Garland Memo on Parent Protests May Chill Free Speech by Alan M. Dershowitz

The memo acknowledges that “spirited debate about policy matters is protected under our Constitution.” …. Nothing wrong with that. But no similar memo was directed against Black Lives Matter and other far-left groups that not only threaten violence against public officials and private citizens, but also engage in a considerable amount of criminal conduct, such as arson and destruction of property.

As a result of this timing, context and apparent lack of concern for the Black Lives Matter type of protests, many parents are understandably worried that the Justice Department may be engaged in selective investigations and ultimately selective prosecutions.

The most distressing aspect of this memorandum is its apparent focus on right-wing activities, as distinguished from equally dangerous left-wing activities. The rule of law must always pass the “shoe on the other foot test.”

In the past, the ACLU vigorously protected the rights of Klansmen, Nazis and other right-wing thugs with whom they fundamentally disagreed. They worried about the chilling effect that government threats could have…. These concerns seem to have been subordinated to partisan and ideological considerations.

I like Merrick Garland. I supported his nomination to the Supreme Court. And I think he was a good choice for Attorney General. It is in this spirit that I call on him to clarify his memorandum in two respects: (1) by making it clear that law enforcement will not investigate or prosecute raucous protests that fall on the protected side of the Constitutional line; and (2) that whatever standards law enforcement does apply must be applied equally to protests by left-wing agitators.

I disapprove of teaching captive student from the “critical legal studies” playbook, precisely because it is not critical or objective. It tends to be propaganda rather than education. But I will defend protests against both views with equal vigor, because the First Amendment does not distinguish between protected and unprotected protests based on content, and neither should the Justice Department.

Attorney General Merrick Garland recently released a memorandum addressing “a disturbing spike in harassment, intimidation, and threats of violence against school administrators, board members, teachers, and staff….” The actual words of the memorandum – the lyrics – seem appropriate on their face, but the music is discordant with the First Amendment.

The memo acknowledges that “spirited debate about policy matters is protected under our Constitution.” It then goes on to direct the FBI to come up with strategies for addressing illegal threats against these public officials. Nothing wrong with that. But no similar memo was directed against Black Lives Matter and other far-left groups that not only threaten violence against public officials and private citizens, but also engage in a considerable amount of criminal conduct, such as arson and destruction of property. Some protesters have intimidated and threatened people who disagree with them. Although no specific mention was made of parents’ protests against teaching critical race theory and comparable ideological content to school children, or against mandatory masking requirements, it is clear from the context and timing that these are the protests that generated this memo.


On October 12, 2000, jihadists exploded a  boat alongside the USS Cole—a Navy Destroyer—as it was refueling in the Yemeni port of Aden.

The blast ripped a 40-foot-wide hole near the waterline of the Cole, killing 17 American sailors and injuring many more.

President Clinton called the perpetrators “hate filled cowards” and vowed that the incident would not deter his efforts to seek peace between Israel and Yasser Arafat…..rsk

Suicide Bomber Who Murdered 13 Americans Had Just Been Released From Bagram Prison Biden and his Joint Chiefs chairman have no idea what they’re dealing with. Robert Spencer

More of the wonderful effects of having Joe Biden pretend to be president of the United States were revealed Wednesday, when it came to light that the Islamic State jihadi who murdered 13 American service members and numerous Afghans as well in a suicide bombing at the Kabul airport in August had just been released from prison at Bagram Air Base, the center of American operations in Afghanistan until the U.S. precipitously and irresponsibly abandoned it in July.

CNN reported that the bomber, Abdul Rehman Al-Loghri, was part of “ISIS-K,” that is, the Islamic State’s Khorasan group in central Asia, and that he had “been released from a prison near Kabul just days earlier when the Taliban took control of the area, according to three US officials.”

Al-Loghri held been held in the Parwan prison at Bagram Air Base, along with around 5,000 other prisoners, including several hundred members of ISIS, as well as Taliban and al-Qaeda jihadis. Back in July, according to the Associated Press, “the U.S. left Afghanistan’s Bagram Airfield after nearly 20 years by shutting off the electricity and slipping away in the night without notifying the base’s new Afghan commander, who discovered the Americans’ departure more than two hours after they left.”

When the Taliban rolled into Kabul, they entered Bagram without encountering any significant opposition and opened the gates of the Parwan prison. Al-Loghri and many other jihadis walked free. Then on August 26, al-Loghri blew himself up at the Kabul airport, murdering eleven Marines, as well as one member of the Army and one of the Navy.

Our Representatives, Not J6 Protesters, Defile the ‘Sacred’ U.S. Capitol The real heretics continue to rule while Robert Reeder is off to jail.  By Julie Kelly

When politics is your religion and government is your God, a public building is your church.

The four-hour disturbance at the U.S. Capitol building on January 6, according to Beltway aristocracy and the media, wasn’t a legitimate protest that turned violent in some areas—it was a sacrilege. Never mind that the building itself sustained minimal damage—early reports estimated $30 million for repairs but the actual figure is around $1 million—the real vandalism occurred when thousands of Americans wearing MAGA hats invaded the cathedral of government power occupied by America’s political deity.

