China’s Economic World War By Tom Cotton

The nation’s admission 20 years ago into the WTO was a grave mistake. Congress can begin to rectify this error by immediately terminating Beijing’s special trade status.

T wenty years ago today, China joined the World Trade Organization with the promise of greater peace and prosperity for all mankind. As he championed this historic mistake, then–president Bill Clinton patronizingly said, “It is ironic, I think, that so many Americans are concerned about the impact on the world of a strong China in the 21st century.” We are now witnessing how right those Americans were.

Over the past two decades, the government of China has weaponized its nearly $17 trillion economy to wage an unrelenting economic world war that has brought pain to virtually every continent and ruin to countless communities across the globe.

Since 2001, China’s economy has grown nearly 1,200 percent, transforming from a third-rate backwater into the second-largest economy, largest exporter, and dominant industrial power in the world. The PRC today makes one-quarter of the world’s automobiles, a third of all merchant ships, 40 percent of mobile phones, 70 percent of televisions, and 96 percent of shipping containers.

More worrisome, China has gained a stranglehold over the production of many essential materials and is acquiring a dominant position in key technology areas. China manufactures more than half of the world’s steel, produces two-thirds of the active ingredients in our generic drugs, and processes 85 percent of rare-earth elements. China is also making strides in the fields of artificial intelligence and quantum computing, possesses 200 of the world’s 500 fastest supercomputers, and produces 70 percent of the world’s drones.

Iran: Exporting Oil or Revolution? by Amir Taheri

This may be an exaggeration, but the Kayhan editorial says that without the “Resistance Front” there would be no Iran and, of course, no Iraq, no Syria, no Lebanon, and no Yemen. Control of the four Arab countries is vital for protecting the Islamic Revolution.

In that context, Tehran has been pumping cash and weapons into regimes in Venezuela, Nicaragua and, until recently, Zimbabwe. It has also been in alliance with anti-war groups in Europe and North America while funding numerous non-Muslim politicians and celebrities across the Middle East.

Non-Shiite Palestinian outfits such as Hamas and Islamic Jihad have also been on the payroll of the “Resistance Front” for decades.

[W]e now know that the “Supreme Guide” is ready to take bread away from Iranians so that he can continue fattening Bashar al-Assad, Hassan Nasrallah and scores of other “for sale” personalities across the world.

To be able to do that, Khamenei is counting on US President Joe Biden to ease some of the sanctions imposed by President Donald Trump.

Zarif estimated that Tehran needed a minimum of $60 billion a year to pay its military and security personnel, keep the “Resistance Front” afloat and continue “exporting” revolution.

Khamenei demands that the P5+1 deposit $3 billion a month in a German bank and another $1 billion monthly in a French bank from Iran’s frozen assets, while allowing the Islamic Republic to increase oil exports to 2.5 million barrels a day.

His [Khamenei’s] recipe is simple: Live from one day to another but, even if you can’t export oil, make sure that you can continue exporting revolution. The Khomeinist system can survive without exporting oil, but can’t do so if it stops exporting revolution.

“The greatest achievement of Imam Khomeini’s Islamic Revolution!”

This is how the daily Kayhan in Tehran, believed to reflect the views of “Supreme Guide” Ali Khamenei, describes what it labels a “Resistance Front” led by Iran.

The paper’s editorial does not say why it needs to raise the controversial issue at this time. One possible reason may be a behind-the-scenes debate about the need for reviewing a policy that has cost Iran billions of dollars over the past decades.

Adam Andrzejewski-California Is The Only State To Hide Its Spending — Nearly $300 Billion A Year

In 2018, California resident Steven Childs wanted to know how much the state paid to a single vendor over a five-year period. Instead of the data, California Controller Betty Yee sent him an invoice for $1,250.

Childs asked more questions and the Controller’s chief counsel, Rick Chivaro, admitted the state held electronic records and “warrant records” akin to “maintaining a checking account online.”

Today, in a Sacramento superior court, the controller denies having a checkbook and claims the warrant register doesn’t contain vendor information. The Golden State is the only state in the nation not to produce state spending under open records laws.

Our organization at is battling the controller in this case over our freedom of information request for the entire line-by-line state vendor checkbook. When the controller rejected our request, we sued.

Yee is claiming her office “couldn’t locate” a single payment. No, that’s not fake news, or a comedy punch line. California’s top financial officer actually argued this in court recently, despite admitting she paid 50 million individual bills last year.

Furthermore, the controller now claims that transparency itself is an “undue burden.” She swears it’s necessary to take 72,000 work hours to go through each of the 50 million payments by hand.  

