Forgetting Jihad The Boulder massacre took place less than a year ago. Why is it so difficult to remember? William Kilpatrick

If you’re a regular reader of FrontPage or JihadWatch, you’re well aware of the scope of global jihad activities:  daily massacres of non-Muslims in Congo, Nigeria, and other African nations; vicious persecution of Christians throughout the Muslim world; and the stealth jihad infiltration of key cultural and governmental institutions in the West.

You are also aware that almost the whole raison d’etre of Islam is to conquer the non-Muslim world for Allah.  And you take it for granted that America is high on the target list of various stealth jihad organizations.

Because you’re well acquainted with the realities of jihad, you need to remind yourself that most of your fellow Americans are not.  And they’re even less aware that powerful forces in academia, media, and government don’t want them to know the facts about jihad

The silencing mechanisms are highly effective.  How do they work?  Well, suppose someone becomes curious about a news item concerning jihad terrorism.  A friend recommends Jihad Watch as a good resource.  The information-seeker googles “Jihad Watch” and the first thing that meets his eye is a box on the right-hand side of the page informing him that “Jihad Watch is a far-right anti-Muslim conspiracy blog operated by Robert B. Spencer.”  “Hmm,” he says to himself, “I’ll steer clear of that.”

 Fearful that it might be one of those sites that infects your computer with a fatal virus, he googles the word “jihad” instead. The Britannica site informs him that jihad means “a meritorious struggle or effort.” If he turns to the BBC, he finds that jihad is “a believers internal struggle to live out the Muslim faith as well as possible.” Wikipedia concurs: jihad means “struggling, especially with a praiseworthy aim…it can refer to almost any effort to make personal and social life conform with God’s guidance…”  Some sites admit that “jihad” may also mean “holy war,” but they hasten to add that this usage is out of date.  The Britannica site helpfully informs readers that “it [jihad] has often been erroneously translated in the West as “holy war,” whereas it “primarily refers to the human struggle to promote what is right and to prevent what is wrong.”

Far-Left Manhattan DA Hands Criminals a Stay-Out-of-Jail-Free-Card Alvin Bragg vs. law-abiding New Yorkers. Joseph Klein

New Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has already angered many New Yorkers with his outrageous internal policy memo sent to his staff prosecutors. Bragg’s policy memo is a pro-criminal directive to his staff that makes it much easier for dangerous criminals to escape imprisonment and operate with virtual impunity on the city’s streets. “My commitment to making incarceration a matter of last resort is immutable,” Bragg’s memo stated.

Former NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton said earlier this month that Bragg is “handcuffing the police.”

Bratton pointed out that far-left progressive district attorneys around the country have received funding from radical billionaire George Soros. Some of Soros’s funding is channeled through such organizations as a Color of Change’s political action committee, which endorsed Bragg.

“If you look at every city in America that has violent crime increases and disorder increases…what is the one common denominator?” Bratton asked rhetorically. “District attorneys, almost all of whom are funded phenomenally by George Soros.” Bratton added that Soros has “effectively destroyed the criminal justice system in America.”

Torpedoing Manhattan’s law enforcement apparatus through his well-funded left-wing ideologue is Soros’s latest trophy.

Michigan Supreme Court Blesses a Woke Inquisition Justice must take a back seat now to “diversity, equity, and inclusion.” Matthew Vadum

Incorporating the depraved racial ideology of the woke Left into the fabric of state courts is abominable, a Michigan Supreme Court justice argued as his impassioned pleas against creating a modern judicial inquisition to enforce wokeness on the bench fell on deaf ears.

Justice David Viviano was weighing in on the court’s profoundly un-American Administrative Order No. 2022-1 of January 5 that created a commission “with the initial goal of exploring issues related to the demographics of the workforce that support our judiciary and training within the judicial branches.”

Viviano dissented from a recent majority opinion creating the commission to weave the leftist holy trinity known as DEI –diversity, equity, and inclusion— into Michigan’s judicial system.

The stated mission of this new inquisition, the 24-member Commission on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Michigan Judiciary, is “to assess and work towards elimination of demographic and other disparities within the Michigan judiciary and justice system,” the order states.

From Colleyville to Fort Hood The FBI, Joe Biden, and willful blindness about Islamic terror. Lloyd Billingsley

“We do believe from our engagement with this subject that he was singularly focused on one issue, uh, and it was not specifically related to the Jewish community, uh, but we’re continuing to work to find motive and, and we will continue on that path.”