And the alleged apostates are paying a dear price.

Since January 6, lawmakers, judges, and federal prosecutors have routinely described the Capitol building as holy ground. “To those who engaged in the gleeful desecration of this, our temple of democracy, American democracy, justice will be done,” Pelosi said after the breach. Representative Mario Díaz-Balart (R-Fla.) tweeted on January 6 that “the Capitol building is the center and sacred symbol of democracy.”

After the joint session reconvened later that evening, Senator Richard Durbin (D-Ill.) mourned how “this sacred place was desecrated by a mob today, on our watch. This temple to democracy was defiled by thugs who roamed the halls.” Senator Ed Markey (D-Mass.) thanked the first responders who protected “this sacred Chamber.”

Here is how Joe Biden’s Justice Department recently described the actions of Robert Reeder, a Maryland man whose life has been ruined since he was charged with four misdemeanors related to his participation in the January 6 protest: “The attack on the U.S. Capitol . . . was one of the only times in our history when the building was literally occupied by hostile participants,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Joshua Rothstein wrote in an August filing. “The Defendant chose to be a part of the desecration of the Capitol rotunda. The Defendant stood in the center of the rotunda, where Ruther (sic) Bader Ginsburg, John Lewis, Ronald Reagan, Dwight Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, and Abraham Lincoln, among others, lied in state. What the Defendant chose to record and celebrate at that place, at that time, was antithetical to the events that most Americans associate with the Capitol rotunda.”

A Trans Rapist, an Angry Dad, and a School Board Arrest Daniel Greenfield

When you understand the ugly reality behind the scenes and just how explosive it is, it’s all too obvious why the Biden regime is smearing angry parents as domestic terrorists and sending the FBI after them. This story out of Loudon County is horrifying and unsurprising. 

On June 22, Scott Smith was dragged out of a Loudoun County school board meeting by police after getting into a vocal altercation with board members over the proposed policy that would enshrine the ability for students to use whatever bathroom they choose.

The scuffle was caught on tape and went viral shortly after, showing Smith being pulled from the venue in cuffs with a bloody lip.

Smith was ultimately charged with disorderly conduct and resisting arrest.

But disturbing new details are emerging as Smith has come forward to explain what happened that day, and accuse the Loudoun County school board of ignoring his daughter’s sexual assault in a girl’s restroom at her school.

Smith claims the assault occurred on May 28, in which a 15-year-old boy, allegedly wearing a skirt, entered a girl’s bathroom at Stone Bridge High School, where he proceeded to sexually assault Smith’s ninth-grade daughter.  

Smith attended the June 22 meeting and spoke about his daughter’s assault, noting that the assailant was able to access the girl’s washroom because of the lax gender identity policies.

According to the dais, a school board member painted his claims about student safety as paranoia, stating “Our students do not need to be protected, and they are not in danger … Do we have assaults in our bathrooms and locker rooms regularly?”

It gets worse from there.

Why Are So Many People Still Dying from COVID? By Brian C.Joondeph, MD
“This pandemic is new territory, and the public would be quite understanding of “I don’t know” from the medical community rather than insisting it is their way or the highway, even in the face of seemingly contradictory information.”

COVID has been with us for more than a year and a half, along with masks and distancing, since last year, and vaccine mandates, passports, and booster shots have been added. How many of us thought life would be back to normal by now? Or if not back to normal, on an improving trajectory?

President Trump told us numerous times last year that it would soon be over. President Biden, as a candidate, promised an end to COVID. Promises, promises. From Biden’s campaign website: “Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have a seven-point plan to beat COVID-19 and get our country back on track.” Whether Biden had a 7- or 17-point plan, America is not back on track.

Biden promised to fix every ill that he blamed on Trump: “Joe Biden has been laser-focused on the threat that COVID-19 has posed to our nation.”

How is that going? Has Biden vanquished COVID? Or is it just like Afghanistan, the border and illegal immigration, inflation, unemployment, energy dependency, and everything else touched by the Scranton Kid with hairy legs quickly turning into a flaming bag of dog excrement?

This news story, barely covered by Democrat propagandists, also known as the media, revealed the harsh reality that Biden has certainly not beaten COVID: “U.S. deaths from virus in 2021 surpass 2020 total.” This is based on Johns Hopkins data.

Why are things getting worse?

The Rebellion Against ‘Woke’ Has Begun By Kevin Downey Jr.

Say no to woke.

The left just hit a new level of “woke.” In California, of course.

Califonia law now requires stores to have a gender-free toy section. Is this for all of those kids who haven’t “decided” their gender yet? Is it another kiss on the ring of the holy, powerful, and yet painfully sensitive transgender crowd? Or is it the latest attack from the “woke”? I’m going with ring kissing and woke attack.


Remember when the left decided “misgendering” or “deadnaming” (referring to someone by their actual gender and given name) was offensive and potentially oppressive? We all needed to post our pronouns in our emails and on our Facebook pages. Do it or you’re a BIGOT.

