Chalk up another glass ceiling broken by the Biden administration and sleep easy.
One of the most critical national security issues facing the United States is nuclear waste:
…thousands of metric tons of used solid fuel from nuclear power plants worldwide and the millions of liters of radioactive liquid waste from weapons production that sit in temporary storage containers in the US. While these waste materials, which can be harmful to human health and the environment, wait for a more permanent home, their containers age. In some cases, the aging containers have already begun leaking their toxic contents.
Terrorists wishing to construct “dirty bombs” that could contaminate entire cities, rendering them uninhabitable, would love to get their hands on some of this stockpile. So the handling and ultimate disposition of this lethal accumulation, the responsibility of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition in the Office of Nuclear Energy for the Department of Energy, requires a person of scientific/technical erudition, good judgment, and responsible character.
Meet Sam Brinton, hired by the Biden Administration for that role.