That was Matt DeSarno, FBI special agent in charge, after the hostage incident in Colleyville, Texas, on Saturday. It was bizarre statement, as Robert Spencer noted, because the hostage-taker’s demands revolved around imprisoned jihadist Aafia Siddiqui, also known as “Lady al Qaeda.”  The FBI knew that but was “continuing to work to find motive.” It was as though the Great Brinks Robbery of 1950 left the FBI gasping in bewilderment.

The FBI did not name the “subject” of the Colleyville “engagement,” nor any of the hostages,  including the rabbi. Also unspoken was the biggest FBI lapse of all. The nation’s most powerful law enforcement agency failed to prevent “the subject,” Malik Faisal Akram, from taking the hostages in the first place. That recalls another act of Islamic terrorism just down the road at Fort Hood, Texas.

In 2009, U.S Army major Nidal Hasan was communicating with al Qaeda terrorist Anwar al-Awlaki about killing American soldiers then shipping out to Afghanistan. As Lessons from Fort Hood confirms, The FBI was fully aware of the communications but the Washington office of the FBI called off surveillance of Hasan. On November 5, 2009, at Fort Hood, Hasan gunned down 13 unarmed American soldiers and wounded more than 30 others in the deadliest terrorist attack on U.S. soil since September 11, 2001.

A Win for Parents, a Loss for Aztec Worship in Schools By Nate Hochman

Earlier today, conservative education activist Chris Rufo reported: “Following a lawsuit from parents, the State of California has permanently removed the ‘In Lak Ech Affirmation’ from the state curriculum, which would have forced students to chant to the Aztec god of human sacrifice in order to become ‘warriors’ for ‘social justice.’”

Yes, in case you’ve forgotten (or were unaware in the first place): The state of California wanted to make kids sing ditties to Tezkatlipoka. For those who aren’t familiar with the Aztec deity, he’s the literal god of human sacrifice. Oh, and cannibalism. Just to give you a sense of what kind of culture the California Board of Education is revering, here’s Cameron Hilditch on the history of Aztec ritual human sacrifice:

The remains of more than 40 boys and girls were discovered at the excavation site of the great pyramid, most bearing the marks of severe and prolonged torture. This was to be expected given that the Aztec pictorial codices that have come down to us invariably show the children crying before being sacrificed. The priests of Tlaloc believed the tears of innocent children to be particularly pleasing to the god, and they took great care to ensure that their little victims were crying before and throughout the ceremony so that the smoke of the sacrificial fire would carry their tears up to the god above at the moment of death. The ritual began with the bones of the children being broken, their hands or their feet burned, and carvings etched into their flesh. They were then paraded before the celebrants of the ritual while crying. Insufficient tears from the children were believed to result in insufficient rains for the crops that year, so no brutality was spared. At the end of it all, the mutilated victims were burned alive.

All in the name of multicultural education, of course. Just think of the chants as the Aztec version of Christmas carols.

Texas Synagogue Hostage Crisis: A Case Study in Downplaying Antisemitism By David Harsanyi

“And, in the historic harmony of American life, there are more anti-Jewish crimes perpetrated than all the other religiously motivated crimes combined — often at the hands of other minority groups. And the habit of downplaying this kind of antisemitism, or appropriating it for partisanship, is a dangerous game.”

Being cautious about assigning motive seems to apply only to certain politically inconvenient acts.

W atching the Congregation Beth Israel hostage situation unfold this weekend, one might have been under the impression that a 44-year-old British Islamist named Malik Faisal Akram had traveled 5,000 miles and then merely wandered into a temple in a Dallas suburb by happenstance, before taking four hostages and demanding the release of a notorious terrorist.

Akram — or as the Telegraph described him, a man “with an English accent” — allegedly demanded the release of Aafia Siddiqui, known by the moniker “Lady al-Qaeda,” from the nearby Carswell Air Force Base. Siddiqui, a Pakistani neuroscientist who spent years in North America, is serving an 86-year sentence for the attempted murder of a U.S. soldier in 2010. The Justice Department alleges that she was picked up carrying notes on how to manufacture a “dirty bomb” and held plans for potential attacks on the Empire State Building and the Brooklyn Bridge.

I&I/TIPP Poll: Is Religion Under Attack? A Majority Say Yes Terry Jones

Both sides of the political debate agree that there’s a schism of sorts in America, a cultural battle that transcends ordinary politicking and goes to the heart of how we see ourselves and our fellow Americans. And one of the elements of that cultural battle, the latest I&I/TIPP Poll suggests, is religion.

