Garland Just Tipped Over the Dominos Roger Kimball

Destruction of the family has always been at the center of the collectivist project. In chapter two of The Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels point out that the destruction of private property will never be complete until the “abolition [Aufhebung] of the family” is accomplished. The dream is perennial among snarling misanthropists. A couple of years ago, an interview in The Nation with a radical feminist explained that if you “want to dismantle capitalism” then you have to “abolish the family.” 

It is worth keeping that in mind as the little drama of Merrick Garland versus the parents of America unfolds. I wrote about the attorney general’s absurd but troubling memorandum shortly after it was released on October 4. As all the world knows (but only some precincts of the world admit), Garland threatened to mobilize the entire police power of the state against parents. Why? 

Because parents across the country have suddenly woken up to the wokeness haunting their schools and poisoning the minds of their children. The school boards, many of which are staffed by leftists, are pushing the Marxist ideology of critical race theory, virtue-signaling mask mandates, and forcing noisome gender identity politics on primary and secondary school students. 

Most parents don’t like that. They pay for the schools. The school board (in theory) works for them, and they, the parents, have been vocal in making their displeasure known. A left-wing lobbying group called the National School Boards Association complained to the Biden Administration that “Public Schoolchildren, Public School Board Members, and Other Public School District Officials and Educators” were subjected to “Threats and Acts of Violence” by parents whose actions “could be the equivalent to a form of domestic terrorism and hate crimes.” Note the surreal accusation that schoolchildren were being harmed by “threats and acts of violence,” which, if you look at the actual instances adduced, turn out to be people arguing against the insinuation of radical, politically charged ideas into the the curriculum. 

Biden’s Presidency Is a Ticking Time Bomb By Rick Moran

Joe Biden’s massive $4 trillion spending bills are in mortal danger of collapsing under their own weight as the gap between what the radicals want and what less-radical Democrats will vote for widens.

To make matters worse for ordinary Americans, Biden has come down decisively on the side of the radicals, leaving party moderates to wonder where the sanity went.

The $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill, already passed by the Senate, is languishing in political purgatory with radical Democrats in the House threatening to kill it unless their $3.5 trillion social safety net bill is approved first. Resentful moderates feel they’ve been lied to by the president and Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who promised an up-or-down vote on the bipartisan bill before the end of September.

Here we are a third of the way through October and the House still isn’t ready to consider infrastructure legislation or the safety net bill. Why is that?

Part of the problem is that radicals will be radicals and despite sweet-talking and compromising from Biden, Bernie Sanders and his radical allies have announced they have “compromised enough” and have declared all-out war to get what they want.

Washington Post:

This upcoming stretch may be Biden’s last chance to revive a presidency that has suffered major blows in recent months. Since being rocked by the Afghan withdrawal and the surging delta variant over the summer, Biden’s approval rating has fallen steadily, hitting a low of 38 percent in the latest Quinnipiac poll. Some of the campaign pledges that inspired Biden’s supporters, from voting rights to immigration reform, have fallen by the wayside. A jobs report Friday suggested the economy has been slowed down by the delta variant.

The dust-up between Sanders and moderate West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin is illustrative of Biden’s problems. Bernie Sanders and Joe Manchin might live on the same planet but that’s about the extent of their similarities. Both men inhabit different realities. Both men talk past each other because neither man understands the language being spoken.

Columbus changed to world forever, and for the better By Sloan Oliver

Adam Smith is called the “father of modern economics.” His book, The Wealth of Nations, published in 1776, is one of history’s most influential books. In Chapter 1, Smith said that the discovery of the Americas was one of the “most important events recorded in the history of mankind.” Was he correct? Let’s review some history. 

Today it’s unpopular to support Columbus or to even recognize the significance of his achievements. Statutes of Columbus are being destroyed all over the Americas.

Was he the vile, murderous conquistador that “woke” 21st century, anti-history millennials portray him to be? Some of the atrocities that Columbus is accused of committing include: 

He/Europeans enslaved indigenous peoples;
He/Europeans tried to convert indigenous peoples to Christianity;
He/Europeans established brutal tribute systems; and
He failed to control subordinates who pillaged, plundered and killed the Natives.

So, was Columbus as evil as he’s accused or was he a “man of his time” who was doing what any other explorer would have done in his position?

