Biden’s put national security at risk’: GOP lawmaker slams president after three of his team negotiating with Iran on nuclear deal RESIGN because US is being too soft and calls for him to revert to Trump’s ‘maximum pressure’ policy

Republican Rep. Michael Waltz praised the negotiators who have stepped back for ‘recognizing when diplomacy is getting too desperate’
Waltz has had his own experience in the Middle East as an Army Green Beret 
State Department official confirmed Tuesday that Richard Nephew stood down
He was  U.S. Deputy Special Envoy for Iran and known as sanctions architect
Nephew, who wanted Biden to take a harder stance against Iran, has reportedly been avoiding the meetings in Vienna since December 
At the same time, reports emerged that two other negotiators had left
It comes at a critical time in negotiations between the West and Tehran 
Iran has rejected talk of an interim agreement and wants a legal guarantee that the U.S. will not walk away from the nuclear deal

A Republican member of Congress on Tuesday praised three Biden administration officials who walked away from their roles on the State Department’s nuclear talks with Iran.

Rep. Michael Waltz of Florida, who served in the Middle East as one of the Army’s elite Green Berets, told their departure at a critical junction of the discussions is a reflection of President Joe Biden’s policies putting ‘national security at risk.’

A State Department official confirmed that Richard Nephew, known as the architect of sanctions on Tehran, had stepped down as U.S. Deputy Special Envoy for Iran after urging a tougher stance on nuclear talks.


It should not be surprising that Russian strongman Vladimir Putin believes he can invade Ukraine, a sovereign neighboring nation, and claim it as an historic part of his empire. After all, there is a shameful European history to reflect upon, combined with the most recent actions of the United States under the current White House.

In 1938, Western democracies were more than willing to hand over a free and stable central European nation to Hitler. The Czechs found themselves abandoned and served up on a plate to the Third Reich as Hitler threatened war if the Sudetenland region of Czechoslovakia was not annexed by Germany. The reason for his demand was that it was territory long populated by many ethnic Germans. (And this may sound disturbingly familiar if you follow Putin’s logic why Ukraine is his, given that part of its diverse population is Russian.)

Some 84 years ago, Britain’s Neville Chamberlain conspired with the French to appease Hitler, and telling a BBC audience, “How horrible, fantastic, incredible it is that we should be digging trenches and trying on gas masks here because of a quarrel in a far-away country between people of whom we know nothing.”

The deal forced onto the Czech leadership by the democracies was that the Sudetenland would become part of the Reich but the rest of the Czech nation would be secure. It was cynical nonsense of course. Hitler sensed the moral bankruptcy of the democracies and within 12 months would take over the rest of Czechoslovakia. He did it without firing a shot and without the democracies confronting him.

Iran’s Palestinian Proxy: Jihad against Israel and America by Khaled Abu Toameh

The Iran-backed Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), the second largest and hugely influential group in the Gaza Strip after Hamas, does not believe that the conflict with Israel is over Jerusalem, settlements, borders, checkpoints or Palestinian prisoners.

Qattati’s article shows that PIJ and its masters in Tehran consider not only Israel as the “enemy,” but the US too. This is the same Iran whose representatives are currently negotiating with the US and other world powers about reviving the 2015 nuclear deal.

PIJ is undoubtedly hoping that the talks in Vienna will allow Iran to proceed with its plans to deceive the world into thinking that it will end its support for terrorist groups throughout the Middle East or abandon its plan to obtain nuclear weapons.

PIJ’s statement shows that its supporters understand resolutions pertaining to the Israeli-Arab conflict by the United Nations and anti-Israel organizations around the world as a license to continue the jihad against Israel and all Jews.

It is also most critical that the Biden administration immediately place Iran’s other proxy organization, the Houthis, who just bombed Abu Dhabi, back on the US List of Foreign Terrorist Organizations. Since the US Department of State removed them from the list in February, they have returned the favor by becoming more aggressive than ever and are successfully destabilizing the region.

When these groups are enriched and emboldened, that just means even more bad news for the US and the region.

The Biden administration might do well to remember that its arrangements with the mullahs in Iran will spill over into bloodletting by Iran’s proxies throughout the Middle East — who will be only too happy to credit the Biden administration for their toxic, destructive success.

The Iran-backed Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), the second largest and hugely influential group in the Gaza Strip after Hamas, does not believe that the conflict with Israel is over Jerusalem, settlements, borders, checkpoints or Palestinian prisoners.

Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win by Peter Schweizer

Peter Schweizer says that, in a quarter-century as an investigative journalist, this is the scariest investigation he has ever conducted. 

That the Chinese government seeks to infiltrate American institutions is hardly surprising. What is wholly new, however, are the number of American elites who are eager to help the Chinese dictatorship in its quest for global hegemony.   

Presidential families, Silicon Valley gurus, Wall Street high rollers, Ivy League universities, even professional athletes—all willing to sacrifice American strength and security on the altar of personal enrichment.

In Red-Handed, six-time New York Times bestselling investigator Peter Schweizer presents his most alarming findings to date by revealing the secret deals wealthy Americans have cut to help China build its military, technological, and economic might. Equally as astonishing, many of these elites quietly believe the Chinese dictatorial regime is superior to American democracy.

Schweizer and his team of forensic investigators spent over a year scouring a massive trove of global corporate records and legal filings to expose the hidden transactions China’s enablers hoped would never see the light of day. And as Schweizer’s past bombshells like Profiles in Corruption, Secret Empires, and Clinton Cash all made clear, there are bad actors on both ends of the political spectrum.

Exhaustively researched, crisply told, and chilling, Red-Handed will expose the nexus of power between the Chinese government and the American elites who do its bidding.  

China Sends Nearly 40 Warplanes Towards Taiwan By Eric Lendrum

On Sunday, the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) sent 39 warplanes on a flight path towards Taiwan in its latest act of military aggression against the small island nation.

As reported by ABC News, the Chinese formation which departed on Sunday night is already the largest group of warplanes sent to Taiwan in the new year. Among the aircraft were 24 J-16 fighter jets and 10 J-10 jets. Other aircraft in the formation included those designed for electronic warfare.

On the same day, two American aircraft carriers – the USS Abraham Lincoln and the USS Carl Vinson – sailed through the South China Sea, engaging in anti-submarine, air and combat readiness operations.

In response to the Chinese aggression, Taiwan scrambled jets of its own and tracked the movements of the PLA formation via radar. While Chinese warplanes flying near Taiwan has become an almost daily occurrence, the sheer size of this particular group was unusual; the previous largest PLA formation to buzz Taiwan, back in October, consisted of 56 aircraft.

Did the Justice Department Lie About Pence and Harris’ Location on January 6? January 6 is a tissue of myths, cover-ups, manufactured hysteria, and outright lies.  By Julie Kelly

Of the more than 725 Americans arrested so far for various crimes related to the Capitol protest on January 6, 2021, nearly every defendant faces the same two misdemeanor charges: “entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds” and “disorderly conduct in a restricted building or grounds.”

The basis for the offenses is not, as the American people repeatedly have been told, that the building was closed to the public that day. After all, hundreds of people were allowed inside as Capitol police stood by; no signage or official announcements alerted the public that the building was off-limits.

Instead, the Justice Department has argued that the presence of both Vice President Michael Pence and incoming Vice President Kamala Harris rendered entry into the Capitol on January 6 a federal crime under 18 U.S. Code section 1752. In every charging document, the government relies on section 1752 to define a “restricted building” as the location of the “President or other person protected by the Secret Service,” which would have included Pence and Harris.

For example, the initial indictment for Florida resident Howard Adams twice claimed that “the Vice President and Vice President-elect were temporarily visiting” the building that afternoon, which is why Adams was charged in May with two criminal counts under section 1752.

But a superseding indictment issued by prosecutors in December made a major correction to Adams’ case: the new filing omitted the term “Vice President-elect.” Why? Because Kamala Harris was not in the Capitol when Adams or any protester entered the building on January 6.

Pentagon: 8,500 Troops Being Placed on High Alert for Possible Deployment to Europe By Cameron Arcand

Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby announced that 8,500 American troops are on standby for swift deployment to Eastern Europe in order to assist NATO allies if Russia decides to invade Ukraine.

“Secretary Austin placed a range of units in the U.S. on a heightened preparedness to deploy, which increases our readiness to provide forces if NATO should activate the NRF or if other situations develop,” he said Monday.

“All told, the number of forces that the secretary has placed on heightened alert comes up to about 8,500 personnel.”

The administration is hoping that this move will deter Putin from starting combat at the Russian-Ukrainian border, but reporters quickly scrutinized the decision, particularly if those troops are not going directly to Ukraine.

