ICE, and he had a couple of failed attempts at running for statewide office.

Untrained Passenger Lands Airplane ‘I’ve got a serious situation here,’ noted the rookie pilot. James Freeman

Whenever disaster strikes and life’s great challenges arise, we all hope to be ready to rise to the occasion. But it seems unreasonable even to hope for the achievement of a rookie aviator on Tuesday.

WPBF, an ABC television affiliate in Florida, is covering perhaps the most inspiring story of the year. The station’s Ari Hait reports from West Palm Beach:

A passenger with no flight experience safely landed a private plane at Palm Beach International Airport Tuesday afternoon after the pilot suffered a medical emergency.
“I’ve got a serious situation here,” the passenger can be heard telling Air Traffic Control in Fort Pierce. “My pilot has gone incoherent. I have no idea how to fly the airplane.”
“Roger. What’s your position?” Air Traffic Control responded.
“I have no idea,” the passenger said. “I can see the coast of Florida in front of me. And I have no idea.”
“Maintain wings level and just try to follow the coast, either north or southbound,” Air Traffic Control told him. “We’re trying to locate you.”

Is the climate scare train starting to derail? Tom Knighton

Climate change has been the great doom-and-gloom scenario of my life. Sure, the hole in the ozone layer was scary, but we were going to be wiped out by climate change long before we got cancer from the lack of ozone.

And, to be honest, I believed it all.

Then again, this was pre-internet, so it was much more difficult to find contrary information to what the media was dishing out.

And that’s without going into Al Gore’s craptacular piece of propaganda.

But for years, we’ve had a lot of rhetoric about how everything horrible is going to happen, only for climate models to universally fail to pan out remotely as climate scientists claim.

Now, Nature is taking scientists to task for the doom-and-gloom.


It’s taken President Joe Biden and his fellow Democrats all of 16 months to turn the land of plenty into one plagued by empty shelves and rationing. Well, Biden did promise to “transform” America, but how many voters knew that this is what he had in mind?

The latest in the growing list of shortages is the chronic and dangerous scarcity of baby formula that is causing new parents to scramble to find supplies and stores to ration how much customers can buy. The latest industry data show that 40% of America’s baby formula supplies are out of stock, up from 29% in March and 11% last fall.

This is a potentially deadly situation if parents can’t get the food they need for their babies or try to make their own formula. As CNN reports, “Specialized formula is even harder to locate amid the widespread shortage. Parents are driving to neighboring states to try their luck, and many are pleading for help on social media, imploring strangers to share or even barter any extra supply they may have.”

One industry observer said that “supply chain issues, product recalls and historic inflation” are driving the baby formula crisis. As it turns out, Biden is at least partially responsible for all of those.

Iran’s Ayatollahs in the US’ own backyard Ambassador (Ret.) Yoram Ettinge

“…. Iran is helping Venezuela build combat drones…. Iranian precision-guided missiles are being delivered to Venezuela to be fitted into advanced Iranian [predator] Mohajer drones and similar models…. Iran could provide Venezuela with parts for a future combat drone that would have an even longer range than the Mohajer-6 [reaching the shores of Florida]….”

Iran’s Ayatollahs in Latin America – Quo Vadis?

*Since their February 1979 toppling of the Shah of Iran, Iran’s Ayatollahs have considered Latin America, all the way to the US-Mexico border, the soft underbelly of “The Great American Satan.”  Hence, their intense collaboration – along with their proxies, Hezbollah and Hamas – with the leading drug cartels of Mexico, Columbia and Bolivia, Latin American terror organizations, and all staunchly anti-US governments in South and Central America: Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Bolivia and Chile.  In fact, Iran’s Ayatollahs have contributed to enhanced coordination among the anti-US Latin American governments.  They have co-led the effort to establish joint anti-US Latin American intelligence facilities. In addition, they have recruited Latin American terrorists, training them in Iran.

*While some Western democracies have attempted to isolate Iran, the latter has entrenched itself in the US’ own backyard – Latin America – upgrading its terrorist, TOC (transnational organized crime), military and para-military, intelligence and security presence there. These undertakings have been advanced by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard, its Al Quds Force (which collaborates with anti-US international terror organizations) and by Hezbollah.

Who Is Kathy Barnette? The Candidate Shaking Up The Pennsylvania Senate Race By: Tristan Justice

A new poll out Sunday found a potential new frontrunner in the crowded GOP Pennsylvania Senate primary.

A new poll out Sunday found a potential new frontrunner in the crowded GOP Pennsylvania Senate primary, and it’s not the daytime television star or a former Trump official who have been neck and neck throughout the contest. It’s a political commentator running on a MAGA platform without the MAGA president’s endorsement: Kathy Barnette.

According to the survey from the Trafalgar Group, one of the most reliable pollsters of the prior two presidential elections, Barnette is tied with medical TV host Dr. Mehmet Oz, with more than 23 percent to the doctor’s less than 25 percent, within the nearly 3 percent margin of error. The Trafalgar Group surveyed 1,080 likely GOP primary voters between May 6-8, just after Barnette became a breakout candidate in the Republican Senate debate fueling a late-race surge.

Pete Hoekstra: More Islamic Death Threats in Europe: Dutch MP Targeted Twice

Geert Wilders has dedicated his life to supporting freedom of speech and religious tolerance…

What seems to have earned him these death threats is his unrelenting passion for freedom. To others, it seems, this commitment, is not a plus. Radical cleric Muhammad Abdullah Ahsan, for instance, recently proclaimed: “The rascals like Geert Wilders can’t be stopped by mere condemnation. He must be handed over to Muslims for public execution to ensure world peace.”