In 1500, no European considered Native Americans to be their equal. Why? Because the Indians didn’t have the “one true religion.” That thinking is proven in Hernando Cortès’s 1519 Letter sent back to the Spanish Crown in which he described Aztec human sacrifice, and stated that God had sent the Spaniards to bring the Gospel to “these barbaric people.” This inequality among peoples and races was the accepted thinking the world over, by all people and all societies until recently. Name the time and era, and various peoples considered themselves to be the “chosen” or superior race, often because of religion. The Jews, Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, Vikings, Muslims and Christians all thought of themselves as being better than their neighbors, whom they conquered, often times slaughtered, and enslaved. Even today in 2021, many races and cultures still see themselves as such. Simply look at China for proof. Many Chinese openly are anti-Black, anti-Muslim, and anti-anyone not Chinese.

The Jihadist Genocide of Christians in Nigeria Intensifies by Raymond Ibrahim

What several international observers have for years characterized as a “pure genocide” of Christians in Nigeria has reached new levels.

“We have never seen an evil government in this country like the one of today. The government is fully in support of the bloodshed in Nigeria. We are being killed just because we are not Muslims. These evil Fulani jihadists are enjoying the backing of the government to go about killing people, destroying their houses and farmlands, yet when we try to defend ourselves, the government will go about arresting our people. What kind of justice is this?” — Rev. Jacob Kwashi, Anglican bishop, during a funeral for 17 murdered Christians, Morning Star News, August 30, 2021.

“[T]here is an ongoing genocide in Southern Kaduna targeted at the indigenous Christians population…. Not a single church or school is left standing. Not a single herdsman has been apprehended all these years. It is unfortunate that… the western media do not believe that our lives are worth any news.” — Jonathan Asake, a former member of Nigeria’s House of Representatives, The Epoch Times, August 4, 2021.

“Since the government and its apologists are claiming the killings have no religious undertones, why are the terrorists and herdsmen targeting the predominantly Christian communities and Christian leaders?” — The Christian Association of Nigeria, International Centre for Investigative Reporting, January 21, 2020.

“It’s tough to tell Nigerian Christians this isn’t a religious conflict since what they see are Fulani fighters clad entirely in black, chanting ‘Allahu Akbar!’ and screaming ‘Death to Christians.'” — Sister Monica Chikwe, Crux, August 4, 2019.

What several international observers have for years characterized as a “pure genocide” of Christians in Nigeria has reached new levels.

Since the Islamic insurgency began in earnest in July 2009 — first at the hands of Boko Haram, an Islamic terrorist organization, and later by the Fulani, who are Muslim herdsmen also radicalized and motivated by jihadist ideology — more than 60,000 Christians have either been murdered or abducted during raids. The abducted Christians have never returned to their homes and their loved ones believe them to be dead. In addition, in the same time frame, approximately 20,000 churches and Christian schools have been torched and destroyed.

Power and Liberty and Gordon Wood By Sam Negus

No living historian has done more to illuminate the origins of our constitutional heritage in the Revolutionary era. His latest book adds to this record.

Legislators pandering to populist mobs, printing endless supplies of devaluing fiat currency. Lenders worried that rampant inflation will corrode their assets, diminishing their wealth through irregular means of de facto appropriation. Proliferation of legislation, each new act superseding the previous at such a pace that no one can understand the law, much less act upon it with confidence. A chronically divided Congress unable to agree upon a coherent, stable, and effectual foreign policy. Men of good taste and reputation politically sidelined by scurrilous demagogues. What could possibly rescue America from such a dire political crisis?

Framing and ratification of the United States Constitution, of course. To be clear, we are discussing the crisis of the 1780s — what late-19th-century historian John Fiske termed The Critical Period of American History. Gordon Wood has devoted a prolific career to the better understanding of this era. As he began his undergraduate career in the early 1950s, economic historians typically agreed with Patrick Henry’s assessment of American life in the Confederation period. The Anti-Federalist firebrand urged his fellow-delegates at the Virginia ratification convention to “go to the poor man and ask him what he does. . . . He enjoys the fruits of his labor . . . in peace and security. Go to every other member of society — you will find the same tranquil ease and content.” How, then, to explain the dramatic transformation wrought in the constitutional framing? Following the thesis of Charles Beard’s Economic Interpretation of the Constitution of the United States, neo-progressive historians of that era tended to “picture the move for a new national government as something of a conspiratorial fraud,” as Wood puts it in Power and Liberty: Constitutionalism in the American Revolution, his latest work on the early history of America.

In his influential The Whig Interpretation of History, English historian Herbert Butterfield warned against the distortive influence of culturally egocentric evaluative criteria: History is easily misunderstood when tendentiously presented as a glorious march leading upward to ourselves. This is sound advice for professional historians; it is for good reason that Butterfield is still assigned to graduate students. Unfortunately, this necessary corrective for uncritical chauvinism combined with Progressive economic determinism to discourage scholarly interpretation of the American founding as either unique or — that dread word! — good.

