Don’t Let the Left Demoralize You Into Staying on the Sidelines By Albin Sadar

The left wants you demoralized to keep you planted on the sidelines. But you know down deep that you need to get in the game—while you still can. Don’t let them keep you from “fighting the good fight.

When former Soviet KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov defected to the West from Russia, he set about exposing the strategies used within the KGB to spread propaganda and keep the Soviet people in line with the agenda of their political overlords. There were myriad tactics employed in this campaign of what today has been labeled mis- or dis-information.

One of the most effective tools for subjugation in the former Soviet Union was known as “demoralization,” which Bezmenov explained this way:

Exposure to true information does not matter anymore. A person who is demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him, even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures… he will refuse to believe it. That’s the tragedy of the situation of demoralization.

You can learn more about this particular method and many other tools of keeping citizens compliant by viewing an interview Bezmenov gave to Canadian television back in 1984. I also expand on the effects of demoralization in a key chapter titled “What Prevents People from Seeing the Truth?” in my new book, Obvious: Seeing the Evil That’s in Plain Sight and Doing Something About It.

As we can see, demoralization brings about an attitude of “What’s the use?” And excuses such as, “You can’t fight The Machine.” And inaction associated with, “If I stand up, will anyone join me?”

In Religionless Christianity, the new book by best-selling author Eric Metaxas, Metaxas outlines many “idols” employed by Christians to rationalize in their own hearts and minds their reasons to stay on the sidelines of the present-day fight to preserve basic tenets of America’s foundation. In a world where “evil is called good and good evil,” many people who fill church pews Sunday after Sunday are sitting this one out.

How China Exports its Totalitarian Ideology to the Rest of the World The CCP: coming to your neighborhood very soon. by Uzay Bulut

Rev. Bob Fu was a former student leader during the Tiananmen Square democracy movement in 1989. He was a house church leader in Beijing until he and his wife, Bochun “Heidi” Cai, were imprisoned in 1996. In 1997 he was exiled to the U.S. In 2002, he founded ChinaAid in Philadelphia to promote religious freedom and rule of law in China.

Fu has since been raising awareness regarding the totalitarian regime of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and how it affects the international community while striving to help persecuted minorities and prisoners of conscience in his country of birth.

In a recent interview with CBN News, Fu calls China “a real police state.” He says that facial recognition cameras are used to track every move of every individual in China. “There are two face recognition cameras following each citizen everywhere in China,” he says.

In a comprehensive report, journalist Alfred NG also confirms:

“China’s facial recognition system logs nearly every single citizen in the country, with a vast network of cameras across the country. A database leak in 2019 gave a glimpse of how pervasive China’s surveillance tools are — with more than 6.8 million records from a single day, taken from cameras positioned around hotels, parks, tourism spots and mosques, logging details on people as young as 9 days old…

Chinese officials have used surveillance tools to publicly shame people wearing sleepwear in public, calling it ‘uncivilized behavior.’

The punishing of these minor offenses is by design, surveillance experts said. The threat of public humiliation through facial recognition helps Chinese officials direct over a billion people toward what it considers acceptable behavior, from what you wear to how you cross the street.

It’s No Longer Cool To Be A Democrat

The signs are everywhere. The nation’s youth are waking up to the fact that the Democratic left – with its preening, humorless self-righteousness, its relentless judgmentalism, its mask-wearing Hamas-cheering campus-trashing college crybabies, its hypocritical pampered elites, and its octogenarian president who thinks he can buy young people off with abortions, dope, and bailouts – is totally uncool.

It’s about time. Now we just need a national anti-smoking-like campaign to sustain it.

There are so many recent moments showing this shift in attitude that it’s hard to narrow down the list. But here’s a sampling:

A CNN poll found that 51% of 18-34-year-olds say they will vote for Donald Trump in November, compared with just 40% who say they will vote for Biden. That’s a stunning turnaround from four years ago.
James Carville, that pugilistic former Clinton adviser posted a video in which he says: “It’s horrifying our numbers among younger voters, particularly younger blacks, younger Latinos … younger people of color. Particularly males. We’re not shedding them, they’re leaving in droves.” He later proceeded to mock these same voters, collectively calling those who won’t show up to vote Democratic “you little fu***ing 26-year-old.”
New York Times correspondent Jennifer Medina says that the reason many young Latinos are leaving the Democratic plantation is that, while “many of these voters are the children of lifelong Democrats. They find Trump’s anti-establishment energy subversive and appealing.”

Meanwhile, the college protests have succeeded only in making young leftists look like racist pansies who are trashing campuses to defend …. Hamas? A certified terrorist organization whose mission statement is to destroy Israel?

Biden And Trump Neck-And Neck, But Most Americans Think Trump Will Win: I&I/TIPP Poll Terry Jones

President Joe Biden has a tenuous lead over lawfare-challenged former President Donald Trump, but continues to show weakness among key voting groups that he needs to win a second term in office, the latest numbers from the May I&I/TIPP Poll show.

The national online I&I/TIPP Poll, taken from May 1-3, included 1,264 responses to a number of questions about the upcoming 2024 presidential election. The poll’s margin of error is +/-2.8 percentage points.

Our main question was to ask registered voters about a straight, head-to-head matchup between Biden and Trump. More specifically, voters were asked to choose among Biden, Trump, “not sure” “other” and “prefer not to answer” as possible responses.

In this matchup, Biden comes out ahead 42% to Trump 40%, but remember the margin of error is greater than that, so statistically it remains a tossup. Among other answers, 10% chose “other” over either of the main candidates, while 7% said the weren’t sure.

Pro-Hamas protestors get Columbia to cancel commencement, but run into trouble when they try to shut down the Met Gala By Monica Showalter

Commencement scrapped? Sure. But nobody messes with the festival of the fops put on by the devil who wears Prada.

Pro-Hamas protestors have been feeling their oats lately, proud to have run circles around Columbia University for weeks with their illegal and smelly campouts, their antisemitic signs and screams, their building takeovers, their endless ‘negotiations,’ their adoring media coverage, and the groveling of their woke university leaders anxious to please them.

This crap went on for weeks, with deadline after deadline missed, suspensions reversed, non-charges filed, food delivered, and other foofaraw until the cops were finally called in and tasked with the dirty job of shutting them down and hauling them off by the busload.

They’re out of course, but Columbia is out a commencement, saying it’s too risky for more disruptions. Too bad about the kids who had put in the hard work to graduate, most of whom missed their high school graduations, too, based on COVID lockdowns. What do they need a big commencement for anyway? Gaza, Gaza, Gaza! And why wouldn’t it be cancelled? The university has proven singularly inept at handling these fanatical protestors. The score? Pro-Hamas Protestors: 1, Columbia: 0.

Yup, protestors happy, got the Columbia main commencement cancelled under their belt.

Naturally, they wanted to take their show on the road after that spectacular, moving their act to the Met Gala.

They were in for a surprise.

According to HyperAllergic, a hipster e-zine of sorts:

As celebrities posed for the cameras on the Met Gala red carpet, hundreds of pro-Palestine protesters marched across Manhattan’s Upper East Side tonight, May 6, during the annual fundraiser for the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Costume Institute.

A heavy police presence surrounded the museum with steel barricades, street closures, and dozens of armed officers blocking demonstrators. Around 6pm, protesters who cut through Central Park and managed to dismantle barricades set up near the entrance were met with arrests. Hyperallergic has contacted the New York Police Department (NYPD) to confirm the number of arrests and charges

Useful Idiots for Hamas By Robert Weissberg

Current campus disturbances outwardly resemble past protests. It would be as if they all shared a common script—righteous indignation, yelling and screaming slogans, lists of non-negotiable demands, going limp when police try to remove them, piles of trash, and all the rest.  Don’t be fooled.  Today’s protestors are profoundly different despite the superficial resemblances, and these differences make them particularly dangerous.

Current disturbances lack this rational: self-interested elements and many participants are clueless when asked to explain their action.  In a nutshell, while anti-war protestors wanted to end the draft and avoid Vietnam, and blacks demanded more educational resources, today’s protestors want to eradicate a country of nine million people possessing the most powerful, nuclear-equipped army in the Middle East. Moreover, this mission is to be accomplished by shouting “Death to America” and disrupting classes.  Brilliant, and one can only ask, “Are these the smartest of the smart?”  Ironically, perhaps the only rational participants in these disturbances are the non-student professional agitators bedecked in their balaclavas whose mission is just to create violent chaos.  They at least have a chance of succeeding.

Stupidity abounds.  Why, for example, are so many of these pro-Hamas, anti-Israel demonstrators women who drape themselves in Muslim style headscarves, embracing a religion so antithetical to feminism? They surely know how women are treated in Muslim-dominated nations.  Are these female demonstrators demanding an intifada so they can now obey their husbands unconditionally?

Similarly, what if protesting students holding a “Queers for Palestine” sign or wearing a sweatshirt proclaiming “Fags for Palestine” were magically transported to Iran, a theocracy that executes homosexuals?  Are those American blacks rallying for Islam aware that African Muslims are slaughtering blacks in West Darfur?  Or that Arabs once dominated the slave trade?  Where on the planet do Muslims help blacks?

Children of the Algorithm- Nick Cater

Current campus disturbances outwardly resemble past protests. It would be as if they all shared a common script—righteous indignation, yelling and screaming slogans, lists of non-negotiable demands, going limp when police try to remove them, piles of trash, and all the rest.  Don’t be fooled.  Today’s protestors are profoundly different despite the superficial resemblances, and these differences make them particularly dangerous.

Current disturbances lack this rational: self-interested elements and many participants are clueless when asked to explain their action.  In a nutshell, while anti-war protestors wanted to end the draft and avoid Vietnam, and blacks demanded more educational resources, today’s protestors want to eradicate a country of nine million people possessing the most powerful, nuclear-equipped army in the Middle East. Moreover, this mission is to be accomplished by shouting “Death to America” and disrupting classes.  Brilliant, and one can only ask, “Are these the smartest of the smart?”  Ironically, perhaps the only rational participants in these disturbances are the non-student professional agitators bedecked in their balaclavas whose mission is just to create violent chaos.  They at least have a chance of succeeding.

Stupidity abounds.  Why, for example, are so many of these pro-Hamas, anti-Israel demonstrators women who drape themselves in Muslim style headscarves, embracing a religion so antithetical to feminism? They surely know how women are treated in Muslim-dominated nations.  Are these female demonstrators demanding an intifada so they can now obey their husbands unconditionally?

Similarly, what if protesting students holding a “Queers for Palestine” sign or wearing a sweatshirt proclaiming “Fags for Palestine” were magically transported to Iran, a theocracy that executes homosexuals?  Are those American blacks rallying for Islam aware that African Muslims are slaughtering blacks in West Darfur?  Or that Arabs once dominated the slave trade?  Where on the planet do Muslims help blacks?

Zadie Smith has failed the Palestine purity test The novelist has been monstered by the anti-Israel mob for daring to recognise the humanity of Jews. Tim Black

So the ‘pro-Palestine’ mob has now rounded on author Zadie Smith. ‘Shibboleth’, an essay on American students’ protests against the war in Gaza, has been loudly denounced as a genocidal tract.

Published in this Saturday’s New Yorker, Smith’s essay is, at first glance, an unlikely target for the keffiyeh-sporting crowd. She explicitly expresses support for a ceasefire in Gaza, calling it a ‘potential reality and an ethical necessity’. She also celebrates those sons and daughters of privilege currently draped in Palestine flags and encamped on lawns across America’s universities. These protesters are the heirs of the student radicals of the late 1960s and early 1970s, she (wrongly) claims. Apparently, for their willingness to put their own bodies and futures on the line in support of a just cause, ‘they deserve our support and praise’.

But Smith does something else in the essay, too. Something that far too many ‘pro-Palestine’ types refuse to do. She dares to acknowledge the fear felt by many Jewish students right now, faced by hostile mobs calling them ‘Zionists’ and telling them to keep their distance. She also dares to express ‘concern for the dreadful situation of the hostages’ who were taken from Israel seven months ago by Hamas. And she dares to challenge those who minimise the rape of Israeli women during Hamas’s pogrom on 7 October last year.

For this – for gently drawing attention to the anti-Semitic elements of the pro-Palestine campaign, and for expressing sympathy with Israelis as well as Palestinians – she has been monstered by academics, authors and leftists.

Book Workers for a Free Palestine, a group of activists working in publishing, decided on Sunday that Smith’s essay warranted a public denunciation: ‘We profoundly disagree with the positions that Zadie Smith has taken in the New Yorker.’ A books editor at New Left publishers Verso joined in, calling it a ‘really bad essay’, written in ‘bad faith’. Cambridge professor of postcolonial studies Priyamvada Gopal also slammed Smith, denouncing her ‘white elite politics’ and claiming her ‘precious pomposity’ and sense of ‘rightness and superiority’ were all too typical of the ‘gaslighting’ that goes on at Smith’s alma mater, the University of Cambridge. Kettle, meet Professor Gopal.

Some of the reaction has been positively sinister. Author Monisha Rajesh said that she sees Smith ‘every morning on the school run’, and will now wear a ‘keffiyeh and carry a picture of Refaat Al Areer [a Palestinian writer killed during the war] and tell her, “It’s complicated”’. Elsewhere, one widely retweeted comment claimed that the mixed-race Smith uses ‘black aesthetics’, from her ‘head wrap’ to her ‘kente cloth’ earrings, in order to ‘conceal her deeply pedestrian, white, middle-class politics’. Apparently, expressing reservations about aspects of the pro-Palestine protests means that Smith is betraying her ethnic identity.