In her defamation trial, Sarah Palin might want to challenge her judge for cause By Andrea Widburg

Sarah Palin’s defamation lawsuit against the New York Times was finally set to go to trial yesterday. However, the trial’s start was delayed when Palin tested positive for COVID. Nowadays, that’s unexceptional. It’s what happened after that’s the problem. The judge’s sneering response when he heard about Palin’s positive test indicates that he is incapable of being impartial and needs to be challenged for cause.

Palin’s lawsuit had its origin in a smear the Times made against Palin in 2011. When a delusional man tried to murder Congresswoman Gabby Giffords and managed to kill a lot of other people in the process, the New York Times claimed the culprit was a Palin PAC flyer that showed, not Giffords, but her district, as well as several other districts across America, with a camera sight imposed over them. The PAC’s point was that the politicians in these districts were vulnerable to a GOP takeover:

There wasn’t a scintilla of evidence that the murderer had seen or was influenced by the flyer. Moreover, it quickly became clear that he was both insane and had a long-standing, obsessive hatred for Giffords. However, Palin didn’t sue over this smear.

In 2017, however, when a Bernie Bro attempted to kill the entire Republican House membership and ended up almost murdering Congressman Steve Scalise, the New York Times decided that the fault lay with Palin. Why? Because, wrote the Times, Bernie had never incited anyone to kill Republicans the way that Palin’s map had incited the attack on Gifford. Again, this was a complete and total lie.

Was the Pandemic Caused by a Leaked Bioweapon or a Mishap in the Vaccine Race? By Janet Levy

The devastation wreaked by the Covid-19 virus on human life and the world economy – especially the way it made doomsday scenarios of contagion all too real – has made ordinary people anxious to know its origin.  Shockingly, there is enough evidence and reason to suspect that the pandemic might have been the result of a vaccine arms race that skirted dangerously close to bioweapons development.  And that a leak from a lab in Wuhan, China – inadvertent or, well, by design – may have been responsible for the pandemic.  The behind-the-scenes players were the U.S. government, Big Pharma, and China – which in essence means the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

This is no fuzzy conspiracy theory.  But it’s a complex story and calls for careful unraveling.  Conservative political commentator Glenn Beck does that in a stunning “chalkboard exposé” – his signature methodology for connecting the dots on important issues of the day.  Crimes or Cover-Up? Exposing the World’s Most Dangerous Lie, a two-hour production, has Beck unfolding the map and the timeline in three parts: 1) The Vaccine Arms Race, 2) The Pandemic Begins, and 3) Censorship and Cover-Up.  (Supporting documents are available here.)

There are four key dramatis personae: Dr. Anthony Fauci, chief medical adviser to the U.S. President; Dr. Ralph Baric, epidemiologist and expert on coronaviruses at the University of North Carolina; Dr. Peter Daszak, a zoologist whose EcoHealth Alliance channeled over $3 million from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the epicenter of the outbreak; and Dr. Zhengli Shi, a Chinese virologist at the Wuhan institute who was collaborating with Dr. Daszak. 

Big Tech Thugs and Their Allies For the Left, censorship makes for a “healthier public conversation.” Larry Elder

In an article last February headlined “Do Facebook, Twitter and YouTube censor conservatives? Claims ‘not supported by the facts,’ new research says,” USA Today’s Jessica Guynn wrote, “Despite repeated charges of anti-conservative bias from former President Donald Trump and other GOP critics, Facebook, Twitter and Google’s YouTube are not slanted against right-leaning users, a new report out of New York University found.”

Guynn quoted Paul Barrett, deputy director of the NYU Stern Center for Business and Human Rights, who said: “Republicans, or more broadly conservatives, have been spreading a form of disinformation on how they’re treated on social media. They complain they’re censored and suppressed but, not only is there not evidence to support that, what evidence exists actually cuts in the other direction.”

In other words, conservative users of Twitter, Facebook and Instagram marinate in a state of paranoia, groundlessly convinced that their posts face restrictions, if not outright suppression.

Tell this to singer-songwriter John Ondrasik, to cite just one example, who on Jan. 2 posted his new music video critical of President Joe Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. YouTube first attached a warning that the video’s images violated the platform’s “graphic content policy,” making it unsuitable for younger audiences. But five days and 250,000 views later, YouTube removed it altogether. Nine hours later, when conservatives and, one hopes, others complained, YouTube restored it, although it added another warning labeling the video “inappropriate or offensive to some audiences.”