Why The Left Tells Lies About Christopher Columbus Armando Simón

For over a decade, Columbus has been painted as a mass murderer, committing all sorts of crimes in the New World, including genocide.

So far, though, he has not–at least, not yet–been accused of not providing transgender bathrooms in his ships.

Those accusations are complete fabrications, unsupported by even one shred of historical evidence. Let me repeat that because it is very important: there is no historical basis, no contemporary documents, nothing, that indicates that he engaged in all of the “crimes” that present-day activists have promulgated. None! Zip! Nada!

The “accusations” (which often sound more like insults than rational accusations) range from the gruesome (claiming he chopped off Indians’ hands for not bringing gold or carrying out genocide—total fabrications) to the infantile (ridiculing the fact that one of his ships sunk—he was not the captain of that particular ship and they were sailing in uncharted seas abounding in hidden reefs), to the stupid (Democrat politicians and Native Americans claiming that Columbus carried out genocide in North America, where he never set foot nor sail).

Nonetheless, we can expect the usual posturing and sloganeering on Columbus Day by historically illiterate leftists and “indigenous people,” some of the latter being about as Native American as Elizabeth Warren.

One should consult primary sources (preferably in the original Spanish and not in translations): his logbook, the “Capitulations” (legal documents, also known as the “Book of Privileges”), the contemporary biographies, and especially “Los Cuatro Viajes del Almirante y su Testamento,” and, “Brevísima Relación de la Destrucción de las Indias,” both written by Friar Bartolomé de las Casas, who as every schoolchild in Spain and the Caribbean knows, was the Apostle of the Indians for working indefatigably to protect the Indians from his fellow Spaniards.

One Chart That Exposes Biden’s Big Border Lie

“I guess I should be flattered people are coming because I’m the nice guy. … The truth of the matter is: Nothing has changed.” — President Joe Biden, March 25.

The real truth of the matter is that nothing Biden has said about the crisis gripping the southern border is true, because he refuses to admit that he, and only he, is to blame for it.

At that same press conference, for example, Biden claimed that the surge of illegals crossing from Mexico at the start of 2021 “happens every single, solitary year: There is a significant increase in the number of people coming to the border in the winter months of January, February, March. That happens every year.”

He went on to say “the reason they’re coming is that it’s the time they can travel with the least likelihood of dying on the way because of the heat in the desert, number one. Number two, they’re coming because of the circumstances in-country – in-country.”

None of that is true. As we’ve noted in this space earlier, the flood of illegals has only increased in months since Biden made that claim, right through a sweltering summer and despite “the heat of the desert.”

The idea that this surge happens “every year” is also easily debunked. For proof, simply compare the illegal immigration numbers under Biden to those during President Donald Trump’s first year in office.

Biden’s Jerusalem Embassy Dodge

In the next big engagement in what we like to call the Battle of Jerusalem, it looks like the lineup will be President Joe Biden against — wait for it — Senator Biden. The question is whether Mr. Biden will take care that the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995 is faithfully executed, as it was — and for the first time — by President Trump. Or will Mr. Biden seek to undercut the law by opening a separate consulate in Jerusalem to deal with the Arabs?

What stands out for us in this situation is the fact that Mr. Biden was the first co-sponsor of the Jerusalem Embassy Act. He signed onto the bill the day it was introduced by a Republican, Senator Dole. Yet now Mr. Biden is maneuvering to undercut the very law that he cosponsored (and that passed the Senate 93 to five). It’s doubly dastardly because the implementation has vindicated those who helped get it passed.

The latest piece on all this is from one Eugene Kontorovich, the law professor at George Mason who has emerged as a sage on international law. His piece, in Israel Hayom, is on Mr. Biden’s scheme to open in Jerusalem a consulate for the Palestinian Arabs. Our embassy in Jerusalem “already provides consular services to the Palestinians,” Mr. Kontorovich notes. “Why do they need an independent consulate in the same city?”

Mr. Kontorovich suggests that it is “unheard of” to have an independent consulate in the same city where a country has an embassy. He reckons that the point is “to undermine former US President Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem.” Why, though, would he want to do such undermining if he, as Mr. Biden unambiguously was, a cosponsor of the Jerusalem Embassy Act to begin with?