Here are some of the arguments Yee is making to stonewall our request: 

“In order to produce checkbook level data as requested … staff would need to manually review the estimated 50 million transactions …” (Emphasis added.) 
“The public interest served by not disclosing the requested records and data clearly outweighs the public interest in disclosure. As such, the [State Controller’s Office] is relieved of any obligation to produce the requested records.” (Emphasis added.)  

Do we have a representative republic if the representatives get to hide all transactions from the people—and claim that it’s for their own good? 

Controller Yee acts like she has something to hide. Here are just a couple items we learned during discovery about how taxpayer dollars are spent by the controller:

1. Using paper and string. An estimated 200,000 bills — submitted only on paper — were paid during the fiscal year. Incredibly, the justification for each payment contains even more paper — between 15-20 pages and is bound and physically tied together with string. It takes 7-10 minutes to deconstruct, copy, and reconstruct each file.


When the late Senator Bob Dole accepted the nomination at the Republican National Convention on August 15, 1996, he delivered a most eloquent speech touching on every issue that engages us today. Take the time to read it all at the site. Rest in peace Senator Dole. rsk

When the late Senator Bob Dole accepted the nomination at the Republican National Convention on August 15, 1996, he delivered a most eloquent speech which rings true today. Take the time to read it all at the site. Rest in peace Senator Dole.    rsk


And who am I that stands before you tonight?

I was born in Russell, Kansas, a small town in the middle of the prairie surrounded by wheat and oil wells.

And the first thing you learn on the prairie is the relative size of a man compared to the lay of the land. And under the immense sky where I was born and raised, a man is very small, and if he thinks otherwise, he is wrong.

Let me be the bridge to an America than only the unknowing call myth. Let me be the bridge to a time of tranquility, faith and confidence in action.

And to those who say it was never so, that America’s not been better, I say you’re wrong. And I know because I was there. And I have seen it. And I remember.

And our nation, though wounded and scathed, has outlasted revolutions, civil war, world war, racial oppression and economic catastrophe. We have fought and prevailed on almost every continent. And in almost every sea.

We have even lost. But we have lasted, and we have always come through.

And what enabled us to accomplish this has little to do with the values of the present. After decades of assault upon what made America great, upon supposedly obsolete values, what have we reaped? What have we created? What do we have?

I am here to say to America, do not abandon the great traditions that stretch to the dawn of our history. Do not topple the pillars of those beliefs — God, family, honor, duty, country — that have brought us through time, and time, and time, and time again.

The war(WW) was fought just a generation after America’s greatest and most intense period of immigration. And yet when the blood of the sons of immigrants and the grandsons of slaves fell on foreign fields, it was American blood. In it you could not read the ethnic particulars of the soldier who died next to you. He was an American.

And when I think how we learned this lesson I wonder how we could have unlearned it. Is the principle of unity, so hard-fought and at the cost of so many lives, having been contested again and again in our history, and at such a terrible price, to be casually abandoned to the urge to divide?

And so tonight I call on every American to rise above all that may divide us, and to defend the unity of the nation for the honor of generations past, and the sake of those to come.

And when I look back on my life, I see less and less of myself and more and more a history of this civilization that we have made that is called America.


The New Testament’s Book of Revelation has long puzzled and inspired biblical scholars as to the meaning of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.  Most agree that they represent four catastrophes that will befall humanity during the “end times.”

The White Horse’s rider carries a bow and wears a crown.  He is generally thought to symbolize conquest.  Fast-forward to today, and consider the work of George Soros.  For decades, he has spent millions of his billions on his quest to destroy the United States and other nations.  He recruits and funds Antifa and BLM, supplies their riot gear and weapons, pays for their transportation and accommodations where necessary.  He funds the political campaigns of pro-criminal anti-victim district attorneys like Chesa Boudin in San Francisco and Kim Gardner in St. Louis.

Crime is skyrocketing in each city where a Soros-funded D.A. holds office.  These anti-American radicals engender violence and chaos and renounce law and order.  They have defunded the police.  Along with the rest of the left and the founders of BLM, Soros is committed to undermining all traditional American values and to promoting anything in opposition to those values.  Like the rider of the White Horse, he has succeeded wildly over the past twenty years. 

The Red Horse is, appropriately, the general secretary of China, Xi Jinping, leader of the Chinese Communist Party.  Aside from his horrific crimes against humanity, Xi began co-opting the Biden family when Joe was V.P.  The Biden family is inextricably linked with the CCP; China has the goods on the Bidens that could expose their greed and grift for all to see.  The Red Horse is said to represent war, bloodshed, murder, and revolution.  How many millions has Xi pumped into our universities, media, entertainment, sports, and mainstream press to see his preferred narratives spread throughout the land?  Incalculable. 