The monthly I&I/TIPP sounding of public opinion asked: “Do you agree or disagree with the statement “religion is under attack in the U.S.?”

Among those responding, 52% said they agree, while 40% said they disagree. About 9% said they weren’t sure (numbers don’t add to 100% due to rounding).

The Murdering Of Free Speech In America

In Cato’s 15th letter, the writers who compiled the series of essays under a pen name inspired by the Roman senator who stood against the tyranny of Julius Caesar argued that “freedom of speech is the great bulwark of liberty; they prosper and die together.” Today, we are watching that death play out before us.

President Joe Biden, whose growing unpopularity is well-deserved, continued to carry on last week what has become a Democratic tradition: He asked the private sector to become partners in censorship with the federal government.

“I make a special appeal to social media companies and media outlets, please deal with disinformation and misinformation that’s on your shows,” he said during a virtual meeting from the Eisenhower Executive Office Building. “It has to stop.”

Of course, Big Tech and the legacy media have been happy to oblige.

“​​When the leader of the majority party in Washington, D.C., issues a demand, the largest corporations listen,” journalist Glenn Greenwald tweeted in response to Biden’s “will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest?” proposition.

“Again: so much of the censorship from Google and other tech monopolies is done not on their own accord but under pressure and threats from Democratic Party leaders.”


Is it time to charge the CBC with hate crimes against the Jews and Israel?

This article is about the never ending fake and hateful news about Jews and Israel promoted by the CBC, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. The CBC is Canada’s broadcasting corporation. If you agree that the CBC needs to be charged or that the corporation needs to be held accountable, please send the link to this article to the Editor-in-Chief, Brodie Fenlon: and the ombudsman, Jack Nagler: CBC is heard and seen from coast to coast to coast. One might call it the official broadcasting corporation of Canada.  And it shares a great deal of Jew hatred through its broadcasts.

There are  8 billion people: 2 billion Muslims: 2 billion Catholics and Protestants and 15 million Jews

From Hamas: In 2021, there were 10,850 ‘resistance’ attacks against Israel in Jerusalem and the West Bank; 191 shooting attacks, 41 stabbings and attempted stabbings, 21 vehicle-ramming attacks and attempted vehicle-ramming attacks, and 55 attacks with explosive devices.

I can understand a mistake once in a while. Getting incorrect information or omitting information that may be correct. And then one apologizes. An apology used to mean that this behaviour would not happen again. But, no.  No matter how many times the CBC is caught “misrepresenting” the facts and then apologizing, out comes another “error.” At what point does one say, enough; this is no accident; this is done intentionally? What do you think? Half dozen a dozen in a year? I mean really how many times can one contact the CBC ombudsman and editor and programme editor and point out the omission of facts or the lies before one has to ask, hey, are they just a Jew-hating organization?

Are 45 times enough?

“The omission is the most powerful form of lie, and it is the duty of the historian to ensure that those lies do not creep into the history books.” —George Orwell, author of ‘1984’

Voting wrongs: On ballot laws, media fail journalistic ethics by Quin Hillyer

CNN’s Erin Burnett provided a necessary corrective last week on the partisan dispute about voting laws. She also pointed, perhaps unintentionally, at a larger question of journalistic ethics.

Burnett, almost alone among reporters on “establishment media” outlets, actually checked the facts and context for President Joe Biden’s demagogic speech last week in Georgia about voting laws. She pushed back on the habit of Biden and the media of “present[ing] voting rights as a morally right or morally decrepit choice, that there’s a right and there’s a wrong.” Instead, as Burnett noted in a two-minute monologue, the Georgia voting law Biden portrayed as racist voter suppression actually makes it easier to vote in numerous ways than it is in liberal New York.

This ground has been well-trodden in conservative media, but it’s almost never on liberal networks or in big print newspapers apart from the Wall Street Journal. Unlike Burnett, many reporters invariably push a narrative with Biden in the white hat and the whole Republican Party as racist black hats barely this side of the Ku Klux Klan. Again, this comes not just from people identified as opinion journalists but also supposedly “straight news” reporters. Witness CNN’s lead White House reporter Stephen Collinson, who in a piece at least labeled “analysis,” an odd thing for a straight news guy, described a “big current conservative power play — a nationwide effort by GOP-run states to make it harder to cast ballots and easier to steal elections.”

Yes, “steal.”