“I have been saying for years that misgendering a trans person is an act of violence. When I say that I am referring to cultural and structural violence. The police misgendering and deadnaming trans murder victims as a matter of policy feels like a really good example of that cultural and structural violence.”  – Laverne Cox, trans actress

I never added my pronouns. Chances are you didn’t either. When leftists ask me what my pronouns are, I say: “Aunt Jemima and Master bedroom.” Then they leave me alone.

The State Does Not Own Your Children By Paula Bolyard

Moms and dads, you know what’s best for your own children. That’s long been my mantra, harkening back to my early blogger days when I fiercely defended a parent’s right to determine the course of his or her child’s education. Although I’m an unapologetic advocate for homeschooling, I recognize that it’s not the best option for every family. But regardless of my personal views, I trust you, as parents, to do what’s best for your own personal children. How you educate your children is none of my business, just like it’s none of my business whether you choose to breastfeed or bottle-feed or whether or not you believe in spanking. It’s not any of the government’s business, either. God gave your children to you, not to the state, and He’s tasked you, not the government, with the task of raising them.

I’m always disappointed when I hear parents ceding the education of their kids to teachers and school boards, believing that the schools know best. After all, many of you reason, teachers and administrators at your kids’ school have advanced degrees in education! Surely, they know better than you do what your kids need. Only trained professionals are qualified to decide what kids should be taught, right? And lest you think I’m exaggerating, this poll offers proof that many parents trust the schools more than they trust their own judgment:

That kind of hands-off approach mostly worked out when I was attending school in the ’70s and early ’80s, before the radicals came to power in academia and education. My parents didn’t have to worry that the schools were training me to become a socialist or to embrace Marxist ideology. We were in the middle of the Cold War, after all, and nearly everyone agreed that communism was bad and was the enemy of freedom.

No longer.

How About Some Data COVID-19 Transparency?

Since the early days of the pandemic, the public has been misled and misinformed, the goalposts pulled down and taken out of the stadium, and the data too often puzzling. Much of the country has lost confidence in politicians and public health officials. It’s important to know if those doubts are legitimate or misplaced.

One route to the truth would be a federal grand jury probe that would determine if the case and death counts have been inflated and not reflective of reality.

Would it be a witch hunt? A political sideshow? No. It would be a sober and justifiable inquiry. The nation deserves to know if a crisis was manufactured or real. If the numbers are accurate, then a probe will go a long way toward restoring confidence in our public health officials. If they’re not, then someone needs to be held accountable for the errors, negligence, or intentional deception that hurt so many and divided a country.

“​​Public health policy must be based upon accurate and independently verifiable data to optimize outcomes and strengthen the public’s trust in the people leading them through this crisis,” say a couple of Republican legislators in Oregon who are asking the U.S. attorney there for an “independent state and/or special federal grand jury investigation” of the data.

“The ability to definitively diagnose who is infectious,” they continue, “and distinguish them from who is not is paramount in assessing the situation and ensuring the people in immediate need receive the skilled care they deserve.”

More than 1,700 Oregonians and 53,000 in total have signed the lawmakers’ petition.

VA Dems Want Last Minute Voting Rule Change Voting in the governor’s race began weeks ago but now they want to move the goalpost. David Catron

Virginia’s gubernatorial contest between Republican Glenn Youngkin and Democrat Terry McAuliffe clearly has supporters of the latter worried. Recent polls show a far tighter race than they expected. Consequently, it was all but inevitable that McAuliffe’s allies would attempt to meddle with election laws using public health as a pretext. Sure enough, the Democrat-dominated Fairfax Board of Supervisors has asked Gov. Ralph Northam to waive the witness signature requirement that Virginia law stipulates for all absentee ballots. Board Chairman Jeffrey McKay insists that the waiver is necessary due to the threat of COVID-19, yet cases are declining.

The New York Times reported Sunday that Virginia’s cases and hospitalizations have declined 17 and 14 percent respectively during the past two weeks.  Moreover, Virginia’s state of emergency expired June 30 as did the numerous executive orders Gov. Northam issued pursuant to the pandemic. The sole Republican member of the Fairfax board, Pat Herrity, voted against asking Northam to issue such an extraordinary waiver, pointing out that voting has already been underway for three weeks: “To do this in the middle of an election process in the name of COVID is nonsensical.” He also emphasized election integrity: “Witness signatures are important as they provide another line of defense against voter fraud.”

Until last year, all absentee ballots cast in a Virginia election had to be signed by a witness confirming that the voter was indeed eligible to vote and legally registered. This long standing statute was temporarily suspended during the 2020 general election pursuant to concerns about the spread of COVID-19. The moratorium ended after the Commonwealth’s state of emergency was lifted, but Fairfax County has refused to give up its emergency powers despite a 21 percent decline in cases. Nonetheless, a recent statement by Virginia’s Department of Elections reiterates that “witness signatures are required on all absentee ballots.”