Bill Gates and his acolytes like Anthony Fauci could very well be riders of the Black Horse.

Free as a Jew: A Personal Memoir of National Self-Liberation Free as a Jew: A Personal Memoir of National Self-Liberation by Ruth R. Wisse

“Ruth Wisse’s intellectual autobiography is a lasting work of profound moral force and scathing political discernment…. Its illuminations are likely to be as urgent one hundred years hence as they are now.” —Cynthia Ozick

A Jewish child born into the worst of times in Europe grows up during the best of times in North America—only to recognize that it could be moving back in the opposite direction.

First came parents with the good sense to flee Europe in 1940 and the good fortune to reach the land of freedom. Their daughter, Ruth, grew up in the shadow of genocide—but in tandem with the birth of Israel, which remained her lodestar. She learned that although Jewishness is biologically transmitted, democracy is not, and both require intensive, intelligent transmission through education in each and every generation. They need adults with the confidence to teach their importance. Ruth tried to take on that challenge as dangers to freedom mounted and shifted sides on the political spectrum. At the high point of her teaching at Harvard University, she witnessed the unraveling of standards of honesty and truth until the academy she left was no longer the one she had entered.

Boris Johnson’s No Social Distancing Christmas Party The Emperor’s clothes are off. Katie Hopkins

The latest announcement regarding new lockdown restrictions here in the UK has transpired. It’s the so-called Plan B.

I appreciate that Plan B has a very different meaning in the USA, where it is available in CVS for those who have forgotten contraception is necessary to avoid pregnancy. But Plan B in the UK, as announced by Prime Minister Boris Johnson at a press briefing, means the Brits are once more reduced to working from home, masking up in all places, and facing the threat of a complete lockdown for Christmas.

We can all agree it is pointless trying to rationalize with the irrational. It serves no purpose to repeat the obvious evidence that the lockdowns are neither a) necessary nor b) effective.

Something far more sinister than an irrational government policy is at play. And Middle England – that great barometer called the voice of the ordinary Brit – is not playing ball anymore.

On the same day that Boris announced Plan B measures, horrible footage was “leaked” to the press about a Christmas Party held at Number 10 Downing Street – Boris’s actual home – with cheese, wine, Secret Santas, and no social distancing. The kicker: this was December 2021.

It was a practice press conference for Boris Johnson’s spokesperson Allegra Stratton, but both the optics and the content are crucifying for a supposedly serious government determined for us to believe they are “following the science” and that “no rules were broken.”

The Iran Nuclear Deal: Biden Administration’s Fatal Mistakes by Majid Rafizadeh

[T]he Biden administration’s objective is not to halt Iran’s deeply flawed nuclear program permanently — the biggest flaw being that in a few years Iran is permitted in its “sunset period” to have as many nuclear weapons as it likes — but just to limit Iran’s program for a period of time while removing the sanctions that hurt it economically.

The Biden administration has suggested a new sunset period of 25 years — assuming the Iranian regime does not lower it to 10 or 5 years. This will allow the Islamic Republic to resume enriching uranium at any level they desire, spin as many advanced centrifuges as they want, make its reactors fully operational, build new heavy water reactors, produce as much fuel as they desire for the reactors, and maintain higher uranium enrichment capability with no restriction after the period of the agreement.

All that is really needed is for Iran to stop enriching uranium. Totally. No enriched uranium, no nukes. But the realistic chances of Iran complying with anything even resembling that are less than zero.

[T]he Biden administration is also planning to lift the remaining sanctions against Iran’s regime on the first day of agreement — before Iran has even complied with anything. Washington will then have no actual leverage against the regime.

This is the same dangerous mistake that the Obama administration made…. All four rounds of UN sanctions that were putting pressure on Iran — which had taken decades and a significant amount of political capital to put in place — were lifted on day one.

Finally, the Biden administration has not so much as mentioned curbing Iran’s intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) program. A report by Iran’s… Afkar News… stated: “The same type of ballistic missile technology used to launch the satellite could carry nuclear, chemical or even biological weapons to wipe Israel off the map, hit US bases and allies in the region and US facilities, and target NATO even in the far west of Europe.”

Why would the Biden administration want to propose a nuclear deal with the Iranian regime that will only empower and embolden the malign actions of the ruling mullahs?

The Biden administration, in an attempt to revive the nuclear deal, is continuing to forge ahead by negotiating with the government of Ebrahim Raisi, known — for his crimes against humanity and his involvement in a massacre of nearly 30,000 political prisoners — as the “Butcher of Tehran.”

First of all, the Biden administration’s objective is not to halt Iran’s deeply flawed nuclear program permanently — the biggest flaw being that in a few years, Iran is permitted in its “sunset period” to have as many nuclear weapons as it likes — but just to limit Iran’s program for a period of time while removing the sanctions that hurt it economically.

‘It’s Time to Stand Up For Ourselves and Our Country’ In this second of a two-part interview with Victoria White, the January 6 defendant tells of the personal price she’s paid since her arrest. “Now I should be killed for being there?” By Julie Kelly

The first thing Victoria White noticed after emerging from the tunnel where she was severely beaten by two D.C. Metropolitan police officers on January 6 was the floor of the U.S. Capitol. Dressed in jeans and a light red turtleneck, shoeless, White was soaked with whatever toxic chemical gas the police sprayed on protesters.

“I noticed that this beautiful flooring was all wet, soaking wet, like a pipe burst,” she told me this week in one of three lengthy interviews about her harrowing experience at the Capitol protest. Water, however, was not the culprit; the floor probably was drenched because law enforcement had doused Americans with chemical spray for hours inside the U.S. Capitol building.

One officer—White doesn’t know if he was D.C. Metro or Capitol police—handcuffed her with zip ties behind her back. She was told to turn around and face the wall near a statue, White recalled, but she didn’t know the location since it was her first time inside the Capitol. She likely was standing inside Statuary Hall.

Others were there, too, mostly men and one other older woman. Police paraded the group of about a dozen protesters through various parts of the building, up and down elevators, almost as if to disorient their captives. White said they were taken underground near what she described as a set of small train tracks—the Capitol’s people-mover to get members and staff around the complex quickly—and led outside.

Suddenly, White saw a massive bright light. “There was a big news camera and a guy in a dress coat and matching hat. I knew it was a reporter, but how did they know we would exit there? It made no sense to me.”

Everyone was hauled into an awaiting paddy wagon and taken to the nearby police station. White said the men were processed first while she and the older woman waited in the vehicle. Once inside the station, an officer asked for her personal information—her driver’s license was in the jacket she lost inside the tunnel—and finally cut the zip ties. “My hair had been hanging in my face the whole time and I couldn’t move it because I was handcuffed. When I put my hand to my hair, it was wet. I looked down and saw that I had blood on my hand.”

An officer told White she needed to go to the department’s medical office, which she did. But another officer said she probably would be released so White declined medical attention. She was afraid by accepting treatment, she might risk getting put in jail.

Rittenhouse, Smollett, and the Big Lie Eating Away at America Woke communism is turning our country into a totalitarian police state. By Thomas D. Klingenstein

Magnify the Kyle Rittenhouse prosecution and it is easy enough to see how our enemies, those I call the “woke communists” (comms, for short) are turning America into a totalitarian police state. 

Woke communism operates somewhat differently than 20th century totalitarian regimes. In those regimes, the government used arbitrary violence to control every aspect of public and private life. There was a scapegoat, as well as a simple narrative that explained everything.

In woke communist America, the government does not control everything, but where it leaves off, the cultural-business complex takes over. Education, corporate media, entertainment, big business, especially Big Tech and the Democratic Party, together constitute America’s woke communist regime. The scapegoat is white males. There is violence in the form of state-sanctioned mobs, but more often, and almost as effective, is cancelling. The narrative is that America is systemically racist and about to be overtaken by white supremacists. Everything must be made to fit this narrative. The Rittenhouse affair is a good example of how the facts must be twisted to fit the narrative. (The Jussie Smollett hoax is another example.)

The lies told by the woke comms about Rittenhouse (i.e., he was a white supremacist in search of blacks to kill) easily could have been debunked within 24 hours. After all, we had the video, which clearly showed that Rittenhouse acted in self-defense. But the woke comms told us it was murder. They demanded we reject what we could see with our own eyes. In a totalitarian regime, it is the regime that decides what is true and what is false. In such regimes the goal is to abolish the capacity for distinguishing between truth and falsehood. 

And the woke comms, like the totalitarian regimes of Stalin and Hitler, understand that it is necessary to inflict punishments without crimes.  

The mainstream media, Big Tech, the FBI, and high-level Democrats all silently conspire to support the woke comms’ Big Lie: America is systemically racist and about to be overrun by white supremacists. This is woke communism in action: multiple woke comm institutions defending the Big Lie.