“It is no use threatening me, Muslims in Pakistan, Netherlands or anywhere else. Fatwas won’t stop me…. Freedom is my ideology. And no one will stop me.” — Geert Wilders, Twitter, April 15, 2022.

“An Imam who wants a politician dead is—however reprehensible—allowed to say so.” — Geert Wilders, NIS News Bulletin. March 15, 2005.

Islam is the Trojan Horse in Europe.” — Geert Wilders, speech in the Dutch Parliament, September 6, 2007.

“There is no such thing as ‘moderate Islam’. As Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan said the other day, and I quote, ‘There is no moderate or immoderate Islam. Islam is Islam and that’s it.”‘ — Geert Wilders, speech in the Dutch Parliament, September 6, 2007.

“We must never give a free hand to those who want to subjugate us.” — Geert Wilders, Middle East Online, May 31, 2011.

“‘I feel that the more Islam that we get in our societies the less freedom we get.’ He opened the press conference with a quote from George Orwell’s preface to Animal Farm: ‘If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they don’t want to hear'”. — Margaret Davis, quoting Geert Wilders, in The Independent, October 16, 2009.

The American version [of George Orwell’s Ministry of Truth, the US Disinformation Governance Board] is to be headed by a supposed “expert” on disinformation, Nina Jankowicz, who already has a record of unexpertly dismissing Hunter Biden’s easily verifiable laptop as a “Trump Campaign product;” supporting the notoriously false “Steele Dossier;” saying on National Public Radio: “I shudder to think about if free speech absolutists were taking over more platforms,” and, while discussing “online abuse” against women, she actually recommended deploying the police…

“Liberty is meaningless where the right to utter one’s thoughts and opinions has ceased to exist. That, of all rights, is the dread of tyrants. It is the right which they first of all strike down. They know its power…. Equally clear is the right to hear. To suppress free speech is a double wrong. It violates the rights of the hearer as well as those of the speaker.” — Frederick Douglass, freed slave, December 9, 1860.

Freedom of speech in free nations should supersede imposing even more limitations on freedom.

As the powers that be continue clamping down on the free speech we all should cherish, we must recognize the value and strength that people like Wilders, and even those who burn flags, bring to the public square. We may or may not agree with their views, but should recognize that through their freedom of expression they enrich the debate and discourse. They make us stronger, not weaker.

Last month, a Dutch Member of Parliament, Geert Wilders — the leader of the Party for Freedom, which is the largest opposition party in the Netherlands’ Parliament — received two fatwas. Fatwas, officially, are Islamic religious opinions; they sometimes contain calls, however, to kill whomever might be considered insufficiently supportive of Islam or its prophet, Mohammad.

Palestinians Lie to Murder Jews; U.S. Rewards Them by Bassam Tawil

The terrorists and their families are saying that they actually believe the lies of the Palestinian leaders that the mosque is being attacked, violated and desecrated by Jews. They are saying that this is the reason they are sending Palestinians to murder Jews on the streets of Israeli cities.

Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas, with whom the Biden administration is currently talking, even had the gall to repeat the blood libel against Israel and Jews when he issued a statement “condemning” the murder of Israeli civilians in Elad.

Please note: in the very same breath that Abbas “condemns” the murders of Israeli civilians, he continues to push his people to murder Jews for allegedly desecrating the holy sites in Jerusalem.

Palestinian leaders not only normally lie to their people about the fictitious “danger” facing the mosque; they also lie to the Americans and Europeans, who continue to believe that Abbas and his team are sincere about making peace with Israel.

Americans and Europeans additionally fail to grasp that by using the Aqsa Mosque as a pretext for terrorism against Jews, the Palestinian leaders are also aiming to rally Muslims against Western “infidels” around the world.

The Palestinian terrorists who used axes to murder three Israeli Jewish men in the city of Elad on May 5 have cited the recent violence at the Aqsa Mosque compound (Temple Mount) in Jerusalem as their main motivation for the attack. The violence began when Palestinian rioters attacked Israeli police officers at the compound with fireworks, stones and other objects during the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan. The goal of the rioters: to prevent Jews from conducting peaceful walking tours of the Temple Mount, as has long been officially agreed.

True the Vote is about to drop an information bomb regarding election fraud By Andrea Widburg

In his smash-hit move, 2000 Mules, Dinesh D’Souza carefully, and entertainingly, demonstrated how True the Vote, a voter integrity organization, was able to prove incontrovertibly that left-wing non-profits used mules to stuff ballots, bringing in, at a minimum, hundreds of thousands of Biden votes in swing states.  The movie, however, describes the data without releasing them and does not identify the non-profits.  Now, though, True the Vote is planning to publish everything.  That’s an information bomb that should blow apart any claims that Biden’s victory wasn’t the result of massive fraud.

The genius of True the Vote was that it figured out how to use commercially available cell phone location data, along with videos of drop boxes, to prove that, in the five critical swing states that gave the election to Joe Biden, leftist non-profits used mules to deliver dozens of ballots to drop boxes.  The numbers are staggering: at a minimum, 400,000 illegal ballots in the states that turned the election in Biden’s favor.

In the review I wrote about the movie, I explained in somewhat more detail how the program worked, but I urge you to see the film for yourself.  The only thing I found a bit disappointing was the fact that the movie did not name the non-profits involved.

Well, that disappointment is over.  True the Vote has announced that, in a few weeks, it will make available to the public every single bit of information it has regarding the drop-box fraud.  Or, as Catherine Engelbrecht, who founded True the Vote, calls it, pulling the ripcord: