
Muslim Congressional Candidate Feels ‘Extremely Blessed’ to Visit Terror-Linked Mosques Barbara Sharief has troubling Islamic credentials — and a good shot at a Congressional seat. Joe Kaufman

On September 12th, Emgage, a politically-active Islamist group, held a candidate forum for the special election to replace US Representative Alcee Hastings (Florida District 20), who recently passed away. 7 of the 17 candidates who qualified to run showed up for it, each trying to outdo the others’ verbal affection for the Muslim community, boasting about what mosques they have frequented. One candidate in particular, though, Barbara Sharief, flashed overwhelming – and troubling – Islamic credentials, mentioning how she grew up in the Muslim community, how she worked with the radical Muslim Students Association, and how she visited “all” the mosques.

During the introductions for the forum, Sharief, currently a Broward County Commissioner, stated about her background, “My father and my mother were a member of Masjid Al-Ansar, in Miami. I attended the Sister Clara Muhammad elementary school.” The Clara Muhammad School was founded by the Nation of Islam (NOI), the black separatist group that is today headed by rabid anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan. Masjid Al-Ansar (MAA) is the mosque where the school was and still is housed. According to the South Florida Times, Sharief gives “credit for her success in part… to the Clara Mohammed School system.”

The candidates were asked by forum moderator Emgage Florida Executive Director Ancel Pratt III to discuss their “level of engagement” with the Muslim community. Sharief stated, in part, “I’ve worked with the Muslim Student Association. I sponsored scholarships under my father’s name, the late James Muhammad Sharief. I’ve also sponsored community events and supported student activities… I am currently working with Sister Ghany and others within the South Florida Muslim Association to get Eid al-Adha and Eid al-Fitr recognized as holidays off in the Broward County school system.”

You’ve Got Mail California completes the institutionalization of voter fraud.  By Lloyd Billingsley


California Governor Gavin Newsom has signed legislation “permanently requiring a vote-by-mail ballot be mailed to every active registered voter in the state.” For Secretary of State Shirley Weber, who tried to keep Larry Elder off the recall ballot this month, the “more people who participate in elections, the stronger our democracy and the more we have assurance that elections reflect the will of the people of California.” And so on. 

Weber failed to mention the “people of California,” now include millions of false-documented foreign nationals ineligible to vote. For years, the Pew Research Center pegged the national figure at 11 million, but a recent study by scholars at MIT and Yale estimates more than 22 million people reside illegally in the United States. Eleven million is more likely the number illegally present in California alone.

“California is home to over 10 million immigrants,” read a chart displayed by California Attorney General Xavier Becerra and Newsom in 2019 as they announced a lawsuit against the Trump Administration’s public-charge rule. “Immigrants” is California code for “illegal aliens,” a term the state’s ruling class has just banned. State Democrats have also hinted at how many illegals are violating the law by voting. 

In 2015, California Secretary of State Alex Padilla told the Los Angeles Times, “At the latest, for the 2018 election cycle, I expect millions of new voters on the rolls in the state of California,” with “new voters” being code for ineligible voters. True to form, by March 2018, more than 1 million “undocumented” immigrants received driver’s licenses from the state Department of Motor Vehicles. 

Padilla knows how many illegals voted in the 2016 election but refused to cooperate with a federal voter-fraud probe. Padilla also knows how many noncitizens voted in 2018, and with perhaps more than 10 million illegals in the state, 1 million illegal voters is probably a low guesstimate. 

Newsom’s first budget included nearly $100 million for illegals’ healthcare, in addition to the in-state tuition and welfare benefits false-documented illegals already receive. They also get protection from deportation through the state’s sanctuary law. True to form, early in his term Newsom flew to El Salvador, which is, like Mexico, a source of the state’s imported electorate.

Whitmer Case Exposes Pattern of FBI Misconduct The conduct of FBI assets in the Whitmer case probably is not an outlier but rather, as increasingly appears to be the case, standard operating procedure at the Federal Bureau of Investigation. By Julie Kelly


As the first shoe related to the FBI’s involvement in the breach of the U.S. Capitol dropped—the New York Times last week reported at least two informants tied to the Proud Boys were working with the FBI before, during, and after January 6—another high-profile case continues to expose the bureau’s corrupt role in what the government also considers an act of domestic terrorism: a concocted plot to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer from her vacation cottage in October 2020.

In fact, Joe Biden’s Justice Department has tied the two events together in an attempt to convince the public that right-wing militiamen, ostensibly loyal to Donald Trump, pose a looming threat to the country. In a recent sentencing memorandum for one man who pleaded guilty in the Whitmer case, government prosecutors wrote, “as the Capitol riots demonstrated, an inchoate conspiracy can turn into a grave substantive offense on short notice.”

Especially when at least a dozen FBI agents and informants take charge.

The Whitmer caper came to light when six men were arrested on federal charges of “conspiracy to commit kidnapping,” a felony punishable by life in prison. (A superseding indictment filed in April added a charge of domestic terrorism to the five remaining defendants. Several others face state charges.)

Headlines blared the shocking news just as early voting was underway in the crucial swing state. Team Biden and the Democrats made the most of this timely political gift: “There is a through line from President Trump’s dog whistles and tolerance of hate, vengeance, and lawlessness to plots such as this one. He is giving oxygen to the bigotry and hate we see on the march in our country,” Biden said in a statement on October 9.

During a press conference the same day, Whitmer suggested Trump was responsible. “When our leaders meet with, encourage, and or fraternize with domestic terrorists, they legitimize their actions. They are complicit.”

Blinken Gives Chinese Government His Congrats By Jimmy Quinn


The well wishes for the 72nd anniversary of the PRC come a month after Beijing’s new envoy told U.S. officials to ‘please shut up.’

S ecretary of State Antony Blinken on Thursday congratulated China on the 72nd anniversary of the founding of the state controlled by the Chinese Communist Party, the latest in a flurry of activity that could undermine the Biden administration’s efforts to address Chinese atrocities and malign activity around the world.

The statement’s wording particularly could inflame worries that officials are willing to make concessions on core issues in order to jumpstart stalled cooperation.

“On behalf of the United States of America, I would like to extend our congratulations to the people of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) as the country celebrates its National Day on October 1. As the United States seeks to work cooperatively to solve the challenges we all face, we wish the people of the PRC peace, happiness, and prosperity over the coming year,” Blinken said.

In addition, China’s newly arrived ambassador to the United States, Qin Gang, tweeted a message on Tuesday evening thanking Assistant Secretary of State Daniel Kritenbrink and others for joining a virtual reception at the Chinese embassy.

Although Kritenbrink, who was confirmed to his role this month, did not appear on video, a State Department spokesperson confirmed that he “sent digital greetings to the Embassy extending his congratulations to the People’s Republic of China on their national day and wishing the people of the PRC peace, happiness, and prosperity.”

Like Blinken’s own statement, Kritenbrink’s is fairly anodyne, but it’s worth asking whether the department should have sent its greetings at all. For one, Qin arrived in Washington with a stridently anti-U.S. message. As National Review exclusively reported, during a virtual welcome event attended by members of the National Committee on U.S.–China Relations at the end of August, Qin was asked how the two countries could rebuild their relationship. “If we cannot resolve our differences, please shut up,” he advised U.S. officials, in remarks that shocked meeting participants and indicated the hard line he will take in this post.

Durham Issues New Subpoenas in Probe of FBI Russia Investigation, Targets Clinton Campaign Law Firm By Brittany Bernstein


Special Counsel John Durham, the attorney tapped by the Trump administration to audit the Russia investigation, has reportedly handed down a new set of subpoenas, including to a law firm with ties to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign. 

The grand jury subpoenas for documents were issued earlier this month, according to CNN, after Durham charged Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann for allegedly knowingly making a false statement to the FBI.

Investigators from the special counsel’s office are seeking additional documents from Sussmann’s former law firm, Perkins Coie, an indication that Durham may be looking to add to Sussmann’s charges or to bring cases against other defendants.

Durham was reportedly investigating whether Sussmann lied to the FBI regarding who — if anyone — he was representing when he told the Bureau about communications between the Trump Organization and the Kremlin-connected Russian bank Alfa Bank.

The indictment against Sussmann states that the former federal prosecutor lied to top FBI lawyer James Baker in a meeting on September 19, 2016. At that time, Sussmann presented data and analysis from cybersecurity researchers who suspected the Trump Organization was using a secret server to communicate with Alfa Bank.

The secret server theory was ultimately dismissed and never appeared in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s final report.

Durham uncovered discrepancies between Sussmann’s congressional testimony and his September interview with Baker. Before Congress, Sussmann testified that he was working on the Alfa Bank project for an unnamed cybersecurity expert, a contradiction of his claims to Baker that he wasn’t working for any specific client.

Meanwhile, Perkins Coie’s internal billing records obtained by Durham show that Sussmann billed hours spent on the Alfa Bank project to Clinton’s 2016 campaign.

Lies About Christopher Columbus Some reflections on Columbus Day — about defending our civilization. Armando Simón


Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped.
—-George Orwell, 1984

Columbus Day is almost here (Monday, October 11) and we can expect leftists to, once again, crawl out to engage in their periodic acts of vandalism towards Columbus’ statues while feeling self-righteous, just as they have with statues of Lincoln, Roosevelt, Charles Dickens, the Virgin Mary, Gandhi, Churchill, Jefferson, Miguel de Cervantes, and many others, while conservatives do absolutely nothing to stop them other than shake their heads in disapproval and scratch their rear ends. In Providence, the vandalism was even done by a middle school teacher, which is not too surprising considering the state of education (notice that the desecration of the statues is not reported by the national media except to gloat over the Confederate statues).

And “punishment” for those acts of vandalism? A slap on the wrist. When Mike Forcia was told by the police that he would be charged with criminal damage to property for destroying a statue of Columbus, the AIM barbarian flippantly said, “I’m willing to take that.”

In regards to Churchill’s statue, a British woman declared, “Some say that he’s a racist; some that say he’s a hero. I haven’t personally met him.” These are the type of ignorant savages that are trying to reshape society in their image.

Yet, equally depressing—actually, worse—is that the few defenders appear to be equally ignorant, and have accepted the defamation, arguing that regardless of his “crimes,” Columbus’ exploratory achievements are praiseworthy.

Leftists’ animus towards Columbus is accompanied by accusations of genocide, rape, and mutilation of natives (however, he has not—yet—been accused of not providing transgender bathrooms in his ships). There is just one problem.

They are all a lie. Total fabrications—deliberate fabrications.

Some of the lies are so breathtakingly stupid as to leave one open-mouthed, such as the claims by some Native Americans that Columbus carried out genocide in this country, that he was responsible for “war crimes” committed in North America. State Rep. Rachel Talbot-Ross (D) of Maine called him “a war criminal.” So they have replaced Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples’ Day in a blatant act of cultural appropriation.

Columbus never set foot in North America.

Biden’s ‘Evacuation’ Was a Taliban Human Trafficking Scheme The Biden administration is covering up its final crime in Afghanistan. Daniel Greenfield


After Biden evacuated tens of thousands of Afghan “translators”, refugee resettlement groups are desperately looking for translators to translate to the translators.

Why do Afghan translators, who were supposed to be able to translate from English to their native language, need help from translators?

It’s because they’re not translators.

In the last two years, Front Page Magazine ran multiple articles like How the ‘Interpreter’ Scam Brought 75,000 Iraqis and Afghans to America and ‘Saving Afghan Interpreters’ is a Scam That Would Bring 100,000 Afghans to U.S. exposing the “translator” scam. Now tens of thousands of Afghans are arriving in this country and they need translators because they don’t speak English.

As I previously pointed out, there were more Afghan “translators” applying for visas than there were American soldiers for them to translate for. But the vast majority of SIV visa applicants were never translators. The number of actual translators, Afghans embedded with U.S. forces who risked their lives by working in the field, was miniscule and was its own special category.

But by the end, almost any Afghan who worked for any U.S. organization could apply for a visa.

Biden’s disastrous Afghanistan retreat made that existing scam so much worse because he didn’t evacuate the approved SIV visa holders who might have actually worked for the U.S.

State Department sources have said that the majority of SIVs were actually left behind.

The Biden administration claims to have evacuated 124,000 people, of them only 5,500 Americans, from Afghanistan. 60,000 have been brought into the United States. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas admitted that only 1,800 are SIV holders, another 8,000 are citizens or have green cards.

That leaves over 50,000 Afghans who were just brought here with no legal basis.

As Inflation Fears Rise, Biden Starts Looking For Scapegoats


You know inflation is a problem when it gets harder to find something for $1 at Dollar Tree stores. And that’s exactly what’s happening as the discount chain announced that many of its goods would carry a price of up to $1.50.

There’s been more bad news on the inflation front this week, so, naturally, Biden is looking for someone or something else to blame – other than his own economic policies.

As soon as Biden conjured up his reckless $1.9 trillion “rescue” plan, economists left and right said that pumping that much deficit-financed spending into a fast-growing economy risked sparking an inflationary spiral, to which team Biden said “nonsense.”

When prices did spike in the spring, Biden insisted that “the overwhelming consensus is it’s going to pop up a little bit and then go back down.” 

That didn’t happen. This week, Federal Reserve Board Chairman Jerome Powell, who’d previously dismissed inflation fears, said price increases have “been larger and longer-lasting than anticipated,” and that this will “likely remain so in coming months before moderating.” The Fed now predicts that inflation this year will be 4.2%, up from its June forecast of 3.4%.

Also this week, the London-based research firm Capital Economics said that the U.S. may be heading into an “era of higher inflation.”

A government of drunken sailors Shame on Congress and Joe Biden for their gigantic spending packages by Matt Purple


It seems strange, but just two decades ago the United States government had a balanced budget. Bill Clinton had run for president as a new type of Democrat, calling for an end to the deficits that had so bedeviled George H.W. Bush.

Thanks in large part to pressure from Newt Gingrich and the Republican Congress, he pulled it off. Clinton trimmed military spending and signed into law a package of tax increases. This cued haunted house noises in the parlors of center-right think tanks, but Biden also approved more conservative-friendly measures like domestic spending cuts and welfare reform. This bipartisan approach, in conjunction with a galloping economy, led to the unthinkable: budget surpluses for four fiscal years in a row.

Such were the 1990s, baby, when champagne corks were flying and tech investors would dump $10 million into fishfood.homestead.com on a dare. Let’s return now to our own time, when the fiscal scene looks more like a nuclear winter crossed with a zombie apocalypse. Congress this year is set to run up a budget deficit of $3 trillion. The national debt, meanwhile, is about $2,881,600,000,000.00. And that isn’t even accurate. I left out a zero. But who can even tell anymore? And what’s a decimal place or two between generations treading red ink?

Into this overflowed fiscal pool has come crashing the cannonball of Joe Biden’s spending program. The centerpiece of the President’s domestic agenda is another $3.5 trillion bonanza, with all the usual Democratic goodies: universal pre-K, green initiatives, adding dental and vision to Medicare, free community college, child care. And then enter a separate package to rebuild America’s infrastructure, actual retail price, $1 trillion. And then bring on another $768 billion for a Defense Department that seems to believe the Cold War never ended.

When tallied up with other Biden proposals, the total tab comes to $6 trillion. That’s more than the United States spent on World War Two and Vietnam combined. It’s about seven times the cost of the New Deal and 10 times the cost of the moon landing. It’s enough to buy 30 Jeff Bezoses and launch them all into space on separate phallic-suggestive rockets. Let’s say Biden abruptly decided that America needed to become the world’s premier cat lady. With that much money, we could purchase 60 billion cats, enough to throw off the rest of the planet’s ecosystem.

Blame Biden for the sinking infrastructure bill He forced a showdown within his own party, one that’s likely to leave him empty-handed by Amber Athey


President Joe Biden, facing a crisis on the southern border, a Taliban takeover in Afghanistan, and a breakdown of relations with foreign allies, desperately needs a win on his domestic agenda. It looks increasingly unlikely, however, that the ambitious spending bills he wants passed will ever make it to his desk. The usually unified Democratic party is so fractured over the $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill and the $3.5 trillion reconciliation package that it appears Speaker Nancy Pelosi no longer has the votes to pass either.

Biden is primarily to blame for negotiations going this way. He said back in June that he would not sign the infrastructure bill without the reconciliation bill, describing the bills as being in ‘tandem’. This set up the perfect showdown between the two factions within the Democratic party. Progressives warned that they wouldn’t vote for the infrastructure bill unless the reconciliation bill also had enough votes to pass. Moderates responded that they wouldn’t be bullied into supporting the reconciliation bill and demanded a standalone vote on infrastructure.

Pelosi tried to call the progressives’ bluff, scheduling a vote for the infrastructure bill — known as the ‘BIF’ — on Thursday. The progressives refused to be rolled, with at least two dozen of them promising to block the legislation; without their votes, it would likely not pass. Unless, that is, dozens of Republicans made up the gap.

Senate Republicans, some of whom helped negotiate the BIF, urged their colleagues in the House to go ahead and vote for it.

‘It’s a good bill; it’s right there for the country, so I’m encouraging Republicans to support it,’ Sen. Rob Portman said. ‘There’ll be some that have told me they will, but they’re under a lot of pressure.’