Writes Mr. Kontorovich: The U.S. “does not want to open a consulate merely to have a place for diplomatic liaisons” with the Palestinians. “If that is all they wanted, they could easily do this by opening a mission in Abu Dis or Ramallah — where most other countries conduct their relations with the PA. Or they could reopen the Palestinian mission in Washington,” which Mr Trump also closed.

Glenn Loury: Against the Commodification of Blackness with Bari Weiss

Recently, Bari Weiss was kind enough to have me as a guest on her podcast, Honestly. We had a wide-ranging conversation that covers my path to academia, my personal struggles, my work as an economist, education, and of course, race in the US.

BARI WEISS: Glenn, if one really cared about black lives and one wanted to insist on a movement that actually fulfilled the promise of black lives mattering, what would be the top three priorities of that movement?

GLENN LOURY: I think self-determination and some sense of what we mean by taking responsibility for our lives. That’s in the Shelby Steele ballpark that we started this interview talking about. I’d say education. I’m sorry, and this is partisan, but the public school unions are poorly serving—on the whole, in the places where black students congregate—the intellectual needs of those students. Now, there are other people to be faulted as well. Opening up that system to innovation is absolutely imperative to improving the quality of black life in this country.

And people are going to dismiss me. They are going to say I’m anti-union, and they’re going to say I’m a right-wing ideologue. I’m going to say I’m looking at failure. I’m looking at multigenerational failure and the public safety piece of this narrative that the police are out to get black people, this contempt for law, the lawlessness of the George Floyd protests, the celebration of that lawlessness, the silence in the face of it.

Patriotism, and by that I don’t mean blind loyalty to a flag salute. I mean seeing yourself as an integral part of the American project. This is our country. We don’t stand off from it. There is no United Nations where black claims will be negotiated. We must make our peace with our fellow citizens here. That has corollaries. Two national anthems is a terrible idea. Reparations for slavery is a mistake. It wrongly places the nature of the moral problem. It creates these parties as between which a negotiation and a deal is being cut. There are not two parties here. There’s only one party.

I have to say, on the last one, I feel very, very torn about the issue of reparations. Because I feel, in lieu of some kind of organized government-run reparations program—and let’s put aside the incompetence of the government and the rest—instead, what’s happening is a kind of piecemeal hand-to-hand patchwork reparations program that is actually stoking incredible contempt and suspicion and tension among racial groups right now.

The True Merrick Garland By Sally Zelikovsky

Conservatives generally don’t respect Mitch McConnell and for good reason, but he sure did this country a favor blocking Merrick Garland’s Supreme Court nomination. It turns out, the soft-spoken Attorney General carries a huge stick labeled “domestic terrorists” that he isn’t afraid to wield against average Americans to deprive them of a slew of civil rights.

To exact his pound of flesh from Trump and his supporters, Garland willingly abandoned the very principles that originally won him Obama’s support:

Trust that justice will be done in our courts without prejudice or partisanship is what, in a large part, distinguishes this country from others. People must be confident that a judge’s decisions are determined by the law, and only the law. For a judge to be worthy of such trust, he or she must be faithful to the Constitution and to the statutes passed by the Congress. He or she must put aside his personal views or preferences, and follow the law — not make it.

Fidelity to the Constitution and the law has been the cornerstone of my professional life, and it’s the hallmark of the kind of judge I have tried to be for the past 18 years. If the Senate sees fit to confirm me to the position for which I have been nominated today, I promise to continue on that course. [Emphasis added.]

But instead of fidelity to the Constitution, Garland’s fidelity is to the power accorded him as America’s chief law enforcement officer. He comports himself as a rank partisan, places targets on his political enemies, and uses the full power of his office to track them down and lock them up. His June 2021 National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism provided his DOJ with a roadmap for cracking down on constitutionally-protected speech and assembly, and the legitimate airing of grievances from a handful of individuals who rioted for a few hours on January 6th.

Nonetheless, Garland’s emphatic that his latest edict isn’t about ideology, but violence: “Espousing a hateful ideology is not unlawful. We do not investigate individuals for their First Amendment-protected activities.” Moreover, “safeguarding our country’s civil rights and liberties is itself a vital national security imperative.” Compared to other parts of the world, “there is no place for partisanship in the enforcement of the law [and this] Justice Department will not tolerate any such abuse of authority.”

But Garland is all talk. The strategy he’s put into practice involves targeting individuals precisely because of their ideology, support of Trump, and concern about election integrity. The disparate treatment of the January 6th attendees compared to BLM/Antifa rioters is further evidence of a strategy based more on persecution for beliefs than prosecution for misdeeds.