Stormy Testimony Shows: Trump’s Humiliation Is the Point of Bragg’s Prosecution Andrew McCarthy

As porn star Stormy Daniels’s testimony unfolds, what has always been obvious becomes even more explicit: The point of this trial is to bruise Donald Trump politically — to humiliate him with a tawdry sexual episode from nearly 20 years ago that is utterly unnecessary to prove the charges in the indictment (even as those charges have been distorted by Alvin Bragg, Manhattan’s elected progressive Democratic district attorney); and to brand Trump a “convicted felon” so that his Democratic opponent, President Biden, can refer to him that way in the run-up to the 2024 election, after which — probably a year or more after which — any convictions from this kangaroo court will be overturned on appeal.

Bragg’s prosecutors have elicited from the porn actress — she was 27 and Trump 60 at the time of their 2006 hotel-suite encounter — that Trump assured her that he and his wife did not sleep in the same bedroom; that she (Stormy) reminded him of his daughter Ivanka; that she told him to his face he was “rude,” “arrogant,” and “pompous”; that the now-former president and de facto Republican presidential nominee became more polite after she “spanked” him with a rolled-up magazine.

The slew of riveted New York Times star reporters assigned to cover the trial dutifully chimed in: “One of the undercurrents of this testimony is how mocking and derisive Stormy Daniels is of Trump. In her telling, she was experiencing him that same way in real time during that evening in 2006.”

Normal people will find the accounts of this spectacle nauseating, even if they are catnip for a certain kind of Trump obsessive. The big concession Bragg made, with the endorsement of his cat’s paw, Judge Juan Merchan, is that prosecutors would not ask Daniels to describe Trump’s genitalia. I kid you not.

Judge Merchan, natch, has admonished Daniels to slow down the pace of her recitation. He’s afraid she’s speaking too quickly and the jury might miss some of these, er, nuggets.

A Palestinian State Will Lead To More Massacres, Final Nail in Coffin Torpedoing Biden Legacy by Bassam Tawil

If the Saudis were really interested in normalizing their relations with Israel, they could have done so long ago. Saudi Arabia’s de facto ruler, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, is delaying the move, in part, reportedly, out of fear of facing a backlash from his own people. He may, however, also have serious reservations that he would prefer not to talk about in public.

Like most Arabs, the Saudis could not care less about a Palestinian state and might secretly prefer not to have one at all. They are no doubt aware that the Palestinians themselves are the biggest obstacle to the establishment of a state of their own. During the past half-century, they have acted as a serial wrecking ball to every peaceful place they set foot.

The last thing most Arabs want is a Hamas-controlled Palestinian state. Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain justifiably regard Hamas and other Islamist groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood as a threat to their national security, most likely the main reason they all have refused to take in Gazan refugees.

Blinken’s claim that a Palestinian state would “isolate” Iran and its proxies is pure nonsense. The opposite is the case. Qatar, the Iranian regime and its proxies would doubtless be extremely happy if the Biden administration would allow them to establish a terrorist state on Israel’s doorstep. This state would be used by Iran and its terrorists as a launching pad for more October 7-style massacres of Israelis to further their goal of destroying first Israel, then the Arab States.

It is Israel — not Iran — that will find itself “isolated” and surrounded by Iran-backed Islamist groups….

A Middle East that includes a Palestinian state controlled by Iran and Islamist terrorists will be a less secure region, especially after Iran acquires nuclear weapons.

First, Biden, by reconfirming that terrorism “works,” would embolden all the other terrorists. Just keep on terrorizing everyone, and, when your demands are met, keep on upping and hardening them.

More significantly, by appeasing Iran, Qatar and potential voters in Michigan by creating a Palestinian State, the Biden administration will in fact be inviting Iran to initiate still more attacks – not only on Israel but also on US forces in the region….If Iran finally coerces the US to withdraw from the area, as reports indicate it might be doing, the regime will finally be able to take over its neighbors’ oil fields and holy sites without worrying about the US interfering.

Meanwhile, as the Biden administration, busy trying to win re-election in November, seems to have no idea how to end all the conflicts it ignited, directly or indirectly, in Gaza, Ukraine and the Indo-Pacific. The US has been backing both sides of all of them. Iran, presumably taking advantage of these distractions, and perhaps as a consolation prize for losing Hamas -– has been moving to take over Sudan. It is a country rich in oil, gold, rare earth minerals and terrorism — and felicitously positioned to help Iran fire unlimited combat drones – the planet’s new “cheap, instant air force” — at both Israel and US forces, and enable Iran to use Sudan’s port on the Red Sea to continue obstructing maritime traffic.

After all, if terrorism “works,” why stop?