Prisoners with no criminal history are being held without bail or due process in the D.C. jail where they are regularly abused by guards.
Parents who show up at school board meetings to address their concerns about COVID mandates or the CRT curriculum are being tagged as domestic terrorists.
Moms who have become active in election integrity campaigns have had their front doors broken down with battering rams by an FBI SWAT team, their homes searched, their electronics confiscated, all without an explanation or civil attempt to contact their legal representation.
Journalist James O’Keefe of Project Veritas had his home raided by the FBI, his home searched for hours, his personal property confiscated and leaked to the NYT.
Many people who were merely present at the January 6 rally in DC have endured police state tactics.
We are beset with radical leftist governors and district attorneys who are committed to letting violent criminals run free on the streets while Biden’s AG conspires with Marxist school board members to criminalize parents and law-abiding citizens.
Our CDC takes orders from the teachers’ unions, not physicians or scientists to develop harsh and unneccessary mandates and restrictions.
And worst of all, a megalomaniacal monster, Anthony Fauci and his pal Bill Gates, have seen to it that half a million people have died rather than be treated with existing therapeutics for a flu with a nearly 99% survival rate. See Robert F. Kennedy’s book, The Real Anthony Fauci.